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Chapter five hundred and eighty second rampant Tojo

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor brought unprecedented success. The main force of the U.S. Navy suffered heavy losses. The most troublesome thing was that the fire at Pearl Harbor had not been extinguished at this time, and all the port facilities were destroyed. Even if there was no Japanese interference, it would be difficult to restore Pearl Harbor.

It will take at least a year to see what it looked like in the past, so the situation in the Pacific is unprecedentedly unfavorable to the U.S. Navy.

At this time, the United States still has nine aircraft carriers, which still have certain advantages over the Japanese Navy. However, some of these aircraft carriers must stay in the Atlantic Ocean to help defend the English Channel when necessary. You must know that Germany is also very crazy about building aircraft carriers. Once Germany builds new aircraft carriers,

When the aircraft carrier is launched, it is still doubtful whether the UK can withstand it.

In addition, Pearl Harbor is 2,100 nautical miles away from the mainland of the United States, and the distance between them is 4,200 nautical miles. With such a long distance, what will be the status of the aircraft carrier when the Americans rush to the battlefield? How much combat effectiveness is there? How can it be guaranteed?

Logistics supplies?

These difficulties are all before the eyes of the Americans. This is why Roosevelt immediately asked Qiao Yu for assistance. A new idea even emerged in the United States, which is to let China declare war on Japan and then borrow China's local resources

military base, and then launch an attack on Japan, otherwise there would be no possibility of attacking Japan.

The Americans were anxious, but the Japanese were extremely excited. After the successful attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan's long-planned aggression began. The first to be attacked was North Borneo, which was part of Malaysia in later generations and is now controlled by the United Kingdom.

The colony had a considerable amount of oil and rubber, so the Japanese coveted it.

In addition, Japan has begun to attack the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, and New Guinea. Japan's momentum is amazing. With the cooperation of aircraft carriers, the landing operations are flawless. It can be compared with Germany's blitzkrieg. Seeing the colonies of the United States and Britain in the Asia-Pacific

All will be lost, and the Japanese military front has already reached Australia.

There is bad news every day, islands fall every day, and there are casualties every day. Although the United States has been dragged into the war, allowing the allies to see the hope of victory, how to defeat the vicious invaders is still a difficult problem facing all countries.

Roosevelt was still very clear-headed. He had no doubt that the United States would win the final victory. However, the difficulties at hand made him distressed. If the battlefield situation could not be changed in a short period of time, voters would lose trust in him. This was Roosevelt.

The last thing you want to see.

After some weighing, Roosevelt finally made up his mind that he must draw China into the battlefield so that he could quickly get rid of the unfavorable situation. However, it is easier said than done. Americans know best how to sit on the mountain and watch.

The advantage of tiger fighting is that this is what they did during the First World War.

They planned this war in the same way, but Japan's sneak attack completely disrupted the strategic deployment of the United States and had to intervene in advance.

"President, this old fox Roosevelt is finally worried!"

Just half an hour ago, Roosevelt's personal letter was delivered to Qiao Yu. In the letter, Roosevelt stated that China is a strong pillar of peace in the Western Pacific and hoped that China could participate in the cause of international justice and eliminate fascist forces as soon as possible.

"Although what Roosevelt said is vague, the core lies in the four words "Western Pacific". It seems that Roosevelt has taken out the bargaining chip and wants to respect China's hegemony on the west coast of the Pacific. I wonder how the president thinks it should be handled?"

Foreign Minister Gu Weijun is asking Qiao Yu for advice. China has long set the tone to control Southeast Asia, but China's biggest obstacle is the United States' Philippines. China does not want to go to war with the United States, but it cannot allow an important area like the Philippines to be controlled by the United States.

So it's very contradictory.

Now that the United States has expressed such a stance, I am afraid that it wants to abandon the Philippines and let China control the entire Western Pacific. This is an opportunity that China has been waiting for. China's Nanyang strategy has finally taken another big step. But Qiao Yu also knows very well in his heart that

Roosevelt's stance at this time was just a favor without any expense. The Philippines was on the verge of collapse and was not under the control of the United States at all.

"In the final analysis, we still have to send troops to attack ourselves. However, Roosevelt's statement is commendable. At least it will save a lot of trouble in the future. Minister Gu, please inform the United States on my behalf now that China will declare war on fascism as soon as possible. In order to maintain world peace

, the Chinese [***] team and the people will never back down in any way, this is an unshirkable responsibility!"

When it comes to fighting, Qiao Yu has started to make arrangements a few years ago. Although it cannot be said to be perfect, he can definitely start a war immediately. Qiao Yu continues to use excuses to delay, just to wait for Japan to continue to expand the scale of the war. The longer the battle line is, the greater the strength of the troops will be.

Dispersion. In addition, the more territory Japan invades and the larger the occupied area, which means that after victory, the larger the cake that can be divided.

It would be best if Japan could occupy all of Australia, then it would be considered as fulfilling China's wish!

After Qiao Yu authorized Gu Weijun, he immediately summoned the main leaders of the government. The current Prime Minister of China is still Wang Yongjiang, but he is already in his seventies and is in very poor health. Wang Yongjiang has nominated Yan Xishan to the parliament to replace him.

position, but it has not yet reached the deadline for a change of office, and there are also many voices in the government trying to persuade him to stay.

In recent years, China has successfully completed three five-year plans and established a complete industrial system. Especially during the third five-year plan period, Wang Yongjiang implemented a large number of policies to benefit the people, such as extending the number of years of compulsory education to high school and formulating universal health insurance.

system and implemented unemployment and work-related injury insurance.

The most important thing is the complete exemption of agricultural taxes, which is absolutely unprecedented in Chinese history. Paying taxes on farming is a matter of course, but now it has been completely exempted, which is a shock far beyond imagination.

In fact, Qiao Yu has long raised the issue of exempting agricultural taxes. However, due to the need to continue a large amount of investment in the early stage of industrialization, agricultural taxes cannot be abandoned. Therefore, agricultural taxes are only exempted in the west and poor mountainous areas.

After Wang Yongjiang came to power, taxes on staple foods such as rice, wheat, and corn were exempted during the Second Five-Year Plan period. During the Third Five-Year Plan period, except for tobacco, all other crops were exempted from taxes. More than 300 million farmers received tangible benefits.


Among the people, Wang Yongjiang's prestige is even higher than that of Qiao Yu. However, after years of hard work, Wang Yongjiang has completely aged, with white hair and age spots on his face. If it were not for the seriousness of the war, he would not be willing to participate.

This is the kind of meeting.

"President, you have the final say whether to fight or how to fight. The only thing I can guarantee is that Chinese soldiers will definitely receive the most adequate supplies, and military industrial enterprises will be able to produce sufficiently excellent weapons!" Wang Yongjiang can be so confident,

It is also based on a full understanding of China's industrial capabilities.

Although China is not as good as the United States, it is rich in local resources and has annexed Indochina, which has filled the resource gap to a certain extent. Coupled with the comprehensive promotion of automated production lines, China's industrial production capacity has been comprehensively improved.

The shortcomings in talent have also been well compensated. The skilled workers trained as early as World War I have become the core force of China's industry. During the first five-year plan, China promoted basic education nationwide and gained

They are a group of valuable talents who have been trained for more than ten years and are around thirty years old. Although they may still lack experience, they are full of drive and have outstanding innovation capabilities, and they are already able to support the backbone of China's industry.

"Prime Minister Wang has issued a military order. Brother Baili, do you have any problems with your army?"

"The president can rest assured that after the expansion of the army, the total number has reached 2.7 million, and there are also 2 million reserve troops. If mobilized, we will have 8 million troops within a year. The air force

There are currently more than 4,000 aircraft equipped. The navy currently has ten large aircraft carriers, six escort aircraft carriers, and 130 submarines of various types. It can be expanded rapidly in a short period of time, and our army is not only numerically strong

Advantages, as well as quality advantages, we have gained valuable combat experience in battlefields such as India, Spain, Abyssinia, etc. The military is absolutely confident of defeating Japan and even fighting Germany!"

Qiao Yu also asked the opinions of other department heads. Everyone was basically confident. China has made fruitful achievements in construction over the years and has the capital to participate in a world war. Qiao Yu was also very satisfied.

"Since everyone is confident, we will declare war on Japan as soon as possible!"

After Qiao Yu made up his mind, China began to make rapid arrangements. First of all, the original defense system would be completely changed. The East China Sea Fleet was officially reorganized into the Pacific Fleet. It was based in Ryukyu and had six aircraft carriers under its jurisdiction, namely Zhenyuan.

The six aircraft carriers, Dingyuan, Zhiyuan, Laiyuan and the newly launched Pingyuan and Anyuan are the essence of the Chinese navy and have strong combat effectiveness.

In addition, China also has Yuanzi, Jingyuan, Jingyuan, Fuyuan and Ningyuan. These four aircraft carriers have been incorporated into the Nanyang Fleet and are mainly responsible for the Nanyang direction and the direction of Malacca.

The Army is also making comprehensive adjustments, adding twenty divisions in the northeast. In addition, a large number of Marine Corps members are being recruited in the southeastern coastal areas. The Marine Corps is the elite of a country's military. It requires tenacity, familiarity with water, and the ability to

It can endure long-term maritime operations and deal with harsh island environments.

Therefore, the fishermen's children in the southeast area are the best candidates. China's accelerated training of marines is also to prepare for the subsequent battle to seize the island, and even attack the Japanese mainland.

Just as China was making final preparations for the war, Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo openly provoked China in his speech... "The Japanese Empire's magic soldiers descended from the sky and annihilated the U.S. Pacific Fleet in one fell swoop. Their illustrious military exploits shocked the world.

.The Western colonial power has collapsed, and the imperial government must save the entire Asia under the guidance of His Majesty the Emperor. I hope that a certain country can recognize the situation clearly, not betray its Asian compatriots, and not become an accomplice of colonialism..."

(To be continued)

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