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Chapter 597: Agent Orange

At this time, Pu Zhengdong suddenly realized that he had probably been deceived by China. Only then did he find his main assistants. Now the number of people in front of him was more than one-third less than the meeting before the uprising.

Some of these people were still directing fierce battles, but some had already perished. When Pu Zhengdong saw this, he felt extremely sad and angry.

"Comrades, we have been betrayed by China!"

After saying this, Pu Zhengdong burst into tears. Everyone present was not a fool. Everyone quickly understood the meaning of the chairman's words. China did not send reinforcements or cooperate with their actions. Instead, it let them be handed over.

They were given to Mr. Ri, and he watched as Mr. Ri wiped them all out. This was a very skillful way of killing people with a borrowed knife.

"Japan is a wolf, China is the devil! They have put aside their benevolence and righteousness, turned into absolute villains, and ruthlessly played tricks on the Koreans. It's ridiculous that we thought we could drive away the Japanese with China's support. Now we see

It seems that China is North Korea's biggest enemy!" Park Zhengdong said through gritted teeth.

He seemed to have forgotten how many North Koreans acted as lackeys for the Japanese, and how North Korea took advantage of China's weakness to continuously extend its claws into Northeast China. It was their disloyalty that brought about today's situation.

The price is all paid by oneself and cannot be blamed on others.

Three days later, Pu Zhengdong's comrades were killed by the Japanese one after another. He could no longer bear the blow and decided to commit suicide and ended his life. Some people had already surrendered to the Japanese.

, wanted to be the lackeys of the Japanese again. At this time, the Japanese were already red-eyed, and they slaughtered all the Koreans who surrendered.

In an instant, it seemed as if the world had collectively abandoned the Koreans. The civil strife in Seoul was fatal to both South Korea and Japan. One hundred thousand Koreans were massacred, the national essence was lost, and more than 3,000 Japanese soldiers were killed. In addition,

More than 10,000 overseas Chinese were tortured and killed by Koreans.

What's more important is that the rebels set fire to a large number of buildings. Most of the buildings in Seoul had been blown up, and now they were burned to the ground. Without the cover of these buildings, it became extremely difficult to fight in the street.

It was only then that Shunroku Hata seemed to realize that he seemed to be used by the Chinese and acted as an executioner. I personally don't like Koreans, and the same is true for the Chinese. The more people die, the more they control this land.

There are benefits.

When Shunroku Hata was annoyed, China's official offensive was launched. More than 500 bombers were dispatched together, tilting more than 3,000 tons of bombs over Japan's head at one time. Heavy tanks once again played the role of pioneers, Seoul

The outer positions were captured.

A large number of Japanese soldiers were killed. In fact, these Japanese soldiers died unjustly. Most of them participated in the suppression of the Koreans. At this time, they were exhausted physically and mentally and were unresponsive. Facing the Chinese attack, they seemed to be waiting to be slaughtered.

Like a lamb, it has no ability to resist at all.

The Chinese army entered the streets of Seoul and was shocked by the afterimage. Countless corpses were lying on the streets. Some corpses were piled in piles and still burning. The pungent corpse odor made people almost faint. Fortunately, the weather was good now.

It’s not too hot, otherwise Seoul would become an ideal breeding ground for superbugs.

The army rushed all the way. Although the Japanese resisted desperately, it did not have much effect at the time. The Chinese troops continued to advance steadily. In no more than seven days, China completely captured Seoul.

At this time, Japanese reinforcements were still gathering at Busan Port and had no time to transport them to the front line.

The situation in the Korean War quickly took a turn for the worse. China advanced the front line by more than 300 kilometers. After advancing the front line, almost all of China's bombers were able to reach Japan's homeland, and the fighter jets stayed in the air longer and provided more comprehensive protection.

China's long-prepared bombing campaign will also be launched. This time it is completely different from the previous bombings targeting industrial and military zones. China is targeting Japan's farmland and forests. China has already produced a batch of highly toxic herbicides.

, the main ingredient of these herbicides is dioxins, which is also the famous Agent Orange.

In the later Vietnam War, Americans used a large amount of this substance, spraying it on forests and farmland in Vietnam, killing trees and rice fields, and making the guerrillas lose their hiding place.

China is preparing to use this method in advance, mainly to destroy Japan's agriculture. It has only been half a year since the war started. China and the United States have already dispatched a large number of armored tanks to blockade Japan's four islands. Japan's sea lifeline has crossed

There is a growing threat. Attacking Japan's local agriculture at this time will inevitably cause widespread famine in Japan and seriously weaken Japan's war potential.

Moreover, Qiao Yu also knows that Agent Orange is a very poisonous substance, and it would take nine years to naturally reduce it by 50%. It can enter the human body through food circulation, produce serious sequelae, and even threaten the next generation.

It can cause fetal malformations and other horrific consequences. There is no doubt that Agent Orange is a very inhumane weapon.

Then again, this kind of inhumane weapon is just right to deal with Japanese bastards, allowing them to atone for their sins. The first batch of Agent Orange was transported to the front-line airport, and all the pilots were unaware of these yellow-painted agents.

What kind of devil will be inside the striped barrel.

Bombers loaded with Agent Orange roared into the blue sky. This time their target was the Kanto Plain in Japan. The Kanto Plain is the largest plain in Japan and the most agriculturally developed area in Japan. It is densely populated and gathers a large number of people.

Factories are the essence of Japan.

Since the war started, Chinese planes have often visited here, dropping bombs and incendiary bombs on the factory area. At this time, the Japanese will reflect on the war. It seems that participating in the war is not a good thing.

This time, Chinese planes appeared again in the sky over the Kanto Plain. The Japanese hid in the air defense facilities with ease, but what surprised them was that there was no earth-shattering explosion. Could it be that the Chinese bombs were dropped?


Japan himself knew nothing about Agent Orange. In the following time, Chinese planes frequently flew over Japan, flying along fields and forests each time, dropping an astonishing amount of Agent Orange. Gradually, Japan himself also

They noticed something unusual. The crops they had just grown were all dead. Seeing the green rice withering and turning yellow, all the Japanese farmers couldn't help but burst into tears. How could they survive without a harvest, especially now during wartime?

, the Japanese government levied a large amount of grain, and each Japanese farmer could only have a little food left to make ends meet.

If there is no food harvest, how can they survive? What is more worrying is the Japanese upper class. When they knew that China was spraying large amounts of toxic substances on Japanese farmland, everyone was frightened. They knew very well that if there was no more

Without food, Japan's army will collapse, and Japan will face the fate of complete defeat. Even Emperor Hirohito was alarmed, and he could no longer sit still! (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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