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Chapter 523: War on the Border

The German army's advance into the Rhine Demilitarized Zone was a huge shock to the entire world. The signal sent by this behavior was also very fatal. Germany openly tore up the Versailles Peace Treaty. The results of World War I were overturned. The defeated country did not accept the original treaty.


At this juncture, everyone's eyes fell on France. Germany broke through the Rhine Demilitarized Zone and directly threatened France's security. At this time, everyone's eyes fell on France, wanting to see this so-called

What kind of response measures will the world's largest army power take? Will it directly send troops to drive back the German army?

In fact, this kind of doubt also exists widely in Germany. When Hitler first decided to enter the Rhineland, the generals within the German army stood up and strongly opposed it. They believed that Germany was not strong enough and was simply incapable of facing France. They were blindly irritated.

France will only provoke France to send out troops, and then Germany will suffer humiliation again.

These analyzes are very reasonable. Judging from the comparison between the French and German armies, Germany is indeed in a serious backward position. Whether it is the number of troops or the equipment, France is far better than Germany. Although Hitler was determined

He also carried out military adventures, but he also issued an order to the generals in charge. As soon as he found that France had sent out troops to intervene, he would immediately withdraw and no war with France was allowed.

In his later memories, Hitler also said that the forty-eight hours after entering the Rhineland was the most difficult moment in his life. The weapons in Germany's hands could not resist France at all.

However, something happened that shocked the whole world. France did not send troops, nor did it propose strong condemnation measures. Instead, it only made a mild condemnation of Germany within the framework of the League of Nations. This time

In military adventures, Germany is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

Hitler's keen insight finally began to impress the German generals. There was indeed something unusual about this leader. Hitler's prestige increased dramatically, and Germany's armaments development also entered a new stage.

Qiao Yu got the news on the special train to Culun. After the accompanying Chief of Staff Jiang Baili got the information, he remained silent for a long time. Both he and Qiao Yu knew very well that they were witnessing the rapid decline of a country at this time.

And this country was able to withstand tremendous pressure more than ten years ago, sacrificing a generation in exchange for a tragic victory.

Although China has also had conflicts with France, the Chinese side also knows very well that China's ability to challenge France relies more on its geographical advantages. This country that emerged from World War I as an army power is still very intimidating.

The team had also participated in the battlefield on the Western Front, and was somewhat aware of the tenacity of the French army. It was beyond Jiang Baili's expectation that they had fallen to their current situation.

"President, the country of France is finished. I dare say that in the next war between Germany and France, France will be defeated miserably. It will not even have the possibility to fight back. Even though the French army's equipment is still relatively advanced and its troops are quite large.

, but this army has no soul, just like the Manchu Qing Dynasty back then, no matter how powerful it seemed, it was just a mess!"

Jiang Baili made such an assertion to France, which is actually well-founded. The strength of an army not only depends on the strength of its equipment, but also depends on its spirit. This time, the French side actually took action against Germany.

The ambiguous attitude, there is no main battle, but some members of the parliament are shouting for military intervention. In Jiang Baili's view, this is completely ridiculous.

The army has never been divided into hawks and doves. A good army only has hawks. The army must always be ready to fight and make contributions. This is the mission of the army. If the army hopes for peace, then

This country is really hopeless.

France had just lost this martial spirit, and Qiao Yu was filled with emotion at this time. Although he knew that at the beginning of World War II, France was eliminated in just one month, but being in this time and space, Qiao Yu still couldn't completely believe it.

France, which seems to be extremely powerful, will be defeated quickly. You must know that France's equipment is not bad now. Even during World War II, France's equipment was not completely backward.

Now it seems that Qiao Yu completely believes it. What France has lost is its will to become a powerful country and its army has lost its courage to fight.

"Brother Baili, the French army is not without action. They sent thirteen divisions to strengthen the Maginot Line!"

Jiang Baili couldn't help but want to laugh at the dark humor of the French army: "France only needs to send ten divisions, or even five divisions to make Germany retreat. Now Hitler's power is very limited, and France cannot send one."

As soon as the soldiers entered Germany, on the contrary, they used thirteen divisions to strengthen their defense. No matter how hard the tortoise shell was, it would be shattered in a day. France is carrying the ostrich spirit to the extreme. It is completely deceiving itself!"

After several trials, China's top leaders have a clear understanding of the weak nature of Britain and France. They dare not be tough on Germany or Italy, so they can't expect to be tough on China.

"President, I think you might as well go back to Beijing now, take charge of the army, attack the three Indo-China countries immediately, take the Indochina Peninsula into your own hands, and then cleanse the local indigenous people as soon as possible. The sooner we control Nanyang, the better

The more we can take the initiative, some dirty work should have been done when the country was founded. The younger generations do not have the control ability like us, and as the times develop and nationalism rises, things in the future may not be easy to handle!


Qiao Yu also very much agreed with Jiang Baili's statement. It is true that the founding generation must clear obstacles for future generations as much as possible and lay the foundation for the long-term development of the country. Even if it attracts criticism, there is nothing that can be done!

"Brother Baili, this inspection cannot end easily. Just let Wu Tong handle the affairs in the south. France is no longer a concern. What really worries us is the Soviet Union!"

Since the birth of the country Tsarist Russia, countries in Europe and Asia have felt a real threat. The double-headed eagle is more enthusiastic about expansion than any other nation in history. China has recaptured the outer northeast and supported a Far Eastern Republic.

Completely cut off one of Russia's heads extending toward the Pacific Ocean.

However, the new generation of Tsar Stalin will never be willing to back down. As the strength of the Soviet Union increases, there are more and more conflicts between China and the Soviet Union. The two sides are at war with each other and the atmosphere is very serious.

After the special train entered Kulun, the situation was completely different from that in the mainland. What we faced here was not the Sino-Soviet border, but the border between China and the Far Eastern Republic.

The relationship between the two countries is not serious, on the contrary, it is very friendly. Since the Trotsky crisis ended, the national policy of the Far Eastern Republic has undergone major changes. Chairman Krasnoshokov wants to find a balance between the two giants.

, it is natural to cooperate with China.

What's more important is that although the Far Eastern Republic is not small, its entrance is very limited. In addition, it is located in a cold high latitude zone, so it can produce almost nothing. Its main industry is mining, which relies on ore in exchange for light industrial products and food.

In this regard, China has a huge advantage over Russia. In fact, the Far Eastern Republic imports tens of millions of materials from China every year, and at the same time, countless materials are smuggled to Russia through the Far Eastern Republic.

Under the current system of the Soviet Union, rural areas are greatly suppressed. In particular, food must be supplied to cities first and exported in exchange for machinery and equipment. Many farmers live above the subsistence line. Of course, we cannot think that they have no spending power.

On the contrary, everyone has some wild ways. As long as the materials can be transported to Russia, there is no need to worry about black market sales, and the profits are still very impressive.

Of course, in a world where the atmosphere of war is getting stronger and stronger, China must not relax. It overhauls national defense fortifications on the border, builds field airports, digs air-raid shelters, and sets up observation posts. These are all indispensable actions.

All these tasks are carried out by coolies, and the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for supervising them. However, this work will soon be handed over to Dai Li. It is conceivable that a large number of deaths are inevitable. With Dai Li's ruthlessness, half of these coolies can

Surviving can be considered a great blessing.

Of course, the coolies building national defense fortifications are not the worst. Even more terrible are the workers who are sent to the mines. Those workers are not managed by the military, but are handed over to the mine owners. Capital pursues

It is profit, and there is no courtesy to these living animals. Each and every strong laborer was quickly exhausted and died in the mine. Finally, he was dragged to the wild and fed to the wolves.

Those coolies who built the railway could still have a barren mound, but these people had nothing. Mining was not an easy task. Although China purchased a lot of machinery during the Great Depression, the capitalists who were in the early stage of accumulation

This is a matter of extreme frugality.

Save everything you can and never spend a penny more. Labor protection has become a joke. In addition, there are uranium mines to be mined in Outer Mongolia. Workers without any protective measures are exposed to extremely dangerous radioactive substances.

I believe it is not difficult to imagine what the results will be!

Of course, there is no need for Qiao Yu to have too much conscience. On the contrary, once a war breaks out in Nanyang, more laborers will definitely be sent to the northwest to devote their blood, sweat and lives to China's construction, while leaving precious land to the Chinese people.

After Qiao Yu arrived in Kulun, he immediately went to inspect the hospital. Kulun Hospital is the largest and most technologically advanced hospital in the border area. From time to time, seriously injured soldiers on the northwest border are sent here for treatment.

Most of these soldiers were attacked on the Tangnu Ulianghai border. In fact, there were exchanges of fire between China and the Soviet Union almost every day on the border. The patrols also plotted against each other. Today, they suffered a loss, and tomorrow,

It is necessary to regain face. The top leaders of both countries have a tacit understanding not to publicize this situation. After all, once the competition is exposed and public sentiment becomes turbulent, a large-scale war will easily occur. It is still very important to maintain peace on the surface.

Qiao Yu took the lead in visiting these injured soldiers as a way of affirming them. Although the country cannot publicly commend their achievements, it has definitely not forgotten these warriors on the border.

The cleanliness of Kulun Hospital is no worse than that of hospitals in the mainland, and the management is even stricter. Every doctor and nurse demands themselves like a real warrior. When Qiao Yu arrived, a plane slowly landed at

At the airport not far away, a soldier covered in blood was sent over.

The soldier's face was covered with blood, and he seemed to have suffered a serious head injury. He was accompanied by a captain. Just as they were about to enter the hospital, they were stopped by the guarded bodyguards outside.

The captain's eyes suddenly lit up: "Who are you? Don't you know that this soldier is going to die? Even if Mr. Yao Wang comes, we can't delay his rescue, otherwise I will fight with you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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