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Chapter 575: The Eagle Over London

Although both China and the United States have begun to publicly support the United Kingdom, the two countries have not declared war on Germany, so the degree of intervention is still limited. The next German air strikes will have to be resisted by the United Kingdom.

Churchill knew very well that this air battle was the moment that would decide the fate of the British Isles. He had to do his best to win or die. First, the British established an aircraft manufacturing department in the wartime cabinet and increased aircraft production from 700 to 1,000.

Six hundred aircraft, more than doubled, which fully proves that aircraft are not a big problem for developed industrial countries. The difficulty is pilots. Every country has a large number of aircraft waiting for pilots!

The British adjusted the country's defense focus and placed all the main defense forces in London. In addition, they urgently established a training school. There was no time to train pilots, but they could train air and ground personnel.

A special command headquarters was established to command the country's fighter units, anti-aircraft artillery units, and air defense radar observation units. The fighter unit has a total of 56 squadrons and a total of 980 fighter jets, including the excellent "Hurricane" and "Spitfire"

688 fighter jets.

The anti-aircraft artillery force has a total of 7 divisions and more than 4,000 anti-aircraft guns, but there are less than 2,000 large-caliber anti-aircraft guns. And since the monthly output of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns is only 40, it is difficult to increase the number in a short period of time. Therefore, the British army adjusted its deployment and reduced about 700 large-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

Large-caliber anti-aircraft guns are deployed in aircraft manufacturing plants as key defense areas.

In addition, there are 5 brigades of anti-aircraft arresting balloons, with more than 1,500 arresting balloons. These arresting balloons are all tied to cars and can be quickly transferred. In addition, there are 2,700 searchlights.

The UK was also the first country to develop radar. By July, a total of 51 radar stations had been built across the country, and 38 were deployed in the southeastern coastal areas. The number of UK radar stations is far less than that of China, but the UK has one advantage.

The reason is that the country is small, so the radar deployment density is higher than that in China, and it can conduct powerful detection of German aircraft.

Britain is fully preparing for war. At this time, Germany is also planning an attack on Britain. The climate in the Atlantic is affected by the monsoon, and it will become very bad after September. Storms and extreme weather will bring great consequences to combat operations.

Troubled, so there was not much time left for Hitler, only about two months left.

Germany must use its air force to destroy the British defense system and seize control of the English Channel. Then it will assist the German army to land in England. Everything must be achieved by the air force. Only then will Germany truly feel the importance of aircraft carriers.

If Germany's two aircraft carrier battle groups were still there, they could have sailed to the English Channel and have control of the sea at their fingertips. Now that the Tirpitz is seriously injured and it will take half a year to repair, it will definitely not be able to attack Britain in time, and the Bismarck has sunk.

This greatly reduced the intensity of Germany's attack. No matter how you measure it, letting the Bismarck attack rashly is a wrong choice.

Of course, there is no regret medicine in the world. The Germans also had no way of building a new aircraft carrier. Hitler could only place his hopes on Goering and his air force. Goering was as conceited as ever. He assured Hitler that the air force alone would

can win the war.

In order to defeat Britain in one fell swoop, Germany mobilized a total of more than 2,600 aircraft, of which about 1,000 were fighter escorts and the remaining more than 1,000 were bombers. From a comparison of strength, Germany had three times the advantage


But this advantage is definitely not enough to help Germany win. It must be surrounded by ten and attacked by five. It is impossible to win by brute force with only three times the advantage. In addition, in addition to army aircraft, Britain also has

In the Naval Air Force, there are still four aircraft carriers in the UK. In addition, the Glory and Indomitable are also speeding up repairs. By then, more than 200 carrier-based aircraft will also be able to participate in the battle.

These carrier-based aircraft do not need to fight Germany in the airspace. They can completely harass the German coastal areas, harass maritime trade routes, or attack major cities and industrial areas; in addition, the British also have the killer weapon of radar, so the two

The gap in national strength is not very big. Fortunately, Qiao Yu did not sell radar technology to Germany. Otherwise, it is still unclear who will win this war.

By July, Germany had completely occupied northern France and established a puppet regime in the small town of Vichy. France, the former hegemon of the European continent, was completely finished. However, a few days before its complete fall, the former Deputy Minister of Defense de Gaulle had fled.

Arriving in London, he set out to form Free France and establish a government-in-exile.

Now Britain has become a paradise for the government-in-exile. Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium and other fallen countries have all come to the UK to hug each other for warmth. These governments-in-exile are nothing more than pawns at best. Qiao Yu has secretly made up his mind to make it happen in the future.

In the United Nations Security Council, a country as unworthy as France will definitely not be able to obtain permanent membership status.

After Germany stabilized the entire Western European continent, it began to attack British merchant ships and test the defensive capabilities of the British Air Force. This tentative attack continued until August. Germany was running out of time, and all air force units were assembled at this time.

, their massive attack also began.

Just three days ago, China's four aircraft carriers took nearly two months to finally cross the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and arrived in the United Kingdom. Three of these four aircraft carriers were converted from old aircraft carriers, but this did not hinder their anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

, in fact, when in the Mediterranean, Chinese aircraft carriers discovered German submarines several times.

The Mediterranean Sea is now like a footbath. On one side are the German and Italian naval and air forces, and on the other side are the British armed forces. The two sides are going back and forth, and the confrontation is very fierce. Especially since Italy has opened up the North African battlefield, they have set their sights on the target.

On top of the Suez Canal.

German submarines also frequently appeared in the Mediterranean Sea, constantly hunting, and British merchant ships were frequently sunk. After China's four aircraft carriers entered the Mediterranean Sea, they naturally attracted the attention of Germany. Germany absolutely did not want this huge fleet to fall to the British.

in the hands of.

Therefore, the Germans sent a large number of submarines to use wolf pack tactics to deal with China. However, the Germans obviously ignored that they were just trying to do whatever they wanted. The wolf pack tactics were handed over to Germany by China, so China must have corresponding measures to deal with them.


The four aircraft carriers formed two formations, one behind the other. The distance was kept at about thirty nautical miles. Anti-submarine aircraft continuously searched the sea area. In addition, other auxiliary warships were also equipped with sonar systems to detect approaching submarines.


Without diamonds, it would not dare to work on porcelain. Without complete assurance, the Chinese navy would not dare to go to a place like Europe, which is right and wrong. Just after entering the Mediterranean, China detected a diving submarine not far away, and four

The carrier-based aircraft quickly rushed over.

A series of depth charges were dropped right next to the butt of the German submarine. The German submarine failed to make a successful start and was injured on the spot. Its power unit was damaged and it could only disappear silently into the sea water.

After this battle, the German submarines finally knew that they had encountered a powerful enemy and became extremely cautious. The Mediterranean Sea was relatively small and was not conducive to large-scale deployment of submarines. Therefore, Germany prepared to surprise the Chinese fleet in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Chinese fleet entered the Atlantic Ocean without any danger, and Britain also sent an aircraft carrier formation to protect it. Before the two sides met, a Chinese destroyer discovered the periscope of the German submarine, and then the destroyer quickly rushed over.

Two anti-submarine aircraft also rushed over and hit the German submarine with anti-submarine torpedoes.

There was a violent explosion under the water, and a large amount of oil poured onto the sea. Another German submarine was destroyed by China. The British Royal Navy also arrived at this time. Their eyes were straight. As soon as the Chinese walked by, they were easily

Song destroyed two German submarines, which is simply incredible.

The British have also completely put away their arrogance as a veteran naval power, and are polite to the Chinese navy, keeping their attitude to a minimum. After the fleet arrived at the British port of Portsmouth, Prime Minister Churchill actually arrived in person.

As the leader of a wartime country, it is conceivable that he is very busy at work, but Lao Qiu also knows that no matter how busy he is, he must be greeted in person. Chinese people have a good reputation, and he now has requests from others. Moreover, the Chinese army has shown

Showing their strong fighting power.

"Friends who have come from afar, your internationalist spirit makes me and the British people feel sincerely gratified. We are facing an unprecedentedly vicious regime, which is destroying civilization wantonly..."

Churchill delivered a passionate speech, and then provided the best accommodation conditions for the Chinese soldiers. There were even many hot blonde beauties, like butterflies, fluttering back and forth in front of the Chinese soldiers, full of temptation, which made

These young guys, who had never seen such a scene before, were blushing and their hearts were beating.

The person in charge of the Chinese side who came this time was Bai Chongxi, who was a special military adviser. The rest of the soldiers had nominally retired from active service. They were just volunteers, but Bai Chongxi still had very strict requirements for everyone.

"Brothers, respect is earned by oneself. The British are now facing indiscriminate bombing by Germany. Our task is to help the British fight and protect the British Isles. We will never allow Germany to destroy this place. Let's rest for five days.

, and then all join the fight to defend Britain!"

At this time, the total number of pilots in the UK was only 1,500, while the number of Chinese pilots in Europe had exceeded 100. Most of them had flown fighter jets. In addition, the Chinese fleet also came with aircraft and a full set of aircraft.

The air crew is enough to fight as an army alone.

Now the British pilots were exhausted, and Churchill was also anxious. When he heard that China's new force could quickly join the war, Lao Qiu was overjoyed.

Five days later, the first batch of Chinese pilots took off from the runway in Phoenix aircraft. The war eagles from the East were finally going to compete with the Nazi air force! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.

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