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Chapter four hundred and eighty first Chinese experience

For emperors in China since ancient times, the destruction of the country meant the death of the family, and almost no one was spared. Even a cowardly emperor like Empress Li of the Southern Tang Dynasty would inevitably be sentenced to death, not to mention the Manchus who were so evil.

Yao's regime was supposed to be liquidated, but the Beiyang government showed unexpected lenience. Not only did it not clean up the Manchu dignitaries, it instead treated the royal family favorably and provided them with generous support conditions.

Even after Qiao Yu came to power, he did not make it too difficult for them. He only adopted the method of reeducation through labor. However, Puyi escaped to Japan under the operation of the Japanese and became a card in the hands of the Japanese.

In a Sino-Japanese war, China won. He did not play a role. This card is undoubtedly useless. Now that Puyi was sent back by Japan, Puyi can be punished as treason.

However, considering that Puyi's actual harm was not great, on the contrary, his defection gave Qiao Yu an excuse to clean up the Beiyang bureaucracy, so Puyi was granted amnesty and allowed to continue to undergo labor reform in Yaojin. Puyi spent his days in Japan

It's not that good. Japan has a petty attitude in everything it does.

At first, these Japanese people thought they were a rare commodity, but they soon discovered that Puyi's appeal was far less than they imagined. Not only the ordinary people, but also the elders of Beiyang and the former Qing bureaucracy were not willing to be loyal to him anymore.

The last emperor.

It was naturally difficult for Puyi, who had no value, to receive preferential treatment from Japan, and he was like a prisoner. When the Sino-Japanese war broke out, Japan's government thought of Puyi again and wanted to continue to use him. As a result, Japan was soon defeated.

Naturally, Puyi was left out in the cold. Due to China's submarine war, Japan's food supplies were extremely scarce. Puyi was naturally very miserable. For several months, he basically had no food to eat, no warmth to wear, and was frightened.

After this period of time, Puyi's entire body was severely emaciated. His big head, sunken eye sockets, and two thin layers of skin were left on his cheeks, just like a skeleton. The old eunuch Wang Li who escaped with him was there.

During the Japanese period, there was lack of food and clothing, and he died of illness and starvation early.

During his stay in Japan, Puyi felt that the period of working in Yaojin was the most real. He grew and ate his own food every day. Although he was exhausted, he could fall asleep soundly every day while lying on the kang without thinking about anything else.

The whole family is still around, enjoying the happiness of Yaolun. Although it is a simple meal, it has an unparalleled sweetness. The more you think about it, the more you long for it. Even Pu Yi thought that this kind of good thing can only be recalled in dreams.

I didn’t expect that I would still have the day to return to my country.

After washing away all his glory and putting down all his ambitions, Puyi willingly became a farmer. The old regent Zaifeng had already been allocated a piece of land in Liaoning. It wouldn't be long before the most prominent royal family in China in the past would completely become a peasant.

Mud legs with their backs facing away.

Tagore was extremely emotional and shocked when he saw Puyi's situation. Looking at the revolutions in various countries around the world, they were either like the French Revolution and the Russian October Revolution, where the royal family was massacred on the 1st, or like the United Kingdom and Japan, which adopted a constitutional monarchy.

, the emperor still has a lot of power, and a country like China that can accommodate the next royal family and completely abandon the worship of monarchy is really unique and unique in the world.

Tagore visited China for more than a month before finally leaving. In fact, the busiest person during this period was Chandra. He visited various dignitaries and sought China's full support. In the end, his efforts paid off. He and the Minister of Defense

Wu Tong met and Wu Tong promised to provide him with a thousand elite soldiers and promised to help him train these soldiers in guerrilla warfare.

At this time, the Chinese army was undergoing a large-scale training and re-equipment, and a considerable number of 1ri arms were replaced. China also provided part of it to Chandra at a very low price, and Wu Tong also told Chandra an important

The good news is that China and Japan are preparing to convene an Eastern Conference. The main content of the conference is to oppose colonialism and strive for the complete independence of Asia.

China wants to invite Chandra as a representative to participate in the Eastern Conference. In this era, the most active party in inciting colonial revolution is Russia. Since the majority party won the victory of the Russian revolution, it has actively exported the revolution. For this reason, it is even more

The Third International was established and became the imperial anti-colonial tool.

However, although Russia actively promotes it, it is still too far away from India and the help it can provide is very limited. It is far less direct than China. Moreover, Chandra also smelled a special meaning in it. He would only add this if he could represent India.

The Eastern Conference will undoubtedly enhance his status and become a well-deserved leader of a faction. From another perspective, he will have the ability to compete with Gandhi.

It can also have greater appeal to the forces in India. This kind of thing that can both make money and gain face is something that Chandra will never refuse, and he happily agrees.

Chandra and Tagore left Beijing together and took a boat all the way south. After arriving in Guangzhou, the two parted ways. Tagore returned to India with the deep friendship between Chinese people and the honorary titles of several Chinese universities.

Chandra went to Yunnan.

Most of the Indian soldiers captured in the Battle of Northern Myanmar were sent to reclaim wasteland in the Jiangxinpo area. After several years of development, the Jiangxinpo area now has an entrance of 500,000 people, farmland is everywhere, and wood processing is extremely prosperous, making it the most prosperous area in northern Myanmar.

The most economically active areas.

Moreover, this is also a center for the jade raw stone trade. The Chinese people call themselves dragons. One thing is that the Chinese people are indeed very similar to the legendary dragons. They have a serious preference for jewelry, jade, and yellow and white things. With the economic development

With the development, Chinese people gradually have a little extra money in their pockets. In addition to saving it, many people are also willing to buy some property, whether it is for marriage or for family heirlooms, it is a good thing.

As the world's main source of jade, Myanmar's jade exports to China have doubled every year. The main trading point for these jade rough stones is Myitkyina. In order to transport them, China has even built a branch railway connecting them to Kunming.

The smooth development of northern Myanmar is inseparable from the contribution of tens of thousands of Indian prisoners. Now, in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of National Defense, the most elite thousand of these prisoners have been selected and handed over to Chandra

, most of these people have experienced the test of World War I, and can be called the elite among the elite. After getting Chandra, their confidence increased greatly.

In this way, there is no doubt that a chess piece has been laid, and China can launch it whenever it wants. Tagore's return with great honors has also been welcomed by India's upper class celebrities, whether it is the colonial government or India's national government.

All major parties gave Tagore high honors.

However, Tagore did not care much about this. During his more than a month in China, he deeply felt the differences between the two ancient civilizations. He was eager to write down his thoughts, which might be able to point out the confusion for India.


China is India's largest neighbor. The two countries are both familiar and unfamiliar. In the past hundreds of years, most of the descriptions we have received about China came from the British. China is a barbaric and backward country, with people everywhere.

They are sick men who smoke opium and women with bound feet. Although this country has a glorious history, it has completely sunk, just like the afterglow in the sunset!

But I have to say that this view is completely wrong. After the revolution, China is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Not long before I arrived in China, China was relying on its own strength to defeat the world.

Japan, the third largest naval power, has the wreckage of Japan's largest warship, the Kaga, outside Shanghai Port.

The gigantic Kaga is even more majestic than the Taj Mahal and is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon in the world. However, it is parked dilapidated in a Chinese port, allowing the Chinese people to watch. Soon after, this warship

It will be transformed into China's naval museum, which will undoubtedly demonstrate the power of China at all times.

We must realize that China has undergone earth-shaking changes and has become a powerful country again, and I would also like to say that this is just the beginning. Chinese society is nurturing a more powerful driving force for development. This is the most important thing.

Although China and India are both ancient countries, unlike India, China's religious awareness is very weak. Although there are various religions in China, there are very few devout believers. Even when they worship gods, there are

Utilitarian heart.

Although it seems strange, there is no doubt that this also allows China to not be bound by any conditions and can choose the most beneficial path to enhance its national strength. At this point, China has become very realistic, but this reality

Perhaps this is the reason why China is growing rapidly.

In addition, the most amazing thing is the huge openness of Chinese society. A thousand years ago, China established the system of selecting officials through examinations. This was also the predecessor of the modern civil service system. Under this system, China did not select officials based on

Bloodline is not based on wealth or religious status, but on individual ability. Under this system, Chinese society has great vitality, and every student is expected to pass the exam and become an official.

Of course, it was only limited to the official class at this time, but today's Chinese society is more open, and all classes have great mobility. Almost every Chinese person has his own ambitions. There is a coachman who is working hard to save, and the next step is for him to

He wants to buy a truck, and I may be his last customer. He will not be satisfied with just owning a truck, he is also planning to develop into a transportation company.

In addition, I was lucky enough to meet the opening ceremony of a teahouse in Bei Jing. This is an old shop with a history of decades. The boss has successfully opened the first branch. Next, he hopes to open branches all over the country, and even open a new one.

When traveling to various countries in Europe and the United States, I also met young people entering politics for the first time, college students preparing to leave campus, and farmers who came all the way from their hometowns to work in cities.

Although their identities are very different, they all have strong ambitions, their own plans, and the desire to constantly change their destiny, and no one feels ashamed or humbled by the work they do. They can

Face any person with an attitude of extreme self-esteem and confidence. Their current job is only the foundation for them to move towards a better future. As long as they are sufficiently prepared, they may change their identity at any time, from laborers to businessmen, from students

Become an official, from a farmer to a factory owner, everything goes smoothly.

In comparison, India and China under the caste system have completely different trends. Anyone’s future is determined almost from birth. This is why Indian society seems lifeless!

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