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Chapter 399: New World

The displacement of the Guangxi is only more than 20,000 tons. China currently still has a share of 110,000 tons in the battleships, which means that China can build three new battleships, and the average displacement is more than 30,000 tons, and even

Reaching 40,000 tons, China has also become the country with the largest share of shipbuilding among the six major countries!

As for other countries, the situation is more miserable, especially the United Kingdom. During World War I, the United Kingdom built a large number of battleships. After the Battle of Jutland, the United Kingdom lost ten battleships. The entire fleet was severely damaged.

The British also became ruthless and built a large number of warships. Now that the naval arms limitation treaty has been passed, the British have to dismantle and scrap more warships than they can retain!

Of course, this may be a good thing for the United Kingdom. After all, it has retained its reputation as the world's first-tier power together with its former colony, the United States. However, the British fleet is inevitably aging along with the British Empire, and military technology is advancing at a very fast pace.

Soon, a new generation will basically be updated in five to ten years, and the same is true for the replacement of naval warships!

China retains the right to build new warships in five years, which means that China will build one warship in the future, and now countries will even build two to fight against it. This is where Japan feels the most pressure. Faced with China,

Such a huge monster, the Japanese ruling class has already shown a hint of fear.

I am afraid that the strength between China and Japan will seriously change one day in the future. This is the reason why Japan is still worried even though it has transformed its navy into a second-class navy this time.

In addition, various countries have also imposed restrictions on the tonnage of aircraft carriers. The United States and the United Kingdom are still the first, with a total tonnage of 10,000 tons. Japan got 10,000 tons, Italy and France got 60,000 tons, and China got 50,000 tons.

Thousands of tons!

Based on this tonnage ratio, China can still build two aircraft carriers of more than 20,000 tons. Of course, the Chinese government will definitely not meet this number. As long as the technology matures, China will definitely build aircraft carriers on a large scale, and the restrictive treaty will give it hell.

The issue of naval armaments has almost been dealt with, but the issue raised by Japan to control land and air force equipment was firmly resisted by Gu Weijun, who explained his own views on behalf of China.

"First, the land areas of each country are different, and the number of people they receive is also different. The border situations are completely different, so the quantities needed for the army and air force of each country are immeasurable; second, the army is different from the navy, which is purely for external affairs.

Combat operations, and the Army is also responsible for maintaining domestic stability. However, the populations of countries are completely different, and the areas they govern are also different. It is impossible to come up with a unified standard; the equipment of the Third Army and Air Force is numerous and diverse.

The systems are also different, and they are not comparable to those of the navy at all. China is firmly opposed to relying on treaties to restrict things that are completely immeasurable!"

These three points mentioned by Gu Weijun are very critical. National conditions are different, combat missions are also different, and equipment systems are different. It is impossible to impose restrictions. However, Gu Weijun continued: "Although our country is opposed to hard restrictions, we are in line with the

The world and the responsible policy of 2017 recommend that all countries establish a military transparency mechanism. All major military expansion actions and major policy changes must be reported to all friendly countries. In addition, a general estimate of the share of military expenditures in the total economic output must be made.

According to regulations, we recommend that the proportion of military expenditures in peacetime should not exceed 20% of the fiscal budget, and it is best to control it below 10%!"

Gu Weijun's proposal was quickly appreciated by the United States, Britain and other countries. This is indeed a good idea. Military transparency prevents secret maneuvers and avoids strategic misjudgments. In addition, limiting the proportion of military expenditures can naturally control a country's military power.

The scale is much more realistic than the rigid question of how many tanks and how many aircraft, so it has received enthusiastic support from the United States and Britain!

The American media also greatly appreciated Gu Weijun's proposal, praising it as a good proposal that truly considered world peace. However, this proposal was firmly opposed by Japan, because at this time, Japan's military expenditure had exceeded more than 30% of the fiscal budget.

According to China's method, Japan's military expenditure will be cut by more than half. How can Japan agree to this proposal?

In fact, during the Taisho period in Japan's history, as China's division became more and more serious, it could not threaten Japan at all, and its old rival Russia also changed its color. Japan's imaginary enemy became the U.S. Navy, so the navy became Japan's main development force.

military services, and the democratic trend in Japan is also spreading. The Japanese people have made too many sacrifices and endured since the Meiji Restoration, so they also want to enjoy life and demand more. Therefore, although Japan’s military expenditure is increasing rapidly,

It still accounts for more than 35% of the fiscal budget, but its proportion of national income has dropped to less than 5%.

It can be said that Japan's army has made slow progress. Although the Japanese army fought tenaciously during World War II, it also exposed the problem that its equipment seriously failed to keep up with the world's trends. This has a lot to do with the lack of investment during this period.

In this historical time and space, the situation is completely different. The strong rise of China has made Japan feel unprecedented pressure, so they urgently need to build a strong army. Moreover, Japan has occupied the Far East. Although it has gained many benefits, it has also

It has dragged the small island country onto the path of confrontation with China and Russia.

Japan's Taisho period did not control military expenditures like in history. Instead, it continued to strengthen various taxes, take away wealth from the Japanese people, and use it to arm the country.

In fact, this situation is quite normal. In the early days of industrialization, this kind of capital accumulation was very important, and it was also a necessary process. However, Japan's foundation was too weak, it needed to plunder too much, and it took too long. This was true from Meiji to Taisho.

, serious dissatisfaction has arisen in the hearts of the people!

Although the Japanese people are also crazy, they also long for a real improvement in their living standards, instead of just getting the false name of a powerful country like now. However, the Japanese upper class is unwilling to stop. There is a dispute between the Japanese people and the government.

The antagonism is getting more and more serious!

"All Japan's problems boil down to one, which is the contradiction between huge ambitions, weak national power and bad geopolitics!"

Jiang Baili said this: "The way of civil and military affairs is relaxed. In the past, the Japanese people were able to sacrifice everything to become a powerful country and unreservedly supported the Meiji government's war with China and Russia. Now the people feel that Japan is a powerful country and they can enjoy it."

, But the reality is that they still need to continue to pay, and the people will naturally be dissatisfied. If this emotion continues to accumulate, sooner or later it will become a huge force that will destroy everything in Japan!',

"Brother Baili is right. Japan is an island country sandwiched between China, Russia, and the United States. This strategic position has doomed Japan's tragic end. However, Japan is still on the rise. If you want to defeat

This opponent is not easy!',

"Hasn't the Prime Minister already made the first move? This Washington meeting has actually planted the seeds for a new round of arms race, and this round of arms race is probably even more powerful than before. But the three armed forces of the sea, land and air force launched


Jiang Baili happened to hit what Qiao Yu was most proud of. This time China got a share of the navy. According to Japan's character, if China builds one ship, they will probably build two. In other words, as long as China completes its military technology

If accumulated, the results of the Washington Conference will become a piece of paper, and China will drag Japan into the point of no return in the arms race.

As for the idea of ​​military transparency and limiting the proportion of military expenditures in the fiscal budget proposed by Gu Weijun this time, it did not come true due to Japan's firm opposition. However, countries have also reached a consensus that they regularly report military development plans to avoid strategic misjudgments.

Caught in an arms race!

Of course, in addition to the most important naval issue in the Washington Conference, China's agenda was also one of the main contents. China strongly demanded the abolition of all privileges of various countries in China, the realization of China's complete independence, and the abolition of the public concessions in Tianjin and Shanghai. In order to cooperate with Gu Weijun's

During the negotiations in Washington, China's armed forces conducted repeated exercises, mainly to demonstrate to the great powers. China's attitude has been very clear. Regardless of whether you agree or not, China will take back these rights.

The difference is just peace or war. The great powers also know very well at this time that if there is a peaceful handover, their investment in China can still be guaranteed, otherwise they will be completely violently seized by China, and then there will be nothing, and at this time they will not have anything at all.

It is impossible to form another Eight-Nation Alliance Army!

After a fierce confrontation, China finally took back all power and signed the Nine-Nation Convention with the United States, Britain, Japan, France, Italy plus the Netherlands, Belgium, and Portugal, completely declaring the end of the privileges of the great powers in China.

China has completely become a completely independent country!

The Washington Conference transformed China from a public colony where people were exploited to become one of the six major powers in the world. People's morale was unprecedentedly high, and China's national development ushered in a new chapter.

"Prime Minister, the situation is almost over now. As long as you stand up and shout, you can become the president immediately!" Yang Du said with a smile: "Xu Shichang has already thought about abdicating the throne and making way for someone more worthy. Now it all depends on the Prime Minister's thoughts!"


Qiao Yu is naturally aware of Xu Shichang's plan. The old man has been sitting on the throne of the president for more than two years. In the past two years, China has undergone major changes. The domestic economic situation has improved, and its international status has also improved rapidly. Although these things are different from Xu Shichang's.

It doesn't matter much, but as the president, he can naturally get a share of honors. Xu Shichang felt that he was almost done, so he had better abdicate as soon as possible to avoid being chased away by others!

"Mr. Xizi, there's no need to be too anxious. I'm going to wait until the land reform is completely completed and then hold local elections first. When the foundation is laid, everything will take care of itself. But now we can't just look at the benefits and ignore the dangers!"

"Danger? What is the Prime Minister referring to?"

"According to reliable intelligence, Japan has reached a secret agreement with the United States and Britain, which is mainly to restrict rising countries and avoid the spread of important military technologies, and the target is China!',

Yang Du also frowned, "China has a vast territory, a large population, rich resources, and its potential is indeed much greater than Japan. The major powers are absolutely unwilling to see China become stronger, and it is normal to impose a technological blockade!"

This chapter has been completed!
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