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Three hundred and eighty fifth chapters cure yellow

Luo Changfu proposed to build the railway to Myitkyina. According to the current agreement between China and Britain, the Myitkyina area belongs to Ziyou City. If China builds the railway here, it will be equivalent to announcing that Myitkyina has fallen under Chinese control.

, can the British agree?

"Prime Minister, it is said that the British are unwilling to agree, but the situation in Southeast Asia is changing rapidly and has begun to develop in our favor!"

Luo Changzhen talked about the changes in Southeast Asia. The Chinese entered Southeast Asia very early and gradually became rich with their intelligence and diligence. It is no exaggeration to say that they have controlled the local economic lifeline, even if the Western colonial forces entered

It was the same after that. What the Chinese lacked was a high degree of organization, and without a strong motherland to back them up, they were in a difficult situation.

On the one hand, the colonial government needed to control the power of the Chinese, and on the other hand, it needed to rely on the Chinese to drive the local economy. Therefore, there were frequent anti-Chinese actions. Among these actions, although the local indigenous people were at the forefront,

It’s all instigated by the colonial government!

Relying on violent anti-Chinese actions, a balance was maintained in Southeast Asia. However, with China's victory in the Battle of Northern Burma, this balance was completely broken. China has risen. A strong China will not allow its own diaspora.

The Nanyang Chinese who were frequently killed and had been suffering for a long time were finally able to straighten their backs and at the same time set off a wave of investment back home!

Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan and other provinces receive a large amount of Chinese capital every day. These Chinese capital flow back to the country, which naturally seriously affects the colonial government of Southeast Asia. Without capital, they have no opportunities for plunder and plunder, and after the number of factories and plantations decreases,

, the job opportunities of those lazy and violent natives are also decreasing. Without jobs, society will naturally be in turmoil.

Luo Changqi said with a smile: "Prime Minister, as long as China can maintain steady development for a long time and continue to develop its economy, sooner or later the blood of Southeast Asia will be drained. Those Western colonial forces came to Southeast Asia to earn benefits, and they did not come here to deal with the indigenous people.

They are even more unwilling to see the colonial economy suffer a blow, so it is only natural for them to make some compromises with us!"

Qiao Yu also instantly figured out what the Westerners were planning. Since they can't have a direct relationship with China, they can only choose to cooperate, strengthen economic exchanges with China, and avoid capital outflow! After a while, the qing number will go south to me and further demonstrate

Force, let everyone see the majesty of China. China not only wants to be a land power, but also a maritime power!" "It is true that only strong force can be respected, and Westerners will trust benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and wisdom.

If you don’t understand, you will still use your fists to take care of things at critical moments!”

"As for Nanyang, I am determined to win it, but there is no need to be too anxious. It will simmer slowly and things will naturally fall into place. From my perspective, the world can maintain peace for more than ten years and will not be in a hurry to start a war. This period of time is

While China is working hard to practice its internal strength, what I am most concerned about now is land reform. This is the foundation for reversing Chinese society. Only when land reform is done well can the country have hope!"

Luo Changqin has also been in charge of this issue, and of course he knows the importance of it. This time Qiao Yu went to the southwest to investigate the land issue: "Prime Minister, generally speaking, the land reform in the southwest is going very smoothly. I think

The key to success is to take Si as the leader. A large number of industrial and mining enterprises have emerged in the southwest, absorbing a considerable amount of labor. The original tenancy system is close to collapse. As long as sufficient benefits are given, it will be easy to convert into a joint-stock farm.

Moreover, in the wave of economic development, people with a little ambition want to start their own business and are not willing to work on the land all their lives. Therefore, the difficulty of land reform in the southwest lies in the chieftains.

They are extremely conservative and do not know how to manage, but after the battle in northern Myanmar, these people have become honest, which will make land reform very easy. I am really worried about the Central Plains and Tibet!"

Luo Changzhi expressed the key point of land reform in one sentence. The people in the southeast are open and business is prosperous. Even the landlords are mostly engaged in industrial and commercial trade. Therefore, with proper guidance, it is not difficult to change the business system, and the southwest is Qiao Yu's hometown.

After so many years of development, it will not be too difficult to carry out land reform!

In addition, due to the reduction and exemption of agricultural taxes in the northwest region, the people have unprecedented support for the government. With the addition of a capable person like Yan Xishan, land reform has also begun and the situation is relatively smooth. The biggest difficulty remains in xi zang and Zhongyuan. For xi zang

District Qiao Yu has been mentally prepared. If necessary, he will adopt a coordinated approach. The government will send a powerful army as a guarantee, and then let millions of serfs launch resistance actions from below. In addition, the media will fully cooperate to break this fortress in one fell swoop!

Now the most troublesome area is the Central Plains region. Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, and Shaanxi are the birthplaces of ancient China's glorious history. They have a long history of development and are secretive to people. But at present, these areas have shown obvious

With the advent of the maritime age, the advantages of coastal areas with convenient transportation have become more prominent.

The status of the Central Plains region as a business center has long been lost. In addition, due to its long history of development, its potential has been exhausted. The Yellow River flows here again, with constant drought and submergence. Coupled with the large population, it will inevitably become a disaster in the long run.

This has caused a serious lag in the economic and social development of the Central Plains, and a serious weakness in the heart of China. If this situation cannot be resolved, it will inevitably restrict China's further development!

But it is not easy to change the Central Plains region. There are strong local clan forces, stubborn and conservative folk customs, lagging economic development, and the natural conditions are also becoming worse. The government must not only change people's hearts, but also change nature. The difficulty can be

You can imagine!" Prime Minister, for land reform in the Central Plains, we definitely cannot take coercive measures like dealing with chieftain xi zang. The key is to provide inducements so that the people here can actually see the benefits of land reform. Only in this way can it be completed smoothly.

Land reform, and I suggest the Prime Minister to link the land reform in the Central Plains with the management of the Yellow River!"

Qiao Yu has long been planning to control the Yellow River. The Yellow River is not only the mother river of China, but also a river with constant disasters. Since the Song and Ming Dynasties, frequent floods in the Yellow River have become a worry for successive dynasties, but it has been delayed.

Before it can be cured, after Qiao Yu came to power, he also convened a large number of water conservancy experts, biologists, and geologists to form a powerful expert group to think about how to cure the yellow problem. Now Luo Changchun mentioned this matter,

Qiao Yu immediately became interested!

"Luo Xianniu, what's your advice?"

"Prime Minister, I don't know much about water conservancy, and I can't say I have any high opinions. However, I believe that the Yellow River has been a disaster for many years. If we want to completely control it, we will need a huge amount of engineering work, and the entire Yellow River basin is densely populated. If we want to build

A big project will definitely bring a lot of troubles, so I think we might as well promote land reform while moving the population of the Central Plains to the Northeast and other places. With a smaller population, there will be less trouble, and then it will take ten or twenty years to completely control the Yellow River!


Luo Changqin provided Qiao Yu with a good idea. Originally, when Qiao Yu was formulating the land reform plan in the Central Plains, he also wanted to take measures to encourage industry and commerce and promote the economic transformation of the Central Plains, following the practices in Southwest and Jiangxi.

, now that Luo Changchun said this, Qiao Yu discovered that land reform is indeed a good plan to promote immigration!

When it comes to controlling the Yellow River, the most fundamental thing is sand control. Only by controlling the sediment can the Yellow River be controlled. Generally speaking, it is nothing more than increasing the amount of vegetation in the Loess Plateau area in the middle reaches, fixing the sand, and solving the problem of overhanging rivers in the lower reaches.

, some good suggestions were also put forward after expert arguments.

For example, some people argue that we should not simply flush sand toward Shushui, but should actively introduce sediment from the Yellow River to the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. This is the best fertilizer and can improve the soil salinization problem in the entire Yellow River Basin.

, we cannot watch the precious Yellow River water drain away in vain!

However, from different perspectives, Qiao Yu also has different opinions. Some methods are very good in theory, but they will be very troublesome to implement. For example, the problem of restoring vegetation on the Loess Plateau, where the population is determined, there must be some problems.

These people can eat. Although the gains from cultivating the land outweigh the losses, without food, people cannot survive, and the same is true for downstream management.

In fact, the entire Yellow River Basin constitutes the largest delta flood area in the world. If it can be utilized well, it will definitely become an important granary for China, instead of being tortured by floods, droughts, and salt-alkali as it is now!

But if we want the sediment of the Yellow River to be deposited along the coast, we need to build a large number of water conservancy projects and carry out huge resettlement work. This is easier said than done. Luo Changchi's idea is indeed good.

There is no problem in settling a population of 100 million on the fertile soil of Northeast China. Most of this population will be transported from the Central Plains, which can reduce the number of people in the Central Plains by more than two-thirds!

In this way, we can freely manage the Yellow River, plant trees in the upper reaches, conserve water and soil, and solve the employment problem of some people. At the lower reaches, we can also build large-scale water conservancy projects and use the sediment of the Yellow River to turn the entire Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.

After it becomes fertile and the population decreases, large-scale mechanized farming farms will definitely appear on this plain, which will coincide with my own land reform plan and perfectly integrate together!

"Mr. Luo's words awakened the dreamer. After I returned to Beijing, I set up a working group to control the Yellow River. We worked closely with the Immigration Bureau to remove the people from the Central Plains area and at the same time completely control the Yellow River.

So that the Chinese people will no longer be troubled by the Yellow River problem!"

"Prime Minister, although the idea is good, I think it will take at least twenty years to completely control the Yellow River, and the investment will be more than 20 billion. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the government's finances to bear it!" "The Yellow River has been raging on the river.

A thousand years or twenty years to achieve results is already very good. As for investment, we can’t just look at the input, but also the output. As long as the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain is managed, the annual increase in food cannot be measured in terms of money, but I think

To complete such a huge project, the right person must be in charge!”

When Luo Changchun saw Qiao Yu looking at him, he suddenly smiled bitterly: "Prime Minister, I am interested in taking care of this cause that is destined to be famous forever, but I really don't know how to manage water conservancy, and I dare not boast casually. I recommend it to you."

There is a man named Wu Tongju, who is a famous water conservancy expert and served as the director of the Jiangsu Water Conservancy Department when the Republic of China was founded. I think this man is talented enough to take on this important task!"

This chapter has been completed!
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