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Five hundred and fiftieth seventh chapter for people to eliminate disasters

King Rama VII had a very strange feeling at this time, that he had been deceived!

He dared to use force to suppress the demonstrations because he wanted to drag China into the water. Once the government and the people conflict, no matter how reasonable the government is, public opinion will fall to the weak side. This is human nature and is difficult to reverse. Therefore, at that time

When the nurse persuaded King Rama VII to take decisive measures, King Rama VII was very hesitant.

Due to the emergency, Rama VII's palace was besieged, and he had to order the security company to participate. In fact, Rama VII also had his own plans as a king. It was not that he could not mobilize any troops, at least the Siamese royal family

There are also some officers who control part of the army. These are equivalent to the Royal Guards. The total number is about 3,000 people and they are very well-equipped. It is completely possible to send them out, but Rama VII does not want to ruin his reputation.

Only then did the security company intervene.

He just wants China to bear part of the pressure and help him share some of the public grievances. Who knows, but now he understands that although the Chinese military is actually involved, in theory the Chinese government has no responsibility at all, and all those deployed are security companies.


Without China's affairs, Rama VII would have to bear the cruel consequences. But he got the report and knew that the streets were full of dead bodies. These security teams killed and injured at least four to five hundred people in a few hours.

, now the streets of Bangkok are full of dead bodies and blood.

When he thought of these things, Rama VII's head suddenly grew bigger. He could even imagine how the people in the country would hate him. He was afraid that from now on, his image among the people would be completely ruined. It might even turn bloody.


Everyone betrayed their relatives and lost their hearts. How could he continue to be the king? After knowing his situation, Rama VII's eyes suddenly darkened, he became dizzy, and fell directly on the throne. He just pointed at Du Yuesheng with his finger and said:

No words can come out.

Du Yuesheng didn't take King Rama VII's reaction to heart at all. He said with a smile: "Your Majesty the King, this demonstration is very large. Not only in Bangkok, there are demonstrations in other major cities, and we have received the latest report.

Other areas are even more outrageous than Bangkok. Not only did they shout slogans of "hit you," they also attacked a large number of commercial institutions, and there were bad practices of smashing, looting, and burning. Those businessmen who have devoted a lot of effort to the economic prosperity of Siam

I am suffering from threats to my life and property. I wonder if His Majesty the King can authorize our security company to continue to take tough measures. You can rest assured that we will ensure that we will handle the matter perfectly. My labor service company has made a decision to fully accept the criminals. As long as we mobilize

Get up and bring peace to Siam soon!"

"No need. Siam can handle its own problems, and I have enough confidence!"

Rama VII categorically rejected Du Yuesheng's request. He already knew that he had fallen into a trap and must jump out as soon as possible. If he continued to rely on China's power or even tried to use China, he would only be in trouble faster.

Du Yuesheng, on the other hand, has a completely indifferent attitude. In his eyes, Rama VII has completely shot himself in the foot. Now he has fallen into a swamp. The more he struggles, the more dangerous he is. If he can be honest and still have

A glimmer of hope.

At this moment, the waiter ran in in a panic, his face already turning green.

"Your Majesty, something bad is going on. There are riots in the city, and thugs are setting fires everywhere!"

When King Rama VII heard the news, he rushed out of the palace in a hurry. As soon as he reached the door, he saw a red light in the distance. It was already evening, and the fire became more obvious, and there were faint lights.

The shouting sounded like the cry of hell to Rama VII.

He grabbed the waiter and asked viciously: "What is going on? Who is setting the fire!"

The chamberlain's face was already red from suppressing the pressure. He reluctantly said: "Your Majesty, it was the democrats who set the fire. After the parade was suppressed, these democrat leaders were preparing to launch an armed uprising to overthrow your rule. Now they are setting the fire."

Bangkok was burned down, and everyone fled outside during this chaotic time!"

When King Rama VII heard this, his face quickly turned gray. What he had been worried about finally happened. There were huge contradictions in Siamese society. The struggle between royal power and civil rights was when Siam moved towards modernization.

It appeared. At that time, China had not yet carried out the Revolution of 1911.

Looking at all Asian countries, only China's revolution was considered thorough. Within a few months, the emperor was driven away, and then two restorations were overthrown. After Qiao Yu came to power, several purges were carried out, and the original Manchurian people were eliminated.

The remaining forces of the Qing Dynasty were wiped out, and then through rapid industrialization, powerful industrial and commercial groups were supported. With this emerging force, China's revolutionary achievements were completely consolidated.

The ability to achieve this is entirely due to the uniqueness of China's social structure, coupled with Qiao Yu's vision and strong control. Other countries have no way to follow suit. In fact, including Japan's Meiji Restoration, they all retained imperial power and left a large number of

feudal remnants.

This is especially true for Siam. The royal family has almost unrestricted power, incomplete reforms, and being caught between major powers, making Siam's development difficult. At this time, with the rise of national democratic thoughts, Siam society

The elite blamed the country's difficulties on King Rama VII and hoped to overthrow the king and establish a true democratic republic.

Due to the outbreak of the Great Depression, this situation has become more and more obvious. Various ideological trends are rampant in Siamese society. Pro-Chinese, pro-Japanese, democrats, royalists and other factions are at odds with each other; democratic republican, fascist, majority parties and other factions are at odds with each other.

Political tendencies clash with each other.

This situation is actually similar to the society of the Republic of China, but now under the leadership of Qiao Yu, China has developed rapidly and people's living standards have greatly improved. Although there are various controversies in society, they all remain in the academic field.

At most, it's just a quarrel in the newspaper.

Ordinary people don't care about these. They care more about who can bring them real benefits and who can make them live happier and more dignified.

The people of Siam are not as relaxed as those in China. Their incomes continue to shrink and their situation becomes more and more difficult. Although this demonstration was instigated by Japan and the democratic parties, the large scale of this demonstration was also due to the concentrated outbreak of social conflicts in Siam.


These democrats did not initially expect that the government would carry out bloody suppression at the first opportunity. They also wanted to mobilize the people through peaceful demonstrations, create momentum, promote ideas, and mobilize more people to join.

Unexpectedly, the rapid action of the canal security company broke their plan, and the Siamese army also joined the ranks of the suppressors. As a result, the parade did not continue at all, and on the contrary, many key personnel were lost.

What followed was a city-wide manhunt. If no action was taken, they were afraid that the entire democratic force would be blamed. Therefore, they decisively decided to attack as soon as possible while they still had the strength.

Japan's support for them is not empty talk. It also provides some arms and funds to arm the entire democratic force. They use students and young officers as the main force, secretly train some of the armed forces, and now use them.

The city of Bangkok was on fire, and the shouts of killing were heard endlessly. The Siamese army was also confused and embarrassed by the opponent's counterattack. Moreover, the leader of the democrats and a considerable part of the armed forces had taken advantage of the chaos to withdraw from Bangkok. There is no doubt that they

is to prepare to push the war to the entire country.

"Your Majesty the King, do you think the situation is still under control?" Du Yuesheng smiled and walked behind Rama VII.

"Your Majesty, you ordered the Bangkok tragedy and bloody suppressed the uprising. If these people come to power, your Majesty's situation will be very bad!"

"I didn't make it, it was you who did it. It has nothing to do with me!"

"What's the difference? You can explain it to the rioters. I don't care anyway!"

Du Yuesheng spread his hands while speaking, then turned around and strode out of the palace gate. Rama VII's mind was spinning rapidly at this time. He knew his situation, internal and external troubles, and if the wave of uprising spread across the country,

I'm just afraid that my throne is really over.

Thinking of this, he suddenly took a few steps forward, grabbed Du Yuesheng's sleeve, and said loudly: "Mr. Du, you must help me now. As long as this difficulty is overcome, I will take care of your business in Siam."

Cooperate fully and you will become the biggest businessman in Siam!"

Du Yuesheng would definitely be tempted by this kind of promise in the past, but now the Chinese government is involved, especially since the two aircraft carriers are still on the way.

Du Yuesheng believes in one principle when doing business, that is, he will take care of what the government can't take care of, and he will never interfere with what the government can take care of. So he sneered and said: "Your Majesty the King, I am a common man who is weak and unable to help you, but for the sake of

For the sake of our friendship, I would like to advise you, don’t always play your own tricks, some people are not something you can play with!"

Why didn’t King Rama VII understand Du Yuesheng’s words? He was accusing him of not being of the same mind as China. At this time, King Rama VII was also constantly cursing himself secretly. China is a behemoth and cannot be calculated by him at all. How could he have planned it in the first place?

You didn’t realize how much you weighed!

"Mr. Du, please don't let it go. I know you have a way. You must give me a clear path!" As he spoke, King Rama VII thrust a piece of paper into Du Yuesheng's hand, "This is my personal

An account with a total of two million yuan, and I will thank you heavily afterwards!"

Money is always a good thing, and Du Yuesheng is no exception. He glanced at it, then folded the note and put it in his pocket.

"Your Majesty, the thugs also attacked a large number of Chinese businessmen this time, and they suffered heavy losses. You may wish to send a request to China, saying that there is a large-scale humanitarian crisis in Siam, and requesting China to send troops to help quell the rebellion. Your life and property will never be affected.


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