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Chapter 472: The Emperor and the Zaibatsu

Before coming to China, Wakada Sakujiro and Emperor Hirohito had already made several reports. Japan was very aware that it was impossible to take back the land that had been occupied by China. Japan still had some understanding of China's mentality. Since ancient times,

China was founded on agriculture and regards land as its lifeblood. It is impossible to let go. The main task of the negotiating team this time is to limit the amount of compensation. It is best not to pay compensation. Even if it is compensation, it must be within the scope of Japan's affordability.

In addition, we must try our best to ensure Japan's naval share.

Avoid passing any treaty that is not conducive to Japan's rearmament. Although Japan almost lost all its pants after this war, Emperor Hirohito was still unwilling to give up its armaments. Japan was still eager for the opportunity to make a comeback. Germany after World War I

The situation has frightened Japan.

The defeated country will lose its land and people, pay huge indemnities, and have its armaments strictly restricted. This is absolutely unacceptable to Japan. After Wakabe Reijiro and others came to China, after several confrontations, overall they were still very weak.

Satisfied, China did not propose too many punitive conditions, but the biggest controversy was the issue of compensation.

Therefore, when they heard that Qiao Yu had proposed a new plan for the compensation issue, both Wakakai Reijiro and Saionji Konobo seemed very interested.

"President, if you can reduce the compensation, everyone in Japan will definitely be grateful for your generosity..."

Qiao Yu sneered slightly in his heart. He was not bald. Later generations did have temples in Japan that were grateful for bald people. They were paid for by exempting compensation. It was simply a huge irony. The Chinese people suffered tremendous pain, and in the end they were even

It’s really ridiculous that we can’t even get compensation!

"You two, my plan is actually very simple. China can reduce the total compensation to one billion, but it requires you to hand over all your property in China to China, and also make a public statement. What do you think?"

Qiao Yu cut his share by more than half with one mouthful. The two old Japanese seemed quite excited, but when they heard that Qiao Yu said that they would use their property in China to compensate, they were a little confused again.

"Your Excellency, after China and Japan declared war, they have frozen each other's assets. If peace is restored, these assets can naturally be unfrozen and used to compensate for compensation!"

"Mr. Saionji, your understanding is wrong. The Japanese government's assets in China are still very limited. I mean private capital, which is the various mines, forests, land and real estate that your chaebols have seized through unequal treaties.

Your government will come forward to hand over all the assets to China, and take the initiative to issue a statement to show your attitude of guilty, and everything will be easy for us to discuss!"

After hearing Qiao Yu's words, Saionji Gongwang and Wakata Reijiro were both dumbfounded. They could not believe it. They never thought that Qiao Yu would actually set his sights on Japan's private assets. You must know that in the current world, except for the Soviet Union,

All countries respect the legality of private property and adopt a protective attitude towards private property. In fact, as long as you are rich, you can continue to be a master no matter which country you go to. There will be no difference in future generations.

, if you can't do it, it proves that your wealth is not enough.

After Qiao Yu came to power, Japanese official interests in China have been suppressed. In particular, most of the Japanese-controlled properties such as the South Manchuria Railway have been taken back by China. In addition, many Japanese-run companies have also been forced to close down by Chinese companies.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Japanese chaebol are also very particular about cunning rabbits.

From the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, Japanese capital could freely enter China to purchase land and mines. By the time of World War I, this situation reached its peak. Japanese private capital controlled a large amount of wealth, and a large amount of wealth was used by these people in complex ways.

The method is hidden. It is not easy to investigate clearly.

However, according to the information Qiao Yu currently has, this wealth is over tens of billions, which is quite an astonishing amount. Of course, compared with countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, this is just a drop in the bucket. Qiao Yu has long been prepared to take back these national assets, and also has

Wei Ruolan was asked to set up a special research group. Although he put forward many ideas and came up with many plans, the core could not get around the mountain of private ownership.

As long as private ownership is implemented, the legality of private property must be respected. All these foreigners obtain these benefits through various unequal conditions, but when buying and selling, they do have various legal procedures, and the sales they conduct seem to be completely


Moreover, the number is too large to be counted, so China has no good way to solve it for the time being. After much deliberation, everyone still thinks that a breakthrough should be found first, and Japan has become everyone's ideal weak link.

The number of Japanese assets in China is smaller than that of other countries, and the Japanese emperor has unparalleled authority and can put pressure on Japan's chaebol through him. The most important thing is that after the war, Japan did not have many choices.

Wakada Reijiro and Saionji Konobo were immediately stunned when they heard Qiao Yu's words. They did not expect that the young president in front of them had such a deep mind and set his sights on those properties in China.

They don't know the specific amount, but they also know that this is an astonishing amount of wealth. If all is confiscated, the compensation will definitely be several times the 2.3 billion, especially taking action on this property is equivalent to robbing the chaebol's mouth!

And on a larger scale, this is challenging the private order of the entire world. Saionji Temple has become a sophisticated figure, and he can guess the hidden information very clearly. This time, China may not only target the Japanese, but

It is more about targeting the American and British powers. Japan is just an excuse and precedent for China. As long as Japan agrees to hand over these private properties, then China will have the ability to impose conditions on the American and British powers, thereby forcing them to give up their presence in China.


The importance of these assets to a country cannot be concealed from Saionji Konobo, who once served as Prime Minister. It was only then that Saionji Konobo truly felt the huge plot of the young president in front of him. No wonder the other party became the president at such a young age.

To be able to become president, and to be able to single-handedly defeat the Japanese Empire, his vision and vision are indeed extraordinary.

However, this is not the time to praise, but to think carefully about whether Japan should agree. The Japanese government is now in a financial embarrassment and cannot afford any compensation at all. If it is handled according to Qiao Yu's method, it will be equivalent to using

The assets of the chaebols repay Japan's debts and can minimize losses. Although Japan's chaebols are inextricably linked to the government and they truly rose to prominence with the help of the government, the interests of the chaebols and the government still have great conflicts.

Yes, because the chaebols value their own interests more and the Japanese government should focus on the entire country

If the assets of the chaebol can be used to offset most of the compensation, it will definitely be a good thing for the Japanese government. It can greatly reduce its own burden and have enough energy to get out of the shadow of defeat. However,

There is no doubt that the biggest obstacle to this proposal is the powerful Japanese chaebol.

Even Saionji Konobo himself was able to ascend to the throne because of the help of the zaibatsu. If he was asked to make a choice between the zaibatsu and the emperor, most likely he would choose the zaibatsu. However, now that Qiao Yu has made this suggestion, it has gone beyond

Without his authority, he could only report to the Emperor for his decision.

"Your Majesty the President, if the imperial government agrees to your request, can the amount of other compensation be lowered?" Reijiro Wakame asked, and Qiao Yu shook his head slightly.

"One billion compensation is China's limit. It cannot be less, but I can promise Japan to pay compensation in other ways. For example, ore and other materials from the Far East can be used to offset the compensation!"

At this point, China's attitude was already very clear. The two old guys hurriedly reported the situation to Emperor Hirohito in Tokyo.

In Miyun Villa, Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang and Central Bank Governor Wei Ruolan and others also gathered in the conference room, and everyone was nervously analyzing the situation in front of them.

"President, I think the Japanese may agree to this proposal. After all, no matter how much the losses are, the wealth will be rich, and the Japanese government can reduce the losses to the maximum limit. It should pay more attention to the views of other powers!" Wang Yongjiang said

The crux of the problem is highlighted.

Wei Ruolan also strongly agrees, "Although on the surface we have only recovered Japanese private assets in China, in fact it is a challenge to the entire private ownership system. I am afraid that the consortium forces hidden behind the US and British governments will regard China as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh."

After all, their assets in China are definitely ten times and a hundred times that of Japan, and the international environment of Fengguo will probably become even worse!"

"No matter how bad it is, taking it back is better than not taking it back at all!" Qiao Yu concluded. No matter how difficult it is, this step is what China must take and it must not back down.

At this time, Tokyo, Japan was also undergoing a fierce confrontation. After receiving the report from Saionji Komō and others, Emperor Hirohito fell into deep thought. Frankly speaking, he was really tempted by this suggestion. He took the Zaibatsu's

Wealth compensation compensation can minimize the harm to the Japanese government.

In fact, the chaebol forces, which were originally supported by the Japanese government, gradually became different from the emperor. The chaebols desperately sought benefits from Japan's expansion, but when Japan failed, they were unwilling to take responsibility, and even made trouble behind the scenes.

, Hirohito now holds a secret document in his hands. It turns out that when the Japanese battlefield was in decline, the chaebols headed by Mitsui Mitsubishi secretly shorted the Japanese yen in order to enrich the country. This has exceeded Hirohito's bottom line.

We must take action against these moths crawling on the body of the empire.

Not long after, footsteps sounded, and Prince Takamatsu walked into Hirohito's palace with two people. These two people were the head of Japan's largest conglomerate, Mitsubishi Zaibatsu, Koyata Iwasaki, and the head of Mitsui Zaibatsu. The financial genius group pondered.


In fact, these two people had already received the conditions proposed by China, even earlier than the Emperor. After all, Saionji Temple was still inclined to the chaebol. After receiving the news, they became extremely frightened. They used to rely on

With the convenience of unequal treaties, a lot of properties were secretly purchased in China, initially to avoid the emperor's eyes and ears. However, with the breakup of China and Japan, these assets they controlled in the name of private people became a chicken that laid golden eggs.

No matter who wins between China and Japan, they will be able to take advantage of the opportunity, but now the situation is probably about to change.

Hirohito glanced at the two chaebol leaders coldly, and said in a more sinister voice: "If the empire encounters difficulties, it is the time for you to show your loyalty to the empire. I hope you can set an example and know what to do.


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