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Chapter 624 Kursk’s Logistics Team

() Extraordinarily large-scale amphibious landing operations are the greatest test of an army’s organization and coordination capabilities. The vast ocean is a natural barrier. If you want to successfully cross the ocean, you must be fully prepared. In addition to the army, the most important thing is


All shipyards along the coast of China, starting from Qingdao and extending to Qinzhou, and even Da Nang in Annam, are busy. All workers work in two shifts, working day and night, working hard. Thousands of landing craft are like dumplings,

Quickly equip the army.

The same is true for the United States. The local shipbuilding industry is at full capacity. However, the United States not only supports the operations of landing in Japan, but also is responsible for dealing with Germany. Therefore, the concentration of ships is less than that of China, but it is still a considerable number.

In addition, the bombers of the two countries also shifted the focus of their attacks. Originally, the two countries mainly attacked factory areas and cities, which was to weaken Japan's war potential and disrupt the operation of its military industry. Now in order to attack Japan's homeland, the focus of the attack is naturally

It becomes a matter of destroying all road traffic, railways and highways to limit Japan's ability to mobilize troops, which plays an important role in landing operations.

It was the first time for China and the United States to implement such a huge landing plan, so they attached great importance to it and established a huge command structure that was directly responsible to the heads of state of the two countries. More and more materials and troops were concentrated in southern Korea.

Before the war, there were two governments in North Korea, the north and the south. The south was controlled by Japan, and the north was under the influence of China. Now that China has wiped out the Japanese troops in South Korea, Korean reunification is on the way. This is also the case for North Korean President Kim Gu-il

An opportunity I have been waiting for.

For many years, he has been a pawn controlled by China. A puppet president without any rights, he can only watch China and Japan use the land of North Korea to fight back and forth. Regardless of how many soldiers died between China and Japan, in fact, the worst

It is still the ordinary people of North Korea. Their homes were completely destroyed, and a large number of North Koreans were recruited to serve on the front line.

China is helping North Korea achieve reunification, shouldn't North Korea contribute. Japan, on the other hand, claims to help South Korea resist China's aggression, and South Korea will also have to pay a bloody price.

The greatest tragedy for a small country caught between two powerful powers is this. The entire peninsula was shattered into pieces, and North Korea was torn apart and suffered endlessly.

Jin Jiu was also depressed and sick, especially when he thought about Ruan Aiguo's unknown death, he was frightened. However, he kept holding on, waiting for this opportunity. The Japanese forces were driven out of North Korea.

The nation, North Korea and South Korea must be unified.

Moreover, North Korea has become an anti-fascist side, that is, it is on the side of the United States and the Soviet Union, and it will naturally get the support of these two countries. Kim Jiu fantasizes about using the power of the United States to check and balance China, and then achieve duli and unification of the entire peninsula.

But it can only be said that his wishes are good. As for the reality, it is more cruel. How can China let North Korea go beyond its control? Of course, the Chinese government has also had fierce quarrels over how to deal with the North Korean issue. The military's opinions are very different.

Simple, that is to follow the example of the Nanyang countries and completely annex North Korea and turn it into a province of China.

The government has a different view. The government represented by Yan Xishan advocates retaining North Korea as a country and tying North Korea to China's chariot through economic means.

Yan Xishan's reasons are also very good. First of all, North Korea is relatively poor and does not have many resources that China urgently needs. In addition, after being colonized by Japan, North Korea is disgusted with colonial power and the resistance is very fierce. During Japan's rule of North Korea, a large number of people

Assassinations and massacres occurred frequently. China's forcible annexation of North Korea would also lead to the same results. At that time, China would spend a lot of energy just to maintain the stability of North Korea, and the gains would outweigh the losses. Moreover, the United States and the Soviet Union would not be willing to see China

If it is over-inflated, they will definitely restrict it in every possible way.

Qiao Yu combined the opinions of the two factions and believed that the country of North Korea has existed for thousands of years and it is absolutely difficult to annex it easily. Therefore, Qiao Yu agreed to retain North Korea as a separate country. However, the territory must be adjusted, with Wonsan and Soonju as the boundaries.

If the entire northern half is annexed to China, it would be equivalent to approximately one-third of the entire Korean Peninsula.

China wants to take over this land mainly to provide a buffer zone for the Northeast Industrial Zone, and northern North Korea is also the most resource-rich area on the entire Korean Peninsula. Since the Japanese rule, a large number of factories have been built here, and it has a good

economic basis.

In addition, the piece of land that China still wants is Jeju Island. Jeju Island is the largest island on the Korean Peninsula and is also the dividing line between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. It is a maritime fortress with a very important geographical location. As long as it is controlled here, it can influence both North Korea and Japan at the same time.

China is determined to win these two countries.

In addition to these two places being added to China, North Korea's Incheon and Busan ports will also be leased to China to serve as military bases. China's will cannot be changed by anyone. After Qiao Yu made this decision, he set out to expel North Korea.

And the newly allocated land was named Lelang Province.

Of course, China cannot look too ugly. Qiao Yu also proposed compensation to North Korea, which is to put Japan's Tsushima Island and Kyushu Island under the jurisdiction of North Korea to compensate for North Korea's territorial losses. This proposal looks very good.

But it has evil intentions. As long as North Korea dares to take over Japan's two islands, the two countries will become permanent enemies from now on. There will be absolutely no room for relaxation and they can only fight to the death, while China can sit back and watch.

Tiger fight.

In fact, Qiao Yu also considered whether to annex both Japan and North Korea. Later, Qiao Yu rejected this view. It would be too difficult to annex a country that has been established for thousands of years. And from a geopolitical perspective, major countries must

There must be a buffer zone. Japan and South Korea are the buffer zones between China and the United States in the Pacific Ocean.

Otherwise, China and the United States would face each other directly in the Pacific, and any move would touch each other's nerves and lead to strong confrontation. Big countries are like children with excess energy, and the buffer zone is a toy. With this toy, the relationship between big countries will be

Direct conflict can be greatly reduced.

After China's plan was put forward, Jin Jiu saw that his last chance was about to be lost, and he suddenly fell into despair. He resolutely refused to agree, and hoped to invite the United States to come forward to defend North Korea's sovereignty.

China is not worried about his attitude at all. Without Jin Jiu, there is another person who is willing to do it. At this time, a little-known young person suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the North Korean people. This person is Kim Sung-ri.

According to China's propaganda, this young North Korean general who was just in his thirties was a real hero, having made great achievements in liberating the entire South Korea and defeating the Japanese occupying forces.

Kim Sung-ri's power expanded rapidly with the support of China. The already old Kim Koo had no way to fight against this young man. Kim Sung-ri quickly seized power in North Korea and agreed to China's request without hesitation.

The issue of North Korea was sorted out clearly, and it was also a huge help for China to launch a campaign to land in Japan. While China was planning its final offensive, the final fateful battle between the Soviet Union and Germany was also being staged, that is, the Battle of Kursk.

In Stalingrad, the Soviet Union eliminated more than one million German troops, completely stabilized the front, started a local counterattack, regained the lost territory, and formed a huge salient in the Kursk area.

Germany discovered that this was an important fighter. As long as all the Soviet troops in the salient were eliminated, they would be able to regain the initiative on the battlefield. To this end, Hitler sent his most trusted man, Manstein, as the commander-in-chief, and the Soviet command

The officer is also the best general Zhukov. It can be said that it is a war between tit and head.

In order to win this battle, the German side concentrated more than 2,900 tanks and self-propelled artillery. Most of the mobile forces on the Eastern Front were mobilized here, while the Soviet army had 5,100 tanks.

From a quantitative perspective, the Soviet Union has almost twice the advantage.

But this was the smallest gap between the Soviet Union and Germany in terms of armor strength! In fact, people had a misunderstanding. They believed that Germany could quickly occupy a large amount of Soviet territory and achieve a brilliant victory in the early stages of the war. Therefore, it was logical to think that German tanks were better than

The Soviet Union had the advantage.

In fact, at the beginning of the war, German tanks were far inferior to the Soviet Union in terms of quantity and quality. Neither the Panzer III nor Panzer IV tanks were the Soviet Union's opponents in the T34. Germany was able to win mainly because of the tremendous quality and tactical use of both sides' soldiers.

The gap. Moreover, because Germany misjudged the war situation and did not implement the general mobilization order, the quantity of arms production was insufficient for a long time. By the time Germany realized the cruelty of the war, it was already too late.

The Battle of Kursk was the first battle in which German workers were mobilized. Tiger tanks also participated in the battle in large numbers, and the gap between the two sides was minimal.

The war showed a cruel side from the beginning. Facing the German Tiger tanks, the Soviet tanks had little resistance at all. They were destroyed in pieces. As the supreme commander of the Soviet army, Zhukov could only feel lucky at this time.

I made the right choice. I did not launch an attack blindly, but adopted a defensive posture when the troops were superior. Otherwise, the Soviet Union would definitely suffer more heavy losses.

At this time, the most active people on the Kursk battlefield were not the tank troops, but the logistics support troops and maintenance personnel. In fact, most of the tanks that were damaged on the battlefield can be repaired. As long as they are repaired, they can be used again.

It exerts strong combat power, so during tank battles, the number of destroyed tanks published in the battle report far exceeds the total number of tanks on both sides. In fact, it is the result of some tanks being repaired and re-entered into battle.

During the Tehran Conference, due to the heavy losses of Soviet military resources, Stalin asked Qiao Yu to send some technical personnel to help the Soviet Union. Qiao Yu agreed to this proposal and dispatched more than 3,000 professional maintenance technicians. These technicians

Skilled and hard-working, they soon won the respect of the Soviet army. Most of them fought on the front line in Kursk, helping the Soviet Union repair damaged tanks.

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