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Chapter 612 Giants Dating

"At the end of the road, the Japanese have indeed reached this point. Their defeat has become inevitable and irreversible. I want to congratulate the president. From now on, no one will compete with us for dominance in East Asia!"

"Brother Baili, for many years we have regarded Japan as the most important imaginary enemy. Now that this enemy has suddenly reached this point and is about to be eliminated, it is really uncomfortable. We haven't tried our best yet, why do we feel that we are just

Just raise a finger and Japan will fall!"

"That's right, three minutes on stage, ten years of hard work off stage!" Defense Minister Wu Tong took over and said: "The soldiers on the front line are unstoppable, it seems very easy, but there is a price. These

In 2004, in order to rush to build the navy, more than 200 scientific and technical personnel died of exhaustion at their jobs. Most of them were in their thirties and forties, which was the time when they were in their prime. In order to verify the performance of the aircraft, how many test pilots were there?

Sacrifice. In order to control the intelligence, how much people on the secret front have sacrificed. The smooth sailing on the front line now is the result of these people's efforts!"

"The defense minister is right. These people are heroes. Their contribution is no less than that of the soldiers who fought bloody battles on the front line, or even more. We must set a monument to them, and even future generations must remember their dedication!"

Qiao Yu's opinions were quickly implemented, and the Chinese government quickly decided to build a monument to the Chinese heroes in the capital. To commemorate the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country over the past decades, a monument to the unknown heroes was also built to let people remember them.

Those who quietly contribute to the construction of the country.

In addition, after completely defeating Japan, China built another victory monument. If the first two monuments commemorate the past, then the victory monument shows the future. China completely defeated Japan and became a world-class power. Get rid of

The fate of the country has gradually declined since the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Qiao Yu has seen the dawn of victory from the kamikaze agents. But now it is the darkness before dawn. The Japanese's final madness is bound to cause great losses, and Qiao Yu also knows that they not only have suicide planes, but also

There are suicide warships, suicide torpedoes, and human bombs and other weapons.

Although this desperate strategy cannot save Japan's fate, it is enough to cause great harm to China. Therefore, the Supreme Command issued a strict order requiring all troops to be more vigilant. Aircraft carriers must be equipped with protective decks and must be protected underwater.

Install anti-torpedo armor.

In addition, a large dock repair ship must be built to quickly repair damaged ships. Of course, if you want to restrain the kamikaze attack, the most important thing is to attack and use carrier-based aircraft to form a tight line of defense. As long as Japanese aircraft dare to come,

We need to shoot them all down. We also need to intensify our attacks on Japanese airports and destroy all air force facilities so that Japan has no air force to use.

In response to human bombs, the Chinese Supreme Command also issued a special order, authorizing frontline soldiers to shoot anyone they consider a threat at any time, regardless of their identity. This order undoubtedly gave frontline soldiers a license to kill.

It is proved that the accidental killing of civilians is inevitable, but whether they are Japanese expatriates or the indigenous people, they are all trash that should be eliminated. If they die, they will die.

China has been victorious in the Philippines and has swept through most of Luzon Island. On the other hand, the Chinese army has launched an attack from Singapore and landed on Sumatra Island. Sumatra Island guards the other side of the Strait of Malacca and is also a very important strategic location. The Chinese army has set foot on Sumatra Island.

Landing on this island also represents the beginning of China’s official occupation of Indonesia.

Unlike the triumphant advance of the Chinese army, the United States is far from clearing the Japanese army in Australia, let alone launching a counterattack quickly. This makes Roosevelt in Washington very angry. Now China has begun to reap the fruits of victory. If the United States cannot act quickly

, can only watch helplessly as the entire Western Pacific falls into the hands of China.

This is something Americans absolutely don’t want to see. In fact, the Australian battlefield would not have been delayed for so long. Japan only transported 260,000 troops to Australia. The number of US-Australian coalition forces has exceeded 600,000, and they also have huge equipment advantages.

, facing the Japanese army that was short of food and ammunition, it stands to reason that the Americans should sweep them away quickly.

But it was at this time that a problem arose. The Japanese army made a desperate move and sent Seishiro Itagaki to conduct a long-distance roundabout operation against the rear of the US-Australia coalition forces. MacArthur, who had neglected to take precautions, was taken back by Itagaki Seishiro and lost a large number of logistics supplies.

Supplies, nearly 100,000 soldiers were killed or wounded, which suddenly destroyed the vigor of the US-Australia coalition forces, and the Australian war situation also entered a stalemate.

Roosevelt was extremely disappointed with MacArthur, and he was already preparing to change his leadership. However, Roosevelt, who was afraid of falling behind China, was also actively thinking of ways.

At this time, Commander Nimitz of the Pacific Fleet put forward his own point of view, abandoning the Southwest Pacific theater and concentrating the main naval and air forces in the Central Pacific. The United States quickly seized the Marshall Islands, and then attacked Saipan and the Ogasawara Islands. Along the

Taking the shortest route to the Japanese mainland, only in this way can we keep up with China's progress, and the Americans will not be absent when China attacks the Japanese mainland.

After Pearl Harbor was completely destroyed by fire, after more than half a year of efforts by the United States, it was finally restored to its original appearance, and the facilities were even more powerful. The Americans installed a large number of anti-aircraft weapons on the island, fearing that they would suffer another Pearl Harbor-style defeat.

In addition, after some hoarding, Pearl Harbor finally restored its original appearance one year after the attack, and once again became an important fulcrum of the US military in the Pacific. Being able to restore Pearl Harbor so quickly, Nimitz, the new head of the Pacific Fleet,

Kudos to him, it was his hard work that made this a reality.

However, Nimitz also had dissatisfaction, that is, the United States was worried that Pearl Harbor could not be restored, so it had focused on the Southwest Pacific Theater. MacArthur became the supreme commander. Now he is a household name in the United States and everyone knows it.

Nimitz didn't pay much attention to these false names, but what Nimitz couldn't stand was that the Navy became subordinate to the Army, and he couldn't accept that the Pacific Theater was placed under the Southwest Pacific Theater. This is a battle between the Navy and the Army, as well as a battle for resources and power.

Nimitz must not take it lightly.

Nimitz's boss, Secretary of the Navy Admiral King, was even more so. He frequently asked Roosevelt to divert more resources to the Pacific Theater. Finally, MacAs made a fatal mistake, and the front line was defeated, giving Nimitz and King the dream they had.

Given the opportunity, they proposed a new combat strategy to Roosevelt.

After much thought, Roosevelt found that their views were of great benefit to the United States. Especially Nimitz's view that the decisive battle on Japanese soil cannot be missed touched the depths of Roosevelt's soul.

Although countries must pay attention to strength, this strength also needs to be proven. Now the Soviets are taking the lead in the European battlefield, and the Pacific battlefield will all fall on the shoulders of the Chinese. What else will the United States have? Americans still have the nerve to participate in the post-war war.

Carve up direct action?

After several weighings, Roosevelt finally agreed to Nimitz's proposal. This nod meant that a large number of resources were allocated to the Pacific Theater. Two aircraft carriers, the Hornet and the Enterprise, were transferred to the Pacific Theater, as well as six escort ships.

aircraft carriers, as well as a large number of logistics supply ships.

The two newly launched Essex-class aircraft carriers have also been assigned to Nimitz. In addition, China has sent two large aircraft carriers, the Pingyuan and the Anyuan, to Europe. They are undergoing adaptive training and will soon be able to

Helping to defend the United Kingdom, the pressure on the United States in the Atlantic has been reduced a lot, so the Americans removed another aircraft carrier, the USS Boston, from the Atlantic and replenished it to the Pacific theater.

This aircraft carrier did not originally exist in history. It was a type of aircraft carrier that appeared after China launched an aircraft carrier race. A total of three aircraft carriers were built. Since Germany also had an aircraft carrier during this time and space, the Americans did not dare to relax their focus on the capital and New York.

The protection of large cities has been deployed along the Atlantic coast.

Nimitz originally had two aircraft carriers, and he already owned seven large aircraft carriers in total. Nimitz's confidence greatly increased, and the US military quickly captured the Marshall Islands and Kwajalein Atoll, and directed its troops towards Saipan.

China and the United States launched a major counterattack in the Pacific at the same time, and Japan's defeat was just around the corner. At this time, the Soviets also survived the most difficult moment in Stalingrad, especially after the winter came, and the Soviet Union experienced unprecedented cold and heavy snowfall.

The cold and cold tortured the Nazi soldiers and consumed their remaining strength.

The Russian Tsar once said that Russia has two best generals, General January and General February. This statement is not wrong at all. Both Napoleon and Hitler caught up with the coldest time to attack Russia, and both were brutally attacked.

The weather beat.

There is even better news for Stalin, that is, China has opened up transportation lines in the Middle East. Materials from the United States and China can be transported to the Soviet Caucasus through here, so that the Soviet army has no worries and can safely and boldly fight against the Soviet Union.

The Germans worked hard.

Both the European battlefield and the Pacific battlefield have seen turning points. Victory is already in sight. Conflicts between countries have also begun to emerge. The conflicts suppressed by the raging fascist forces have also exploded.

At this time, Roosevelt proposed that the four heads of state have a meeting to coordinate the relations between the countries. Lao Qiu was Roosevelt's best friend, so he immediately agreed. There was no problem with Qiao Yu and Stalin. The heads of state should indeed meet and communicate with each other.

The four heads of state have controlled unparalleled power, and their words and deeds have an important impact on the future of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to establish mutual trust. However, the location of the meeting has become a problem. Stalin used the soldiers' nervousness as an excuse to not go too far away from Russia.


There is also a lot of knowledge about where to hold meetings. Whoever is closer means who has the advantage. In the end, Qiao Yu put forward his own opinion and held a meeting in Tehran, Iran. (To be continued.)

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