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Chapter 500: Atomic City

"Mr. Zhou, thank you for your generous help. One day when the Nazi Party takes power, I will definitely repay you!" He said with a mustache and bowed to Zhou Lang sincerely.

Zhou Langxin said that the Germans really have different thinking from the Chinese. China has always regarded bribery as a shameful thing. Even gifts have to be given in various names. If the gift is not good, it will be unlucky, and the person who receives the money will try his best.

A few words of courtesy.

Westerners don't pay attention to this at all. It's called political donation, just like investment. It's nothing special. The person who gives it feels confident, and the person who receives it feels at ease. As for waiting until he is elected to open doors for others, does it count as money?

No one will pursue the rights transaction.

Zhou Lang still felt a little uncomfortable with these things. The so-called integrity in the West was just nonsense. Of course, there was no need for him to spoil the fun now. Instead, he said with a smile: "Mr. Yuan, I admire your career very much. In addition, in China,

There are many people who want to know about your political party and your ideas. If possible, I hope you can arrange a visiting delegation to China, and I will help with the funding!"

Hitler had long wanted to send a team to China. In Hitler's mind, he believed that Germany must be ruled by the Nazi Party as the sole ruling party in the future. Strongman politics must not be implemented and the cowardly minzhu system must not be implemented. Regarding China's political system, Hitler

It is more appreciated and praised.

In particular, China defeated Britain, France, Russia and other countries in a short period of time. Reviewing national sovereignty, it is worth emulating. There is also a more practical reason, that is, China and Germany have relatively close economic and trade exchanges, and there are also a large number of Germans.

Businessmen in China are all potential funders. If they can be persuaded to donate to the Nazi Party, the Nazi Party can develop faster.

He had made this request to Gu Weijun at the beginning, but due to insufficient financial preparation, the trip did not take place. This time Zhou Lang invited him again, and Hitler naturally agreed happily.

Since its victory over Japan, China's international status has skyrocketed, and the morale of the domestic people has also been greatly boosted, setting off a new round of investment boom. Capital is inherently risk-averse, and only with strong enough force can it

Only when safety can be guaranteed can capital be willing to invest heavily. Otherwise, every factory is piled up with money. If wars are going on every day, how can we ensure the safety of factories and ensure continuous production? Now China has proven through force that it is the leader of East Asia.

After the most powerful countries, especially Taiwan and Ryukyu, were included in China's territory, a strong protective circle was formed along the southeastern coast. Like the last time Shanghai was attacked, the request for payment almost never appeared, and the Ryukyu Islands were like a string of unsinkable islands.

Like the Fang mother, it firmly protects China's most valuable areas for investment.

The Yangtze River Delta has become a hotspot for this round of private investment. New factories are rising every day, and a large number of people flock here to seek jobs every day. The enthusiasm for private investment is unprecedentedly high, and Zhengfu's second five-year plan has also been rolled out.

In the First Five-Year Plan, China focused its energy on building a foundation for industrialization. The main pursuit was quantitative transcendence, and the main problem was whether there were problems. The main task of the Second Five-Year Plan was to consolidate the results of the First Five-Year Plan.

After consolidating, the focus was on infrastructure construction.

Especially railway construction, for a vast country like China, good infrastructure is of great significance. Qin Shihuang knew that he wanted to build Chidao. In the Sui Dynasty, the Grand Canal was dug to connect the north and the south, which even connected the north and the south of China.

Since then, the Grand Canal has been an economic artery of China, transporting rich products from the south to the north and ensuring the empire's economic ties.

In modern society, superior infrastructure construction has become very important. It can not only ensure economic ties, but also ensure the rapid mobilization and transportation of materials during wartime. It is an important aspect of a country's war potential.

In the Second Five-Year Plan, China's development focus is on railways. In the north-south direction, the railway lines will be extended from the northeast to Tianjin, and then with Tianjin as the center, the existing Jinpu Line and Luhan Line will be expanded, and double lines will be added.

, and the Tianjin-Qinzhou Railway was built at the same time. This railway is generally similar to the Beijing-Kowloon Railway in later generations, except that the starting point became Tianjin and the end point became Qinzhou in Guangxi.

This railway is positioned as a poverty alleviation railway. In the current economic structure of China, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are very developed, and the Lianghu region centered on the three towns of Wuhan is also in good shape. However, Jiangxi and other places sandwiched in the middle are relatively backward, so it was built

A major artery running from north to south is still necessary.

In addition, the original railways in southwest and other places also need major repairs, and communication with the northwest must be strengthened. In addition, the east-west railway is also a key construction project, especially the extension of the Han Line through Nanchang, Jiangxi

The "River Line" extending to Shanghai is also under construction. This railway is basically parallel to the Yangtze River and connects the major cities along the river, including Wuhan, Nanchang, Anqing, Lu'an, Nanjing, Shanghai and other places.

The Yangtze River Basin has always been the most industrially developed region in China. If the Yangtze River line can be connected, the connection between the entire Yangtze River Basin will be easier. Railway lines will also be built in Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.

In addition to these railways that mainly serve economic functions, China has also built a large number of railways in Xinjiang, Mongolia and other places, mainly for national defense needs. If a war is launched against Russia, the deployment of troops will be much smoother.

Some of these railways have already started construction during the First Five-Year Plan period, and some will start construction during the Second Five-Year Plan period. However, there is no doubt that the Second Five-Year Plan period must be a period of great development for China's railways. According to the plan, China's total railway

The mileage will exceed 50,000 kilometers.

Of course, if you want to connect a huge country like China through railways, you need at least 200,000 kilometers of railways, but this number is not small. You must know that in the original history, China's railways at the end of the Republic of China

It has only reached 13,000 kilometers. According to China's current speed, by the end of the Third Five-Year Plan, China's railway mileage will even exceed 80,000 kilometers, which will initially connect China.

After having railways, China's blood circulation will be smoothed, material transportation will be convenient, and all war potential will be unleashed. Qiao Yu actually looks forward to what such an industrialized China will bring to the entire World War II pattern.


In addition to railways, highways are also key projects. Current trucks are far less developed than those of later generations, and highway transportation capacity is very limited. Therefore, the construction of highways is mainly concentrated in major metropolitan areas to improve the connection speed between major cities.

In addition, the port is also a key construction project. China has a long maritime territory, especially after it owns Taiwan Island, the Ryukyu Islands and the Haiphong Port in North Vietnam. The East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and parts of the South China Sea have undoubtedly become China's inland seas, especially

It also brought about huge changes, and China's shipping situation was divided into two parts.

Part of it is domestic inland sea trade, and part of it is international trade, but no matter how it is distributed, the sea area controlled by China has expanded, shipping conditions have become better, and the demand for ports has also skyrocketed. There is no doubt that this is also the result of China's infrastructure construction.

One of the key contents.

Improving transportation is only one aspect. Solving the problems of water and electricity has also become very urgent. During the entire Second Five-Year Plan period, China plans to push annual power generation to 30 billion kilowatt-hours to ensure that major cities can solve power problems while also

To ensure that urban residents have safe and reliable tap water supply outlets

Rural areas must also realize water supply and power supply as soon as possible to comprehensively improve people's livelihood. Construction work in all aspects is being carried out rapidly. Qiao Yu has handed over many trivial matters to Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang and other cabinet members. Qiao Yu is more concerned about it.

It's military construction.

This is also a power that Qiao Yu has always firmly controlled. After the development during the First Five-Year Plan period, China should have expanded its industrial structure. Now that it has some financial resources, it is time to make a long-term arrangement.

After repeated consideration, Qiao Yu believed that there were three most important scientific and technological projects that could be started. The first was nuclear weapons, the second was aerospace technology, and the third was computer technology.

These three aspects are currently the main content of the third scientific and technological revolution after World War II, especially the emergence of nuclear weapons, which has greatly increased the cost of war. Major countries can no longer just start war casually. The competition between countries

The model has also changed from hot war to cold war. From then on, the whole world will seek safety in the balance of terror.

Aerospace technology itself and nuclear technology need to be coordinated. A rocket can carry either satellites or nuclear warheads. The skill depends on how it is used. As for the invention of the computer, it has brought about revolutionary changes in the world, which are profound.

It has changed the way human beings live their lives.

China cannot be as luxurious as the United States, concentrating one-third of the country's electricity to carry out the Manhattan Project, nor does it have the capital. If it wants to gain an advantage in the third technological revolution, it can only work in advance and use time to offset the other party's


Therefore, the construction work of the nuclear city and the aerospace city has begun. Nuclear technology and aerospace technology are the foundation of a country. They are the highest level of confidentiality. Site selection must be very careful, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Well, so far, only three people among China's top officials know the details, namely Qiao Yu, Jiang Baili, and Wang Tianhe, who is in charge of intelligence.

The location of the nuclear city was chosen in the desert of Gansu. It is located in the northwest and is sparsely populated. Moreover, foreign intelligence organizations pay little attention to it. Their energy is placed in Sichuan and other places. After all, that is where China's industrial technology lies.

The most powerful, but they probably never imagined that China would choose its most secret base in the barren land of Gansu.

In the past few years, under Yan Xishan's careful management, the northwest has experienced unprecedented economic development, basically ensuring that there is enough to eat. In addition, in areas with mineral resources, the people's income is basically the same as that in the mainland, and ethnic issues have also been greatly addressed.

After the great relief and the society stabilized, Qiao Yu was able to place a large number of the most secret atomic cities here. Qiao Yu knew very well that nuclear weapons are a devil. Many nuclear experts were dedicating their lives because of the release. What is even more terrible is that these people

Most of them were unknown when they were alive, and their every move was monitored, without any freedom.

It will not be until many years later that the names of these people will be found in declassified files. By this time, most of these people have passed away, and their achievements will be known to outsiders!

This chapter has been completed!
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