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Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth formal declaration of war

The sudden bombing made all the Japanese soldiers confused. They had already wiped out the British Air Force. Only Japanese planes were there to bomb others. How could others still bomb the Japanese army? Could it be that Japan's own fighter planes had misjudged the target?

Not successful?

Some Japanese even ran to high places and waved constantly in the air. They tried to correct the mistakes of the aircraft, but these people were quickly strafed by fighter jets and most of them were wiped out. Of course, before dying, these Japanese also watched

The markings of the aircraft attacking them were clear.

The icon of the five-color flag declared that these aircraft were Chinese war eagles. Only then did the Japanese wake up. The Japanese aircraft that had been concentrated to bomb the British positions quickly retreated and began to deal with the threat of the Chinese Air Force.

However, at this time, Japan had lost the opportunity. Several airports controlled by Japan were under the special care of China and were bombed into a mess. They could not take off and land aircraft at all. Most of Japan's fighter jets in the air had exhausted their ammunition and fuel.

Now that the airport has been destroyed again, they can't even escape. They can only fight with the Chinese planes. However, most of the Japanese pilots are extremely tired, and their ammunition and fuel are almost exhausted. They are basically seeking death. A large number of Japanese planes have been destroyed.

Shot down easily.

Another thing that makes Japan unbearable is that Commander Yamashita Tomofumi can no longer be contacted. The commander of an army is the soul of the army. The reason why the Japanese army can break the British defense line so fiercely is probably because they have a cruel and ruthless commander.

Commander, but now the life and death of Yamashita Fengwen is uncertain, which has cast a shadow on the minds of all Japanese people.

They knew very well that the commander was inspecting the front line when he launched the bombing in China. Although they had sent a large number of manpower to look for Yamashita Fengfumi, many Japanese officers felt a sense of ominousness in their hearts, fearing that the commander had already

Lost his life.

In fact, Yamashita Fengwen did not die. At that time, a bomb fell more than 20 meters away from him, killing all the surrounding followers. Yamashita Fengwen fell to the ground in time because he reacted quickly. But there was still

One of the two shrapnel pieces entered his waist, and the other was inserted into his buttocks.

Yamashita Tombumi was considered extremely strong among the Japanese. Logically speaking, the two shrapnel were not enough to kill him, but the one inserted in his butt accidentally pierced an artery.

Immediately, blood spurted out. The entire lower body of the military uniform was dyed red. Yamashita Fengwen also clearly felt that his vitality was constantly draining. His lower body had gradually become numb, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead. However, he still relied on

The ferocious energy in his bones made him roll and crawl for hundreds of meters.

He kept shouting for the Japanese soldiers to come and rescue him. As he was running wildly, something suddenly tripped under his feet. His huge body was like a wall. He fell to the ground. Yamashita Fengwen struggled to struggle.

Opening his eyes, he suddenly saw a man covered in blood staggering towards him, holding a black ax in his hand.

This man stared at Yamashita Fengwen with wolf-like eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched reluctantly, as if he wanted to laugh, but he could no longer do it. His pace became faster and faster, and the distance between the two people was soon less than a foot.

It’s rice.

"Baga! What are you going to do?"

This man suddenly raised the ax high, and then dropped it quickly on Yamashita Fengwen's neck. Yamashita Fengwen was already panicked. He wanted to pull out his saber to resist. But the usually light saber seemed to be as heavy as a ton at this time.

, he no longer had the strength to pick it up. The severe blood loss caused his eyes to turn black, and his body was completely inoperable.

The ax had fallen down at this time and hit Yamashita Fengfumi's neck. The blood flowed out again. This cruel Japanese commander died at the hands of an unknown person. The bloody man saw that Yamashita Fengfumi was finished. He finally showed his face.

With a trace of smile, he fell softly to the ground and lost his breath.

He was originally a local Chinese in Singapore. When the Japanese army landed on Singaporean soil, they captured laborers everywhere. All the young and strong men were transferred to the front lines to build trenches. The women were transported to the rear for the livestock to vent their anger. Most of the old people and children were slaughtered.


This was also the instruction of Yamashita Fengfumi. He knew that there were mostly Chinese people in Singapore, and these people would never be of the same mind as the Japanese, so they massacred them from the moment they landed in Singapore.

The man who killed Yamashita Fengfumi was one of the forced laborers. The Japanese asked them to dig trenches and carry goods. When everything was about the same, the Japanese used them as targets for practice assassination. Everyone else died in the Japanese

After that, he was the only one who was lucky enough to survive, but he was also covered in bruises and his life was short-lived.

At this time, the bombing of the Chinese Air Force began, and Yamashita Fengwen was seriously injured. He finally found a chance to take revenge and cut off Yamashita Fengwen's neck with a sharp ax. The former arrogant Japanese commander died in what he regarded as an ant.

of people's hands.

When the Japanese soldiers found this place, they clearly saw their commander's death gaze. Every Japanese soldier was sincerely frightened. They were not only afraid of Yamashita Fengwen's death, but also worried about their own fate.


China's sudden attack completely exceeded Japan's imagination. In the first round, Japan lost more than forty fighter jets, and its air power was severely hit. The British army trapped in Singapore finally regained confidence at this time.

The Chinese army is much faster than expected. The fastest armored vanguard has entered the depths of the Malay Peninsula, only three days away from Singapore. Now the Chinese Air Force has helped the British regain air supremacy.


Singapore's commander Percival finally regained his confidence. As a proud British Empire officer, he was absolutely unwilling to surrender easily. Now that there was a possibility of reversing the defeat, he naturally could not let it go. He commanded the British army to reuse the sturdy

The offensive awaits reinforcements.

The two sides fought fiercely in the skies over Singapore, but the real key to Singapore's fate lies at sea. Whoever can control the sea will be able to seize the opportunity.

Commander Shen Honglie of China's South China Sea Fleet is commanding four aircraft carriers to rush to the battlefield. His mission is very clear, which is to destroy Japan's aircraft carriers and seize control of the sea.

After China announced that it would assist in the defense of Singapore, it actually meant that China had officially joined the war. Tokyo was currently discussing how to deal with the situation at hand. Japan had just occupied the vast Pacific area and had not had time to digest it. The defense line had not been established yet, but China

Intervening in the battle at this time, Japan was immediately caught off guard.

"Your Majesty, China is willing to act as a lackey of the United States and Britain and blatantly obstruct the empire's armed actions. I request your majesty to formally authorize the empire to formally declare war on China!"

"Tojo Aiyou, is it necessary for the empire to declare war before the China people?"

Tojo knew very well what Hirohito meant. China only announced to help defend Singapore. If Japan did not formally declare war on China, it seems that the two countries would not break out into a full-scale war, and the scope of the battlefield would be limited to the Singapore area. This is for Japan.

It's also a good thing.

However, Tojo Hideki had been dazzled by the victory in the attack on Pearl Harbor at this time, and even the whole country of Japan was a little unclear. They were eager to expand the scale of the war, obtain greater benefits, and realize the landing that the Japanese had always dreamed of.

Continental ambitions.

It was precisely because of his ambition that Tojo said: "Your Majesty, the China people have chosen war on their own initiative. If we do not declare war on them, it will appear that the empire is afraid of China, and the morale of the soldiers on the front line will definitely be affected. In this way, the gains will outweigh the losses."

And please, Your Majesty, keep enough confidence in the warriors of the Empire. The Empire can easily defeat the U.S. Pacific Fleet and sweep across the South China Sea, just as it can destroy China!"

Tojo added: "Just two hours ago, the Chinese air force attacked the imperial army. They have shown their butcher knife. The empire must not retreat, and the Chinese must learn a lesson."

Hirohito thought for a while, then nodded vigorously and said: "Since Aiqing is confident, let's formally declare war on China! However, Aiqing must remember that the war must be fought quickly to avoid falling into a war of attrition with China."

Tojo nodded hurriedly in agreement, but at this time Hirohito was secretly telling God, hoping that his grandfather Meiji could bless him and the Japanese Empire, and he must live victoriously.

In fact, Hirohito was an extremely arrogant person, and he was in a crazy position like the emperor, which made him even more intolerant of failures and mistakes. But when he just came to the throne, he was defeated miserably at the hands of China, and the combined fleet was almost wiped out.

, Japan’s family fortune has been exhausted for decades, which is the most unforgettable hatred for Hirohito.

Over the years, he has been thinking about how to take revenge. How many times has Hirohito dreamed that the Japanese warriors occupied China and tied the hateful Qiao Yu, Jiang Baili and others in front of him, making them his subordinates.

Well, of course this is just a sweet dream.

Over the years, the strength between China and Japan has not diminished. On the contrary, it has expanded. In particular, the gap in war potential is even more astonishing. China, which has completed industrialization, has a huge foundation. Japan has few chances of defeating this behemoth. Therefore,

It is extremely difficult to make the decision to declare war. There is no doubt that this is another gamble on Japan's national destiny.

What's more, Japan was already in a state of war with the United States and Britain before this, and it was fighting against the three major powers at the same time. It was really a huge question whether Japan, an island country, could withstand it, but Hirohito and Japan were not willing to wait any longer. They wanted to let it go.


Tojo Hideki said a lot. China has already pointed its guns at Japan. Now even if Japan does not formally declare war, China will attack Japan at any time. It is better to declare war first.

Just eight hours after China launched the bombing of Japan in Singapore, the Japanese government officially declared war on China. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendation, monthly vote, and your support.

That’s my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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