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Chapter five hundred and sixty seventh Lend-Lease Act

Although the Chinese side was very unfavorable about France's combat effectiveness and knew that the country would not last long, when they saw the German army's unstoppable attack on northern France, everyone still couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

It is the war machine of the Third Reich!

The rapid rise of Germany has put pressure on China, which is far away in East Asia. Jiang Baili has no intention of telling jokes with Qiao Yu.

"President, France has no strategic depth. Once Germany breaks through the defense line, this country will be defeated and only Britain will be left in the entire Western Europe. If Britain cannot hold on, Germany will really have no way to contain it. A unified

Europe is coming!"

"Brother Baili, don't forget the Soviet Union. Even if Germany can occupy Britain, it will have to defeat the Soviet Union before it can threaten China. However, we must not let Germany succeed. Britain must be saved!"

Jiang Baili also nodded repeatedly, "President, the UK has just received news that it hopes to set up a border investigation committee with us to jointly investigate the border issues between South Asia and China. It seems that the UK cannot stand it any longer!"

The mission of this so-called committee is to re-evaluate the border between China and India. There is no doubt that this is the result of Britain's compromise with China. Of course, Chugur also played a trick and did not directly agree to China's request. Qiao Yu's

There are still some gaps in the requirements.

"The president can't wait any longer. Even if the Soviet Union can hold on, we can't sit back and watch Germany control the entire Western Europe. Once Hitler integrates Europe's industrial power, even the United States will be unable to defeat Germany. The scale of the war will definitely exceed

Imagine. As for the territorial issue, I don’t think it needs to be solved in one step. There is an old saying that you will not be strong without fighting, and you will not be destroyed without fighting! China already has the capital to make war profits. After a war, we will only become stronger and stronger, while Britain

It must be more severely weakened than the last war, so we don’t have anything to worry about!”

Qiao Yu now also knows that the situation of World War II has changed a lot due to his appearance. Germany's offensive capabilities are more powerful than in history. Especially after making up for Germany's naval shortcomings, the Third Reich is really

It is possible to get out of control.

"Brother Baili, since you see it this way, we will immediately issue a statement to support the UK. We can provide the UK with all necessary support, including aircraft carriers!"

Aircraft carrier? Jiang Baili was stunned when he heard Qiao Yu's words: "President, our aircraft carrier is not enough, especially since Japan is also turbulent. The navy can only strengthen it, not weaken it!"

"Hahaha, Brother Baili, we have been prepared!"

Qiao Yu is very clear about the importance of aircraft carriers. The oceans of World War II were the ruins of aircraft carriers. However, maintaining a huge aircraft carrier fleet also requires too much money. China's foundation is not strong enough. A large aircraft carrier plus escort ships can

The cost of aircraft carriers and training to recruit personnel is at least 300 million yuan. China currently has eight aircraft carriers, which has already caused a considerable burden.

Therefore, Qiao Yu focused his attention on escort aircraft carriers. China has rich experience in escort aircraft carriers. Initially, China transformed four small aircraft carriers. Now China's shipbuilding industry has a very solid foundation. If it wants to build a large-scale light aircraft carrier, it is definitely

A familiar road.

In fact, China started preparations as early as two years ago and has designed a small aircraft carrier with a standard displacement of more than 8,000 tons and a full load of more than 10,000 tons. It can carry 30 combat aircraft and has good combat capabilities.

The mission of the light aircraft carrier is not to form a large formation to fight the enemy in the ocean. The mission of the light aircraft carrier is to protect the lifeline of the sea, escort merchant ships, and provide air defense cover for the fleet.

When China designed this class of aircraft carrier, it positioned its main function on anti-submarine warfare. Submarines are a real threat to the lifeline of the sea. Whether it is an island country like the United Kingdom or a country with vast oceans like China and the United States, they all need it.

Beware of hidden arrows under the water.

The main anti-submarine weapon of an aircraft carrier is the aircraft. China has specially designed a new type of anti-submarine patrol aircraft. Anti-submarine aircraft do not need too high speed. Any aircraft is very fast compared to a submarine. On the contrary, if the speed of the aircraft is too fast, it is easy to leak.

To drop a target, an anti-submarine aircraft needs a long airborne time and outstanding low-altitude performance.

Of course, the real combat capabilities of anti-submarine aircraft are reflected in their search capabilities and attack power. In order to attack submarines more effectively, China has developed sonobuoys, which can receive sound signals from nearby sea areas and transmit them to anti-submarine aircraft, which are then dispatched to attack submarines.

Submarine attacks.

Limited by technical level, the sonobuoy developed by China can only detect targets within three kilometers, and the reception range of anti-submarine aircraft is only about five kilometers, which can be said to be quite rudimentary, but it can be regarded as a pretty good anti-submarine method.

At least it is much more efficient than blindly searching on the water with a destroyer.

In addition, China has equipped anti-submarine aircraft with magnetic anomaly detectors to increase the accuracy of detection. The attack weapons equipped are mainly depth bombs and anti-submarine torpedoes. China has conducted several tests, all of which have proven that the new anti-submarine aircraft are very effective weapons.

, China then transformed a number of old biplanes, giving these old aircraft a second life. At the same time, China also built a number of seaplanes, which also served as an important anti-submarine force.

Before Hitler launched the Western European campaign, China had more than 300 anti-submarine aircraft, of which nearly 200 were deployed by China on the Ryukyu Islands. As the forefront of China's defense base, Ryukyu will naturally attract Japanese attacks.

It is very necessary for China to be more vigilant against this submarine attack.

When initially building escort aircraft carriers and anti-submarine aircraft, China had to consider the reactions of various countries to avoid irritating the United States and Britain. Therefore, China announced that it was building oil tankers and chose the construction site in Haiphong. It was not China’s traditional Qinzhou Shipyard. So far, China

A total of three aircraft carriers have been completed and five more are about to be launched.

Qiao Yu is not worried that Britain will not give in on the territorial issue. The most important factor is that China has enough good cards. Many technical problems are just a matter of unexpectedness. China's industrial technology is not as good as that of the United States, but China started early and the goal is

If you are clear about it, you will naturally take advantage of it.

Sure enough, as expected by China, when Chugur learned that China could not only provide Germany with aircraft carrier data, but also provide a large number of anti-submarine weapons, Chugur went crazy with joy. He was worried about how to deal with the German Sea Wolf.


Chugur is now in extreme tension. Facing the German advance, France has no ability to resist and is completely waiting to die. The British and French allied forces have been forced to retreat to Dunkirk, a port in northern France.

, the life and death of hundreds of thousands of troops depended on the German invasion.

Now Chugur has transferred all British naval forces to the English Channel. He knows very well that if he wants to resist Germany, these experienced soldiers must be rescued. However, Germany is not only ferocious in its army and air force, but also its maritime power cannot be underestimated.

Although they had already received news that two German aircraft carriers had been damaged.

However, the British could not be sure whether the German aircraft carrier would suddenly appear at sea. If this happened, the British would really have no choice but to surrender. Fortunately, the German aircraft carrier did not appear, so the British could finally relax.

One breath.

They mobilized all the forces they could mobilize to rescue the soldiers who were about to be besieged. At this critical juncture, the British also showed the deep accumulation of an old world hegemon. All ships that could float on the water were mobilized to form

A fleet of extremely bizarre and indescribable ships.

Among them are bankers, taxi drivers, teachers, workers, dentists, teenagers... Many of them are obviously poor. They have no coats, wearing ragged sweaters and sanitary shirts, and they wear rubber shoes with cracks.

They were wet in the sea water and rain, and hungry in the biting cold wind... A moment ago, these people were still complaining about the incompetence of their country, and resenting the government's cowardice and retreat, but at this moment they were all conscious of it.

Many braved the hail of bullets to rescue the besieged soldiers. A considerable number of them were not registered and were completely spontaneous. However, they were as orderly as soldiers.

From the beginning of Germany's attack on France to the great retreat before them, there was only ten days. The last time the British and French forces held out for four years and ushered in their own victory, this time they only lasted ten days. The two major powers

Faced with such a tragic failure, the world was deeply shocked once again.

U.S. President Roosevelt immediately delivered a speech condemning Germany and called on the United States to increase its support for Britain as soon as possible. The United States should become the arsenal of the communist country and make its own contribution to world peace. However, there is still no final unified view in the United States. Many people

The Germans were still unwilling to confront Germany, which was gaining momentum. Congress had not authorized Roosevelt, and they hoped to observe for a while longer.

However, at this time, the Chinese Parliament passed a bill that shocked the world, called the Lend-Lease Act. According to the requirements of the bill, China provided the first batch of four escort aircraft carriers, one hundred anti-submarine aircraft, and twenty decommissioned destroyers and frigates to the United Kingdom.

There are also a number of anti-aircraft machine guns and submachine guns.

Roosevelt actually proposed supporting Britain much earlier than China, but due to opposition from Congress, it has not been successful. However, China has shown unprecedented efficiency. In addition to arms, China also provided a large amount of penicillin and other drugs.


China's gift package excited everyone in the UK. Ordinary British people never expected that China would come to help them without hesitation when they were in the most critical moment. At this time, Chugur also strongly praised China's move, saying that it was

The real help in times of need is a great support for a just cause, but there is countless bitterness in his heart, because all these are exchanged for the land of Myanmar!

This chapter has been completed!
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