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Chapter 528 Ruan Aiguo’s Struggle

This air raid caused huge losses to Saigon. More than one-third of the city was completely burned, and more than 1,300 people were burned into carbon rods, including more than 100 French tourists.

He punched France hard in the heart, completely crushing the dignity of the Gallic Rooster.

Of course, North Vietnam did not have the ability to command such an air raid. In fact, only the pilots were from North Vietnam. Before the operation began, they were taken to China for training. It was not until a week before the war that these bombers were transferred from the Chinese army to the Vietnamese Air Force.

They took off from the North Vietnamese airport and headed south along the sea. All routes were provided by China, and finally the bombing operation was successful.

There is no doubt that China is doing this to intensify the conflict and leave France with no way out. As an established power, France can no longer tolerate it. They must take decisive action, otherwise how can they survive in this world.

Sure enough, just after the bombing operation ended, France knew about the situation. All the media were abuzz. The always lazy French people also took to the streets to demonstrate, demanding that the French government take action to teach the Vietnamese monkeys a lesson. Of course,

There are also more radical people who propose punishing China.

They want to avenge the dead French compatriots, but the French government still has a shred of sense. Declaring war on China is a very stupid move. It will only anger that giant. Moreover, this time the Vietnamese government has announced that the bombing operation was carried out by them, and Vietnam also

France declares war.

The entire Vietnamese army has been mobilized to regain the country. After completing the country's unification, France immediately declared war on Vietnam. All troops stationed in the Far East have been mobilized, and France is also forming an expeditionary force. Of course, France will not forget to notify

The United Kingdom and the United States require the three countries to jointly put pressure on China and prevent China from unlimited intervention in the war.

The war between France and Vietnam broke out again. The thoroughly angered French decided to take an offensive posture and rushed directly to North Vietnam. They punished those Vietnamese monkeys with guns and guns to let them know that the majesty of France cannot be provoked!

War breaks out again in the Far East, and all countries feel a little pressure. This is not a good trend. Things in the world are not isolated, but are closely connected to each other. The Italians invaded Abyssinia. Germany entered the Rhineland.

There is also a problem in Vietnam.

Covering the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, behind the conflict is a contest between big powers. This is just a prelude to a larger war, and judging from the current international situation, future wars will definitely spread all over the world. The scale will be even more astonishing.

At this time, France had already launched a retaliatory action against Vietnam. Unfortunately, the French army was not equipped with long-range bombers and could not reach Hanoi. This was another slap in the face for France. They could only concentrate more aircraft on nearby areas.

The area was bombarded indiscriminately. Whether military facilities, civilian facilities, or even ordinary villages were within the attack range. What the French wanted was death, and France needed to pour out his anger.

In addition, the French armored forces crossed the 17th parallel north latitude dividing line and dispatched a partial division from the direction of Laos to cope with the main attack. The Vietnamese also faced off, with both land and air forces coming out to engage in fierce battles with France.

Most of the Vietnamese army was trained by China, and all its equipment was Chinese. There have been constant conflicts over the years, and their combat effectiveness is not weak. This put France in a stalemate from the beginning.

At this time, the seventeenth degree north latitude has become a blood-soaked dividing line. Vietnam's terrain is very weird. The long and narrow strip, coupled with the restrictions of the Changshan Mountains, makes the main battlefield only a narrow strip, and the rest is vast.

The area is sparsely populated and the roads are difficult, making it unsuitable for large-scale operations.

The two sides could only rely on flesh and steel to fight. The planes of both sides came and went, constantly fighting in the air. From time to time, planes fell from the sky with black smoke. People on the ground were used to this situation.

, all their energy was focused on how to deal with the crazy artillery fire.

This time, China has also invested money. Qiao Yu knows very well that a world war is not far away. Weapons must be updated in advance and old weapons and munitions must be eliminated as soon as possible. The Vietnam War is completely a waste of arms for China.

Action, because of this, China is not stingy at all and uses all kinds of artillery shells at will.

The Vietnamese side was finally able to experience the spectacular sight of thousands of cannons roaring. Half of the sky was stained red by gunfire, like blood. As an old empire, France also has a rich heritage, especially in order to deal with China's

Threatened, the French had hoarded a large amount of arms in Vietnam and took them all out at this time.

On the first day, both sides consumed more than 200,000 artillery shells. These artillery shells all landed on the front line of dozens of kilometers. The intensity of firepower made people feel like they were back on the Western Front of World War I. After the first day,

Thousands of people died in France, and more than 4,000 people died in Vietnam.

The exchange ratio of one to four not only did not make France happy, it was also very frightening. If the fight continues at this ratio, even if France wins, it will be a miserable victory. At least tens of thousands of French families will be broken up, and those family members will go crazy.

Take to the streets to protest and demonstrate. By that time, the surging public opinion can easily drown any commander.

China did not react much to the war between Vietnam and France. It just declared strict neutrality as usual. Of course, China selectively ignored the Vietnamese army's arms. All countries were somewhat confused about China's calculations.

In fact, China's idea is very simple. It is to use this opportunity to destroy all of Vietnam's elite troops. Of course, it would be best to consume more of France's energy before that. China is ready to take over all of Vietnam, so naturally it will not allow it.

Some eyesores exist.

Therefore, the more people die on the battlefield, the better, and the more tragic the battle, the better. Of course, China’s plans cannot be hidden from everyone. Ruan Aiguo was very sober at this time. The Chinese government was playing a game of chess, and he was just a pawn, and he was very

He will soon become an outcast.

Twenty years ago, Nguyen Ai Quo was a passionate warrior who tried to drive out the French and restore Vietnam's independence. With the help of China, he successfully controlled North Vietnam. It stands to reason that half of his dream has been realized, but in reality, Nguyen Ai Quo is very

It is clear that he is just controlling it for China and is completely a puppet.

Moreover, in recent years, China has been annexing Vietnam at an increasingly faster pace, and various measures have surpassed France's. Chinese businessmen have purchased large quantities of mining land in Vietnam, placing Vietnam's economic lifeline in China's hands.

Subsequently, Chinese companies aggressively recruited workers in Vietnam and sent these workers to China. However, Chinese people continued to immigrate to Vietnam. In the past ten years, the proportion of Chinese in North Vietnam has exceeded 20%, and these people

Most of them are from the richer upper class.

The trend of immigration is still accelerating. In addition, China has also begun to open Chinese schools in Vietnam to promote Chinese culture. Vietnam's economy is backward, and a large number of children cannot enter school. The schools run by the Chinese not only free money, but also provide

A certain amount of subsidies will naturally attract a large number of students.

These students trained in China naturally have their hearts set on China. Over the years, a strong pro-China force has emerged in Vietnamese society. Especially young people, they are proud to speak Chinese and work in Chinese-run factories.

, if this trend continues, Vietnam will not be a country. It will eventually be completely annexed by China and it has become an inevitable end.

Ruan Aiguo also tried to take some actions to stop this trend. Unfortunately, his power has been strictly restricted, and most of the staff around him have been replaced by Chinese ones, including secretaries, doctors, chefs, guards, etc.

All of them were bought by China.

The military and the government have also been severely eroded. For example, Ruan Aiguo didn't even know about the bombing of Saigon. The military launched the operation under the command of Chinese advisers. After the operation was successful, Ruan Aiguo got a


He is completely a puppet, not even a puppet. He has no independent power at all, and he cannot even commit suicide. Ruan Aiguo is already seriously aging at this time, and his health is getting worse and worse.

However, he has not completely given up the fight. It is a joke to know that he has been a leader for so many years and has nothing outstanding. He secretly won over two young officers, one named Huang Yuhuan and the other Li Xun.

These two young men are both about thirty years old, and their positions are only majors. They are ordinary officers who are very inconspicuous, but their positions are very important. Li Xun is responsible for the security work of the Presidential Palace, while Huang Yuhuan is the military supply officer of the Air Force Base.

Officials, both of them are typical low-ranking and powerful characters. It is precisely because of this that Ruan Aiguo took a fancy to these two people.

At about eight o'clock that night, Ruan Aiguo handed Li Xuan to his side under the pretext of playing chess. The two of them sat down opposite each other and played two games in a row. Nothing happened to Ruan Aiguo, and the people who were spying on him did not.

He was relieved and simply went to rest. This was the opportunity Ruan Aiguo had been waiting for. Over the years, intelligence officers had been monitoring him, and he was also conducting counter-reconnaissance.

"Major Li, I don't have any news about the current situation of the war!"

Li Xun's face was very serious, and he lowered his voice and said: "Your Excellency, the war was very tragic. It is said that thousands of soldiers died every day, and several of your old troops, with the highest proportion of party members and students, were killed.

Sent to the battlefield first, I think the Chinese have bad intentions!"

Ruan Aiguo's fists have been clenched at this time. He now knows very well that China's approach is damaging Vietnam's vitality and consuming Vietnam's human resources. If this continues, Vietnam's future will become really bleak.

"Major Li, Vietnam can no longer be controlled by China. I guess the Chinese want to completely annex Vietnam's land. This war with France was actually started by them. I'm worried that they want to use war to annex Vietnam's land."

We’ll consume them all and then steal all of Vietnam!”

Li Xun also changed his expression, looking very nervous, and continued: "President, what action do you think we should take instead?"

Ruan Aiguo said very firmly: "I am ready to escape, go to Western countries, and go to the League of Nations to accuse China. As long as the world's public opinion is on our side, we can make China put the enemy on the line. That's all I can do!"

As he spoke, Ruan Aiguo grabbed his hair in pain, his voice choked with sobs: "It's all my fault for being obsessed with cooperating with China and luring wolves into the house. I am a sinner of the nation and country, a sinner who will never be forgiven..."

This chapter has been completed!
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