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Chapter 607: Winter in Japan

() Although the Yamato is huge, this ship is not as powerful as it looks. First of all, in order to load more aircraft, Japan must prepare a larger hangar, place more staff, and store more aircraft.

Fuel and bombs. At the same time, in order for this behemoth to run fast enough, the power unit needs to be increased.

All things considered, the defensive capabilities of the Yamato are not much different from those of a 30,000 to 40,000-ton aircraft carrier. Moreover, since the Zuikaku was sunk by the United States, Japan has accelerated the speed of work, and part of the watertight compartments of the Yamato have not been destroyed.

The installation is not complete, and it is not even sealed at all...

After six torpedoes hit the side of the Yamato, the result was quite terrifying. Sea water continued to pour into the six huge holes, and the huge hull quickly rolled over. At this time, Chinese dive bombers had also launched an attack.

, Yamato’s huge body is the perfect target.

It was easier than usual drills and trainings. A series of bombs fell, and the entire deck of the Yamato seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​fire. All the aircraft and fuel on the deck burned, and the loss of personnel was extremely heavy.

After more than a dozen bombs fell on the deck, the deck was completely blown open. The entire Yamato was like a piece of Japanese art that had been stripped naked, and the fire quickly spread to the inside of the warship.

The Yamato itself had accumulated a large amount of fuel and bombs, and they all exploded at this time. This destructive power was simply beyond imagination. From a distance, the Yamato was like a torch on the sea, filled with black smoke, which was

More than a few hundred meters. The Japanese soldiers on the warship are enjoying the treatment of ice and fire. There is an influx of sea water below and the intrusion of fire above...

Under attack from two sides, the Yamato could no longer bear it and quickly began to break into several pieces and sank toward the seabed. The Yamato was named after Japan's nation. This shows that the Japanese attach great importance to this warship. The Yamato does have

Something worth bragging about. Its tonnage and aircraft capacity are the largest among all active aircraft carriers in the world. The Japanese once called it an unsinkable ship and a moving island.

However, the cruel facts proved that this warship with high hopes was not as powerful as it seemed. It was not unsinkable. On the contrary, it was more vulnerable to attack than other warships. The sinking of the Yamato was an unprecedented blow to the Japanese Navy.

Faced with this cruel result, Yamamoto Isoroku was stunned. Seeing that the Yamato was irreversible, Yamamoto Isoroku was forcibly dragged to the lifeboat by his men and escaped from the Yamato that was about to sink. Although Yamamoto

He barely managed to save his life, but he felt as if half of his heart had been taken out at once.

Compared with death, living in humiliation is more terrifying. The sinking of the Yamato heralded the failure of Japan's sneak attack. Not only the Yamato, but other aircraft carriers were also in crisis.

Just as it was launching an attack on the Yamato, another strike formation had already turned to the Shinano next to it. This was also a behemoth that was almost the same as the Yamato. This time it was the dive bomber that started the attack first.

The Japanese navy on the Shinano has seen the miserable appearance of the Yamato, and they are doing their best to resist China's offensive. The Shinano is huge, and the Japanese have also installed a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower. Now the firepower is in full swing, and there are constant Chinese attacks.

The plane was shot down.

However, this was just a desperate struggle. A bomber successfully dropped a bomb on the bow of the Shinano, instantly destroying two fire points on the bow. Without these two points, the Shinano's firepower

The network finally had a loophole.

This loophole was quickly seized by other aircraft, and two more bombers dropped bombs on the bow of the ship. The deck of the Shinano was instantly opened first. The explosion seriously damaged the power system located at the bow of the ship. The Shinano's speed was very fast.

As it descended, flames and explosions continued from the bow of the ship.

Japan's aircraft carriers have always focused on attack and despised defense. In fact, Japan's fighter jets also have a problem. They are all thin-skinned and overweight. The explosion at the bow of the Shinano quickly affected the interior, and the violent explosion destroyed the armor on the outside.

It burst, seawater poured in continuously, and the bow of the ship quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

The speed of the Shinano aircraft carrier dropped to less than five knots in an instant. All the Japanese soldiers on the warship felt in danger. Many of them panicked. From time to time, the Shinano heard violent explosions, and each sound was like

Like a hammer, all kinds of things hit the Japanese people's hearts, and their end has come.

At this moment, two more torpedoes dropped by torpedo planes hit the side of the Shinano near the bow of the ship. It rained all night. The Chinese aircraft spared no effort to attack this weak point. Soon, the hole in the bow of the ship was as wide as

It's more than three meters long, and thousands of tons of seawater are constantly pouring in through this hole.

The balance of the Shinano was completely broken. The bow almost sank underwater, and the stern was raised high. Suddenly there was a tremor in the keel, followed by a click, and the huge Shinano quickly broke into two pieces.

Sinking toward the bottom of the sea.

In less than an hour of fighting, Japan's two largest warships sank one after another, and hundreds of carrier-based aircraft sank to the bottom of the sea along with the warships. This was the essence of Japan's combined fleet. Now two ships were lost in an instant, and each day

This soldier felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

At this time, Yamamoto Isoroku had already escaped to the Taiho, and watched helplessly as the two giant ships sank to the bottom of the sea. Yamamoto Isoroku's face first turned abnormally red, then he opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then

As he spat out blood, his face quickly turned gray.

The strong body in the past could no longer hold up and was swaying. If there were no other people to support him, the commander of the combined fleet would collapse completely. At this time, Yamamoto was completely sober. He had been a lifelong gambler.

, but completely lost in this most important game.

He has fallen from the altar, from a Japanese hero to a complete loser. The Japanese have always been indifferent to the bone. When they are in power, they will bow to them, but once they lose power, those little ones will not care.

Stepping on your head without mercy is the same for the people, and the same is true for the Japanese country.

However, at this time, in addition to being desolate, Yamamoto Isoroku also had another thought, that is, he must try to preserve the combat effectiveness of the combined fleet. Japan is an island country and occupies countless colonies. If it loses control of the sea,

, their colony lost control in an instant, and the troops stationed on the island could only sit back and wait for death, and Japan was completely finished.

Now that China's first wave of attacks has just ended, Yamamoto Isoroku is very clear that the next attack is not far away. He hurriedly ordered the entire combined fleet to retreat. The planes that were still attacking Ryukyu have not returned yet, and he can no longer take care of them.

, the combined fleet quickly changed its direction and wanted to escape from this dangerous place at full speed.

Naturally, the Chinese side would not let go of this good opportunity to beat the drowned dog. After the first wave of attacks took effect, the second wave of aircraft was quickly dispatched. An overwhelming number of aircraft attacked the Japanese joint fleet. At this time, Yamamoto Isoroshi

Six has ordered all remaining carrier-based aircraft to take off to meet the enemy.

The two sides fought together again, but the Japanese, who had low morale, had lost their previous bravery. They hurriedly responded, and these pilots also knew that the Japanese fleet was fleeing for their lives. If they did not return to the warship quickly, they would all be killed.

The possibility of abandonment, so no normal Japanese person can be as brave as before.

Soon the Japanese interceptor fleet was defeated and fled, and several planes even flew over the Chinese fleet by mistake. Just as they were about to land, they were all shot down by the Chinese frigate's anti-aircraft guns.


After breaking through the obstruction of Japanese aircraft, the Chinese carrier-based aircraft finally caught up with the Japanese fleet that was fleeing crazily.

Escape is also a matter that requires skill. Now what Yamamoto is thinking about is no longer whether he can escape safely, but how to keep more elites. Now the Japanese have three aircraft carriers left, the Shokaku, the Hiryu and the

Among them, the Dafeng and the Feilong were built earlier and are the slowest.

Yamamoto left the Hiryu at the end to act as a target for attracting firepower, and the other injured warships were also left behind. The other warships covered the Shokaku and Taiho to escape quickly.

A chasing game was staged above the sea. The Chinese carrier-based aircraft broke through the obstruction of the Japanese aircraft and caught up again. However, at this time, the Chinese side also fell into Yamamoto's trick and focused its attack on the last one.

On the Flying Dragon.

This aircraft carrier also sank to the bottom of the sea after withstanding more than a dozen bombs and torpedoes. However, the Chinese pilots discovered that this aircraft carrier was just an empty shell, and the aircraft on it were long gone. It was just a delaying opportunity, attracting

Just a target for firepower.

After sinking the Hiryu, China's carrier-based aircraft worked hard and finally caught up with the Japanese combined fleet. The Taiho and Shokaku aircraft carriers were in sight. But the worst thing was that the aircraft's fuel was about to run out.

The only option is to drop the bomb in a hurry and then retreat quickly.

In this round of attacks, only Taiho suffered a torpedo, which did not cause serious impact. The two aircraft carriers desperately escaped.

It was a great pity that the Japanese aircraft carrier was not completely wiped out, but Chen Shaokuan was not in a hurry. He knew very well that the escape direction of the Japanese aircraft carrier was the Japanese mainland. The injured warships could only be repaired in the local shipyards, as well as the lost pilots.

You can only replenish it when you return to your home country.

As a result, there was a temporary vacuum in Japan's power in the Pacific, and all the vast Southeast Asian colonies were exposed. This was simply a gift from heaven. Chen Shaokuan directly ordered the fleet that had just experienced the battle to attack directly forward, and the target of the attack was Japan.

Truk, an important fortress on the sea!

The movements of the Chinese navy are not yet clear in Japan, but when the news that the three aircraft carriers Yamato, Shinano, and Hiryu were sunk reached Japan's Tokyo, the entire Japanese top brass was stunned. They couldn't believe it at all.

How could such a huge warship be sunk? Some people even suspected that this was a deliberately fraudulent telegram sent by China to deliberately lower Japanese morale.

But it really couldn't be false. Japan finally confirmed the news of defeat, and the Tokyo base camp collapsed instantly. Although it was still summer, these people all felt the severe cold of winter, like falling into an ice cellar, and it was cold from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads. (To be continued.)


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