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Chapter 401 Vietnam National Liberation League

When any country in history transitioned from an agricultural society to an industrial society, it was inevitable to plunder agriculture first and rely on this wealth to accumulate and develop industry. This is almost an unbreakable truth, but Qiao Yu feels that China's

The situation is still too complicated. We don’t necessarily have to take this path. Even if we do, we don’t have to be as cruel as the great powers. You must know that the British are playing the trick of sheep eating people, the United States has been killing Indians for hundreds of years, and the Soviet Union

During the industrialization period, tens of millions of people starved to death!

Obviously, China has also reached this time. Although Qiao Yu knows that some sacrifices are inevitable, Xili is still able to alleviate the pain as much as possible and avoid the polarization of society. Otherwise, a huge country like China will really be divided into huge gaps.

The two major strata of the society will only cause endless troubles and social unrest. Therefore, Kanyu advocates reducing agricultural taxes and ultimately abolishing agricultural taxes from this point of view!

Of course, the abolition of agricultural taxes does not mean that the government has given up on recruiting farmers. In fact, it is still possible to rely on the scissor gap between industry and agriculture to flow profits to industry, but the method is more subtle. Jiang Yonggui and others advocate

More blatantly plundering farmers!

After all, the farmers have regained some strength now and are much richer than in the late Qing Dynasty. Especially with the overhaul of water conservancy facilities in various places and the steady increase in grain production, the farmers have begun to have some money in their pockets. However, seeing Qiao Yu's objection, they did not

No matter how hard you insist, Wei Ruolan is very interested in Qiao Yu's proposal.

"Prime Minister, it is a good idea to make money through the financial market, but the financial risks are also very high. I don't know where we should start?"

"Of course it's Europe. Now France is leading the issue of reparations to German prisoners. France suffered heavy losses in the war and urgently needs reparations to restore its economy. Therefore, the French are asking for a total of 150 billion gold marks!

Including interest, Germany has to repay more than 2.2 billion every year, which is far beyond Germany's ability to bear. President Wei, what do you think will happen next?"

In fact, France suffered the heaviest losses in World War I, with millions of casualties and an entire generation wiped out. The most elite industrial areas in the Northeast were repeatedly ravaged by war, and the output value of industry and agriculture dropped significantly, even compared to the defeat in the war.

Germany is even worse. In fact, what's even worse is that France's courage has been completely defeated. It can be said that from this moment on, France has been removed from the world's first-tier powers.

The most obvious sign is that at the Washington Conference, the share of the French navy was the same as that of Italy. What an irony. Now the French are eager to plunder the Germans, but this plunder has limits. 2.2 billion a year.

The gold mark has exceeded Germany's tolerance limit. If compensation is paid according to this amount, the German government will cease operations immediately.

Regarding this situation, Wei Ruolan, who has been paying attention to the financial market, is very clear. Now when he heard Qiao Yu ask, he immediately replied: "Prime Minister, I think the Germans will not be willing to pay compensation, and will definitely find ways to default. It is best

If the reparations can be completely ignored, the French will most likely take coercive actions to make the Germans pay reparations!"

Qiao Yu nodded with a smile and continued: "President Wei, now that you have seen this step, what will happen next? Can France and Germany achieve their respective goals?"

Wei Ruolan thought carefully and shook his head, "Prime Minister, although France is the victor, the control of the world has now been in the hands of the United States. The Americans will never watch Germany collapse. The United States will definitely intervene.

The conflict between Germany and Germany should lead to a lose-lose outcome for both parties!"

Wei Ruolan's eyes lit up when he said this. Qiao Yu indeed pointed out a clear path. Once France and Germany conflict, the mark and franc will depreciate seriously. Now the German mark has depreciated very seriously. I'm afraid

After the conflict, the devaluation will be more serious. If China finds a way to short the franc and mark at this time, it can indeed bring in a lot of income!

As the saying goes, a man will not be rich without external wealth, and a horse will not be fat without eating night grass. Since he does not want to plunder the people in the country, he can only start with the great powers and make money from them. China does not feel any burden at all. Wei Ruolan immediately

Agreed with Qiao Yu's approach.

"Thank you Prime Minister for your advice. I will arrange the funds now. I plan to hide the government funds behind some financial investment groups and use private capital as a cover. Although it will cost some money, it can also avoid the attention of the great powers. I estimate that this time

It is not a problem for China to make tens of millions, and the fiscal deficit will be able to make up a lot of it!"

"President Wei, don't worry. You can also pay attention to the situation in our neighbor Japan. I think Japan's economy is not very healthy. The proportion of the military industry is too high. There is a lot of civil dissatisfaction. Maybe conflicts will break out in the near future."

, I think I might as well pay attention to it!”

As a person of later generations, Qiao Yu certainly knows that the Great Kantō Earthquake that shocked the world will occur in Japan in the next year, severely damaging the Japanese economy. This is also an important opportunity for China to make money. Qiao Yu is also preparing to short the Japanese yen and

Japanese bonds have made a lot of money in one fell swoop. Qiao Yu has no mental burden about making money from the Japanese. Anyway, Japan owes China too much, so it is very good to let them pay back some interest first!

Of course, Qiao Yu couldn't tell Wei Ruolan that he knew that Japan would have a major earthquake that would shock the world in a year's time. China wanted to prepare as soon as possible, so he could only find an excuse. Wei Ruolan was also doubtful, but Qiao Yu gave the order and he

There is only execution.

Today's capital mobilization is far less easy than in later generations. Wei Ruolan convened a large number of financial experts to jointly carry out operations. Fortunately, Qiao Yu has very close ties with the industrial and commercial consortium. Now that the Prime Minister has assigned a task, they naturally have to send their most capable subordinates.

, especially they were able to take this opportunity to make a fortune, so countless funds began to gather in France and Germany in Europe!

The Chinese people don't know that before they take action, the capital forces of the United States and Britain have already started to act. This is an excellent opportunity to shear sheep. They will definitely not let this opportunity pass. In fact, China's capital is at most

It’s just a mouthful of soup that follows, but there is also a lot of oil and water in the soup!

In fact, this kind of capital game is often more cruel than a real war. The life-long accumulation of countless people may be wiped out overnight. Many small countries in later generations have been devastated because of this kind of sheep-shearing operation. However, for Europe

China is still beyond its reach, but Qiao Yu still has a very good card in his hand!

That is the Vietnam National Liberation Alliance led by Nguyen Aiguo. Now Nguyen Aiguo has officially hired Lu Rongting as a military adviser. Vietnamese soldiers trained in China have been organized into three brigades, with a total number of more than 17,000 people. These

The people are trained in full accordance with the standards of the squadron, and the equipment is also very advanced. It is possible to compete with the French colonial army!

Now is the time to let this dog out. As long as France's colonies are shaken, it will definitely have an important impact on France's economy. China can control the war situation in Vietnam and exert influence on France according to its own ideas.

If you want to make the franc appreciate, you will deliberately create a few losing battles. If you want to suppress the franc, you will win a few winning battles. In this way, the French economy will be manipulated by applause!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu was also amused for a while. Didn't the American consortium in later generations rely on this method to influence the world oil price and then control the world economy? Now China has also embarked on the path of becoming a great power.

Of course, Ruan Aiguo, who was still in Guangxi, didn't know that his chess piece had such a magical effect. He couldn't wait any longer. How many times had he dreamed that he was leading an army to drive the French colonists completely out of the country. Vietnam finally came to China.

Under his leadership, it became an independent country. What a beautiful dream this is, but the reality is still cruel. Vietnam must rely on China's power to achieve independence!

In fact, Ruan Aiguo also saw through that China only wanted to use him for his own purposes, but now he had no choice but to hope that China would loosen the noose and allow him to attack the French colonists. At this time, Qiao Yu's secret message had already

When it arrived, Qiao Yu expressed his firm support for the Vietnamese independence movement in his telegram and allowed the Vietnam National Liberation Alliance to take decisive action!

Qiao Yu's telegram was undoubtedly an imperial edict to Ruan Aiguo and others. They were now free to act as they pleased. Ruan Aiguo was immediately delighted and he hurriedly called for his subordinates and Lu Rongting.

"Advisor, this is my..." first military operation. It can only succeed, not fail. Everything depends on your planning!"

Lu Rongting raised his eyelids slightly, "Mr. Ruan, the first battle is very crucial. I have two plans. The first one is to start from the north of Vietnam, attack the Bao Le and Gaoping areas, and establish a strong base here first.

, and then gradually develop towards the south!”

Ruan Aiguo stared at the map at this time. After hearing Lu Rongting's suggestion, he shook his head slightly and said, "Your Excellency, Advisor, Bao Le, Gaoping is a mountainous area with a sparse population. There is no point in capturing it!"

Lu Rongting secretly thought that Ruan Aiguo was still too impatient. He and Qiao Yu were about the same age, but their calmness and energy were far different. It was precisely because it was a mountainous area that it was easy to gain a foothold. But since Ruan Aiguo disagreed

, then there is no other option!

"Since Mr. Ruan does not agree, then we have to use the second option. I think we can attack Lang Son first. It is only 130 kilometers away from the Sino-Vietnamese border and only 130 kilometers away from Hanoi. This is Vietnam's territory.

The northern gateway, as long as we take down this gate, Hanoi will be within sight. However, although there are many benefits to capturing this place, we must also be prepared to face France's crazy revenge!"

Ruan Aiguo was completely obsessed with the benefits at this time, so he couldn't care less about the danger!

"Advisor, I think attacking Lang Son is the best choice!"

After the decision was made, all soldiers of the Vietnam National Liberation Alliance were mobilized. Nguyen Aiguo appointed the most elite First Brigade, carrying mountain artillery as a sharp knife force, to take the lead in launching the attack!

The Vietnamese ignited the war in Southeast Asia, and the Chinese government's attention was already focused on the European financial market. As the war broke out in Southeast Asia, the franc began to fall. Before the conflict between France and Germany appeared, the franc began to rise sharply.

The depreciation of the French currency was such a sudden change that even the capital of the United States and Britain did not expect it. Their capital is still pushing up the franc, absorbing more capital into the French financial market, and then going all-out short selling. However, the war in Southeast Asia has disrupted

In their deployment, only Chinese capital took the lead and took the first bite of the meat!

This chapter has been completed!
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