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Chapter 392: The Navy Goes South

The world after the war was not quiet. On the contrary, there was instability everywhere. Although Germany fell, the establishment of Soviet Russia aggravated the unrest in Europe. In Asia, China gradually got rid of the fate of being colonized, and had conflicts with the old colonial countries.

The contradictions are highlighted, and the naval arms race between the United States, Britain and Japan is in full swing, and it is likely to sweep the world!

In addition, with the rise of China, the arms race between the army and the air force has also emerged. Based on several military operations in China and the experience of World War I, various countries have summarized some tank warfare tactics, and their attention to the air force has also reached a certain level.

At a new height, various countries have also proposed new theories for the construction of land and air forces. The most ambitious of them are Japan and Soviet Russia. Both of these two countries have suffered losses at the hands of the Chinese Army, so they are even more unforgettable!

In addition, the United Kingdom is also trying to enhance the combat effectiveness of its army, especially its armed forces in India and other places, in order to cope with China's rapidly growing power!

As a big country, China has exerted a huge influence on the entire world situation as its strength has increased. Serious problems have arisen in the strategic balance. After the war, countries invested more energy in military affairs than before the war.

The Chinese delegation to Washington is about to leave. Qiao Yu and the head of the delegation, Gu Weijun, talked secretly all night, mainly to deduce the situation of various countries and the entire world, and carefully figure out the opponents, so that they can better serve China's interests!

"Prime Minister, both Britain and Japan are now vigorously advocating the threat of the Chinese Army and strongly demanding that the scope of this arms control be expanded to include tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft and other equipment into overall consideration. They cannot simply restrict the navy. In addition, they

It also requires China’s maritime power to be restricted!”

Qiao Yu clearly sees the attitude of Britain and Japan. As a declining overlord, the British can no longer prevent their own decline, so they can only hope that their opponents will destroy their martial arts. Japan, a small island nation, has even more shallow knowledge.

, If you want to compete with the United States for the navy at sea, and compete with China for the army on land, Japan's national strength simply cannot afford to face such two huge countries at the same time!

Therefore, Qiao Yu has long had his own plans for developing the threat of China and thereby restricting China's development of military power.

"Minister Gu, we can make appropriate concessions on the issue of naval armaments. We originally planned to build two ships, but now we will reduce them to one. As for the army and air force, we can also agree to appropriate control and give these powers a sweetener first!"

"Prime Minister, I don't think we need to make concessions at all. We will build two more battleships and our main ships will only be three. The Chongqing is just a battlecruiser. Such a naval force cannot be adapted to our status as a great power. I think China's main force

The number of ships must be at least six!"

"Minister Gu, China does need capital ships, but it does not need extravagant things like battleships. Aircraft have shown great power and have huge development potential. I believe that in ten years, aircraft will be able to easily deal with battleships.

Therefore, our main development direction is aircraft carriers, and there are also submarines. The battleship plan is just a bargaining chip. Moreover, to build battleships, we need to accumulate too many things. We have not even built a 30,000-ton cargo ship.

Can it be achieved in a few years? As for the control of the army and air force, it is just an excuse. China is so big. If they put some equipment anywhere, can they find it?"

Only then did Gu Weijun suddenly realize that the current battleship plan was just a cover. It was really good to use it for bargaining. In addition, the issue of the army and air force mentioned by Qiao Yu was indeed the case. China had already made a plan to use military and industrial equipment.

Combining industry and civilian industry, such as producing tractors in peacetime and tanks in wartime!

Nowadays, the speed of technological upgrading is extremely fast. China will not produce too many of the same kind of weapons. Only when it smells the atmosphere of war will China go to full strength and offer these fictitious things in exchange. It can not only show that China

Being peace-loving can also gain more practical benefits. Gu Weijun secretly admires Qiao Yu's plan!

"Prime Minister, this time we are ready to take back the foreign privileges together, but there are still three ceded lands in Guangzhou Bay, Macau, and Hong Kong that need to be dealt with. In addition, although Japan has withdrawn the Kwantung Army, it still needs some naval forces in Lushun, especially the Japanese army.

There is also an Erling Mountain Monument here, and Japanese officers all go here to pay homage to their predecessors’ illustrious military exploits, so Japan is not willing to completely withdraw from Lushun!”

The Erling Mountain mentioned by Gu Weijun was the Ma Highlands during the Russo-Japanese War. It was an important place in the Russo-Japanese War. In order to seize this position, Japan sent more than 60,000 soldiers and hundreds of artillery pieces.

After paying huge sacrifices, Japan occupied Erling Mountain. After the Russo-Japanese War, the military god Nogi Nogi Nogi collected all the spent artillery shell casings and made a monument shaped like a bullet and more than ten meters high.

He also left a poem: How difficult is it to climb Mount Erling? It is difficult for a man to start a business. He walks up the mountain with iron and blood, and his shape changes. Everyone respects Mount Erling.

It is completely bragging about Japan's illustrious military exploits. This place has become a sustenance for Japan's militaristic spirit. All newly trained officials must go here to experience the great achievements of their predecessors. Therefore, Japan uses this as an excuse to refuse to completely withdraw from Lushun.

, and asked China to turn Port Arthur into a free port and allow the Japanese navy to station!

The questions raised by Gu Weijun are all very sharp ones. Guangzhou Bay was ceded by France, Macau was in the hands of Portugal, and Hong Kong was stolen by the British. These territories were also illegally stolen by the great powers. Now, should China also take them back together?

"Minister Gu, I think there is no need to overly stimulate Britain and France for the time being. These territories can be postponed temporarily, but we cannot be polite to Japan. Northeast China is currently undergoing large-scale development. How can the Japanese steal important seaports? I will

Let the Air Force conduct military drills in the skies above Lushun. As long as the Japanese dare to go near the so-called monument, let the Air Force continue to harass me from the ground and the air. Let me see if these Japanese can stand it!"

Qiao Yu used a bad idea again. Military aircraft are equipped with bombs and machine guns. If they hit the Japanese, it means that the lives of the Japanese are in the hands of the Chinese aircraft at any time. As long as they gently

A bunch of people can die at the push of a button, and the noise from planes is also shocking. If planes harass people frequently, Japan will not be able to do normal work.

The most critical point is that this is the best place for Japan to carry out militarism education. Those who come here to train are Japan's future military officers. They come to experience the illustrious military exploits of their predecessors, but at this time, Chinese planes are hovering above their heads.

, what effect will it have?

You can understand with your toes that these people will be scared out of their wits by China before they have any sense of pride. Of course, Japan can also use force against Chinese aircraft and shoot them down, but then Japan will have to face China.

The Japanese troops retaliated violently and the Kwantung Army withdrew. How could Japan still fight so hard!

Therefore, as long as Japan realizes that they cannot continue to use this place for militaristic education, they will inevitably give up. Of course, Qiao Yu has other preparations. Now the two black fish that have just been launched from Qin are quietly heading north. If they are soft

No, then we can only use force to make Japan retreat!

Qiao Yujin left this matter to Zhang Zuolin. I believe that this guy with a beard will definitely make the Japanese want to die!

"Minister Gu, although the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries are fighting fiercely this time, they are likely to reach a consensus on suppressing China. After all, there are only so many resources in the world. If there is another industrialized country, it will definitely affect them.

interests, your main task is to destroy this alliance of great powers. I think the most serious pursuit of power this time is the Japanese, and the size of these people determines that they can only see half a meter in front of their feet. Others

Things are no longer clear! Britain and the United States will consider more balance issues. As long as they see Japan's ambitions, it will be enough for these countries to take action to restrict Japan!"

After Qiao Yu carefully talked with Gu Weijun, he asked them to set off for the United States to fight for China's own interests. At the same time, in order to make China's influence in the Far East stronger, Qiao Yu had ordered Navy Commander Chen Shaokuan to lead the Guangxi and Chongqing

A formation was formed to visit Southeast Asia!

This is a clear show of force. The most important thing in this era of law of the jungle is this. The steel monster shows unparalleled majesty and strength. The great powers rely on these things to dominate the world. China once had such a maritime force that awes Asia. However,

That time it was just an empty show, only superficial, but it became a stepping stone for Japan to become a powerful nation.

This time, the Chinese Navy showed unprecedented confidence. Accompanied by cruisers, destroyers and supply ships, the two large warships headed south in a mighty manner. Just a few months ago, these two warships sailed along the coast.

On the way, they were praised by the people all the way, and the navy also ushered in its most glorious moment after the Sino-Japanese War!

Su Lao Sa Zhenbing of the Beiyang Navy personally boarded the Guangxi ship. When the old man faced this: a warship, he burst into tears. Looking back on the past, he couldn't help crying. Sa Zhenbing did not know China's future naval strategy and believed that these two warships were China's warships.

The old man seemed extremely excited about the hope for the future, and the new navy soldiers also felt the bone-deep pain from this old man.

"Old man, you don't have to be sad. The Chinese Navy has begun the road of reconstruction. Sooner or later, China will have a fleet that is ten thousand times larger than the Beiyang Navy. We will also definitely avenge those dead heroes!"

"Commander Chen, back then we didn't even understand what the navy was for. Even though we had first-class warships and were called navy, how could we not fail? These old men have figured it out. The purpose of the navy is to demonstrate the power of God in foreign lands.

To keep the enemy at bay is to risk your life and kill people. You cannot cultivate good soldiers by staying behind closed doors. We cannot make the same mistake again!"

Sa Zhenbing's words kept echoing in Chen Shaokuan's ears. This time, the Chinese navy was just to demonstrate the power of China, to scare those Nanyang gangsters, and to give encouragement to all overseas Chinese!

The first stop of the fleet was Hong Kong. At this time, Britain was far less cunning than later generations. It still implemented harsh colonial rule in Hong Kong. Moreover, Hong Kong's development at this time was not as good as that of first-class cities in China, so there were not so many self-righteous banana people.

At this time, the vast majority of Hong Kong people still yearned for the motherland. When they heard that China's giant ship was coming to visit, these people broke through the obstruction of the British police and gathered at the port to welcome their navy as if it was a Chinese New Year!

This chapter has been completed!
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