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Chapter 4 Persuasion

"Returning to Dad, I have traveled all over Europe, the United States and Japan in the past five years. I first studied some military affairs in Germany, and then some other academic subjects. In short, I studied more miscellaneous subjects. I am not very proficient in anything. I know everything.

Some, but I think the most important thing is that I have gained knowledge and opened my eyes. Nowadays, the gap between the Qing Dynasty and the great powers is too big, but the great powers are not the same. The United States has a strong business atmosphere and the strongest industrial strength, but its military power is very weak. The European powers

China, Britain and France have begun to decline. Now they are competing with Germany. I can't see that there will be a war in the near future. Japan, which is closest to us, is cautious and eyeing it. Sooner or later it will be China's mortal enemy. As for Russia, it is in turmoil.

The country is also in turmoil."

Qiao Yu briefly commented on the current situation of various countries, and also talked about the impact on the Qing court. Qiao Guangyuan nodded uncontrollably. It was when he was in Beijing that he felt the power of the great powers, and then he thought of sending his son to

He went abroad to experience something, and now that his son can have these experiences, the old man is very happy.

"San'er, there has been a lot of enthusiasm for the New Deal in the past few years. I think we can catch up and won't continue to lag behind!"

It seems that Mr. Qiao still has hope for the New Deal. I am afraid this also represents the general view of the Chinese gentry class. It was not until the royal cabinet came out that the Han bureaucrats and gentry completely gave up on the Qing government and supported the revolutionary party. In fact, in the original

There is a thing in history that can change the situation, that is, the Huanghuagang Uprising.

After the Huanghuagang Uprising, it was true that the wind of uprising spread throughout the country, but that was not the result of the Huanghuagang Uprising. It was the emergence of the royal cabinet within half a month after the uprising. The gentry's illusions about the Qing court disappeared and they began to abandon the Qing Dynasty.

government, on the issue of the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the will of the gentry played a very important role, rather than the power of the revolutionary party. It can be said that a hundred Huanghuagang uprisings could not lose more people than a royal cabinet. Later, some people were corrupt

It is really shameless to have the power of heaven for oneself.

But it's too early to say this now. Qiao Yu must use the existing facts to convince his father and make him aware of the crisis, so that he can support himself in setting up a factory and expand the power of the Qiao family in order to protect himself.

"Dad, from a child's point of view, the Qing Dynasty's New Deal has no chance of success. Any change is actually a reshuffle of power. Simply put, the constitutionalists want to take power from the hands of the Manchu nobles. The Qing court

The powerful originally didn't want to change, but when they had to change, they had no choice but to go with the flow. However, they would definitely cling to power and not let it go. That's why they drove away Yuan Shikai and other Han officials. Didn't Zhang Jian and the others instigate countless instigations in the past few years?

Is there any reluctance in the Qing court? The political reform has been delayed, and the military and economic reforms will not help at all. Maybe the new army trained by the Qing court and the new literati will turn against the court. In recent years,

Are there not enough troubles caused by the New Army?"

Qiao Guangyuan looked a little unhappy when he listened to his son's words. He had also thought about these principles. Sichuan has not been peaceful in recent years, with turmoil and uprisings from time to time. Qiao Guangyuan has also thought about this issue, but he is not as direct as his son to get to the core of the problem.

Although the old man deliberately refutes that his son is rebellious, from the bottom of his heart he still agrees with his son's judgment.

"If the original reform and reform had been able to persist, this situation would not have been possible. Alas, our Qiao family is committed to family inheritance and values ​​loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness. You should not follow the changes in the future, otherwise there will be no difference between us and those chaotic parties.

." The old man sighed, and then asked: "You have studied for so many years, and I want to see what your plans are in the future. Are you going to join politics or the military?"

"Old man, one of our family members has joined the army. San'er is saying that he can no longer join the army!"…

Is there someone who joined the army? Who is it? Qiao Yu was stunned at first. Although he inherited the original memory, it was not a personal experience after all, and it was still a bit unfamiliar. However, once reminded, he immediately reacted.

"Why isn't the second brother here? Did the second brother join the army?"

"That's right. Both of you brothers didn't let me worry. After you left, the second brother was restless and wanted to go out to have a look. With his reckless temper, how could we dare to let go? But this family is young and old.

She didn't even notice him, so she ran out secretly, and now she's eating royal food!" Qiao's mother couldn't help complaining, but there was still a hint of joy in it, which made Qiao Yu a little puzzled.

Qiao Guangyuan took over the conversation: "Your second brother joined Marshal Zhao Erfeng and Marshal Zhao's border defense army and entered Tibet to quell the chaos. It is said that he has become a battalion officer and has completely become Qiu Ba!"

Zhao Erfeng? Border Guards? Qiao Yu didn't expect that his cheap second brother would be destined to be a national hero. It was really unexpected. In the late Qing Dynasty, the upper class of Tibet continued to rebel with the support of the British and almost split completely.

Zhao Erfeng has repeatedly put down rebellions and maintained territorial integrity. He has made great achievements and is definitely worthy of the title of national hero. However, his tragic death at the hands of Yin Changheng during the Revolution of 1911 is an eternal regret. Now his second brother Qiao Zhen can succeed Zhao Erfeng.

Being reused by his subordinates will not only help him in the future, but also save Zhao Erfeng's life. It seems that God has treated him well. He was originally thinking about how to expand his power, but this has laid a chess piece for himself in advance. It seems that God has treated him well.

Destiny is mine!

Qiao Yu was slightly lost in thought as he thought about this. Mrs. Bai's face suddenly darkened when she saw the look of yearning on her son's face.

"San'er, I tell you that you are absolutely not allowed to join the army again. I worry about your second brother every day. If you become a Qiu Ba again, I won't be able to survive!" A good man should not be a soldier, and a good man cannot fight.

Nail. This is a deep-rooted concept among the Chinese people, and the old lady Bai is no exception. She is extremely worried that her precious son will join the army and fight. If something unexpected happens, the old lady will really not be able to survive.

"Mom, don't worry. As far as I know, most of the rebellion in Tibet has been put down. There is a stable place down there. My second brother is definitely not in any danger. I want to set up a factory now. My uncle came to our house just to discuss it.

Let’s set up a factory together.”

"You want to set up a factory? Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, this business is a cheap industry?" Qiao Guangyuan originally relied on his previous contacts and this old face to find a good place for his son. Now the court's new policy requires all kinds of talents, but

The old man never expected that his son would start a factory, so he was very surprised.

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean, do you look down on me?"

Bai Kuan is a serious businessman. Although he donated money to get the title of Taoist monk, it is only a false position. When he heard Qiao Guangyuan say that business is a cheap industry, he was naturally unhappy. Wasn't this scolding a bald man in front of a monk?

"That's not what your brother-in-law means, San'er. If you want to honor your ancestors, you have to be an official. The play does not say that you can learn martial arts and sell your goods to the emperor's family. You have studied abroad for so many years. At least you can find an official position. You can go into business and set up a factory."

, isn’t it a waste of all your skills?”

Although Mrs. Bai comes from a business family, and the Qiao family also runs many shops, she still regards business as a humble industry from the bottom of her heart and does not want her son to engage in this. Qiao Yu also felt a sense of emotion in his heart. The deep-rooted traditional concept of the Chinese people is

How powerful, the times are about to change, how can we still stick to the old almanac, but you can't say that to your own mother.

"Mom, in fact, becoming an official and running a factory cannot be delayed. I remember that in the first few years, regulations were issued to reward investment. This time I plan to invest 500,000 taels to jointly set up a textile factory with my uncle. How can I get away with it?

A sixth-grade top wearer!”….

In the late Qing Dynasty, the reward range for investing in setting up factories was still relatively large. When the investment reached a certain amount, corresponding positions were rewarded, starting from 200,000 taels of silver, up to 20 million taels corresponding to the seventh-grade top wear and all the way to the first-grade top wear. However, due to

Donating official positions is rampant. This kind of crown is of little value. If you want to obtain the corresponding rank, you only need to spend money to buy an official position. There is no need to risk investment at all, but it is still very effective in changing social atmosphere.

In the past, business was a low-level industry and was subject to discrimination and suppression. Now it is giving rewards, which can still inspire some people. However, the minimum standard is 200,000 taels. This was still very difficult in China at that time, although there were still many people in China.

There are rich people, but they don’t know much about new industrial and mining enterprises, the risks are very high, and they don’t dare to invest more money.

Just like the Qiao family and the Bai family, all the family properties are definitely worth more than one million, but they were all surprised when Qiao Yu suddenly wanted to invest one million, and the two families needed to share half a million.

"San'er, if it's 350,000 taels, you can use it. This is 500,000 taels. What if you lose it? Shu Ren, why are you messing around with your child?"

Qiao Guangyuan was also frightened by the numbers Qiao Yu said. He thought it was Bai Kuan who instigated him, so he blamed his brother-in-law. Bai Kuan suffered for nothing. Qiao Yu saw that it was not easy to work with the family, but he could not give up.

No, Qiao Yu immediately told his family what he had seen and heard in Europe in detail, talking about steel plants with an annual output of millions of tons, shipyards capable of building giant ships of tens of thousands of tons, the developed textile industry, and the booming oil industry.


He also talked about those extremely powerful conglomerates that can control the country. After talking about foreign countries, he talked about domestic development prospects. He listed the difficulties in setting up a factory one by one, and then told the solutions. At first, Qiao Guangyuan thought his son was

His head felt hot for a moment, but he was attracted as he listened. He had been a capital official and had dealt with all kinds of people. The old man can safely say that not even those ministers of military and aircraft can control the industry and commerce.

The key is stated so clearly.

Qiao Yu kept talking for more than an hour. Qiao Guangyuan went from shock at the beginning, to joy, to thinking, and finally to silence. It was obvious that the old man was thinking about Qiao Yu's suggestion. This was a major matter related to the prosperity of the family, and the old man had to be cautious.

"San'er, are you really sure?"

"Dad, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm at least 80% sure. Our two families have strong capital and no shortage of connections. If I go to work with foreigners, it won't be a big problem. As long as I can

Once the factory is built, we’ll just wait and count the money!”

Mr. Qiao thought for a while and then asked Qiao Cheng: "Shiqing, what do you think?"

"Dad, since the third child has such ambitions and abilities, I, as the eldest brother, must not stop him. I think we can just pool our family property and set up this factory!"


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