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Chapter 483: A Chip

In modern Asia, there are only three countries in Asia that have not completely become colonies, that is, Japan, China and Senra. Many people in China and Japan are relatively clear. Japan carried out the Meiji Restoration, not only got rid of the fate of a colony, but also became a rising power.

China, on the other hand, did not completely fall because of its size and the resistance of the people.

And how did a small country like Miluo achieve this? In fact, the secret is very simple. It is Li Hongzhang's idea of ​​using barbarians to control barbarians and walking a tightrope between the great powers. Chiluo, which will be Thailand in the future, is located in the Indochina Peninsula. Since the great voyage

After the beginning of the times, Portuguese and Spanish colonists came to Southeast Asia one after another.

The Kuro people keenly discovered the contradiction between Spain and Portugal, and then decisively introduced the power of the Netherlands, allowing them to maintain their independent status in the initial period of the colonial era. Then Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands all declined, and the British and French forces rose, but the Kuro people remained

The usual measures were taken to deal with the situation between Britain and France.

At this time, the British occupied India and Burma, and the French took over Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The two sides had formed a balance of power, and Luo was caught in the middle. This is how exchanges between big countries occur, and there must be enough buffers.


Any country attaches great importance to face, especially big countries. If they get too close, some friction will inevitably occur, and even a war will be inevitable. No matter whether Britain or France occupy the containment, the two countries will definitely clash. Therefore, Britain and France

They are relatively afraid of speaking.

It was precisely because of this mentality of Britain and France that King Rama V Chulalongkorn of Luo successfully negotiated between the two powers and carried out effective reforms, turning Luo into a modern country.

It has become an important buffer zone in Southeast Asia. The effectiveness of Guangluo's reforms is second only to Japan's Meiji Restoration, and its influence is far-reaching.

Chulalongkorn was revered by later generations as the father of Thailand. His greatness can be seen. Chulalongkorn passed away in the state, but Chulalongkorn still continued to develop along the national policies he determined. At this time, Thailand was in power.

It was Chulalongkorn's youngest son, Rama VII, and there was also Rama VI in the middle. However, since he had no sons, the throne was passed to the middle brother.

In fact, Rama VII was not willing to serve as the king. He was very aware of the difficulties in the future of Naluo. Small countries must have their own consciousness. The reason why Luo was able to maintain its independence was because it achieved a balance between the great powers.

, and with the end of World War I, both Britain and France were severely weakened.

China's strength is growing rapidly, especially in the Battle of North Vietnam, when France was forced to spit out half of Vietnam. The shock to Southeast Asia was huge. Coupled with the earlier Battle of Northern Myanmar, everyone in Yiluo had already smelled something unusual.


China has risen! The old suzerain is back!!

Like all Nanyang countries, Qianluo has always had a huge shadow in its heart, that is, the former Celestial Kingdom, the Central Plains Dynasty! It was only a hundred or two hundred years ago that Western colonial forces entered Nanyang, but China had influenced this place before that.

It can be said that it has been deeply rooted for thousands of years.

At first, the Yuluo people also had fantasies about whether they could compete with the Western colonial forces through China, but they soon discovered that China was in hopeless decline. Not only the Western powers, but also Japan could not defeat it, and they became

Anyone can cut a piece of fat meat, but there is no hope of it being tasty.

But beyond everyone's imagination, the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty broke out in China. Then China gradually ended the chaotic state, became a unified country again, and quickly restored sovereignty.

Countries such as Britain, France, Japan, and Russia all drove out of the mainland, and not long ago they defeated the Japanese combined fleet, becoming the most powerful maritime force in East Asia.

It was at this time that the people of Xianluo knew clearly that the wind direction had changed, that the Celestial Kingdom had returned once again, and that the balance of international power had seriously changed. For a small country, it was time to take sides again. There is no doubt that this was

In the most difficult moments, one wrong step can lead to disaster.

After careful weighing, Li Luo still believed that he should first show his goodwill to China. It would be best to introduce China's power to balance Britain and France. Everyone knows that a tripod is the most stable structure, so when China defeated Japan, Li Luo took the lead in sending a message.

We received the invitation and hoped that the Chinese navy could visit Luo to reaffirm our friendship.

It is also China's established national policy to attack Nanyang. However, the situation in Nanyang is very chaotic now. The most powerful one is the United Kingdom, followed closely by France and the United States, and there is also the Netherlands. If you can't find a good entry point, you may not be able to act recklessly.

It will anger the entire West.

It would not be good if it turned into a war between the white race and the yellow race. Therefore, the invitation from the Romans undoubtedly provided China with the best excuse. The Chinese government immediately decided to send the battleship Guangxi to visit the Romans. At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister Gu Weijun and Minister of Finance Jiang Yonggui led a delegation of more than 200 people to Bangkok.

China's high-profile visit to the Romans has naturally aroused everyone's thoughts! Especially for countries such as Britain and France, which China is increasingly afraid of, is it possible that China also wants to get involved in Nanyang?

Soon Britain and France learned through secret channels that China was preparing to strengthen exchanges with Luo and discuss the issue of the Kra Canal. China was willing to send manpower and financial resources to help Luo build the canal and promote Luo's economic development!

After hearing the news, the British were furious. Singapore was under British control at this time, which meant that the Strait of Malacca was just a plaything in the hands of the British. If the Kra River was completed, Singapore's status would be greatly weakened.

According to Mahan's theory, the narrow waterways that connect the major oceans are of incomparable value to the rise and fall of an empire. Controlling this place will control the lifeline of the sea, and then control the whole world!

The reason why the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is able to dominate the world is that, in addition to its huge navy, another major foundation is that they firmly control the maritime arteries such as the Strait of Gibraltar, the Suez Canal, and the Strait of Malacca. At this time, China is trying to build Kra

The canal is simply digging the ancestral graves of the British. How could John Bull not be crazy!

"President, the British Ambassador has already lodged a protest, hoping that China can explain the Kra Canal matter. With this step, we have hit the lifeblood of the British!"

Qiao Yu did not answer directly, but said with a smile: "Brother Baili, a few years ago, the diplomatic relations between various countries and China were at the ministerial level. They obviously regarded China as an inferior country, and the meaning of humiliation was obvious. Then

At that time, these ministers had all become emperors, arrogant and domineering to the Chinese government. Now they have all become ambassadors, but they can only raise some indifferent protests. The Chinese often say that in the thirty years of Hedong, the three

Ten years in Hexi, that’s why!”

Jiang Baili's face was full of smiles. It felt really good to be protested by others. "President, the British are actually doing this too much. The Kra Canal is more than 100 kilometers long. It cannot be completed in ten years. Besides, we

We still need to do a preliminary inspection, but the British don’t need to be so anxious!”

"Hahaha! Brother Baili, you still don't understand the meaning of this. For example, the U.S. stock market has risen crazily in recent years. To put it bluntly, it is a matter of confidence. Everyone believes that the U.S. economy will have greater development.

, so I am willing to invest money in it, just like a bubble, more and more, getting bigger and bigger: the same is true in reverse, if you lose confidence, decline will only happen overnight, as long as the construction of the Kra Canal begins

, everyone will look down on Singapore, capital will not flow in, and the economic situation will deteriorate. Moreover, if the UK sits back and watches China build the Kra Canal, it will mean that the UK is showing weakness. Once it shows weakness, this colonial empire will mean the end!"

In fact, Britain's ability to maintain a huge colonial empire with the power of island countries was largely due to fear. Just like Britain before World War I, it had already stood at a dizzying height and could not retreat in any way, no matter what the prospects were.

, must fight to the death with Germany, but cannot show weakness, because once it shows weakness, it means prosperity and decline. The same is true now in Nanyang, and Britain has no way out at all.

"President, since the Kra Canal is so important, once it is built, won't it mean a showdown with the British?"

"There is a saying in the art of war. Reality is fictitious, and fictitiousness is real! This move is both fictitious and real. It depends on how Britain responds!"

A proud smile appeared on Qiao Yu's face. After these years of experience, Qiao Yu has also made great progress in political skills. In the past, he relied on foresight to make plans in advance. Now Qiao Yu has learned how to hang antelope horns.

Use your strength to fight.

Everyone knows the intention of building the Kra Canal. If Britain does not care, China will simply turn this strategy into practice and drive a wedge into Southeast Asia, thereby shaking the British colonial order. If Britain jumps out to intervene, then Britain will take out

In exchange for benefits, China will never let go!

Of course, Britain does not need to make exchanges, and can only deal with China by force. However, China now has the power to defeat Japan. Does Britain have the ability to fight China desperately? As long as the brain is normal, this situation will not happen.

It can be said that China went to repatriate Luo, and he had an extra bargaining chip in his hand out of thin air. It was like something out of thin air. Jiang Baili also guessed Qiao Yu's thoughts at this time.

"President, your methods are becoming more and more sophisticated now. No matter what the British do, they can't escape your scheme!"

"This is still a small road. If you don't have enough strength to support it, you can't play like this at all. In addition, in order to make this drama more real, I am also planning to set up a canal company with Qian Luo, and then get it listed in New York for financing. I guess the gang will

Wall Street tycoons will absolutely love this project!”

At this time, the United States has already planned to replace the United Kingdom, and Wall Street financiers are the most greedy group. By bringing them in, China will undoubtedly make the chips in its hands more valuable. When the exchange comes, the United Kingdom will

It highlights more blood, and can also deepen the conflict between Britain and the United States!

"President, what are you going to exchange this bargaining chip for? Is it Hong Kong or a share of the navy?"

Since the Beijing peace talks reached an agreement on reallocating the tonnage of naval battleships, various countries have been actively preparing. Of course, no one will wait foolishly for the negotiations. At this time, the United States, Britain and other countries have begun to design and build new aircraft carriers. The United States

People with deep pockets proposed a strategy of parallel aircraft carriers and battleships. Britain followed suit, and a new naval race was brewing.

China has also spared no effort to develop its navy. It is definitely a good thing to be able to get a larger share at this time and clear the development obstacles for China!

This chapter has been completed!
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