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Chapter 605: A Trap

() Busan Port is located on the southeastern coast of South Korea, across the Korean Strait from Tsushima Island in Japan. It is the largest port in South Korea and the most important transportation node connected with Japan.

Since the Chinese *** team broke through the 38th Parallel and quickly captured Seoul, General Hata Shunroku, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Army in North Korea, was captured. All Japanese troops retreated to the Port of Busan, which is relatively close to the Japanese mainland, and

With the ability to obtain local air support and sufficient supplies provided by sea transportation, all 170,000 Japanese troops retreated here.

The Chinese ** team has never been in a hurry to attack. The measures taken by China have always been to advance slowly and quickly. When all aspects are fully prepared, the enemy will deal a fatal blow again. This strategy will definitely lead to Japanese losses.

Logistics is far inferior to China's weakness. In the same preparation time, the Chinese team can obtain supplies that far exceed Japan's capital, so a slight delay is good for China...

As the top commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Shi Yi has always implemented Qiao Yu's policy, which is to do everything possible to weaken North Korea. One more day of fighting on the peninsula will increase North Korea's losses. The destructiveness of the war is unparalleled.


The Japanese were indeed crazy. They arrested North Korean workers everywhere, robbed food, and robbed women. They built defense lines one after another outside Busan. In just two months, there were more than 140,000 North Koreans.

People died on Japanese construction sites.

During the day, groups of Koreans were sent to Japanese military camps. At night, countless corpses were carried out without interruption. Japan's genocide was no worse than that of the Germans.

, and the methods are even more brutal... .

However, China would not drag it out forever, especially after Qiao Yu knew that Japan was about to launch an attack on China's Ryukyus, Qiao Yu decided to pull out the thorn in Busan first.

This is done firstly to completely occupy the Korean peninsula. Secondly, it is also to force Japan to show its hand. Only by putting enough pressure on Japan can Japan feel sufficiently threatened that it will choose to take risks.

The Korean front army commanded by Shi Yi had already prepared for war. After receiving domestic orders, it immediately launched a fierce attack on the Japanese army. It was the Air Force bombers that kicked off the general offensive.

Since the war started, Chinese bombers have become a nightmare for the Japanese, especially the Chinese planes that drop a large number of napalm bombs and cluster bombs. They also add a large number of nails, iron sheets, etc. to the bombs to increase their attack power.

of lethality.

A large number of Japanese soldiers died under endless bombings. Far from being criticized, these cruel weapons were approved by the vast majority of people. Not only China, but the United States is also the most active. They treat the weapons on the Pacific islands.

Japanese soldiers used incendiary bombs, poison gas bombs and other weapons wantonly.

The U.S. government also conducted a domestic opinion poll and found that more than 90% of the people supported the use of special munitions including cluster bombs, napalm bombs, etc. Such a high support rate is rare in American history. Therefore,

It can also be seen that Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor indeed angered the United States, not only the upper class of the United States. Even the American people went crazy.

The scale of China's bombing campaign was unprecedented, and the scope of the attack was also expanded a lot. Tsushima Island and Jeju Island were included in the attack scope. On the first day of the bombing, China destroyed 14 airports and more than 300 airports.

aircraft were destroyed, more than 200 ships were sunk, and roads and ports were severely damaged.

Large-scale bombing operations are often the beginning of larger-scale attacks. People in Japan know it very well. The base camp in Japan also clearly feels the pressure from China. They must fight back as soon as possible.

There is actually a reason why China's offensive actions have brought such great pressure to Japan. That is, once the Chinese army reaches the Korean Strait, China can use this as a basis to directly land on Japan. Japan is absolutely

I don't want to see the war burn to my homeland.

Ri himself is also very clear that it is no longer realistic to point to the army to block China. The best way is to use naval power to sink the Chinese aircraft carrier. Without sea control, China will not be able to threaten the mainland even if it takes the Busan Port.

The base camp finally issued a formal combat order when the Battle of Busan was in full swing. Yamamoto Isoroku led the five large aircraft carriers at the core of the Japanese combined fleet from the base in Truk, cutting through the waves all the way to Ryukyu.

Fifty-six Yamamoto's head is not high, and there is determination and madness in his eyes. The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor made him famous overnight. Now Yamamoto will replicate this miracle again, wipe out the Chinese navy in one fell swoop, and completely seize the Japanese Empire.

Control of the sea.

Yamamoto is confident enough. According to the news from Japan's spies in China, the Chinese aircraft carriers are still in the port of Ryukyu, making final preparations. The Chinese Navy has already targeted Jeju Island, which is

North Korea's largest island is also an important Japanese sea base. If it is lost here, it means that the gate to the East China Sea will be completely blocked by the Chinese navy.

Japan's maritime power can no longer threaten China's mainland. China's ability to choose attack targets makes Yamamoto feel intimidated. Yamamoto knows very well that the China he has to deal with is different from the Beiyang Navy that had slack war preparations and no enterprising spirit during the Ito Yuhiro era.

division, our opponent is the powerful Chinese Navy.

They have brilliant records and strong strength, and are Japan's strong enemies. They are even more afraid of the Chinese navy than the Americans. However, Yamamoto Isoroku is full of confidence at this time. China is unprepared, and although Japan has many aircraft carriers

Not as good as China, but the tonnage is much larger than China. Yamamoto firmly believes that one Yamato can equal two Chinese Yuanzi ships.

The Japanese combined fleet is approaching Ryukyu in the wind and waves. Based on past experience, Yamamoto knows that China is very concerned about the two routes, the northern and southern routes. These two aspects are the connection between the Japanese mainland and the Southeast Asia. Japanese merchant ships pass by frequently, and

Chinese ships connecting the north and the south also pass through here, and the submarine forces of the two countries often harass each other.

In order to avoid the observation of submarines, Yamamoto Isoroku chose the central route with the fewest people. He prepared to go straight to Huanglong. The entire fleet entered absolute radio silence and quietly approached Ryukyu.

However, Yamamoto Isoroku didn't know that any of his actions were in vain. Since China mastered the password of Japan, any movement of the Japanese navy cannot escape the surveillance of the Chinese intelligence system. Especially Qiao Yu's early years in Japan

A large number of spies were deployed. For twenty years, Qiao Yu rarely used these spies.

They are all the biggest secret weapons. After twenty years of development, a considerable number of them have entered the Japanese government. Some are in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, some in military industrial enterprises, and some have infiltrated the military.

Now it's time to put these intelligence personnel to use. China quickly integrated various intelligence to determine the time of Yamamoto Isoroku's attack. China took advantage of the situation and took no action.

When the combined fleet was approaching, China did not send submarines for reconnaissance, fearing that it would alert the enemy. Of course, China did not take action. In order to avoid omissions, Chinese submarines still appeared on the north and south routes as scheduled, but as expected, this

No Japanese aircraft carrier appeared on either route.

The situation is already obvious. The Japanese aircraft carrier must be taking the central route. Chen Shaokuan is also very ambitious in the Ryukyu port. He is waiting for this opportunity. The Chinese Navy has been waiting for this day for too long.

It has been thirty years since the Revolution of 1911. Chen Shaokuan still clearly remembers that the Chinese Navy did not even have a single warship built by itself. The first two giant ships were compensated by Germany during World War I. He personally led

After returning to China, he was intercepted by the Japanese combined fleet in the South China Sea, and a war almost broke out.

It was the insistence of President Qiao Yu that the Chinese Navy embarked on the road of aircraft carriers from the beginning, and defeated the Japanese combined fleet with five modified aircraft carriers. From then on, the Chinese Navy began to hold its head high and became an upright navy.

Maritime power stands proudly on the land of East Asia.

However, the Sino-Japanese war also had serious regrets, that is, the Japanese navy was not completely eliminated. This has always been a big regret for Chen Shaokuan. He once doubted Qiao Yu's judgment. But when World War II broke out, Chen Shaokuan suddenly woke up. If

If the Japanese combined fleet was wiped out early, would there be another Pearl Harbor incident?

Now if China wants to occupy Nanyang, it can just seize it from Japan. If Japan is gone, China can only seize it from the hands of the United States and Britain. In that case, China will have to declare war with the United States and Britain, and the difficulty will increase simply by how much it will.


Thinking of this, Chen Shaokuan even had a very strange idea. Did the president see this move more than ten years ago and let Japan go during the Sino-Japanese war? Especially when China later sent Nanyang to

Once it was in Japan's hands, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

This ability to see into the future sounds a bit horrifying, but it is also the only reasonable explanation. Otherwise, how can we explain Qiao Yu's approach of almost breeding tigers? Qiao Yu seemed to have more and more mysterious auras, and Chen Shaokuan used the swipe

Shaking his head and putting aside his distracting thoughts, his only mission now is to defeat the United Fleet.

Isoroku Yamamoto took Chen Shaokuan as his opponent, and so did Chen Shaokuan. He wanted to make Yamamoto, a gambler, pay the heaviest price in his life. Yamamoto, a gambler, had been winning all his life. It can be called a casino myth, but for gambling

For a disciple, if you lose once, it's all over, and past victories are worthless.

The Chinese aircraft carrier quietly left the port under the cover of night and sailed toward the northeast. Just as the aircraft carrier was dispatched, the Chinese Air Force also completed its mobilization, and a large net was completely unfolded.

The military is in action, and so are China's intelligence organizations. Now that it's time to close the net, the spies that Japan exposed to investigate the situation of the Ryukyu Navy have lost their value, and China immediately launched an arrest operation.

Of course, these are carried out in secret. What everyone is really paying attention to is tomorrow dawn, the moment when the naval battle officially begins! (To be continued.)

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