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Chapter 565: The Sino-Indian Border Issue

Churchill was a very smart man, and he knew very well how bad the current situation was. The German army had swept through Norway, and its troops were directed at the Netherlands, Belgium and other low-lying countries. France was also in danger, and the powerful combat capabilities of the German aircraft carriers made Churchill even more...


Although both Germany's two aircraft carriers were damaged, they did not sink. It would only take a few months, or even less, to regain combat effectiveness. Moreover, German shipyards were still building new aircraft carriers. During the naval battle, Hitler had already

Having clearly seen the huge power of the aircraft carrier, I am afraid that Germany has unified its opinions and Germany will definitely fight tooth and nail.

Germany, which has occupied a large area of ​​Europe, has much greater war potential than Britain. The situation this time is far more dangerous than World War I. The British Empire has reached a critical moment of life and death. Churchill can appear confident in his speech, but in the face of

In the cruel reality, Churchill was somewhat helpless.

He knew very well that Britain alone could not fight Germany, and even adding France might not be effective, so Churchill mentioned the entire free world in his speech. There was no doubt that he was calling for the support of the United States, and Washington did indeed do so at this time.

I was shocked by the power of Germany.

Britain must not fall. Once Britain and France cannot hold out, and Germany has the opportunity to rectify the whole of Europe, the United States will not be able to compete with Germany, so it must help now. What is worse is that isolationism is prevalent in the United States, especially when it sees that Germany is invincible.

When the war was invincible, the American people also felt a sense of fear. They were simply unwilling to let young Americans fight Germany.

This situation cannot be reversed in a day or two, and it will take time for the US military industry to mobilize. If Britain and France cannot hold on before then, Europe will really fall into Hitler's hands.

After thinking about it, Roosevelt immediately sent a secret message to the Chinese government, hoping that the Chinese government could adopt a common stance with the United States and jointly support Britain. Churchill, who had just come to power, also sought support from the Chinese government.

The United States and Britain are very aware of the close military cooperation between China and Germany. Germany's carrier-based aircraft and aircraft carriers all obtained technology from China. If they want to quickly defeat Germany's ferocious weapons, they must obtain China's technical support. Churchill proposed

The Chinese government is required to provide the design parameters of the Zhenyuan-class aircraft carrier and the specific performance of the Suzaku aircraft, and it is hoped that China will provide detailed weaknesses to the United Kingdom.

Of course, by this time, Lao Qiu had already let go of his airs. He had already stated that he could negotiate anything and accept any harsh conditions. Lao Qiu knew very well that there was not much time left for Britain. Within half a year, the German aircraft carrier

Combat effectiveness will be restored. In more than a year, a brand new Nazi aircraft carrier will be launched. By then, even if France can still stare at the European continent as it did in World War I, Britain will have little hope of victory.

Once it loses control of the sea, the island country will end up very sad and can only be slaughtered by others. From the moment he came to power, Lao Qiu knew that he and Britain were in a precarious situation. To deal with German aircraft carriers, in addition to building more

, in addition to a more powerful aircraft carrier. The best way is to get the secret of the German aircraft carrier.

Of course, it is not enough to point at spies. It is best to start from China. Let China let go. However, this involves China's military secrets, and you must show enough sincerity and chips to impress China.

Therefore, Churchill announced that the cultural relics in the British Museum will be handed over to China in batches. As the most famous museum in the world, the British Museum houses many highly valuable cultural relics.

Some people even regard it as a temple of art, but no matter how glamorous the appearance is, it can't hide that this place is actually a hiding place for stolen goods. It contains items that the British have stolen from countless ancient peoples around the world over hundreds of years.

The treasure is proof that they colonized and plundered the whole world.

For many years, the British could only get in and out. Only during the First World War did China desperately try to get back thousands of pieces. Just ten years ago, the Chinese government officially allocated funds to build a huge Chinese museum next to the ruins of the Old Summer Palace. Among them

The most important exhibits are these recaptured cultural relics.

The ruins of the Old Summer Palace and the splendor of the Chinese Museum are in sharp contrast. Shame and glory lie in between. This time Britain took the initiative to return cultural relics and showed its goodwill to China, which was undoubtedly announcing the official end of a century of humiliation.

The British government also criticized Churchill, believing that he was betraying Britain's national interests. However, Churchill was still a shrewd man. He only said one sentence in the parliament: I will do anything for the survival of the British Empire.

Make a deal with the devil!

At this time of life and death, Churchill put aside everything. The British parliamentarians also knew that the situation was really critical. They all united and gave Churchill unreserved support. At this time, Britain no longer had partisanship, but only one nation.

How to fight for the right to survive!

The Chinese people are still very excited. Getting the treasure of their ancestors back is a huge comfort to people who have experienced tragic times.

However, the Chinese government was very indifferent. Qiao Yu just said in his speech that these things belong to China. The British offered to return them, which showed us the sincerity of correcting past mistakes. The Chinese government affirmed it!

Qiao Yu was very cautious in his choice of words. It was originally a Chinese thing, and now that it has been returned to its original owner, there is no need to be grateful to Britain. In addition, Qiao Yu is not so shallow that he can buy it off with some cultural relics.

Britain cannot fall. This is the view of the United States. In fact, it may not be China's intention. Even in later generations, the United States will do everything possible to prevent Europe from unifying. The reason is very simple. The United States knows the heritage of Europe. A unified Europe will definitely serve the world well.

Well deserved, this is definitely not a good thing for China.

Therefore, it is China's established policy to help Britain, but if it can help, Britain must provide enough benefits, especially real things such as land resources. As for anything else, it is nonsense.

Now Britain still has a colony in India in Asia, and the Malay Peninsula and Singapore are both under British control. Now it is time to talk. In the face of China's demands, no matter how reluctant Britain is,

There is no other way, otherwise we can't just watch the country subjugate!

"President, this is the southwest border approval plan compiled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please take a look!" Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Chen Youren reported the situation to Qiao Yu. Minister Gu Weijun had already rushed to the United States to exchange views on Europe. Therefore, domestic affairs

They were all handed over to Chen Youren.

This Chen Youren was also a famous figure in the original history. He once presided over the recovery of the British concessions in Hankou and Jiujiang. He was known as China's toughest diplomat. During this time and space, he became the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

Qiao Yu took the report and read it carefully. During the Battle of Northern Burma, China and Britain discussed the border issue. The British deliberately did not mention the Tibetan border issue in order to seize more territory when they gain the upper hand in the future.

Benefits, but it is clear that Britain miscalculated. In the past two decades, China's national power has increased rapidly, while Britain has declined rapidly, and even India has serious problems.

Historically, China did not have the concept of borders. There was only a border, which was an area, not a line. People of all ethnic groups in China's border areas have always traveled freely, traded with each other, and lived in peace most of the time.

Nowadays, many regions are trying to make the territory of past dynasties as large as possible, but apart from satisfying vanity, it has no practical value. The main areas controlled by China before the Tang Dynasty were the Yellow River Basin, the Guanzhong area of ​​the Central Plains, and the Yangtze River

Large-scale development of the Pearl River and the Pearl River occurred after the Song Dynasty, and other areas lacked effective control.

Of course, it is very remarkable to be able to do this. You must know that European countries were more fragmented during the feudal period. In Japan during the Warring States Period, almost every village was a prince. In comparison, China's ancient control area was very amazing, but it was far from a map.

It looks so scary.

With the rise of the West, their national concepts spread throughout the world, and China faced the important task of turning frontiers into borders. After the Revolution of 1911, the British tried to take the opportunity to seize Tibet, but Qiao

At that time, Yu was based in Sichuan and personally went on an expedition to quell the troubles in Tibet and block the British expansion momentum.

However, the border was still not finalized. Chen Youren introduced to Qiao Yu: "President, we must thoroughly clarify the Sino-Indian border issue this time. Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim must be independent as a buffer zone between China and India.

In addition, the Ladakh region and southern Tibet must all come under Chinese control, and other disputed areas must be resolved through comprehensive consultations; the most important point is to allow the British and British Burma to become independent and get rid of Indian control!"

India during this period was completely different from that of later generations. The British included Nepal, Myanmar and other places into India, so the entire South Asia was within the scope of India. China cut India into pieces with one strike, but Qiao Yu

But I appreciate this plan very much. India is a country with huge potential, and it would be best if it could be restricted as soon as possible.

Qiao Yu thought for a while and then said: "Don't be limited to the southwest border. The Kra Canal is about to be opened to navigation. Our power will go deep into the Indian Ocean. Therefore, the Andaman Islands must be handed over to China, and Singapore must also become independent from the United Kingdom. Southwest China

The security of maritime borders must be absolutely in your own hands!"

"What the President said is that the Andaman Islands are indeed very important, but I'm afraid the British will not agree easily!"

"Britain's survival is now hanging by a thread. They know the importance, but we also have to give the British a step up so that they can see some sweetness. During the negotiations, we can give up our support for Chandra and even help the UK restore its stability in South Asia."

Order, now his troubles are almost gone. If he doesn't clean up, India will really turn red and carry out drastic reforms. This country will really be a threat to China." (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome.

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