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Chapter 59: Chengdu Massacre

Zhao Erfeng finally returned to Chengdu from Sichuan. After staying on the snowy plateau for a long time, the old man's body had suffered irreversible damage. He actually looked older than his brother Zhao Erxun. After trudging all the way to Chengdu, he suddenly stopped.

The power struggle was right in front of us, and the old man also studied this matter on the road.

He also knew about some problems of the Sichuan Railway Company, but this time the problem was so big that Zhao Erfeng felt that the problem still lay with the court. It was because the court was too impatient and did not carefully consider the demands of the Sichuan people, so this happened.

It seems that the sentiments of the people in Sichuan are on fire now, and they can only be appeased carefully, otherwise it will be a disaster. Therefore, as soon as Lao Zhao arrived in Chengdu, Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun and others promised that they would do their best to protect the interests of the Sichuan people and do their best to ask the court to take back their orders.

However, Lao Zhao is still an old-fashioned figure after all. He does not see the danger of the people being completely mobilized. It is not easy to mobilize the people, but it is even more difficult to calm them down. Moreover, Pu Dianjun and Luo Lun also want to make things bigger.

, they have discovered the opportunity to use this to seek greater benefits, and since the alliance in southern Sichuan obtained weapons, their backs have also straightened up.

Especially Yang Shukan and others. Originally they escaped from Chongqing in despair and arrived at the territory of Wang Tianjie, Long Jianming and others. Naturally, they were not welcomed and cynicism was unavoidable. Now that Yang Shukan had obtained the general fire, he immediately let them go.

These alliance members were impressed. This is a piece of equipment. No matter how much money you have, you can't get weapons now. How many times did Sun Wen revolt? He couldn't even get weapons for a few hundred people. Now it seems that Yang Shu can't get them.

His energy is definitely not small, so he respects this leader very much.

With the weapons in hand, the Alliance will naturally expand its manpower. Gangs and lakes gangs such as Ge Laohui have the most manpower, and they are quickly mobilized. Together with some excited people, there are many young students, old troops, and even bandits and water bandits.

Soon there were tens of thousands of people together, and all the prefectures and counties in southern Sichuan were in emergency.

Lao Zhao originally wanted to calm the people down, but when he saw this situation, he knew that nothing could be done better, and a telegram from Duan Fang was also sent. In the telegram, Duan Fang strongly criticized Lao Zhao's strategy, which made him

Zhao Erfeng quickly calmed down the chaos and arrested Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun and others. The court also sent a telegram. Prime Minister Qing and Prince Yikuang also urged Zhao Erfeng to take action as soon as possible. He must not be soft on the thieves. Old man

My heart is agitated and I can't make up my mind on how to deal with it.

"Mr. Governor, look at this!" Zhao Erfeng took a leaflet from his master, put on his reading glasses and read it carefully.

"Who posted this?"

"My lord, it was Pu Dianjun and others who sent it. Now it is everywhere in Chengdu, and there are many people clamoring to protect themselves independently."

Old Zhao looked at it for a long time, and then he let go of the leaflet and dropped it to the ground. There were eight big characters written on the leaflet: boycott taxes and work together to protect ourselves! There are also specific measures below, there are dozens of them.

Many of them are nothing more than local autonomy, anti-rent and anti-tax ideas, etc.

"They want revolution, they want to kill the old man!" As he spoke, Zhao Erfeng coughed, as if his lungs were about to come out. The master hurriedly gave the old man a few pills, and it took a long time for Zhao Erfeng to recover.

The road protection movement has become more and more powerful, and it has developed to the point where it has broken through the idea of ​​peaceful road protection. It no longer pays taxes, but also needs to protect itself. Isn’t this to break away from the control of the Qing Dynasty? This is to rebel! Zhao Erfeng

At this time, he also gave up the illusion of a peaceful solution. The old man turned back into the all-powerful commander by the river and hurriedly ordered the arrangements to be made.

"Sir, I have a humble duty. Please think twice. Sichuan is already boiling. If you attack Pu Dianjun and others, the public anger alone will be enough to make you unable to withstand it. If a popular uprising is triggered, you are

You are not a human being inside and outside, the imperial court wants to roast you on the fire all the time.”….

Zhao Erfeng had a wry smile on his face, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "I, Zhao Erfeng, have been loyal all my life. Now that I have reached such an age, can I still tolerate my life? The road protection movement was instigated by Pu Dianjun and others. I will use thunder

Catch them, and then control the accounts of the Sichuan-Hankou Railway Company. As long as we get those accounts, we can prove that the blame lies with Pu Dianjun and others. By then dealing with them, we can not only appease the people, but also be fair.

The imperial court, after finishing this matter, I will go back to my hometown to support my old age, have fun with my grandchildren, and enjoy family happiness!"

The master also knew Zhao Erfeng's temper, so he stopped trying to persuade him and could only prepare to go according to the boss's instructions.

It happened to be September 7th. Zhao Erfeng had already sent invitations to Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun, Zhang Lan and others yesterday, asking them to come to the Governor's Mansion to discuss how to solve the Sichuan-Hankou Road matter. The old Governor even expressed his intention to represent

Sichuan people petitioned the court.

Pu Dianjun and others only thought that victory was in sight, and Zhao Erfeng had already chosen to compromise, so they all went to the Governor's Mansion for the banquet. Unexpectedly, several people arrived at the Governor's Mansion, but after waiting for a long time, Zhao Erfeng disappeared.

"We have been fooled by the old thief! This is Hongmen Banquet, despicable old thief!" Zhang Lan started to curse loudly on the side, his eyes were cracked, but Luo Lun on the side was not so anxious.

"Brother Zhang, please be patient. If the old thief dares to arrest us, the people of Sichuan will tear him apart tomorrow. The people's morale and morale are all on our side, but the old thief still dares to harm our lives!"

At this moment, a group of soldiers surrounded all these people and arrested them all. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Erfeng sent people to control the headquarters of the Sichuan-Hankou Railway Company, and then ordered the cancellation of the Road Protection Comrades Association. Just as the old man was preparing to take further action

At that time, tens of thousands of Chengdu people who came after hearing the news surrounded the Governor's Mansion. Led by the backbone of the Road Protection Comrades Association, they shouted loudly, demanding Zhao Erfeng's release.

Some members of the Alliance even led an attack on the Governor's Mansion. Stones, bricks, rotten eggs, and rotten leaves came towards the guards of the Governor's Mansion, and the sound of shouts shook the world.

"Governor Zhao, you have seen that this is public opinion, this is the people's will. You have already betrayed all your relatives, so you should let us all go quickly, otherwise we will not be able to enjoy your good fruits!" Although Zhang Lan was arrested, his momentum was not weak at all.

, pointed at Zhao Erfeng and said loudly: "Listen, tens of thousands of people have surrounded your governor's palace. If you have the ability, kill us. For the sake of the people of Sichuan, today is the day to be righteous and benevolent!"

Zhao Erfeng did not pay attention to Zhang Lan, but focused on Pu Dianjun and others: "Pu Dianjun, who is squandering the hard-earned money of the people of Sichuan? You know it, and I know it too. Don't worry, I will definitely punish you as a moron."

Use the law to thank the world!" After saying this, the old man walked away with a puff of sleeves.

At this time, Zhang Lan's heart was churning. He stared at Pu Dianjun and said slowly: "President Pu, what do you mean by Governor Zhao's words? Could it be that the Sichuan-Hankou Railway's share capital has been squandered? Who did it?"

Zhang Lan is not a member of the Sichuan-Hankou Railway Company. Unlike Pu Dianjun and others, he is just a scholar who is enthusiastic about democratic constitutionalism and enjoys a high reputation in Sichuan. Just after the road protection movement broke out, Zhang Lan personally rushed to Chengdu from his hometown in northern Sichuan to participate in

In the struggle to protect the road, he was not very clear about the Sichuan-Hankou Railway Company's problems. Now when he heard what Zhao Erfeng said, he immediately had some doubts. Is there a hidden secret in it? Pu Dianjun didn't know how to get back for a while.

"Brother Zhang, you misunderstood. This is just a stratagem by the old thieves. If you want to undermine our fighting spirit, please don't fall for it!"

Others also spoke to persuade Zhang Lan, who managed to calm down his emotions, but there was a slight knot in his heart.

Not long after Zhao Erfeng left, gunfire rang out outside. More than thirty Chengdu people died in front of the Governor's Mansion. The Chengdu massacre broke out!


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