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Chapter 411: Aircraft Carrier

Shimoda Takao and Mizumura Masaru are both wanted criminals in Japan. Being able to be interviewed by the prime minister of a country in China and being able to provide huge financial assistance is so exciting for the two of them that they are even a little dizzy.

, but the two people also face a very real problem, that is, how to spend the money!

No one would give them a huge sum of 10 million for no reason. They must do something by themselves. Shimoda Kaohsiung stood up respectfully, bowed to Qiao Yu first, and then asked: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, we have already

We are at odds with the Japanese government, and we only have unforgettable hatred for those warlords and chaebols, but please give us your instructions on what we need to do specifically!"

A faint smile appeared on Qiao Yu's face, "Mr. Shimoda, your task is very simple, that is, spend all this money, whether it is buying goods, doing random things, or recruiting people, as long as you can make these funds flow into Japan."

That’s it!”

Shimoda Takao and Mizumura Masaru are not fools. If this is real money, Qiao Yu will never let himself spend it carelessly. Then there is only one possibility, that is, this yen is counterfeit. But they have looked carefully. Those

The counterfeit currency is actually more authentic than the real currency. There are no problems with the paper or printing. This is simply incredible!

"You must also understand that these banknotes are fake, but I can tell you that these counterfeit coins are exactly the same as the real coins, and even more beautiful than the real coins. If you can spend them successfully, I will continue to provide them to you.

You can make as much money as you want. With this money, you can hoard supplies, recruit personnel, and disrupt Japan's financial order and shake Japan's foundation. What do you think?"

When Shimoda Kaohsiung and Mizumura heard this, they also knew that they had no way out, so they had to be honest and obedient, give it a go, and naturally agreed to them all. Although the rice unrest was suppressed by the Japanese government, there were still many people who were dissatisfied with the government.

, so the two of them also have enough channels to spend their money. In addition, they also actively asked China to send some intelligence personnel to help them develop their power in Japan!

Cultivating power in Japan has become an inevitable choice for China. For many years, Japan has taken the initiative to provoke trouble and launch offensives in China, while China has been passively defensive. It can only be beaten and cannot fight back. Qiao Yu supports the Koreans and secretly supports them.

It is for this purpose that Shimoda Takao and others

The Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan also gradually calculated the damage. The number of dead and missing people exceeded 140,000, and more than 1.9 million people were homeless. More than 120,000 buildings collapsed and burned.

Nearly 450,000 buildings were built, many members of the royal family were killed, and the wealth lost was countless. It can be said that most of the wealth Japan accumulated during World War I was lost.

The subsequent riots highlighted the desolation of this island country. At this time, North Korea also carried out several suicide attacks. A total of more than forty Japanese were killed, and there were also a series of assassinations. These later

The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea announced that it was responsible for this, and severely condemned Japan's massacre of Koreans after the earthquake, and demanded that Japan immediately grant North Korea independence, otherwise it would only invite more crazy revenge. Suddenly the Provisional Government's reputation rose, and North Korea also

An unstable situation has arisen!

Japan could only show its butcher's knife and suppress it violently, turning Japan into a mess. The trauma caused by the Great Kanto Earthquake may take more than ten years for Japan to recover from.

Time flies, and the three years have passed by in a blink of an eye. The whole world has gradually recovered from the smoke of World War I, showing a prosperous scene. Even Japan seems to have got rid of the impact of the Great Kanto Earthquake, and these three years have had a profound impact on China.

It is also a period of great change.

President Xu Shichang has stepped down, and Qiao Yu has become the president of the Republic of China. At the same time, the United Democratic Party led by Qiao Yu also received more than 90% of the votes in the parliamentary election, becoming the only one among the people's support.

's ruling party.

Qiao Yu is only in his early thirties. According to common sense, Qiao Yu can be in power for at least more than thirty years. This also marks the end of the political chaos in China since the late Qing Dynasty, and the country has finally ushered in a good opportunity for stable development.

After Qiao Yu came to power, his first big move was to formulate a five-year plan to carry out a systematic and comprehensive design for the development of China's industry and agriculture. The five-year plan was originally the signature of the Soviet Union. After World War II, the five-year plan became popular, including in China.

In China, newly industrialized countries such as South Korea and Israel regard the Five-Year Plan as the ultimate magic weapon. They rely on the strong promotion of the state to establish an industrial system and transform from an agricultural country to an industrial country!

Of course, the Soviet Union has not yet invented this magic weapon. Qiao Yu is the first to do so. Preparing a plan is not an easy task. Qiao Yu brought together experts from all walks of life across the country and major local frontier officials to study China together.

How should it develop?

After careful argumentation, it was finally determined that China's first five-year plan will focus on agriculture. This is the same as the Soviet Union's first five-year plan. If we want to industrialize, we must invest a large amount of labor in industrial production.

Among them, the agricultural population will correspondingly decrease, and food production may decrease. Industrialization is also accompanied by urbanization, and it is even more impossible without enough food.

The Soviet Union's approach was to collectivize agriculture and build the foundation for industrial development by expropriating farmers. Qiao Yu did not adopt this approach. Instead, he focused on agricultural development and production increase. China has this precious land in Northeast China.

The development of the black soil in the Northeast has already begun. In the first five-year plan, Qiao Yu vigorously promoted agricultural mechanization in the Northeast. At the same time, he prepared to build four large fertilizer plants, increasing China's annual fertilizer output to

Five million tons. In addition, supporting agricultural machinery factories are also operating at full capacity, producing tractors, seeders and other machinery!

The Northeast has vast plains and the Daqing Oilfield, which is perfect for promoting mechanized operations. This is the most important granary of China in the future!

In addition to Northeast China, Xinjiang is also a key development area in China. The thermal conditions here are good. As long as the water problem is solved, high output can be guaranteed. In addition to the development of Northeast Xinjiang and other places, it is also important for the entire Huanghuaihai Plain.

Large-scale governance has been carried out, and grain production has steadily increased!

By 1925, China's per capita grain share exceeded 300 kilograms. Although it has not completely solved the problem of food and clothing, at least there will be no large-scale starvation to death. If you include some miscellaneous grains, you can basically eat it.


The development of agriculture has provided enough food, and China's industrial development momentum is also very good. According to the first five-year plan, China's steel production will exceed 5 million tons, coal 40 million tons, oil 3 million tons, power generation

The production volume needs to reach 10 billion degrees, but to achieve this level, China’s investment is not sufficient. After repeated thinking, Qiao Yu chose to introduce some capital from the United States.

You must know that the United States is currently in the Coolidge boom period, and its economic expansion is very fierce. Facing such a huge market like China, the United States is also very coveted in China's efforts to attract foreign investment. They are also very interested in China's efforts to attract foreign investment. A large amount of American capital is pouring into it.

Enter China.

The first five-year plan has only been implemented for more than two years, but it has already shown great power. Chinese society is being reborn, and its strength continues to grow. The fastest-growing regions are Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Northeast China. Following this momentum,

If the situation continues, it is not far away to replace Southwest China as the new economic leader.

The top government officials are also very happy to see that China's economy is booming. As the economic strength increases, the corresponding military strength will increase. China has designed its first battleship in 1925, with a design displacement of more than 35,000 tons and equipped with ten 410 mm guns.

The keel laying of the main gun had begun in early 1926. This warship was actually designed by China and Germany. Of course, the German experts were hidden behind it, but they also had to bear the research and development costs. Similarly, after the warship was launched, the German Navy could also use it.

This battleship comes to train talents!

In fact, Qiao Yu is really not interested in expensive battleships, but in order to deceive other countries, China must be serious, otherwise other countries may not follow suit, and the Germans will bear part of the cost, so why would China?


"President, Japan has sent protests several times, believing that China's first battleship is 410 mm, and future battleships will inevitably exceed this tonnage, which poses a huge threat to Japan. They have also contacted the United States, Britain and other countries, hoping to force

China is shutting down!" Jiang Baili reported the situation to Qiao Yu.

According to the requirements of the Washington Conference, the tonnage of newly built battleships cannot exceed 350,000 tons, and the main guns cannot exceed 16 inches. The first warship started by China closely adheres to this standard, which immediately makes people wonder whether China's next one will be

It will exceed 40,000 tons. After all, battleships are getting bigger and bigger, and the main guns are getting bigger and bigger, and they will definitely not get smaller!

"Brother Baili, don't worry about the Japanese. Now the Japanese have taken advantage of the loopholes in the six-nation naval arms treaty. Their Kaga-class battleship has reached 40,000 tons. It is currently the largest warship in the world. The United States and Britain have already

I don’t like it anymore. Now that China is building bigger warships, not only will the United States and Britain not interfere, they will also hope that we will fight Japan to the death!”

Jiang Baili also smiled and said: "Japan still retains the qualification to build a new warship. They will never fall behind others. It will definitely have a larger tonnage and stronger firepower. However, once Japan starts construction, the results of the Washington Conference will be lost in an instant.

If it becomes a dead letter, the United States and Britain will inevitably follow suit, and I'm afraid it will be a new arms race by then!"

"Haha, if there is no fight, there will be no excitement. Let them toss. What I am most concerned about is how our aircraft carrier plan is going. This is the guarantee for us to dominate the world in the future!"

"President, the first refitted aircraft carrier has been completed at the Qinzhou Shipyard. In addition, the Chongqing Aircraft Design Bureau has also manufactured the first carrier-based aircraft, which will be tested soon. Would you like to go to Qinzhou to inspect this?

But this is an important day for the Chinese Navy. The new aircraft carrier is still waiting for you to name it!"

China has adopted a cautious attitude in the development of aircraft carriers. It will start with modifications and accumulate enough experience before designing aircraft carriers independently. After all, China has no experience in building large warships. Battleships still have to rely on German help, and for aircraft carriers

The Germans have little experience and can only rely on China to explore on its own!

"You should definitely take a look, I'll leave for the south immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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