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Chapter 454: Wolves

It is very important to choose the target to hit first in air strikes. You must not be limited by inherent thinking. Although it seems that warships and ports are the main military targets, in fact, in the industrial age, these things are just consumables.

, able to recover quickly.

What is really powerful is the production and logistics capabilities. Destroying a production factory can often be worth destroying thousands of aircraft. If the logistics capabilities are destroyed, no matter how powerful the opponent's army is, it will immediately turn into a pile of useless steel, such as Japan.

When attacking Pearl Harbor, they limited their attention to warships and sank all the battleships that were destined to be eliminated. Instead, it prompted the United States to firmly embark on the path of aircraft carriers.

The docks and oil depots were retained so that the United States could quickly restore its combat effectiveness, and the sunken warships were salvaged one after another and rejoined the battle. This was simply a stupid act. This time when China formulated the bombing sequence, it would be the first.

The target of the round of strikes was placed on the oil depot.

Twenty bombers, escorted by fighter jets, quickly flew over Keelung and finally found the oil depot. As the first bomb fell, the entire oil depot area fell into a violent explosion. The bomb only acted as a fuse.

, the fuel was quickly ignited, and then violent explosions occurred one after another.

Eight hundred thousand barrels of fuel exploded together, with a force comparable to that of an atomic bomb. Areas with a radius of several kilometers were engulfed in a sea of ​​fire. The raging flames rushed straight into the sky. The height of the flames exceeded 500 meters. Even the Chinese pilots did not expect the explosion.

With such power, they could only use all their strength and leave the top of the oil depot crookedly.

The explosion of the oil depot is definitely the end of the world for Keelung Port. Not only will the fuel explode violently, but it can also flow everywhere. Wherever the fuel flows, it will carry the flames. Even the sea will not be immune. Soon, the explosion will occur.

Caught in flames.

Other areas of the port were caught in fierce fire one after another, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly. The Japanese troops guarding the port were all frightened. Although there was a large amount of fire-fighting equipment in the port area, they were completely helpless in the face of such a terrifying fire.

any use.

These people soon realized that they might be surrounded by flames at this time. Although many of these Japanese people could despise life and death, the overwhelming flames made them completely lose all their courage, and they all lost their courage.


All the facilities that the Japanese had worked so hard to build at the port were soon shrouded in fire, and the arms warehouse was not spared. The entire Keelung Port, from land to sea, all began to burn, and billowing black smoke spread dozens of kilometers away.

It can be seen that most of the auxiliary ships originally docked in the port were also swallowed up by the fire.

The only regret for all the Chinese pilots was that the fire was so fierce that there was no need for them to carry out more attacks. All that was left was to watch Keelung disappear in the sea of ​​​​fire.

In this terrible fire, more than 95% of the port area was burned to the ground, and more than 4,000 Japanese workers were burned alive, most of whom were Japanese maintenance technicians and engineering workers.

Members, Japan is wary of Taiwanese immigrants and does not allow Taiwanese immigrants to hold important positions.

If a Taiwanese employee enters politics, he can only become a section chief at most, and all the above positions must be held by Japanese personnel. And for an important military port like Keelung, Japanese personnel will not allow Taiwanese personnel to participate. The port's technical personnel will be recruited

, from ordinary workers to ordinary workers, all were Japanese personnel, and there were also a large number of Japanese elite troops guarding the surroundings. These personnel lost their lives in the rapidly spreading sea of ​​​​fire.

At this time, Chen Shaokuan commanded the fleet which was still 60 kilometers away from Keelung Port. Even beyond this distance, the flames rising in the sky in the direction of Keelung could be faintly seen. There was no doubt that the port had been completely destroyed. Such a huge fire would probably be compared to

The Great Kanto Earthquake was much more terrifying. It can be said that this nail has been pulled out by China.

After continuous battles, the Chinese navy was also exhausted. Chen Shaokuan ordered to withdraw to the port for rest and report the battle situation to Beijing. At this time, the Chinese senior officials stayed up all night. Shanghai was attacked by the Japanese army and suffered heavy losses. No one could ignore it.

, the famous Shili Foreign Market turned into ruins, and tens of thousands of people were killed and injured, making everyone feel heartbroken.

As soon as Shanghai was attacked, Qiao Yu sent Zhang Taiyan south to appease the people and organize relief operations. He wanted to help the refugees arrange their basic lives as soon as possible, and at the same time, he also started the work of recovery and reconstruction.

However, many people have criticized the navy. They believe that the navy failed to appear on the battlefield to protect Shanghai, causing serious losses to the people. This is a complete dereliction of duty and must be held accountable. Some people have even begun to join forces to prepare for the death of the people.

Chen Shaokuan steps down!

However, all these voices were suppressed by Qiao Yu. He knew very well that now he could only pray that Chen Shaokuan could successfully sink the Japanese battleship Mutsu. Only victory could silence everyone's mouths, and only victory could

Inspire the people.

In fact, the war has lasted for two months, which has had a huge impact on the Chinese people. Foreign trade has almost stopped, and the people have endured huge losses every day. If the deadlock cannot be broken quickly, China's burden will be very heavy. After all,

In a country like China, there are no real minority groups.

One-tenth of the entrance is nearly 50 million, which is almost the same as France. One percent is also 5 million. This number is not a small number anywhere. If the war continues to be like this stalemate, there will be opposition in China.

will continue to emerge, which is also a huge test for Qiao Yu.

During this torturous waiting, suddenly Chen Shaokuan's secret message finally reached Bei Jing. The Mutsu was sunk. After confirming the news, the members of the Supreme Command were almost excited. Jiang Baili, Wu Tong,

Wang Yongjiang, Zhang Xiaohuai, Yang Du, Su Ding, Xu Shuzheng and others got the news immediately!

They were all overjoyed. In fact, except for Qiao Yu, no one was sure that the aircraft carrier would be able to deal with the battleship. Even Qiao Yu was a little uneasy. After all, there were too many special situations on the battlefield.

Anyone can predict what will happen in the next second.

Until this telegram came, Qiao Yu felt completely relieved. The overall situation of the war between China and Japan has been decided. Japan's advantage lies in the sea. As long as it can defeat and defeat the Japanese navy, even just once, it will be enough.

Finally defeated Japan.

As a rising power, Japan is far from being that powerful. The situation of the island country determines that Japan's navy and army can only focus on developing in one direction, and cannot achieve both. The reason why Japan was able to wreak havoc on China in history is

It even entered a war with the United States, largely because it swallowed up the three northeastern provinces in one go. It was only with this fertile land that it could compete with the world's powers.

However, in this time and space, Japan no longer has this blessing. Not only can it not get involved in the Northeast, but the wealth of World War I has also been divided a lot by China. Especially after the Battle of Qingdao, Japan's products basically lost the huge power of China.

The market was almost fatal to Japan's economy. What was even worse was that the Great Kanto Earthquake also occurred at this time.

In fact, in the past few years, in addition to the great improvement of Japan's navy, the army is still basically at the level of the Russo-Japanese War. The defeat of North Korea is a clear proof. Now that the Chinese navy is defeating the strong by the weak, the situation is about to fall completely.

into the hands of China.

"President, if we can sink the Mutsu, it will be worth it no matter how much we lose in Shanghai. For many years, Japan, this evil neighbor, has been staring at China and trying to get its hands on the fertile soil of China. We all carry this burden on our shoulders."

It’s a heavy mission, but now we can finally breathe a sigh of relief!”

"Brother Baili is right, but the war is not over yet. We just have an advantage now. Only by turning the advantage into victory can we completely win the war!"

"President, I don't think there is any need to worry. Chen Shaokuan has already led the fleet to attack Keelung Port. This is a great way to surround Wei and rescue Zhao. There is a large amount of arms and fuel in Keelung. If these things are destroyed,

Even if Japan wants to continue fighting, they have no capital!"

Japan now imports more than half of its oil from the United States, another 30% from Siberia, and the rest from the Dutch East Indies. These purchased oils all cost money. If Japan

If Japan's pre-hoarded oil is destroyed, Japan will be in big trouble if it wants to maintain the operation of the combined fleet!

"Keelung is located in the northeast of Taiwan. This island has been away from China for more than 30 years. It's time to come back!" Wang Yongjiang seemed to say casually, but everyone present knew that it was almost time to collect the war dividends.

Yes, Taiwan was forcibly taken away by Japan by force. Now that China has won, it is time to take it back!

However, Yang Du suddenly said on the side: "Everyone, taking back Taiwan is inevitable, but everyone has thought about the thoughts of the Taiwanese people. These people have been under Japanese colonial rule for more than thirty years. Among them, the most bloody ones in Taiwan have long been

All of them are dead, and the rest are slaves carefully cultivated by Japan. We must not wishfully think that all Taiwanese sincerely want to return to the motherland, there are some scum everywhere!"

Yang Du has indeed seen through the heart. On this ghost island in the future, there are powerful Japanese feelings. The power of the Japanese is extremely powerful. When facing the Japanese, they are completely enemies. It is easy to deal with.

On the contrary, they are tied up in the face of Taiwan's membership, which seems very troublesome!

Qiao Yu frowned slightly, and then said: "The head of a stick will produce a filial son, and kindness will bring up an unrighteous son! If the children are disobedient, just discipline them. If you beat them a few more times, they will understand!"

At this time, the Chinese government had already begun to plan for post-war issues. Of course, the war was still going on. Kato Kanji led the combined fleet to get closer and closer to Keelung, and he was about to get a precious opportunity to rest and recuperate. And right here

At that time, news came from the direction of Taiwan that Keelung was being attacked by an air raid.

The entire port turned into a sea of ​​fire, and all facilities were burned to the ground!

After hearing the news, Kato Kanji opened his mouth and blood spurted out. Originally, he couldn't bear the news that the Mutsu was sunk, but there are actually two such giant ships in Japan, and

He hoped to move back to the situation, but after hearing the news of the destruction of Keelung Port, Kanji Kato knew that it was completely over, which was tantamount to cutting off the lifeblood of the combined fleet.

Next, the combined fleet will have to return to the mainland to get enough supplies. However, facing this journey, Kato is full of worries. In fact, his worries are justified. Not far from the Japanese fleet, there is

A dark object is looking over here. It is the periscope of a submarine. The Chinese wolves have already set their sights on Kato's fleet!

This chapter has been completed!
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