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Four hundred and thirtieth IX Japanese dilemma

Unlimited submarine warfare!

Six simple words, but the deterrent effect is too terrifying. Just a few years ago, the majestic British Empire was almost strangled to death due to unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany was just short of the final victory.

At the end of the day, more than four years of war was a nightmare for every British person. All their food and fuel were subject to a strict rationing system. Most children born during this period were malnourished.

Fear and hunger are an unbearable and tragic memory for everyone. Japan and the United Kingdom are both island countries, but Japan's capital is far less powerful than that of the United Kingdom, and its population is about half that of the United Kingdom. If

China has implemented unrestricted submarine warfare, and Japan's situation is probably even more miserable than that of Britain.

Of course, more international politicians are thinking that once China really launches unrestricted submarine warfare, cargo ships from various countries will inevitably be sunk if they carry supplies to Japan. At this time, will the great powers want to do what they did against Germany?

Participating in the battle against China would be like World War I, where everyone worked together to attack China.

But this is just a wishful thinking. China's size is there. Starting from the Battle of Northern Myanmar, a series of border battles have proved that it is simply a fantasy to rely on the army to fight China in the Far East. There is no one in the world now.

The country dares to say that it can defeat China on land. On the contrary, Britain, France and other countries have to continue to show their goodwill to China to prevent China from encroaching on their colonies. Moreover, Japan is also not a good thing in the eyes of the great powers.

It would be better if it is over, but it would be enough to consume more of China's national power before it is over. They will never make the mistake of starting a war with China because of Japan. Of course, this is based on the judgment that the war between China and Japan will last for a long time.

If one side falls quickly, the great powers will have no chance to send troops!

In any case, the threat of unrestricted submarine warfare issued by Qiao Yu is still real. All countries have consciously reduced their exports to Japan. Qiao Yu is very satisfied with this effect. There is no need for China to be like Germany.

Same. To offend the whole world.

The strangulation war at sea has been going very smoothly. It is estimated that at least 200,000 tons of cargo ships can be sent to the seabed in a month. This has exceeded Japan's shipbuilding capacity. If China can persist for more than half a year, Japan's ships will

It will be reduced by one-third from before the war. This is a pressure that Japan cannot bear. Therefore, as long as the war continues like this, Japan will be unable to hold on sooner or later.

And this is not only true at sea. This is also true in land wars. China has made an important breakthrough in the direction of North Korea. After the Chinese Army Corps struggled to gain a foothold on the other side of the Yalu River, the engineering team went all out to repair the Yalu River Bridge. After five years,

After days of hard work, the bridge was finally repaired, and China changed the original railway bridge into a highway bridge, which could accommodate the rapid passage of the Chinese troops.

What's more important is that China's latest heavy tanks can also pass through the bridge. As a result, the combat capabilities of Chinese tank troops have been greatly enhanced, and they have greater confidence in breaking through Japan's layers of defense.

China's newly designed tank is named the Biao San tank. The weight of the tank exceeds 20 tons. This is definitely a big guy in the world after the end of World War I. You must know that both Britain and France are now building some small tanks, one by one.

They are as tall as a ranger. They are only about one person tall. They generally weigh less than ten tons. The only advantage is that they are highly maneuverable.

It can be said that Britain and France have gone astray in the development of tanks. Tanks, the most powerful land weapon, must find a balance between mobility, firepower and protection capabilities. This is similar to the idea of ​​designing battleships.

There can be some emphasis, but no one can be ignored. China strives to increase the tonnage in the design of tanks. Only when tanks are large enough can they have strong protection, install larger artillery, and have powerful firepower.

, these are all indispensable things for main battle tanks.

As for mobility, since China and Germany cooperated, they have made great breakthroughs in the production of engines. They have been able to produce a 400-horsepower diesel engine. It has been completed. The Biao III tank is equipped with a 75mm tank.

The thickness of the frontal armor of the main gun reaches 40 millimeters, and it adopts a sloped armor design. It is expected that the protection capability can be comparable to that of 60 millimeters of vertical armor, and the speed can exceed 40 kilometers per hour.

Generally speaking, the Biao III tank is much weaker than the famous Russian T34 tank in the future, but after all, it was more than ten years earlier. Looking at the current world, the Biao III tank can definitely dominate the world. You must know that in the original history

In time and space, major countries felt the tension in the world mainly after the economic crisis, and began to design new tanks in order to cope with future wars.

Qiao Yu will not be so short-sighted, especially when China's surrounding environment is so complex. Qiao Yu will never relax his pursuit of a strong army. If the navy is China's sword to seize world interests, then the army is China's foothold.

The steel shield of the world.

With a strong army, China can maintain its basic territory and remain invincible. The navy is a matter of eating more and less, while the army is the fundamental issue of life and death.

Therefore, although World War I is over, China's pursuit of powerful land warfare weapons has never stopped for a moment. The Biao III tank has begun mass production to equip the troops, and the drawings of the Biao IV have been drawn up in the design institute, and the Biao V has also

During pre-research, China's military technical team has formed a scientific weapons design system that can ensure that the Chinese army gets the best weapons.

At this time, Lu Han personally rode on the Biaosan tank and commanded his men to cross the Yalu River Bridge. These days, due to the tight Japanese defense lines and powerful firepower, the early tanks had too thin armor and too slow speed to break through the Japanese.

My defense line can only protect myself and barely maintain a foothold.

But now the Biao San tanks are qualified for this task. The tank troops quickly passed through the Yalu River Bridge. At this time, several Japanese planes also rushed over. Japan was very clear about the importance of the Yalu River Bridge. If

Once China takes control of this bridge, it will be able to continuously send troops and supplies to North Korea, and Japan's defense line may even collapse.

Therefore, the Japanese commander ordered the Army Aviation and Navy to completely destroy the Yalu River Bridge regardless of the cost. However, it is too difficult to achieve this task. China has firmly controlled the air superiority, but any aircraft or surface ships that come over will be affected by China.

Ruthless attack.

Japan has attacked several times in succession, which has no other use except to increase the performance of the Chinese Air Force. This time, three Japanese planes rushed towards the bridge quickly. Just when they were about three kilometers away from the bridge, five Japanese planes

A Chinese plane appeared in the sky and blocked the way of the Japanese plane. The Chinese pilots had been with the enemy for a long time and had rich experience. They shot down two Japanese planes calmly, but to everyone's surprise, the third Japanese plane

The plane did not escape or prepare for a fight. Instead, it chose a neutral position and crashed into the bridge as fast as possible.

Everyone was shocked. The Japanese pilot was indeed crazy. He actually used such desperate tactics. The Chinese pilots hurriedly pursued him. However, because they did not consider that the Japanese pilot was so crazy, the speed was a little slow.

I quickly approached the bridge and was about to hit it.

This Japanese plane had a large amount of fuel and bombs on it. Once it exploded, the consequences would be unimaginable. At this critical moment, the anti-aircraft machine guns on the bridge all fired, and two crisscrossing tongues of flame hit the Japanese plane.

The suicide plane turned into a huge fireball. The pilot was also completely killed!

Lu Han was on the Yalu River Bridge at this time and saw this scene with helpless eyes. Lu Han had a personal experience of the madness of Japan. The narrow national personality of the island country cannot avoid extremes and madness, but if he wants to deal with it

This kind of opponent can only become more crazy and cruel.

More than fifty Biaosan tanks rushed across the bridge and entered North Korea directly. At this time, the foothold controlled by China had reached eight kilometers wide and about five kilometers deep. All these lands were covered with the blood of Chinese soldiers.

And life fell away bit by bit.

And it was done under the condition of serious lack of heavy firepower, which is even more commendable. Now that China's heavy tanks arrived, the attack suddenly became sharper. After a short rest, Lu Han led the tanks and rushed into Japan.

In the battlefield.

At the same time, a large number of self-propelled artillery and heavy artillery crossed the Yalu River. They were all deployed in a straight line and violently bombarded the Japanese positions. In addition, the Air Force also participated, with hundreds of Air Force aircraft bombarding Japanese ground targets.

Indiscriminate bombings, especially after the Japanese air force became weaker and weaker, these pilots would even lower the altitude to less than a hundred meters and use machine guns to sweep the Japanese soldiers on the ground until the last bullet was used up, these soldiers would

Leave the battlefield still unfinished, reload ammunition and fuel as soon as possible, and prepare for the next round of attack.

The Biao-3 tanks were like a steamroller, charging all the way and unable to resist. The trenches pre-set by Japan could not stop the powerful Biao-3 tanks, especially the 75mm main gun.

It can easily destroy Japan's various firepower points.

Moreover, Japan's ordinary anti-tank artillery cannot penetrate Biao San's frontal armor at all. In just one day, China has advanced ten kilometers and expanded its width to twenty kilometers. After possessing such a large area, China is equal to

A solid foothold was established, and soon a large number of Chinese equipment and weapons quickly gathered towards North Korea.

In fact, Japan and Tokyo are paying more attention to the development of the war situation than anyone else. Now almost everyone in Japan is dreaming of ruling all nations and peoples, especially the new emperor Hirohito, who is the most enthusiastic. He looks forward to continuing the legacy of his grandfather, Emperor Meiji.

Industrial, bringing Asia under Japan's control, but the reality is very cruel, he has to face an increasingly powerful China.

Since the declaration of war, Hirohito has not received good news. On land, he has been continuously breached by squadrons, and valuable pilots have died in large numbers. At sea, Japan has to face the threat of Chinese submarines. Hirohito is prepared for the failure of the army.

Since the Battle of Qingdao, Japan has had a fear of the Chinese Army.

But the inaction at sea is intolerable to Hirohito. The navy is the lifeblood of the Japanese Empire. If it cannot defeat the Chinese, then how can Japan gain a foothold in the world?

This chapter has been completed!
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