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Chapter 420 The Geneva Conference

In the battle of Qiongya, a whole brigade of the French army was completely wiped out, and 15,000 Vietnamese colonial troops were also completely wiped out. One-third of the French troops were wiped out at once, and the French reinforcements were ignored two days ago.

Everyone rushed towards Qiongya, but before they could reach Qiongya, the French army had already been defeated.

What's even worse is that they are not aware of this situation. Lu Yuguang discovered that the Vietnamese troops had seized the French radio station and even had the code book that had not been destroyed in time. He immediately came up with a plan. He sent a telegram to the French reinforcements asking them to

They rushed to Qiongya as soon as possible to rescue them, and also ordered the Vietnamese to deliberately retain a few strongholds to pretend that they were still fighting.

In addition, the remaining teams all used the limited time to quickly rest and restore their strength, waiting to wipe out the French reinforcements. As Lu Yuguang expected, the French seemed extremely anxious after receiving the distress telegram. Their mission was to rescue the trapped people in Qiongya.

How could the French army watch the troops being wiped out, so they immediately accelerated their march and even dispatched planes for reconnaissance.

Through observation from the plane, it was found that the situation of the French army was worse than imagined. The Vietnamese had already rushed into Qiongya. The French army could only defend with a limited number of positions and was about to be lost. Therefore, the French army sent reinforcements.

We can only speed up the march again and again without daring to show any signs of neglect.

They didn't know that a huge trap had been set up in Qiongya waiting for them to jump. These French reinforcements quickly passed the pontoon bridge above the Tuojiang River. Qiongya was already in sight, just as they were about to save their trapped comrades.

At that time, I suddenly heard a sound like a cow roaring from the upper reaches of the Tuojiang River, and then a huge white wave rushed down the river. In an instant, the pontoon was completely destroyed. The water level of the Tuojiang River surged, overflowing the river bank, and a huge torrent

All the supplies that the French had no time to transport away were also swept away.

The Vietnamese had prepared this for a long time. They built a simple dam in advance to block the Taotao River. At this time, they used explosive bombs to blow up the dam, causing a huge flood. However, this flood could not last long.

The French can be temporarily blocked, and with the help of French engineers, a pontoon bridge can be built again soon.

However, this time was enough. The Vietnamese guerrillas had rushed towards the French from all directions. All weapons fired at the same time. The firing angles of various artillery had been calculated in advance. The dense shells completely covered the French. The violent

The explosion quickly harvests life.

The blazing single piece sliced ​​through the flesh and blood one after another, turning these French people into a pile of rotten meat. The dense bullets were fired mercilessly, and all available weapons such as grenades and mortars were used.


The French also instantly understood that they had been fooled. Qiongya had probably fallen long ago. Now this was just a trap for them. Facing the surging Vietnamese soldiers, the French had no choice but to rely on themselves.

Dozens of tanks were used as cover, trying to stabilize their position.

The Vietnamese were also fighting like crazy at this time. Although they had just experienced a bloody battle and were exhausted, being able to brutally torture these French colonists was what they were most excited about. You must know that France has done a lot in Vietnam in recent years.

The evil deeds and blood debts they committed are all recorded in everyone's heart. Those who can join the guerrillas have a deep hatred for the French. How can they not be excited now that they can kill those high-ranking French people?

Although the French had tanks to assist them, the Vietnamese also had anti-tank guns. After paying more than 200 lives, the Vietnamese blew up all the French tanks, and the remaining French suddenly became toothless.

Tigers, in order to pursue marching speed, they did not carry many heavy weapons. Just now, most of them were destroyed by shelling. Now they have also lost all their tanks. How can these French people resist?

Moreover, the sky was getting dark at this time, and the air force might not be able to provide effective cover. Behind them was the white-capped Tuojiang River, and there were elusive Vietnamese guerrillas deep in the mountains. The French were in a desperate situation.

At this time, the Vietnamese also selected some people who could speak French and shouted loudly for the French to surrender. In fact, in the cognitive field of Westerners, surrender is not considered a shameful thing. Choosing to surrender when there is no hope is

It can be forgiven, and even some of the captured people will be treated as heroes after they return.

This is completely different from the Eastern concept. In fact, the reason for this can also be found from history. Since the Roman Empire, the Western world has been divided into countless small countries. Fighting and killing all day long, and being captured is a common thing. If

Everyone sacrifices their lives for righteousness, fearing that the Western world will no longer exist.

It's just that this instinctive behavior later developed into preferential treatment of prisoners and became a symbol of the progress of Western civilization. It is really a reversal of right and wrong.

Although surrendering can be forgiven, the French are really unable to accept surrendering to these Vietnamese monkeys who were colonized by them in the past. They still want to lose face. The first army power cannot become the laughing stock of the world.

However, the French soon gave up this arrogant persistence. The overwhelming artillery fire woke up these French people. Dignity is important, but life is more precious. Of course, some French people are more worried. They also know how much evil they have done.

That's right, especially since the Vietnamese may not treat prisoners well.

The encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, and the French have been gradually divided into small pieces, which are constantly being ruthlessly eliminated. Some French people no longer want to make unnecessary sacrifices and choose to surrender, and some

Many people died in the battle, and the remaining people swam across the Tuo River and fled frantically towards Dien Bien Phu. However, endless attacks awaited them, and most of the French people did not survive the night.

The war came to an end for the time being. After the Qiong Ya Battle, the Vietnamese wiped out more than 6,000 French soldiers and captured more than 1,000 people. In addition, more than 20,000 Vietnamese colonial troops were wiped out. It can be said that the Dien Bien Phu Law

The strength of the army suddenly reversed, and the offensive and defensive momentum of both sides changed.

Ruan Aiguo also seemed very excited. Although he knew that Vietnam had sacrificed more than 8,000 people for this victory, it was enough. They finally defeated the French. From this moment on, the troops he led were no longer

They are no longer guerrillas, but a serious regular army.

He wanted to use the armed forces in his hands to completely drive the French out of Vietnam and establish an independent Republic of Vietnam. After Ruan Aiguo quickly reorganized his troops in Qiong Ya, he immediately ordered the army to move towards Dien Bien Phu.

To wipe out the power of France in one fell swoop.

As long as Dien Bien Phu can be captured, there will not be many French troops in North Vietnam. Hanoi will be at your fingertips, and then all of Vietnam.

However, this was just Ruan Aiguo's dream. At this time, Qiao Yu, who was in Beijing, had already summoned all the major civil and military officials under his command.

As the Chief of General Staff, Jiang Baili was still the first to speak. He first introduced the situation of the Vietnam War, and then said: "This time Lu Yuguang commanded it very beautifully. The French army suffered heavy losses, and it also had a huge impact on France's international reputation.

The world's largest army power cannot even defeat some guerrillas. It is absolutely a shame for the French army. At this time, France has definitely become the laughing stock of the world!"

Everyone present was also very happy, and they also admired Qiao Yu's courage. Some of them were afraid of the power of France and did not advocate taking the initiative to provoke the French. Now it seems that France is nothing more than this, just a paper tiger.

Qiao Yu glanced at the smiling crowd and said: "Everyone, although victory is worthy of joy, we must also keep a clear head. If the Vietnamese win this war, their power will inevitably expand rapidly. This is why Ruan Aiguo wants to get rid of us.

We must be on guard against this prelude to control. We cannot drive away the French and then make wedding clothes for the Vietnamese!”

Qiao Yu knows very well what Vietnam is. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't want this land. It is just supporting a puppet regime. The United States has given Qiao Yu too many plans for this kind of thing in the future. Even if Ruan Aiguo wants to get rid of control, there is no fear.


There are only two kinds of countries in this world, one is a big country and the other is a small country. Big countries can control their own destiny, while small countries can only be dominated by others. This is an eternal truth. Vietnam can only be a small country.

But now Qiao Yu has a bigger plan for Vietnam. He wants to completely annex this land to China. The fertile Mekong River Delta and Red River Delta are large granaries that can accommodate a large number of people. China must not give up.

In fact, since Qiao Yu came to power, China's economy has developed rapidly, medical standards have steadily improved, and the population has naturally expanded rapidly. The Chinese concept of having more children and being blessed has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It was not easy to change for a while. In 1925, China carried out

A thorough census revealed that China's total population has reached 480 million, and more than 500 million is just around the corner.

And this is just the beginning. According to estimates by demographers, even if China adopts appropriate birth control measures, it will be very normal for China's population to exceed 700 million by 1950, and China will only be able to relax after the final population exceeds 1 billion.

Slow growth rate.

Qiao Yu has no doubts about this data, and even believes that it underestimates the capabilities of the Chinese people. Facing huge population pressure, bringing Southeast Asia, which is rich in food, into China's control has become an inevitable choice.

"What does the President mean that from now on we will change our policy towards Nguyen Ai Quo and impose restrictions on him?" Wu Tong asked on the side.

Qiao Yu nodded, "Ruan Aiguo and others represent the awakening of Vietnamese nationalism. Once they take power, they will be countless times more difficult to deal with than the French. This is an era when nationalism is prevalent. We have to guard against it. I am ready

Send an invitation to France, and we will convene an international conference in Geneva to discuss peace issues in Vietnam!"

The League of Nations is an international organization established after World War I. It is controlled by Britain, France and other countries. The United States did not participate in the League of Nations because it was dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles. Naturally, China did not participate either. Red Russia was also excluded. From this we can also see that the League of Nations

It is destined to be a joke. If these big countries are excluded, how can we maintain world peace?

However, at this time, China chose to resolve the Vietnam War within the framework of the League of Nations, which can be regarded as a sign of respect for the League of Nations. Qiao Yu first revealed this intention to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom was very concerned about the war in Southeast Asia, and the British Empire also had too many colonies in Asia.

Interests, if something goes wrong, it will definitely kill the British. Therefore, the British are also very willing to be peacemakers. Now it depends on France's attitude!

This chapter has been completed!
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