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Chapter 534 International Arena

read_content_up; Countries around the world are very sensitive to the war in the Far East. China's strength has attracted the attention of all countries. A huge shadow has appeared in the east of the world. Wherever a country is strong, some will decline. This is almost inevitable. China is strong. Corresponding to this is the severe decline of Britain and France.

Although final talks have not yet been carried out, everyone knows that France has lost the three Indo-China countries, its support point in the Far East has completely disappeared, and this country has been excluded from the Nanyang colonial system. France is finished, and Britain is dead. The situation is getting more and more difficult. At the same time, the situation in the Netherlands is also very bad. Japan has created several conflicts in a row. If it were not for China's fierce opposition, the Japanese would have established an East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

The situation of the French army in Saigon is getting more and more difficult. China's encirclement is getting tighter and tighter. The neck of the French government seems to be pinched. It is getting harder and harder. Tens of thousands of troops overseas are about to be destroyed, but France cannot effectively protect these troops. People, this is very fatal. A large number of people protested on the streets, and the opposition parties also took the opportunity to stand up and oppose it.

They have countless reasons to oppose the French government. Isn't it the result of the military's disastrous defeat? They cannot guarantee the safety of the sea and send hundreds of thousands of troops to the East. Isn't this sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth? Why hasn't the government coordinated with the Western world? , taking strong sanctions against China is obviously a diplomatic misstep..."

French Prime Minister Daladier became overwhelmed in the face of various accusations and hesitated. In fact, he was also full of grievances and could not express them. This time France failed so quickly mainly because of the navy. The maritime power was moving towards At the important moment of aircraft carrier transformation, France was lagging behind due to financial difficulties. Without enough aircraft carriers, there would be no maritime hegemony. This was also a major strategic mistake of France.

Another important issue is the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. This sudden civil war attracted the attention of the United Kingdom and the United States. Europe's status is more important than the Far East, especially Spain's defense of the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the most important place in the world. The important maritime fortress was the lifeblood of the British Empire.

The two sides of the Spanish Civil War were the pro-Soviet left-wing alliance on one side and the pro-German right-wing forces on the other. These two countries were regarded as scourges by Britain, France and other countries. It would be the best outcome if the two scourges could die together.

Therefore, the United Kingdom adopted a neutral attitude towards the Spanish Civil War. To put it bluntly, they stood by and watched. They had seen the threat, but they thought that adopting a laissez-faire attitude would eventually cause Germany and the Soviet Union to turn against each other. The two countries still fought hard. A fight to the death, and then the British Empire will come out to clean up the mess and remain the leader of the world.

I have to say that this is wishful thinking. Picking the weakest persimmons and exposing your own cowardice repeatedly will only make your enemies look down on you and trample you completely.

The Spanish Civil War indeed relieved a lot of pressure on China's expansionary actions. Nearly half a million Chinese troops swept across the three Indo-China countries. Cambodia and the Walled Kingdom fell under Chinese control one after another. In addition, large armies gathered. Now only France is left. A stronghold in Saigon.

The Paris direction did not want these soldiers to surrender, but they could not bear the outcome of tens of thousands of people dying in the battle, so they stayed in a stalemate here. China did not take the initiative to attack, but started to play with the prey like a cat.

After completely cutting off external contact, China began to use low-flying planes to harass French soldiers. The loud noises and real death threats made the French soldiers mentally and physically exhausted. At this time, China also continued to throw away a large number of photos of French people demonstrating, telling

The families of these soldiers are waiting for them, so don't make unnecessary sacrifices.

This propaganda offensive is still very effective. The French military morale has been lost. Hundreds of people escape from Saigon every day and voluntarily surrender to China. Saigon is already crumbling.

China has also made a request for peace talks to France through the United States. Under these conditions, the French have no other way out. If they cannot fight, they can only talk. The French also know that talking about peace talks now will definitely suffer humiliation, but if they do not talk,

These more than 100,000 lives are in China's hands. If they cannot be saved, the surging public opinion will engulf the government.

At this time, China has gained an absolute advantage, and there is not much suspense in the negotiations. Qiao Yu leaves everything to Gu Weijun. China's bottom line is very clear, that is, all three Indo-China countries must be handed over to China, and France controls them.

All property must also be handed over to China, and other things are irrelevant.

China has not offered any conditions such as compensation. Nothing is as valuable as land, and any amount of money is just a lottery. What really attracts China is the land of Indochina, especially the Mekong Delta, which is also the area with the most abundant water and heat.

, as long as it is developed, it will be a huge granary. China's population has exceeded 500 million, and the growth rate is still at a very high level.

Population issues have always been something the Chinese government must consider. During the First and Second Five-Year Plans, China's food production continued to increase, medical standards also continued to improve, the survival rate of infants skyrocketed, and there was relatively sufficient food.

It is not surprising that the population is growing exponentially.

However, the rapidly increasing population has also put huge pressure on the government. Therefore, many scholars have even come forward to hope that the Chinese government will implement measures to limit population growth. Based on the grain yield per mu, China's land can support up to 700 million people.

It can be achieved within ten years, and by then the Chinese people will face the fate of having no food to eat.

Qiao Yu does not agree with this kind of research, because Qiao Yu knows very well that there is still a lot of room for growth in grain production. According to future calculations, China's current territory can support a population of 1.5 billion without any problems. Of course, this growth rate cannot be too fast.

It is best to use fifty or sixty years to achieve growth, which will not only provide China with a steady stream of demographic dividends, allow the government to respond calmly, and provide enough time for the development of science and technology.

It is necessary to appropriately restrict births. Of course, Qiao Yu did not take coercive measures. Instead, he increased the number of movie screenings nationwide, with more movies in remote areas. At the same time, he installed radios for the people and set up various cultural activity rooms.

To put it simply, it is to enrich people's amateur cultural life, so that everyone has something to do, and does not have to go out to create people every night. In addition, the development of industrialization and the improvement of women's status are also conducive to limiting the increase in population and allowing women to leave the family.

Come out, participate in various jobs, support half of society, and have your own career. You don't have to stay at home all day long.

Of course, these measures can only be subtle and will not have immediate results. Therefore, Qiao Yu must make other preparations, which is to expand the territory and use more land to carry the excessive population. A well-developed Mekong Delta can at least solve the problem.

The value of feeding 100 million people to China is truly inestimable.

Both the Chinese government and the military are completely attracted by this huge benefit, and the voice of expansion is getting louder and louder. The army hopes to make contributions on the battlefield, and the government wants to use new territory to absorb conflicts, so they both strongly advocate grabbing more territory.

Amid the outcry, Qiao Yu was very clear. Gu Zhang was not impossible, but he had to find the right time, especially not to go too far. More importantly, national affairs could not be kidnapped. Militarism would not end well, so Qiao Yu was

These sounds are all under great control.

China absolutely cannot expand endlessly and turn itself into a public enemy of the world like Germany and Japan did, but China can follow the example of the United States and reap the dividends of war.

There are currently two wars that can provide huge benefits to China. One is the war between Abyssinia and Italy, and the other is the Spanish Civil War.

Abyssinian Emperor Selassie has made a request to China, hoping that China can provide a large number of weapons, and all weapons funds can be pledged with their resources.

In addition, Zhang Xueliang also sent a report to the country. After more than a year of fighting, the military quality of the Afghan army has improved rapidly, and it has learned a bit of the essence of guerrilla warfare. The entire armed force has grown to more than 500,000, and most of the people in all rural areas have

With everything under their control, Italy's situation has become increasingly difficult.

Zhang Xueliang boldly predicted that as long as it takes three to five years, the Afghan army will be able to defeat the Italians, so it is very cost-effective to increase investment now.

After Qiao Yu solicited other suggestions, he formulated a comprehensive aid plan. Within three years, China would provide one million rifles, 100 million rounds of ammunition, 500,000 landmines, and a large number of heavy machine guns.

Weapons such as cannons and grenades, and if necessary, China can also provide tanks and aircraft.

These weapons are just old products that have been eliminated by China, and most of them have lagged behind the world. In order to cope with the new world war, China must improve its arsenal. However, these old products that have been eliminated also have advantages, that is, they are durable and easy to operate.

It is very suitable for the Afghan army with low military quality.

After a long period of observation, China has decided to build Abyssinia into a frontier of influence in Africa. Therefore, investment will naturally increase, not to mention that it can also exchange for Abyssinia’s domestic mineral resources. This is not possible.

It is really unjustifiable for Italy, a weakling like Italy, not to bully us about losing money.

If Abyssinia is a long-term interest, then Spain is an immediate interest. China has long sent Xu Shuzheng to communicate with Germany and sell Chinese fire to Spain. For Spain, China cannot sell rags, but must sell active

Take out the equipment, even the most advanced weapons.

Any weapon must pass the battlefield before it can be trained and tested to achieve its proper performance. Now Spain has gathered German-made equipment, Soviet-made equipment, as well as a large number of British and French weapons. Even the United States has secretly intervened and sent weapons to

Spain, the reason why various countries are so enthusiastic is that they want to use Spain as a platform to test the performance of various countries' weapons and compare which ones are better and which ones are worse.

Then, based on the confrontation situation on the battlefield, you can find your own shortcomings and explore the secrets of the opponent's equipment. Until now, the final divisions between the countries in the world have not been completed, but the preliminary camps have taken shape, so it is very important to find the weaknesses of the opponent.

China cannot be absent from this most important arena. Especially after China defeated France, the status of its equipment has also risen sharply. The first batch of equipment worth four million has been shipped from Shanghai, and then China will have more weapons to be transported to

Spain, go to this international arena and get tested.



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