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Chapter 530: China Intervenes

( ) The Soviet Union was a country with very strong intelligence capabilities. Later, the KGB became world-famous. In addition to the Soviet government’s attention and heavy investment, another important reason for this was the issue of popular support.

When the Soviet Union was first established, the world had just experienced the devastation of World War I. After the Soviet Union developed, it encountered an unprecedented economic crisis. This period was when conflicts broke out in the Western world. People were panicked. Many scholars were worried about the

There was doubt about the future of the West, and it was even believed that the Soviet Union represented the future of mankind.

Many enthusiastic young people who were disappointed with society also turned to the Soviet Union. In addition, a large number of social elites in colonies and semi-colonies also began to turn their attention to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union's rapid industrialization and rapid increase in national power provided them with a way to become a powerful country.

These people also began to turn to the Soviet Union one after another.

It can be said that there are a large number of people in the whole world who are leaning towards the Soviet Union, which makes it very easy for the Soviet Union to develop spies. Some scholars will even take the initiative to provide intelligence to the Soviet Union, such as the later atomic bomb intelligence. The Soviet Union stole a lot of information from the United States.

information and quickly completed the development of the atomic bomb.

To put it bluntly, the current appeal of the Soviet Union in the world is still very amazing, especially its influence on the people. After Sorge was arrested this time, a large number of spies were brought out, which was also greatly shocked.

Chinese senior officials.

The Chinese government has been carrying out anti-Soviet propaganda, and a large area of ​​China's territory was once occupied by Russia. China does not have a good opinion of the Soviet Union. Moreover, China's economic development has been very fast in recent years and has not been seriously affected by the economic crisis. Therefore,

The pro-Soviet forces were not strong.

But it would be a big mistake to think that Soviet spies in China would be restricted. After Sorge was captured, the Chinese intelligence agency found a large number of correspondence, which showed that the Soviet Union was entering China through a curve.

To put it simply, by taking advantage of the close exchanges between China and Nanyang countries, intelligence personnel developed from Nanyang are sent to China. In recent years, a large number of Nanyang Chinese have returned to China to start their own businesses. Most of them are still dedicated to this country, but some of them

Mixed with spies secretly developed by the Soviet Union.

Moreover, China introduced a lot of foreign technicians during the Great Depression, and there was no guarantee that they would be completely clean. The Chinese government was shocked by the news that they had been found, and arrested all the people involved, most of whom were from Vietnam.

people, and even many military and political officials.

They stole Chinese military secrets through military exchanges between China and Vietnam, and then handed them over to the Soviet Union. They made a fortune by selling the intelligence. There is a reason why the Soviet Union paid so much attention to China. Now Germany is rising strongly in Europe, and Hitler is extremely anti-Soviet. The Soviet Union

Senior officials believe that there must be a war between the two countries.

Therefore, the focus of the Soviet Union's defense has tilted towards Europe, but China is the Soviet Union's worry. China is powerful and has close relations with Germany. If China and Germany form an alliance and then attack the Soviet Union from east to west, then the Soviet Union will be in danger of subjugation.

Especially after China suffered continuous losses, Stalin already knew how powerful his opponent was. What the Soviet Union urgently needed to figure out was China's strategy, whether it would go south or north, and whether it would choose to form an alliance with Germany.

This time the Soviet Union wants to get out Ruan Aiguo, because it wants to use Ruan Aiguo to intensify the contradiction between China and Western countries, attract China's spearhead to the south, and relieve the Soviet Union's worries.

Unexpectedly, stealing the chicken failed but the rice was lost. Instead, China took the opportunity to find out the Soviet intelligence network. The Chinese Bureau of Investigation, the Military Intelligence Center, and the Military Police all mobilized and began a massive manhunt. A large number of Vietnamese officials were arrested. China

The same is true domestically.

The successful elimination of the Soviet intelligence system this time is a great good thing for China, but the life of one person has also come to the last moment, and that is Ruan Aiguo.

Following his plan, he took a car to Qishan Air Force Base. What was waiting for him was not Huang Yuhuan, but the Chinese military police with live ammunition. Seeing this scene, all Ruan Aiguo's hopes were shattered. He knew very well what was waiting for him.

What fate will it be.

"President Ruan values ​​​​benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust in life. China has pushed you from a white body to the throne of the president. How can you forget China's great kindness and want to run away now? It is really puzzling!"

It was Dai Li who spoke. After he became the director of the Labor Committee, he worked very crazy. He quickly formulated a large number of regulations and established a complete management system. At this time, the war in Vietnam broke out and became more and more intense. The war has always been

They all produce a large number of refugees, and these refugees are the best candidates for labor.

Dai Li came to receive him, but Wang Lingji deliberately cultivated him, so he participated in the operation against Ruan Aiguo. Dai Li also knew that this was a good opportunity for him to show his abilities. Now he looked at Ruan Aiguo as if

It's like looking at a priceless treasure.

"Hmph, China harbors evil intentions and intends to annex Vietnam. As a Vietnamese, I naturally have to fight. I only regret that I was blind and did not realize your vicious heart as soon as possible. I am sorry for the country and the nation!"

"Haha, President Ruan, you think you have failed the country, but we want to make you famous!"

Dai Li didn't want to talk nonsense with Ruan Aiguo. He immediately put him into a car that had been prepared long ago, then put Huang Yuhuan in, sent them and the car to the area that had been arranged, and then detonated the remote-controlled bomb.

, the car turned into a pile of fire in an instant, and both Ruan Aiguo and Huang Yuhuang died instantly.

Immediately, a reporter took pictures of the miserable scene, and soon the newspaper disclosed the following news: President Nguyen Ai Quoc of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam died in a bomb attack while inspecting a military base. This was a vicious incident. According to

It is speculated on the spot that it may be the work of the French intelligence organization. Here we have to praise the French. Although this behavior is not in line with the spirit of chivalry, it is indeed a good idea...

It was first disclosed by a newspaper in the United States. No news came out in Vietnam, China, or France. Suddenly, countries all over the world were plunged into speculation. Is this news an April Fool's Day prank, or is it true? If it is true,

What impact will it have on the war situation in the Far East?

However, this news was quickly put on the front pages of several major newspapers, and they also praised France's military capabilities. France didn't know anything about the situation, but it was given such a label, which immediately made people feel uncomfortable.

The French were also shocked. They only got the news through newspapers. Could it be that the intelligence system was acting secretly?

France is currently at war with Vietnam, and it is a time when it is hard to argue. Moreover, casual clarifications will affect morale, and outsiders will not believe it. According to the simplest philosophical point of view, whoever benefits the most will be the most suspect.

The Frenchman was indeed the perfect choice for the murderer.

This is indeed the case. The morale of the Vietnamese army plummeted and their combat effectiveness was seriously reduced. The French successfully captured Xuanhua, and then broke through to Xiangxi and Bianshui. The forwards pointed directly at Thanh Hoa. After taking this place, Hanoi was exposed to the French.

under attack.

The Vietnamese army was completely defeated, with no fighting spirit, and countless casualties. Faced with the disastrous defeat, Hanoi finally announced the death of Nguyen Aiguo. Si Shi called on all Vietnamese to avenge Nguyen Aiguo. Everyone

Stand up and you fight for Vietnam.

In addition, another piece of news came out that I don’t know whether it is true or not. Ruan Aiguo had left a will before his death. Vietnam could not fight the powerful France by relying on its own strength alone. It must ask China to send troops to help. The powerful China is

Vietnam’s biggest reliance is “Chuan.

No one knows whether this will is true or not, but the defeat of the Vietnamese army is a fact. Although Ruan Aiguo was just a puppet, he was still the head of state after all. His death caused incomparable trauma to the morale of the Vietnamese people.

The Fagu army took Thanh Hoa smoothly, and telegrams asking for help were sent to Hanoi like snowflakes. At this time, Hanoi fell into chaos. The Vietnamese government quickly split into several factions. At such a critical moment, not even one person was involved.

I can't even choose the person in charge.

No one dares to take over the presidential throne at this time, unless he does not want to live anymore. The original pro-China faction put forward a new suggestion at this time. Vietnam will not be a country. At this time, they can only ask China to send troops to intervene directly to help Vietnam obtain victory.

Victory, as for who will be president, we will wait until we defeat the Vietnamese.

At this time, China also got everything it wanted. After Ruan Aiguo was eradicated and successfully blamed France, China got an excuse to directly participate in the war. This was exactly what China expected.

As usual, China first issued an initiative for peace talks to France, asking France to stop its aggressive behavior and hand over Vietnam to the management of the Vietnamese people. Now that the French clearly had the advantage, how could they back down? Therefore, they flatly refused and accelerated their invasion.

None of this went beyond China's expectations. Westerners believe in winner-take-all, so how could they give up their advantages so easily? As soon as China's ultimatum time passed, China announced its formal involvement in the Vietnam War.

For the first time, the three large aircraft carriers of the South China Sea Fleet, Zhenyuan, Dingyuan, and Zhiyuan, were dispatched together, aiming directly at the entrance of the French Far East Fleet in Cam Ranh Bay.

Cam Ranh Bay is an important port in Vietnam. In the past, the main base of the French Far East Fleet was located in Haiphong. After the loss of North Vietnam, the French placed their base in Cam Ranh Bay and carried out large-scale expansion. In response to China's salty threat, France

The Far East Fleet has also been strengthened. The existing capital ships include the dreadnought HMS Guba, which is an old warship before World War I, and the latest battleship Dunkirk, which is not equipped with an aircraft carrier.

After the Sino-Japanese War, navies around the world began to transform and build a large number of aircraft carriers. However, due to financial difficulties and the conservative thinking of the navy, France only built one aircraft carrier, the Béarn, but it was still kept on the mainland. Therefore, France

There are two battleships in the air, but no aircraft carriers to provide air protection. Therefore, the mission of these two warships is more to stay in the port and deter the enemy.

But in fact, no one will be frightened. If they declare intervention in the war, the first thing they have to do is destroy the French navy, then block the coastline and trap France in Vietnam. Now that the land war has become corrupt, even if China sends another

Even more troops will not turn the situation around quickly.

It would be better to pull the plug and use the navy to participate in the war. At this time, China's top leaders have generally developed a tendency. As soon as a conflict breaks out, they will immediately ask for the location of the aircraft carrier. This powerful weapon integrating offense and defense is exactly what China is expanding into.

Earthly tools.

After the Chinese aircraft carrier blocked the waters near Cam Ranh Bay, it finally launched the first wave of attacks. More than 80 carrier-based aircraft formed the first wave of attack groups and rushed towards the French navy overwhelmingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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