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Chapter 642 Liquidation

In order to conquer the Japanese archipelago, China and the United States invested a total of 6.35 million soldiers, 5,600 tanks, more than 13,000 combat aircraft, 43 aircraft carriers of various types, and more than 7,000 landing ships.

The entire battle lasted nearly eight months. China lost 270,000 lives, the United States lost 150,000 soldiers, and the two countries suffered more than 300,000 seriously injured soldiers. In addition, the Japanese Free Army, Korean Expeditionary Force, Nanyang Revenge Army, etc.

The servant troops also suffered heavy losses.

According to original estimates, in order to conquer the entire Japan, at least 300,000 lives would have to be sacrificed, and this was only the loss on the frontal battlefield. In order to stabilize the entire Japan and eliminate all resistance forces, the Allies would have to make a lot of sacrifices. Conservatively

It is estimated that the losses in China and the United States will exceed one million people.

This scale has exceeded the Normandy landing operation and is definitely the largest amphibious landing operation in the world. During the entire process, the squadron that led this landing operation also gained valuable experience and received great training.

However, due to Hirohito's unexpected arrest, the second half of the war ended early, and when Hirohito's speech was broadcast across the country, resistance across Japan disappeared instantly. Only some stubborn soldiers still did not believe that this was true.

Yes, they continued to resist desperately. These people were undoubtedly trying to help others, and they were all quickly wiped out.

The four Japanese islands gradually stabilized. Qiao Yu was very happy after receiving the battle report from the front line. Qiao Yu only returned from Yalta half a month before he conquered Tokyo. The four giants quarreled fiercely in Yalta for their own interests.

However, it was Churchill, the fat man, who provoked the quarrel more. The other three powers maintained considerable restraint. In fact, it is easy to understand. The war has reached this point, and the pattern of the three countries re-carving up the world has been formed.

China swallowed up the South China Sea and extended its power to the Indian Ocean and the Southwest Pacific. The island chains that originally restricted China's development have become unsinkable aircraft carriers guarding China. China's maritime living space has been greatly expanded. It has become a

A powerful country with both land and sea.

The Soviet Union swallowed up Eastern Europe and intervened in the Mediterranean and the Middle East through Turkey, and its strategic position was greatly improved.

As for the United States, relying on the advantages of two oceans, it successfully established a series of islands in the Pacific region and successfully intervened in Japan. In addition, Australia also turned to the United States during this war. In the Atlantic direction, the gains of the Americans were even greater.

The whole of Western Europe has fallen into the hands of the United States. In addition, the United States has also established some fulcrums in North Africa, and the next step is to prepare to intervene in the Middle East.

From this layout, it can be seen that China, the United States and the Soviet Union all benefited from the war, and the three countries also have extraordinary strategic depth. Before these results are digested, the three countries will not be too serious.

Conflict. Moreover, among the three countries, Qiao Yu only wanted to keep a low profile and quietly digest the entire Nanyang. Although Stalin was aggressive, the Soviet-German war had caused heavy losses to the Soviet Union, and the polar bear was in urgent need of recovery.

Among the three parties, the attitude of the United States is the most important. Roosevelt is not a reckless guy like Truman. He has a clear grasp of the international situation. What Roosevelt wants to do is to integrate China and the Soviet Union into the new world structure through peaceful cooperation.

.So some compromises are perfectly acceptable.

None of the three major powers had any intention of rashly opposing each other. Only Churchill instigating the conflict was completely unable to stir up trouble. In the end, the Yalta Conference ended successfully in accordance with the wishes of the three major powers.

The Soviet Union got its wish and gained the sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. Qiao Yu's proposal to convene a Pacific Conference to decide Asia-Pacific issues was also agreed by the United States. However, in order to take care of British feelings, Roosevelt also proposed the establishment of a Far East Commission within the framework of the United Nations.

Throw the UK into the mix.

As for the most controversial issue of whether France should become a permanent member of the Security Council, Qiao Yu proposed a compromise plan, which is to give France a permanent seat but not give France a veto power. France cannot use its veto power like the other four major countries. This proposal

De Gaulle was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Another point worth mentioning is that in order to get rid of the embarrassing position of having too few seats in the United Nations, the Soviet Union took the initiative to request Ukraine and Belarus to be members of the United Nations. The Soviet Union would be able to securely obtain two votes. In Stalin's view, such a die-hard

Allies cannot be found even with a lantern.

For the sake of fairness, China was also given the same power. China could choose two provinces as members of the United Nations. However, this proposal was directly vetoed by Qiao Yu. The Soviet Union was willing to allow Ukraine and Belarus to become member states. That was their freedom, but

China will never agree to any province joining the United Nations. As for the issue of too few votes, Qiao Yu didn't take it seriously at all.

As long as China has one veto vote, it is enough. As for the others, it is of no value. The United Nations has never been a place to look at the number of votes, and rashly allowing one part of the country to have powers that only the country has is definitely a way to cause chaos.

Isn't this artificially creating divisions? The regions that got seats have an increased sense of superiority, while the regions that didn't get them are aggrieved. How can we manage the country if this continues? In Qiao Yu's view, although Stalin is shrewd enough, this steel man is still

A mind full of Russian thinking, typically swallowing whatever he can, but not caring whether he can digest it or not. From this, it can be seen that the eventual disintegration of the Soviet Union was excusable, and the root of the disaster had already been sown at this time.

In any case, the successful conclusion of the Yalta Conference is tantamount to the final coordination of the attitudes of the four major countries before victory comes, and has an important impact on the international community.

As soon as Qiao Yu returned to Beijing, he received the news that Hirohito had been captured. Immediately after the large-scale battle in the Japanese archipelago was completely ended, Qiao Yu and all the senior officials showed joy. From the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Japan stepped on the corpses of the Manchus.

It became a regional power. From then on, small Japan overran the big empire. This is a unique thing in the history of thousands of years of exchanges between China and Japan.

And this had a fatal impact on China's national self-confidence. Since then, China has developed a serious tendency to worship foreigners. All foreign things are good, and even the moon is rounder than China's. This situation is not an isolated case, it almost always happens.

It has become a national mentality.

Especially some nonsense literati, they have lost their due political thinking, and even put forward ridiculous ideas such as abolishing Chinese characters. They continue to slander the Chinese and commit self-harm, as if they do not prove that the Chinese are inferior.

They cannot show their wisdom.

These literati were so poisonous that they continued to influence later generations, and their titles were changed from masters to public intellectuals. But in short, they were all the same, a bunch of foreign slaves who knelt before Western civilization.

However, in this time and space, the Chinese Army invaded Tokyo and completely crushed the island nation of Japan. At the same time, they participated in the Normandy landings and defeated the powerful German Army. There were real reasons behind these victories.

Political interests also have an invisible influence on public sentiment.

The vast majority of Chinese people can finally straighten their backs. They are still the proud descendants of Yan and Huang, and they still stand proudly above the world. Those clowns have also lost their space to perform. Although the Chinese are not rich enough, everyone

I firmly believe that the future is bright and the Chinese will restore the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties sooner or later.

Restoring the morale of the people and regaining confidence in Chinese culture is of great value for China to move towards a more glorious future. Qiao Yu, Jiang Baili, Yan Xishan and other high-level officials have also clearly seen this impact, and they are very pleased.

What needs to be done now is how to deal with Japan, a defeated country. Qiao Yu leaves this matter to Yan Xishan. Yan Xishan is usually known for his shrewd calculations and never suffers losses in anything he does. At this time, Yan Xishan shows off his ability


Yan Xishan was not polite. He organized a large number of people and quickly formulated opinions on how to deal with Japan. The first aspect was to deprive Japan of all the islands it illegally occupied. Japan's sovereignty was limited to Honshu Island and the islands designated by the Allies.

Other islands; the second aspect is the issue of war reparations. Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan must return all illegally robbed property and at the same time spend 20% of its fiscal revenue as compensation every year for a period of ninety-nine years.

Yan Xishan's two claims showed enough ruthlessness. He cut off three of Japan's four large islands at once. As for whether they will be returned to Japan, it depends on the mood of each country. And the compensation is a pioneering work.

, the total amount of compensation is not set, but the fiscal revenue is used as the standard, and the period is as long as ninety-nine years. This is another trap. The speed of economic development often exceeds people's estimates. Now astronomical compensation is required, and by the time it reaches dozens

After 20 years, there may not be so much, so not setting a specific amount is very in line with long-term interests.

In addition, the third most important item is the treatment of Japanese war criminals. In Yan Xishan's plan, Japan's crimes of aggression were first pushed to the Meiji Restoration, in which the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1894 was the beginning of Japan's external aggression and expansion.

The definition of this time is actually very critical. In the original history, the definition of Japanese aggression began with the September 18th Incident. Therefore, in the eyes of the Japanese, their expansion in the Meiji era was not criminal. Even many people in China

Everyone regards the Meiji Restoration as a successful reform.

But in fact, if you know a little bit about history, it will be clear that since the Meiji era, Japan's aggression and expansion have been in the same line, and its policies have been consistent, but they are at different steps. Therefore, if you want to completely liquidate Japan, you must start with the Meiji Restoration.

Just start.

The most critical point in Yan Xishan's plan is the definition of the scope of war criminals. War criminals should be all the dominant groups that support war actions and gain benefits through war. According to this definition, Japan's military, government, and plutocrats

All forces were included, and even some Japanese scholars who advocated aggression and expansion were defined as war criminals.

After this argument was put forward, it showed its murderous side. All Japanese elites from all walks of life have the possibility of becoming war criminals! (To be continued.)

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