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Chapter 496: The Root Cause of the Crisis

Stalin overcame different voices within the party, prepared a huge army, and even made a detailed combat plan against China... But everything ended in a dramatic way, Trotsky was caught,

Moreover, it can also be handed over to Russia. The Far Eastern Republic will not take the initiative to go to war with the Soviet Union, and its troops have already made great strides from the purple side.

Faced with this situation, Stalin could of course continue to choose to attack the Far Eastern Republic, but this would turn into an outright war of aggression, which would have a great impact on the image of the Soviet Union. What's even worse is that it would give China a legal excuse.

to intervene in this dispute.

International morality is often just a fig leaf. It is always an international practice to bully the strong and the weak. However, no one can easily deny the importance of international morality, especially when two evenly matched countries are facing each other.

Whoever can occupy the moral high ground will be more confident, more able to win the support of domestic and foreign public opinion, and his waist will be stronger.

Just like this dispute, if Trotsky goes to war with Russia, it will be a civil war in a hungry country to a certain extent. Stalin can fight whatever he wants. If China intervenes forcefully, it may even attract opposition from the people of the Far Eastern Republic.

But after Trotsky's banner has arrived, if Russia wants to fight again, it will be aggression. China and Russia have a tea treaty, and they want to maintain the independence of the Far East Republic. If Russia dares to take the initiative to destroy it, China can confidently participate in it.


Of course, Stalin was not a person who valued these things very much, but he was extremely concerned about how China rescued Krasnoshokov from layers of care. This was the key to his concern. China could survive hundreds of

Rescuing a person from miles away also proves that it can kill a person hundreds of miles away! If it is not clear, China may send troops into Russia at any time. At that time, it can kill whoever it wants. For Russia,

Absolutely an unbearable nightmare.

1... Comrade Stalin, after investigation, we dispatched Chinese airborne troops to carry out this rescue mission. They used transport planes to set off from Mongolia, sneaked into the Far East, and rescued Krasnoshokov, and then Krasnoshokov quickly

He summoned his old troops and caught Trotsky before he could react!"

"Do you have any evidence?"

... We discovered through intelligence personnel in China that they had transported a large amount of aviation fuel to the border of Mongolia. In addition, herders in the Far East Republic also said they had seen a huge fleet of aircraft. We also know that China has a secret force that conducts training, integrating various types of aviation fuel.

Based on the intelligence, we believe that China achieved its goal through parachute operations."

He is no stranger to parachuting Stalin. In fact, Russia is also engaged in research in this area and has achieved considerable results. It is not far away from officially forming an army. However, Russian military aircraft obviously do not have as good performance as China.

, there are some differences in terms of flight distance and carrying quantity.

After learning about these situations, Stalin kept thinking in his mind. A military war would not attract Stalin's too much attention. He was more concerned about the information revealed. China is indeed unique in the development of military technology.

, definitely not an opponent to be underestimated:

In particular, although Russia can be said to have a large population compared with any other Asian country, it cannot be compared with China. Once it falls into a long-term war, Russia will definitely be at a disadvantage. Despite Stalin's appearance and rudeness, he can

To achieve this position, he was actually an extremely smart person, and Stalin calculated the pros and cons very clearly in his mind.

"Comrade Beria, you have worked very seriously to get the truth about the matter so quickly. I hope you can make greater contributions to the Soviet Union! 1.

Beria, the most famous devil in Russia, finally gained the appreciation of Stalin and was on the fast track to promotion. His first task was to go to the Far Eastern Republic to take over Trotsky. Stalin gave up his plan to start a war in the Far East.

But Stalin would not give up on Trotsky:

After several weighings, it was better to eliminate this most troublesome opponent as soon as possible. As long as Trotsky was alive for a day, Stalin would have trouble sleeping and eating.

At this time, Trotsky was still in the hands of China. For such a good card, China would never let go easily. China, Russia, and the Far East held meetings in Chita for nearly half a month, mainly on

Discuss Trotsky's ownership and how to ensure peace in the Far East.

In the end, the three parties reached an agreement, and Trotsky handed it over to Russia: all political officials of the Far Eastern Republic broke away from the Russian majority party and became a completely independent democratic republic, with equal rights to trade with China and Russia;

Russia and Russia must notify each other in advance of any military movements of more than 3,000 troops in the Far East.

The agreement is obviously beneficial to China. The Far Eastern Republic has changed from a Russian satellite state to a du li country. Especially since Krasnoshokov and Moscow have become more and more alienated from Germany, the balance has begun to tilt towards China. This has a great impact on China's northern Xinjiang security.

It is important to know that most of the threats from ancient China came from the north and must be taken seriously. However, at present, China's political power is more related to the American economy, although it is still a long way away from the famous Great Depression.

It took more than a year, but sensitive people have been able to detect problems in the U.S. economy. U.S. lumber prices began to drop significantly. The Chinese government, which had been paying attention to the U.S. economy, immediately realized that there was a problem. Wei Ruolan, governor of the central bank

He also took advantage of the situation and brought out many years of research on the U.S. economy.

All the zhongyang executive members of the China Unified Min Zhu Party, plus the main officials of the zhengfu, all gathered in the large conference room of the Presidential Palace. As soon as Qiao Yu came to the stage, in order to improve the quality of officials, he formulated regular study requirements 1

Almost every month, experts and scholars from various industries will give lectures to these high-level Chinese figures. China is changing rapidly, and the world is changing even faster. Without enough new minds, it is easy to make mistakes.

At first, these top-level officials were asked to listen to others' lectures like elementary school students. Everyone was a little reluctant. But after a few times, everyone found that this was indeed a huge help in seeing the problem, so they naturally accepted it.

However, this meeting was obviously different. The speaker was not the scholars and experts, but Wei Ruolan, the governor of the Central Bank. President Qiao Yu took the initiative to serve as the host of this meeting, and everyone was kept confidential before the meeting.

requirements, which means that not a single word of the content of this study meeting can be revealed:

Everyone is also clearly aware that the so-called study meeting is just a trick, and I am afraid that the president will make some important decisions again!

"Everyone, not long ago, the price of lumber in the United States began to drop significantly. The most direct factor is that the Soviet Union provided a large amount of cheap lumber to the world. However, we believe that this is the beginning of problems in the U.S. economy, and it is also the beginning of countless problems in history.

It is a cycle of economic crisis, and this time the crisis is far more serious than in history, and the devastation is almost beyond imagination!"

Wei Ruolan didn't express too much concern about this wood feed cut from the beginning. In fact, the Soviet Union has imported a lot of machines in the international market in recent years. Of course, these are not in vain, and they all rely on farmers.

In order to repay mineral products, the Soviets took almost everything for industrialization. They did not have enough food, but the Russians also exported a large amount of food in exchange for machinery, causing a serious famine.

In the original history, the most serious famine in Russia was the years of the Great Depression. At the same time, these years were also when Russia introduced a large number of machines and technicians, and Russian industry developed rapidly. These machines were all taken from the mouths of the people.

In the future, it would be more normal to sell some wood at a low price. However, an economic expert named Zhu Changping in Wei Ruolan's team put forward a different view. This Zhu Changping also studied in the United States in his early years, and later returned to China, and had a different view on the U.S. economy.

He has published many valuable articles and was valued by Wei Ruolan, so he was recruited into Zheng Fu.

According to the ideas provided by Zhu Changping and the intelligence on hand by Wei Ruolan, everything was combined together. Qiao Yu also participated. Many of his advanced views provided great inspiration to Wei Ruolan and others. Gradually, these Chinese experts

I can see the things behind the economic crisis more and more clearly, and at the same time, I also realize that a huge crisis is about to inevitably come.

"Since the industrial revolution began in the UK, countries all over the world have gradually been involved in this and new production models. Human wealth has continued to increase, but it has been accompanied by economic crises one after another. For about ten years,

It only appears once and never disappears. Only by seeing through the laws behind the economic crisis can we look at the current economic problems from a higher starting point."

Wei Ruolan continued: "After research, we believe that the cause of the economic crisis is caused by insufficient effective demand, that is, the things produced exceed the social consumption capacity. Under the current capitalist production model in Europe and the United States, the

The total value of goods is equal to the sum of cost and profit. The cost paid is necessary for production, and the root of the crisis lies in this profit!"

"President Wei, everything in the world is about profit, and everything in the world is about profit! This economic activity is all about profit. If there is no profit, who will invest in production! 1. Qian Moyin, the Minister of Commerce, raised a question


...Minister Qian, this is exactly the question I want to talk about next, and it is also the reason why economic crisis is inevitable, that is, the unfair distribution of profits. When profits are generated, if they can be completely divided equally among all workers, these workers will

If all the goods are consumed, all the commodities produced by society will be consumed, and the problem of insufficient effective demand will not arise: But in fact, a large amount of profits are put into the pockets of the capitalists, who hold a large amount of wealth, and we all

We know that an ordinary working-class person may spend all his income and even borrow money for consumption, but a billionaire may not spend the profits no matter how he shows off. This creates a fatal problem.

That is, the combined consumption of capitalists and workers will always be less than the value of the total products produced by society, which means that as long as this model continues to operate, effective demand will always be insufficient, and when accumulation reaches a certain level, a crisis will break out!"

Everyone is not stupid. After hearing Wei Ruolan's explanation, they immediately figured out the key. It seems that as long as profits exist, there is indeed no solution to the economic crisis!

This chapter has been completed!
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