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Chapter 54 Arms Transaction

Qiao Yu felt that there was a cold air coming from behind him, and he was facing the danger of his life. At this moment, Lu Wanqing's horse happened to be following him closely. Even if he avoided it, there was no guarantee that she would not die. Qiao Yu's brain was in a state of lightning.

Having made a decision, he threw himself on Lu Wanqing's horse with all his strength, hugged her tightly, and both of them rolled off the horse and directly into the wormwood on the edge of the valley, where they were.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and the bomb exploded.

Since the valley was relatively narrow, Wang Tianhe and others were behind. The bombs they saw fell, but there was no way to stop them. They saw two horses wailing and falling into a pool of blood. Several special forces members quickly rushed towards the hillside.

He went to kill the murderer to catch the murderer. The rest of the people were ready to fight. Wang Tianhe hurriedly came over to check on Qiao Yu's condition.

At this time, Qiao Yu was not seriously injured. Only a few pieces of flying gravel scratched his military uniform. There was a piece of warm jade pressed under him. It was delicate and soft, and his mind couldn't help but move. The beautiful woman under him at this time did not have this.

It felt like my head had hit the rock, and it was already bleeding. One of my legs was in sharp pain, and there was a person pressing on me.

"Get up quickly, you want to crush me to death!" Lu Wanqing pushed Qiao Yu hard, and she felt her head was dizzy again. Qiao Yu stood up quickly, picked up the beauty, and whispered in his ear

: “It feels really good!”

Lu Wanqing was dizzy and couldn't hear clearly. At this time, Wang Tianhe and others were already approaching, "Master, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"I have nothing serious to do. Please hurry up and have someone bandage Miss Wanqing. Has the murderer been caught?"

Just as he was talking, several special forces members came closer carrying two people tied up like rice dumplings. "Sir, we captured two assassins. They prepared horses at the foot of the mountain, but they were killed by us.

Two people were caught!"

"Well, let's interrogate him immediately to find out who ordered him to assassinate me. I want to see who is so bold as to want my life!"

Several people lifted the two assassins aside, and not long after, they heard a scream like a slaughtered pig. It was heartbreaking and they no longer looked like living people!

"How can you abuse prisoners? This is not allowed abroad!" Lu Wanqing's wounds had been bandaged, and she limped to Qiao Yu's side. She experienced a life and death test in a daze, and the two seemed to be close to each other.


"My eldest lady, don't you see that the other party wants our lives? Do you still want to be polite to them?"

"Hmph, what about our lives? They are here to assassinate you. I just suffered an unreasonable disaster. Don't think of yourself as your savior. You are still to blame for my injuries!"

Wang Tianhe watched Qiao Yu deflate and chuckled in his heart. This third young master always had the upper hand no matter what big shot he encountered. However, something was not going well at the moment. It seemed like one thing was falling after another. In the past, he had not been able to find it.

The fate of the third young master.

"Tianhe, aren't you happy that I was assassinated? Why don't you go and show me whether those two thugs have any tricks?" Wang Tianhe hurried over and came back not long after.

"The young master has already asked. The two of them are death row inmates in the prison. The cell leader told them that as long as they can assassinate one person, they can survive. These two people came to assassinate you!"

"The people in the prison? Are they people assigned by the government? Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on Niu Chuanshan and others? Don't you know what they are doing?"

"Master and the others were not arranged by the government. According to their account, the shopkeeper of Tianshunxiang Bank took them out of Chongqing. The location of the ambush was also provided by the shopkeeper!"

Tian Shunxiang? Isn’t that the ticket number of the Li family? Basically, all businessmen in Chongqing, large and small, have interests connected with the Qiao family. However, only Li Yaoting, the original president of the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, and the Li family still stubbornly insist on

They stick to the original business method and cling to the bank account number. The Li family has a special status, and Qiao Yu does not force him. Even if the two parties are not in conflict with each other, if there is no conflict of interest, how can the Li family want to assassinate him?…

Qiao Yu's head spun rapidly, and he gradually gained some insights. The collusion between the bank run by the Li family and the government was very deep. They basically lived on privileges, and the government deposited all taxes and other income received into the bank account.

If there are any needs, such as military pay, etc., they are directly withdrawn from the bank account, and the money and goods obtained from corruption are also laundered in the bank account, and the bank bank relies on these capitals to lend money at usury and live a leisurely life.

And sending a tax inspector by yourself undoubtedly violated the Li family's control, but with the character of that old fox Li Yaoting, would he attack him so recklessly?

"Tianhe, who is in power in the Li family now?"

"It's Li Heyang. Li Yaoting is seriously ill and may not be able to survive anymore. After all, he is already old. Li Heyang and Yang Shukan are sons and daughters. Master, do you think the alliance sent someone here because they were unwilling to fail?"

"It's useless to guess like this now. Go back to Chongqing as soon as possible and step up the investigation. Whoever wants to harm me will have to pay the price!"

The group stepped up their vigilance and soon returned to Chongqing. After arranging Lu Wanqing's arrangements, Qiao Yu immediately sent people to investigate. However, news soon came that Li Heyang had left Chongqing a few hours ago. Now it seems that this is the case.

He was behind the attack, otherwise he wouldn't have run away with a guilty conscience.

"Shun Qing, after all, the Li family has great prestige, you still have to think carefully and don't touch the Li family easily!" Uncle Bai Kuan also learned about the assassination. Although he was very angry, he knew very well the influence of Li Yaoting, and many officials in the border areas

They all have a close relationship with Li Yaoting, and the Li family's Tianshunxiang bank accounts are spread across several provinces, and they have a rich background. It would be okay if the evidence is conclusive and Li Heyang is caught, but now the Li family only has an old man left, and things are really difficult to handle.

"Uncle, I know the seriousness, but Niu Chuanshan seems to be involved. This Taotai master wants to be overthrown. I will go find him now and collect some interest!"

Just when Qiao Yu was about to go to Niu Chuanshan to settle accounts, someone suddenly came to report and handed over a greeting card. Qiao Yu saw that it was Yang Shukan's. Why did he come to him at this time?

"Invite him in. I just want to ask him a few things!" Soon Yang Shukan was taken to the reception room. Yang Shukan took off his hat, smiled bitterly and sat down opposite Qiao Yu, "Mr. Qiao, let's meet again.

Now, your power is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Thank you for your compliment. Your methods are not bad. Your relatives just sent two killers, but I caught them both! What do you think should be done?"

When Yang Shukan heard about the assassin, his head immediately got big. He came to Qiao Yu regardless of his dignity this time just to get a batch of arms. He had no plan to assassinate Qiao Yu. Was it the Li family who did it? What if he succeeded?

It was good, but now it’s bad!

"Mr. Qiao, I assure you that we have never sent anyone to assassinate you, and I came here hoping that we can cooperate!"

"Oh? Tell me your requirements?"

"It's very simple. We need a batch of arms. The more the better. We'll settle in cash, and you make your price!"

"So you are preparing for an armed uprising? Now is indeed a good opportunity to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty! It would be bad if we miss the opportunity."

"Mr. Qiao, we may have had some misunderstandings in the past, but I know that you are not trying to be a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty. We can completely cooperate on the issue of overthrowing the Qing court. Now the Manchu Qing Dynasty has committed public outrage, and the people of Sichuan have been mobilized.

, I believe there will be a wave of uprisings soon, and if you can join this wave, we can completely put an end to the past!"

As soon as Qiao Yu heard what Yang Shukan said, he knew that this man's mentality had quietly changed due to the setback in Chongqing. However, Qiao Yu still firmly held an independent stance in his heart. The Tongmenghui's program was still very relevant in this era.

It's seductive, and to be fair, it has merits, so it still can't really get involved with the Alliance.

"Mr. Cangbai, let's talk about arms first!"


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