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Chapter 614 Splitting India

() The four giants gathered in Tehran, as if God was afraid of these powerful people. The weather was exceptionally sunny, and all the participants seemed to be in high spirits.

Among the four giants, except for Qiao Yu, who was in his early fifties, the other three were over sixty. Especially Roosevelt was a disabled person. The long journey was a great test on their bodies, so there was no one on the first night.

No matter what arrangements are made, everyone should rest as much as possible.

Although it is a break, all kinds of work are still very stressful, especially since each head of state brings a large group of followers. They have already begun intense communication and exchanges to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

Qiao Yu's residence is a villa owned by King Pahlavi. It is extremely luxurious and comfortable to live in. According to the schedule, tomorrow morning will be free time, and the four giants will meet in pairs, and in the afternoon

It was a group meeting, and the first thing Qiao Yu wanted to see was the fat man Churchill.

The two people wanted to discuss mainly the naval war with Germany and the Indian issue. Qiao Yu kept thinking about how to deal with that stubborn fat man...

To be fair, Churchill was a very good politician, but he was born at the wrong time. He happened to live in the process of the British Empire turning from prosperity to decline. He wanted to kill thieves but was unable to recover.

The general trend was like this. Lao Qiu was the Monkey King who was trapped under Wuzhi Mountain. Don't even think about changing the world! Of course, you can't underestimate this cunning and stubborn guy. After breakfast the next day, Churchill drove to the place where Qiao Yu stayed.

The two of them were wearing casual clothes and looked very casual. Qiao Yu and Lao Qiu shook hands warmly. It was also the first time that Churchill and Qiao Yu met. Lao Qiu had very complicated feelings for this Chinese ruler.

Before the outbreak of World War II, it can be said that China was Britain's biggest enemy. Officially, Qiao Yu gradually destroyed the colonial order in the Far East. Starting from the Battle of Northern Burma, it was followed by the Hong Kong issue, and then Vietnam and Borneo. Britain and France

The biggest victors in World War I were all severely humiliated by China.

At that time, Lao Qiu strongly advocated in the British Parliament to go to war with China and teach this old empire a lesson. However, the British government at that time had just ended the First World War and was far from getting rid of the shadow of the First World War. It did not dare to fight a war in the Far East.

, and didn’t have the ability. So I had to give up.

Watching China become stronger in the East day by day, Britain once regarded China as its biggest imaginary enemy. The Kra Canal issue and the uprising in India were all continued provocations from China to Britain. In particular, China sold the Qidian number to Germany, which helped

Germany established a naval aviation force. This action undoubtedly devastated Britain, and the British Empire was completely angered.

But Britain's anger is of no use. After losing the opportunity to contain China, Britain will be completely unable to suppress this huge ancient Eastern country. Just like Britain has no way to suppress the United States in the New World, Britain at this time is even worried that China will

Collude with Germany to jointly challenge the world order.

However, with the outbreak of World War II, the close relationship between China and Germany quickly ended, and China became the first country to provide aid to the United Kingdom. Lao Qiu tried his best to get the United States to support the United Kingdom, but China passed it early.

Passed the Lend-Lease Act and provided substantial support to Britain.

It can be said that China was the country that supported Britain the most in the early stages of World War II. In particular, China sent a large number of anti-submarine forces, which helped Britain a lot and ensured the safety of the Atlantic route. Therefore, Lao Qiu loved and hated China.

Dare to offend.

The two shook hands for a long time, and suddenly they both looked at each other and smiled. There was too much meaning in this smile.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I have long looked forward to meeting you. Britain's contribution in this war is well known to the world. There is no doubt that you are the best commander in Britain!"

"Thank you Mr. President for your compliment. China has also made unparalleled contributions to the cause of justice for mankind. Especially in the Battle of Ryukyu, it defeated the Japanese combined fleet and let those hateful Japanese sink to the bottom of the sea. It is absolutely very satisfying.


After the two people said a few polite words, they came to the special living room and sat down opposite each other.

"Mr. Prime Minister, this is China's famous Dahongpao. It is collected from three mother trees. In the past, only the emperor could enjoy it. You might as well try it!"

When Churchill heard that it was a royal tribute from the former emperor, he became interested. He picked up the tureen, imitated Qiao Yu and took a sip, tasting it carefully, and then shook his head: "Mr. President, to be honest, I just

It feels bitter, nothing special!”

"Mr. Prime Minister, this is normal. A small drink can reflect the vast differences between countries. If the world can coexist peacefully, the core issue is respect. Only in this way can real peace be achieved!"

"Yes, countries, regardless of their size, must respect each other. This is also the cornerstone of post-war international peace. Mr. Roosevelt and I both hold this view. Fascist forces that wantonly annex other countries must be eliminated and completely eliminated.

.Restore international fairness and justice, and restore those countries that were destroyed. Any violent territorial changes before the war should be restricted. I think the four major countries should not seek any land expansion. We are upholding international justice.

Rather than turning into another aggressive group!"

Churchill's words were sonorous and powerful, but Qiao Yu could see through his mind at a glance. Lao Qiu's words were completely addressed to China and the Soviet Union. Both countries took advantage of the war to greatly expand their territories. China annexed Nanyang.

Stalin also swallowed up the three Baltic countries and eastern Poland.

If, according to Churchill, these territories have to be given up, this is something that China cannot accept in any case. Qiao Yu said quietly: "In addition to respecting the sovereignty of each country, we must also respect the choices of the local people and give them

Weak nations have the right to decide their own destiny. Moreover, China has noticed that many lands were originally colonies. China is firmly opposed to this international order with serious shortcomings. It is fair and reasonable to abandon colonial oppression and give colonial people the power to self-determine.

I think this principle also applies to India. The South Asian subcontinent has diverse civilizations, numerous races, and the situation is very complex. I suggest that South Asia be divided into some autonomous republics!"

Qiao Yu did not want to get entangled with Churchill on international issues of principle. China's territorial expansion was inevitable and no one could stop it. Qiao Yu pointed his finger at India, directly pointing at Britain's pain points.

India is not so much a country as it is a geographical term. After the demise of ancient India, there was almost no unification here. The only unification was given by the British. The South Asian subcontinent is like a museum of race, with

There are black, white, and yellow people of all colors, and there are countless religions. There are hundreds of millions of gods believed in, and the languages ​​are also very different.

The similarity between two Indian states may be far lower than that of two European countries. Such a region has the possibility of splitting. Although Qiao Yu is not optimistic about the future of India, if the cancer of the caste system is not eradicated, there will be no hope for this country.

But having a large country with a large population next to it is also very troublesome. India does not even need to launch an attack. As long as its political situation becomes chaotic and a large number of refugees flee, it will be enough to cause big trouble for China.

Therefore, China's request to divide India became inevitable. Not only could the British not continue to occupy this place, they also had to divide India into countless small pieces. This all touched Churchill's pain.

His face suddenly turned serious: "Mr. President, Britain has suzerainty over India, which is generally recognized by all countries in the world. India is a part of the United Kingdom. This is beyond doubt."

"Yes, but that was in the past. Not long ago, Mr. Gandhi issued a statement in which he strongly demanded that Britain grant India duli status, and this devout patriot had already started a hunger strike if he starved to death.

, which is not good for Britain either!”

Qiao Yu has always had great respect for the Indian's dutiful methods. Historically, duli was obtained by torturing the enemy and making it unbearable. Only in India, duli was obtained by torturing oneself, which is simply unheard of.


It's like holding a knife to your own chest, gesticulating and threatening: If you don't let me go, I will commit suicide!

This method is ridiculous, but it may be a good way to face a Britain that has seriously declined. Churchill is also very headache now. He does not want to bear the reputation of selling out land in South Asia, but he also knows that this is not something that Britain can control.


"Mr. President, I think it is best to discuss India's future after the war is over. We have to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties!"

"China insists that the Indian issue cannot be dragged on any longer. Although the Chandra Group has been basically wiped out, after such a long period of movement, the mentality of Indian society has changed, which is seriously different from the original situation. If they point the finger at

Before the war was over, a large-scale national uprising broke out in the UK. By then, the whole of South Asia had once again turned into a powder keg. How much effort would we have to expend? Therefore, I suggest that the UK could adopt a South Asian nation-building route.

Figure, confirm that the people of South Asia are given the right to peacefully establish a nation. All regions, ethnic groups, and religions can form a preparatory committee for the founding of the nation to jointly discuss the future of India!"

Qiao Yu will never let Britain drag the Indian issue to be resolved after the war. That will only give opportunities to the United States and the Soviet Union. They are absolutely willing to support a powerful India in southwest China to check and balance China, but China just cannot give them

This opportunity, and the road map for the founding of the nation proposed by Qiao Yu, is a poisoned dagger. It is obviously intended to completely divide Indian society and plunge them into civil strife. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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