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Chapter 442: Crash

Chapter 442 Collapse

The Japanese government also realized the superiority of air power in several conflicts with China. Starting from the Battle of Qingdao to the current Korean War, the Japanese navy far surpassed China, and even the military quality of the army was higher.

I have passed the Chinese ** team, but Japan will be at a loss as long as it is at war with China.

The most fundamental reason is the lack of air power. Since the invention of the airplane, human warfare has entered a three-dimensional era. Fighting is no longer a plane. Ancient Chinese military art emphasizes being condescending, and it is particularly important to seize the commanding heights in war.

Japan's lack of air power makes Japan passive everywhere.

It is precisely because of the realization of the value of air power that Japan has high hopes for the Tosa. This is not only Japan's largest aircraft carrier, but also has the most elite pilots Japan has accumulated over the years.

Planes are easy to build, but pilots are difficult to train. Just like Japan, as the weakest industrial country during World War II, it was normal to build thousands of planes every year, but excellent pilots could not be produced through industrial assembly lines. This would take a long time.

Only through training can combat effectiveness be formed.

It is precisely because of Qiao Yu's attention that the Chinese Air Force was the first force to start reserve pilots. Especially after World War I, when the national budget was extremely tight, China also spent a lot of money to establish a large number of flying clubs. So far, there are about

Thirty thousand people have obtained pilot licenses.

These 30,000 people are the source of Qiao Yu’s confidence. Qiao Yu has deployed about a thousand aircraft along the coast. This cannot be achieved without sufficient accumulation of pilots. Only now does the Chinese military fully admire Qiao Yu’s foresight.

Zhuo Zhi, without the overwhelming power of the air force, China's maritime territory is simply unimaginable. Japan's combined fleet can enter and exit freely, and the most exquisite parts of the coast are bound to be reduced to dust.

However, Japan does not have this kind of insight. Their pilot reserve is seriously insufficient. The air battle over the Yalu River almost exhausted Japan's army aviation force, while most of the naval aviation force was concentrated on three aircraft carriers, the largest of which was the Tosa.

There are nearly half the pilots.

Originally, the Tosa was heading to Okinawa with great ambitions, but God and the Japanese made a joke, allowing Chinese submarines to discover this huge aircraft carrier.

Tang Lin fired a total of four torpedoes. Except for one that missed, the other three were all concentrated on the Tosa. Two hit the middle part and one hit the bow. However, the torpedo that hit the bow did not


Only two torpedoes exploded, but the locations where the two torpedoes hit were less than ten meters apart. The violent explosions produced powerful power. The huge Tosa seemed to have been electrocuted, and it kept rising and falling on the sea.

The Tosa is the foundation of a battleship. The defensive armor on the side reaches 150 millimeters. This thickness is indeed amazing. However, it is still somewhat insufficient to withstand the power of torpedoes, and Japan's metallurgical technology is not up to par. Likewise,

Under the thickness, Japan's armor defense capability was only about 80% of Germany's, so two torpedoes tore two large holes on the side of the ship.

A large amount of sea water immediately poured into it, and the entire warship tilted rapidly. Tang Lin did not appreciate this scene. After firing four torpedoes, he quickly dived and escaped. You must know that a giant ship like the Tosa will never be alone.

Appearing on the sea surface, there must be escorting warships not far away. It is just out of touch for the time being.

However, before diving, Tang Lin fired the last two torpedoes. At this time, the Japanese navy on the Tosa had discovered the shadow of the submarine like a black dragon on the distant sea surface. These Japanese soldiers were angry and anxious.

, the most vicious curses kept coming out of their mouths, this submarine should be struck by lightning!

The cracking sound of cracking was heard. It was obvious that the Tosa had been seriously injured. Many sailors rushed under the cabin desperately, trying to save the fate of this giant ship. At this moment, the soldiers on the deck were desperate.

It was discovered that two more torpedoes were rushing over, and they were aiming at the gap that had just been blown up.

Less than two minutes later, Tosa was attacked by a second wave of torpedoes. One of them happened to hit near the hole made by the first explosion. The armor here had been twisted and deformed, losing its protection.

As a result, it was easily blown up by a torpedo. What's even more terrible is that the silo is right here.

An aircraft carrier is a very powerful maritime combat platform, but it is also a very fragile thing. In order to be able to support the combat requirements of hundreds of aircraft, the aircraft carrier hoards a large amount of ammunition and fuel in the cabin. Once it is attacked, these things will produce

The danger of being killed by an explosion is far greater than that of torpedoes and bombs.

Historically, Japan lost four aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway Island largely due to this reason. The U.S. bombs were not enough to sink the Japanese aircraft carriers, but Japan itself added to the explosion.

The same is true now. The four torpedoes only seriously injured the Tosa. After all, the protection of this ship was in accordance with the standards of a battleship. However, due to design problems, the defense of the oil warehouse was too weak. The explosion of the torpedo finally ignited the oil warehouse.

Thousands of tons of fuel burned and exploded, and Japan arranged an ammunition depot next to the fuel warehouse for the convenience of loading. As a result, even Amaterasu could not save the Tosa.

The violent explosions of fuel and ammunition shook the world, and a large dark hole appeared on the side of the huge Tosa. This hole was like the entrance to hell, mercilessly devouring the evil-doing Japanese.

A large amount of seawater poured into the cabin, and the Tosa tilted rapidly, throwing the soldiers and aircraft on board into the cold water. The vast ocean unceremoniously accepted the huge gift package of the Tosa, and only 40,000 people were seen.

The huge multi-ton hull sank underwater at a speed visible to the naked eye without any hesitation or hesitation.

At this moment, two destroyers came over quickly. These two ships set out with the Tosa. However, one ship had some mechanical problems along the way, so the other ship was left to help solve the problem.

Due to the urgent military situation, the Tosa was unwilling to waste time. Moreover, according to the plan, the combined fleet in the Okinawa base would also send warships to respond. No one expected that such a short gap would be seized.

By the time the two destroyers arrived, everything was too late. Only the bow of the Tosa was still above the water, and the rest of the ship sank to the bottom of the sea. Moreover, explosions continued to be heard from the battleship, and there was no rescue at all.

possibility, they could only watch the Tosa sink completely.

The two destroyers also understood that this was probably the work of Chinese submarines. They searched frantically for the Chinese submarines, but they could not find any traces. The two destroyers had no choice but to rescue the wounded while trying their best to report to their superiors, Tosa.

The sinking of the USS was an extremely huge blow to the entire Japanese combined fleet!

In fact, at this time, some people in the Japanese Navy put forward the view that aircraft carriers are more useful than battleships. Japan is controlled by China in every aspect, except for aircraft. China's coastal areas are heavily guarded. If it points to battleships to attack the coast, it will not be possible.

As long as it is close to the coast, it is difficult to guarantee accuracy.

In addition, the numerous mines near the coast are even more of a nightmare. In addition to mines, there are also land-based aircraft. No matter how you measure, if you want to attack China's coastal areas, you cannot do without aircraft carriers, and now the largest aircraft carrier has not yet taken the lead.

Death, how can we not make the Japanese go crazy!

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. Japan is now in a difficult situation, but China is in a different situation. Navy Commander Chen Shaokuan was the first to receive Tang Lin's report. When he heard that the Tosa was hit by four torpedoes, he was extremely shocked.

The news that it might sink was like a dream to Chen Shaokuan.

Japan's two large aircraft carriers were like two big rocks, weighing on Chen Shaokuan's heart, lingering in his heart. As a naval general who best understood the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers, there was no reason not to be afraid of the 40,000-ton super aircraft carrier.

You must know that this is almost twice the number of Qidian. Even if China's carrier-based aircraft has some advantages, Chen Shaokuan also knows that it is not enough to offset the overwhelming tonnage, because the larger the ship, the greater the number of carrier-based aircraft and its combat capabilities.

It will increase exponentially.

But at this juncture, the news came that the Tosa was sunk by a submarine. Chen Shaokuan was so happy that God was really on China's side. Chen Shaokuan checked the situation again and confirmed that there was no problem, so he went to Yuanbei.

Qiao Yu from jing reported the news.

Since the official declaration of war, Qiao Yu has been under tremendous pressure. He even wondered if he was too anxious. As long as he waits for another year, even half a year, Qinzhou Shipyard can build the first Chinese aircraft carrier.

, another battleship can also be rebuilt midway, and China now has two large aircraft carriers. If it faces Japan again, its chances of winning will be much greater.

If the Qidian cannot deal with Japan's navy, China will most likely end up winning on land and losing at sea. Just when Qiao Yu was worried, Jiang Baili suddenly rushed in waving a telegram.

"President, the Tosa is finished!"

The brush in Qiao Yu's hand suddenly fell to the ground. He was very surprised and hurriedly took Chen Shaokuan's telegram from Jiang Baili. Qiao Yu looked at it carefully, and the brilliance in his eyes became more and more prosperous.

"God bless China! God bless China!!"

The sinking of the Tosa instantly reversed the strength and weakness of China and Japan. China now has one large aircraft carrier and two escort aircraft carriers, while Japan only has one large aircraft carrier and one small aircraft carrier. As for other battleships

Qiao Yu didn't notice it at all. World War II had proven that no matter how powerful a battleship looked, it was of little use in fighting for sea control. The battleship's mission had become to serve as bodyguards for the aircraft carrier.

"President, the strength of the navy has changed. I think this war is not far from victory!"

Qiao Yu had calmed down at this time and waved his hand, "Brother Baili, we can't be too optimistic. The Japanese will make mistakes, won't we? You have to ask Chen Shaokuan to be more alert, and of course you have to be prepared at any time.

Attack to break Japan’s naval blockade!”

Just as Qiao Yu was making arrangements, the situation on the Korean battlefield began to completely change in favor of China. With the powerful Biao San tanks, Lu Han commanded the army to break through Japan's nearly 40 kilometers of deep defense and successfully occupied

Sinuiju was reached, and then the Chinese ** team showed Japan what blitzkrieg was.

Aircraft provided support, and Biaosan tanks ran fast on the ground, constantly cutting open the unprepared Japanese soldiers into small pieces. In one day, China advanced 80 kilometers. At this speed, it would continue again

They could reach Pyongyang in two days. At this time, Japan did not expect that China would show such amazing speed. They were already stunned! (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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