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Chapter 519 Bloody Road

Siam suffered huge losses during the economic crisis. Historically, because of the economic crisis, the rebels launched a coup and ousted King Rama VII. In this time and space, with strong demand from China, Siam

It is still barely able to maintain, but there is still a large number of unemployed workers, the price of agricultural products has dropped significantly, and the life of farmers is getting more and more difficult.

A large number of farmers went bankrupt, their land was annexed by big landlords, and these landless farmers had to move to the cities. As a result, the pressure on Siam's government suddenly increased a lot. The social security situation continued to deteriorate, and demonstrations continued.

Pai took the opportunity to stir up trouble and turned the originally prosperous and peaceful Siam upside down.

At this time, Rama VII was very clear that he could only rely on China. Without China's strong support, his throne would be in jeopardy at any time. It was under this situation that Rama VII obeyed China's words and was very respectful and obedient.

China requested to officially launch the Kra Canal project, and King Rama VII immediately agreed. He knew very well that the number of laborers required to build a 120-kilometer canal was very shocking. Although China has many entrances, ordinary laborers still

We need to recruit from Siam, so that the unemployed workers and landless peasants can have jobs and have enough to eat, and their opposition will be reduced a lot.

Therefore, King Rama VII was very active and soon helped China recruit 50,000 workers. At the same time, China and Siam jointly established a canal company. China held 60% of the shares and Siam held 40%.

Afterwards, China promoted the listing of canal companies for financing.

China's actions immediately made the United Kingdom furious. Ever since China started building the canal, the United Kingdom has not been able to live in peace. They tried every means to prevent the construction of the canal, but the United Kingdom had too few cards, and China was too strong.

, just one Chandra is enough to give Britain a headache.

Now that the construction of the canal has finally officially begun, Singapore's good days have come to an end. How can the British not be anxious? The British Empire Parliament approved the dispatch of the Ark Royal, the aircraft carrier Challenger, and the battlecruiser Hood to the Far East.

The decision is intended to deter China.

"President, Britain has spent a lot of money this time and sent two more aircraft carriers. Now Nanyang is probably the place with the most aircraft carriers in the world!"

At this time, Qiao Yu and several of his important confidants were taking a special train to the north for inspection. China had finalized its plan to attack Nanyang, but sending troops to fight was not a trivial matter. It must be considered comprehensively. So far, it can attack on land

The threat posed by China was the Soviet Union, so Qiao Yu wanted to investigate the situation in the north before making a formal decision to use troops against the south.

Not only look at the morale of the military, but also the morale of the people. Only by ensuring the security of the entire northern Xinjiang can China be able to move south with confidence. Jiang Baili mentioned the British military mobilization at this time. Yang Du on the side smiled slightly: "Chief of Staff Baili, can the British move south now?"

There are only so many actions taken, just bluffing to deal with domestic public opinion. If the British government really wants to take care of this mess in the Far East, they might as well send two aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean, drive the Italians back, and then bring the big

If the majesty of victory comes to the Far East again, doing this now is just a formality!"

Old Yang Du was originally a highly intelligent person, and now he can see through the British thoughts at a glance. The British Prime Minister is Macdonald. Throughout the history of the United Kingdom, once the Labor Party takes power, it will become very weak externally.

, Macdonald could only go on an armed parade at most.

However, today's Nanyang has gathered aircraft carriers from China, the United Kingdom, and Japan, with a total of nearly ten aircraft carriers. This is definitely not a good thing. It at least indicates that Nanyang has become the focus of a big country.

"Brother Baili, it is not a good thing that Nanyang is so lively. I think we need to speed up the pace of arming Germany. Only when Germany rises and breaks the balance in Europe can the pressure on China be reduced!"

At present, the center of the world is still Europe, and the attention of all major powers is also focused on Europe, especially Germany, which is located in the heart of Europe. As long as there is a little movement, all countries including the Soviet Union will

Be attracted.

"Don't worry, President, we have provided two tank designs to Germany, and also provided some submarine technology to Germany. As for aircraft, Germany can develop them on its own. Their design capabilities are not inferior to China's. I believe Germany will be very successful."

Digest these things quickly and produce more advanced things!"

What Jiang Baili said is correct at all. Germany has the most powerful industrial technology in the world and the best workforce. These have ensured Germany's rapid rise. The technical knowledge provided by China has allowed Germany to avoid detours and accelerate

Just armed.

"President, as the saying goes, you must not have the intention to harm people, but you must have the intention to prevent them! If Germany gets armed, it may not be a good thing for China!" Yang Du said from the side.

Qiao Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Xizi, you are wrong this time. You are right that you must be careful not to intrude. If you really must not be harmful, then there will be no struggle between countries. We point to

What a living thing!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Qiao Yu's words. The way countries get along with each other is different from each other. Every country is plotting against others all the time, and at the same time, it is plotted by others.

, There are so many resources in the world. If you take one more bite, I will take one less bite. This has nothing to do with national systems, ideology or anything like that. This is just the simple law of the jungle. No matter what packaging is used, in the final analysis

That's exactly what happened.

China can help Germany and even help Japan occupy Borneo. What it does is benefit. China wants to use these two countries to share the pressure, but China will never allow Germany to truly rise or even control the entire Europe. This is also a benefit.

As a result.

Europe currently has the best industrial foundation and the most abundant talents in the world. Once Germany rises and unifies all of Europe, relying on Germany's geographical advantages, the Middle East and Africa will inevitably fall into Germany's hands.

How could China still get involved in these areas at that time?

Therefore, China is currently supporting Germany. Once Germany gets out of control, it will suppress it with all its strength. In fact, this is what the United States is doing. Now a lot of the capital for Germany's development comes from the United States. Without American capital, Germany would not be able to rise rapidly.

Putting aside those useless decorations, things between countries are so simple. Germany's original sin is its ability to unify Europe, and China's government also has original sin in the eyes of foreign countries. The biggest original sin is that China led 500 million people to carry out the

Industrialization, you must know, is an unprecedented project in the history of mankind. Once such a huge China completes industrialization, the resources that will be consumed will be staggering.

The rise of a huge China will inevitably be accompanied by the decline of a group of countries. This is inevitable.

"President, it is very necessary for Germany to strengthen its defenses. Although the current Sino-German cooperation has produced huge results, Germany is a tiger and we must not allow them to fully grow up!"

"Well, it's right to be prepared for a rainy day. We can't really support Germany without reservation. I plan to sell the ship to Germany at an appropriate time to let their navy go on the right path, and then give up support.

We may even cooperate with Britain, France and the Soviet Union when necessary to limit Germany’s further development!”

While he was talking, the train was already driving on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Yang Du suddenly pointed at a few mounds not far from the railway line, and then said: "President, Janda Chao told me before he died.

, a fortune teller said that he had made great contributions to the country, but it was inevitable that he would lose his life. This was his fate!"

Yang Du is talking about Zhan Yaoyou, the father of China's railways. He has been dead four years. Zhan Yaoyou single-handedly established the foundation of the Southwest Railway. Later, his health became worse and worse. He only managed some overall plans, the First Five-Year Plan, and even the Second Plan.

He participated in all the Five Plans, and it can be said that he devoted himself to China's railway industry.

However, Qiao Yu also knew very well that Zhan Yaoyou suffered a lot in his later years, and the biggest reason was the railway problem. The earthbags Yang Du pointed out just now were not formed naturally, but were built during construction. Hundreds of people were buried underneath.

Laborers who planned to build railways, especially the railways in northern Xinjiang, have such graves everywhere, and the number is quite shocking.

This is also the reason for Zhan Yaoyou's pain. Economic construction has never been an easy task, especially the early accumulation, which was bloody. As a rising country, China cannot deprive the whole world like Britain and France, nor does it have massive resources.

of Indians available for slaughter.

Although Qiao Yu tried his best to use various opportunities to make extra money, compared with the massive funds needed for domestic construction, these are still a drop in the bucket, and building railways is quite costly, especially the border railways connecting Mongolia and other places. Here

The smoke is scarce and the cost of infrastructure construction is shared equally, which is actually a loss, but for the sake of national defense and security, it must be repaired.

Therefore, China aggressively employed coolies to participate in railway construction. These coolies included prisoners of war from previous battles, purged pro-Japanese forces in Taiwan, and ethnic separatist forces in the northwest. Hundreds of thousands of them were used as coolies.

Of course, this number is still not enough. The Chinese government then introduced a large number of people from North Korea and Vietnam, and also obtained a large number of Nanyang natives from the Japanese. In addition, the Indian Chandra was having a good time, and Qiao

Yu gave him a new prescription, which was to exchange labor for weapons. From then on, a large number of Indian immigrants were continuously sent to the north and invested in railway construction.

China basically treats these coolies as livestock, does not provide corresponding protection during labor, and does not even provide basic food and clothing. Coupled with the extremely high labor intensity, it is good for these coolies to last for two or three years.

Then a large number of them died from overwork, and some tried to escape, but were shot to death by the guarding soldiers. After years of accumulation, the railway was successfully built, but one hill after another was left beside the railway.

They are all full of bones.

To put it bluntly, every kilometer of railway consumes lives in addition to materials such as rails and sleepers. As the planner and builder of these railways, Zhan Yaoyou is most aware of the bloody sacrifices involved.

Only then did he feel guilty from the bottom of his heart.

By extension, China's First Five-Year Plan and Second Five-Year Plan seem to be extremely fast and have achieved remarkable results, but this speed is bloody. But then again, without this speed, the country will be wantonly

Bullying will cost more blood at that time!

This chapter has been completed!
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