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Chapter 532 Cutting

As the navy successfully blocked the Vietnamese coastline, the French army has become a turtle in the urn. However, the French army cannot be underestimated. They have a total of about 200,000 people in the three Indo-China countries, and more than 150,000 servant troops. In addition, there are a large number of Patrol police and other quasi-armed forces.

Moreover, at this time, the French army still occupied a large amount of territory in North Vietnam. To deal with these armies, it was not enough to rely on the navy alone, but also to mobilize the army to fight. The Minister of National Defense Wu Tong was sitting in Guangxi, and the main plan was this matter. This time China A total of thirty divisions were mobilized, with a total enrollment of more than 450,000, and a large number of militia auxiliary forces were also recruited.

Most of the terrain entering Vietnam from Guangxi is mountainous, with high mountains and dense forests, coupled with abnormal humidity and heat. It is very different from the domestic combat environment, so full preparations must be made. Although the squadron has always emphasized the need to endure hardships and stand hard work, with good conditions, There is no need to suffer.

The improvement of national strength and the development of industry have enabled soldiers to obtain relatively sufficient equipment. Only with strong support can soldiers better demonstrate their combat effectiveness.

This time, the commander-in-chief of the theater entering Vietnam fell to Pan Wenhua. The deputy commander-in-chief was Wang Mingzhang. The former enemy commander-in-chief was Lu Yuguang. This time China concentrated 300 tanks, 5,000 cannons, and more than 400 combat aircraft. .

Such a large-scale concentration of troops is rare on the ground in the Far East. The squadron's equipment level is much stronger than when fighting Japan in Korea. The reason why it can concentrate strong troops is mainly due to the huge increase in national power. More than two-thirds of the country's armored forces have been concentrated in North Korea.

At this time, it was only the troops from Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou, etc., less than a quarter of the country's total, but their equipment was more advanced, their combat effectiveness was stronger, and the cooperation between the services was also greatly improved.

Especially after the entire army completed the reorganization plan, the configuration became more scientific and the combat effectiveness increased sharply. Each division has extremely strong dual combat capabilities and can be combined together to take advantage of the advantages of a large corps.

Of course, a strong army requires stronger logistics. China has built a large number of warehouses in Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan and other places to store supplies. Today's wars are countless times more complicated than in the past, and preparations must be even more complete. .

Before joining the war, Wu Tong made one last inspection of the main warehouse, and Pan Wenhua and others accompanied him there. While inspecting the warehouse, Pan Wenhua picked up a piece that was only the size of a matchbox, weighed it in his hand, and then smiled Said: "Minister Wu, just such a small thing can reflect the progress of our logistics. In the past, when fighting in tropical areas, many soldiers' leg roots would ulcerate, which seriously affected their combat effectiveness. Since we have this little thing in recent years, soldiers have The pain will be relieved a lot!"

Wu Tong took it casually and saw that it was a small oil paper bag. After opening it, there was a small piece of wet wipes with a certain amount of alcohol added, which could not only clean the skin and sterilize, but also contained a The special fragrance can repel mosquitoes.

Regardless of how small things are, they would never be taken into account when the country was not strong in the past. The progress of the squadron in recent years is often reflected in these small things. The entire army is like a machine. Originally, China could only put what it needed The main parts are complete so that the machine can operate.

Now we can make it more detailed, making the machine run faster and more efficiently. Every detail is like a lubricant, giving the squadron a stronger combat effectiveness.

Wu Tong was very satisfied with the results of the inspection. He immediately consulted the Bei elite and officially issued an order to march into Vietnam. The soldiers who had been recuperating on the Sino-Vietnamese border quickly took action. The North Vietnamese had already been expecting the squadron.

Participated in the war, otherwise how could their soldiers with no fighting spirit resist the wolf-like French invasion?

In addition to land operations, China also dispatched troops on a large scale by sea. A total of 50,000 soldiers set off from Qinzhou Port and took landing ships directly to Haiphong Port to land.

Haiphong Port is the most important port in northern Vietnam. It was once the base camp of the French Far East Fleet. Later, China rented Haiphong Port from North Vietnam and expanded the entire port area, making it one of the important ports of the China South Sea Fleet.

, where a brigade of Chinese soldiers was stationed.

After the squadron landed at Haiphong Port, it quickly used it as an important maritime base. Most of the materials shipped from the country were concentrated here. The troops entering Vietnam from the Guangxi border also crossed the mountainous area. After the troops entered Vietnam, the originally chaotic social order was restored to stability.

After coming down, those half-hearted people no longer dare to think nonsense.

The army is the best propaganda tool. The squadron's official participation in the war means China's takeover of the Vietnamese regime. The place where Chinese soldiers shed blood and sacrificed is the area where China's influence has reached. How can these soldiers sacrifice their lives in vain? Many high-level officials in Vietnam

Now that you have a clear understanding of your own destiny, stop dreaming about unnecessary dreams, and just wait for Yao Chao to reward you with a future.

In the past two thousand years, the Central Plains had seen a lot of Vietnam, so they could live peacefully. Now that China has focused its attention here, it has announced that Vietnam will become a part of China. Compared with France,

Most Vietnamese are still willing to accept China's rule. The most important thing is that China has developed rapidly in recent years. You can still get benefits from joining now. If it is too late, you will get nothing.

Just as the squadron entered Vietnam, Qiao Yu, who was in Beijing, received a letter from Tokyo. The letter was written by the Japanese Emperor Hirohito. In the letter, Hirohito talked freely about the past friendly relations between the two countries, and then criticized them vigorously.

In the end, Hirohito put forward a suggestion that China and Japan should attack Nanyang together. China would attack the three Indo-China countries, and Japan would attack Java Island and Malaya.

The two countries jointly led the Asian people to overthrow the colonial forces. At the end of the writing, Qiao Yu could even imagine Hirohito showing his teeth and claws. The emperor must be shouting that Japan will build a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, and all countries will coexist and prosper...

... Qiao Yu sneered at this proposal. Before the past grievances were completely settled, China and Japan were always enemies, and there was no possibility of alliance. After Jiang Baili saw this letter, he also dismissed it. Japan indeed took it for granted. China

Just because China can take action against Nanyang does not mean that China also allows Japan to take action against Nanyang.

"President, you must categorically reject this request, and you should also issue a warning to Hirohito to prevent him from fishing in troubled waters!"

At this time, Jiang Baili was even more worried that Japan would strike first and then attack, that is, taking advantage of China's dispatch of troops to launch an attack. By then, China would have become Japan's de facto ally and could not be defended at all. Just like the death of Ruan Aiguo, all involved

Everyone thinks that France cannot escape the Qianxian tradition, and this is also true.

The West will regard China and Japan as one, and the expansion plan is jointly planned by the two countries. Once this idea occurs, it will accelerate the differentiation of the international community, which is definitely not what China wants to see.

"What Brother Baili said is true. I immediately wrote back to warn Hirohito that if necessary, we will cut off trade with Japan. There is no need for China to get involved with Japan!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Yu felt a headache again, "Was it a mistake to let Japan occupy Borneo? Now Japan has built two more aircraft carriers, the Soryu and the Feilong, and the combined fleet has recovered again. I heard that there are more

The two ships Zuihe and Xianghe are under construction and will be launched soon. I have left behind a formidable opponent!"

Japan has indeed spared no effort in the development of its navy. They have invested most of the wealth they gained from Borneo into the navy. In particular, they have shown a morbid obsession with the pursuit of aircraft carriers. Qiao Yu is also constantly doubting his original decision.

"President, there is no need to blame yourself. The situation back then was completely different from now. We were not strong enough. Letting Japan share some of the pressure was a good move. This move is also working now. Without Japan in the middle, China

How can we have such close ties with the United States?"

Jiang Baili stated one of China's original plans. The Pacific Ocean is huge, but it cannot accommodate two big countries with lofty ideals. If Japan's power is completely eliminated, China and the United States will face each other, and the conflict of interests between the two countries will become more and more serious.

Especially sensitive military technology, China cannot easily obtain it from the United States.

Now there is Japan standing between China and the United States, which means that the two countries have a common imaginary enemy. In many cases, the United States is still willing to provide certain support to China. This is why China was able to copy a large number of American technologies during the Great Depression.

political conditions.

Now it seems that China's original decision was still correct, but it did not completely crush Japan, which makes Qiao Yu always feel a little unhappy.

"President, as long as we remain vigilant enough, Japan will not be able to survive. However, our alert to Japan must also be strengthened, and the East China Sea Fleet must also be strengthened!"

Qiao Yu immediately wrote back to Hirohito, asking Japan not to destroy the balance in Southeast Asia. At the same time, China also vaguely informed the United States of the situation, indicating that China had absolutely no intention of forming an alliance with Japan.

There is intrigue here, but the squadron marched straight into Vietnam with overwhelming force. The Chinese and French armies first encountered each other in Thanh Hoa. In order to defend this place, the French built a tight defense line in an attempt to defend it to death.

This was China's first battle, and it was determined to win. Lu Yuguang personally commanded. China concentrated 130 shore-based aircraft. At the same time, the Zhenyuan aircraft carrier battle group also participated. The naval aviation force was more skilled than the army.

, the combat effectiveness is also stronger.

Under the fierce attack of China's air power, French aircraft were continuously shot down, and air supremacy quickly changed hands like autumn leaves. Western armies are pursuing advanced equipment, but once the equipment is at a disadvantage, they don't know how to fight.

Well, there are not many examples in Western history of the weak defeating the strong.

At this point, there is a huge gap between the east and the west. After losing air supremacy, the French army will only huddle in the defense fortifications and dare not dispatch easily. The squadron gave full play to the powerful mobility of the armored force and dealt with the French army.

Instead of resorting to a fierce attack, they bypassed France's heavily defended front and cut off the French army's retreat.

This is also one of the strategies Pan Wenhua formulated this time. The terrain of Vietnam is long and narrow, and the French army is not only the same. China will use this situation to divide and cut the long French army into a string of candied haws, and then one by one

After successfully surrounding Thanh Hoa, the Chinese forwards did not rush to encircle and annihilate them, but continued to advance.

Ching Chia, Qiong Liu, Bien Thuy... one by one strategic locations fell into the defense of China. The French finally felt a real threat, and Saigon desperately issued an order to retreat.


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