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Chapter 648: Sea of ??Stars

After the end of World War II, the entire world faced a comprehensive reshuffle. The United States, the Soviet Union, and China became the three countries with the most say in the world. However, the former world powers have gradually declined. Although the United Kingdom was one of the four major powers during World War II,

One, but after the war, Britain faced the fate of the collapse of all its overseas colonies.

After the partition of India and Pakistan, several Middle East wars broke out in the Middle East. With the help of these Middle East wars, British power was completely driven out of the Middle East. Other Commonwealth countries also drifted away from the UK. In addition to maintaining a name, the UK has no control over these countries.

The country no longer has any influence.

However, Britain is still doing well. After all, it still retains its seat as a major power in the United Nations Security Council and has the crucial veto power. However, the French are in a worse situation. Although they are also permanent members, their veto power has been taken away and they no longer have this power.

, in the international arena, it doesn’t even make a sound.

Former great powers such as Britain and France were all in decline and had to rely on the United States for survival. They had become thugs and underlings. The fate of the defeated Germany and Japan was even worse.

Germany was divided into two parts, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany. In fact, the Soviet Union was not willing to let Germany split, because once Germany split, Germany's reparations to the Soviet Union would be affected. The Soviet Union was the country that paid the highest price in World War II.

Therefore, it also received the largest amount of compensation. These compensations were originally borne by the entire German people. Once split, only East Germany would bear them. This was not a good thing for the Soviet Union.[

However, under Truman's planning, Germany still split into two parts, and Berlin became the forefront of the confrontation between the two camps. However, the hard-working Germany still stood up tenaciously on the ruins. After entering the 1950s and 1960s,

The German economy began to develop rapidly and became the leader of European economic growth, but the pain of division still made the Germans suffer.

As for Japan in the Far East, although it was not divided, it also lost a large amount of territory. Tsushima and Kyushu Islands were placed under North Korean control in accordance with regulations. Of course, there are Chinese military bases in both places. Because of this land issue, Japan

I and the Koreans have become enemies of life and death.

In addition, Emperor Hirohito was sent to the gallows, and the Japanese emperor system was declared illegal. Like the Nazi Party in Germany, they were all cleaned up. The emperor who was known as the eternal lineage was completely ended, which had a great impact on the spiritual world of the Japanese.

With the devastating blow, the entire country has lost its common pursuit.

At the trial of the Emperor, a large number of Japanese even had their stomachs turned to protest. The momentum was astonishing, and the whole of Japan was shrouded in a tragic color. It is conceivable that the Emperor's status in the hearts of the Japanese was high, but on the

Both Qiao Yu and the new President of the United States, Truman, advocated [***]. In the end, Hirohito was inevitably hanged.

Japan, which was about to boil, suddenly became quiet after the emperor was executed. All Japanese became extremely honest and no longer dared to resist. In this way, all those who had doubts relaxed, and the Japanese

It is indeed a strange nation. They admire the strong and despise the weak from the bottom of their hearts.

Even the sacred Emperor is like this. Once he is stepped on, or even sent to the guillotine, the holiness in the hearts of the Japanese disappears.

According to the regulations of the Allies, the new Japan adopted a federal system, and the remaining three large islands were turned into twelve states. Each state has considerable reading rights. This is very similar to the American system. But there is no

There is a powerful financial group behind the government, and the federal government still has considerable power. However, after this system was implemented in Japan, the entire country lost its unity, and there was no longer a strong central government.

After such a process, Japan entered the 1950s and 1960s, and its economy began to take off. However, their key development direction became tourism. Sandwiched between China and the United States, Japan was able to attract huge tourists from both countries.

As a group, millions of people visit Japan every year.

With the development of tourism, Japan's financial industry, entrepot trade, and light industry have all developed greatly. In addition, Japanese maids have also become a resounding brand in the world, especially the wealthy groups in China who hire Japanese maids.

Servants are proud.

Japan's finances began to improve in the 1960s. In addition to paying war reparations, Japan's finances began to have a surplus, so they began to invest in the film industry. After years of development, the Japanese still live a wealthy life, but this

The way of life is very similar to that of Greece in Europe. It is a typical parasitic economy and has completely lost its threat to China.

Britain, France, Germany, and Japan were all powerful countries before World War II. Now these countries have completely become vassals and have lost their status as powerful countries. Currently, the entire world can be called a powerful country, with only China, the United States, and the Soviet Union remaining.

The three countries each took a different path.

In the early post-war period, the United States was the dominant economy and had a self-centered attitude. The Americans formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and pointed the finger directly at the Soviet Union. In addition, the United States tried its best to support India and Australia in an attempt to constrain China's development.

Moreover, Americans support Israel, frequently provoke wars, and beat Arab countries into disgrace.

However, it has been boom and bust since ancient times. Although the United States has not yet reached this stage, troubles have followed. Latin America has always been the backyard of the United States, but this backyard has also caught fire. A man named Che Guevara started a revolution in Latin America.

During the revolutionary storm, a large number of guerrillas appeared in various countries to violently attack the pro-American regime.

The leak coincided with the continuous rain, and the Pahlavi regime in Iran, which was originally pro-American, was also affected. Iran is an important power in the Middle East, and it is adjacent to the Caucasus region of the Soviet Union in the north. Turkey has already turned to the Soviet Union. If Iran turns to the Soviet Union again, the United States

It has completely lost its voice in the Middle East.

Faced with this situation, Eisenhower, who had just led the Allied forces to defeat Germany, began to take tough measures. He first ordered American special operations forces to rescue Shah Pahlavi from Iran, and then sent troops to Iran in the name of helping Pahlavi quell the rebellion.

send troops.

In addition, Eisenhower sent troops to Latin America and tried his best to strangle the leftist regime. The Americans were so aggressive that the whole world was in a commotion. The overall peace situation after the war was completely broken. Many countries were trembling with fear. They didn't know when the third world would happen.

Great war.

But what happened next surprised everyone. Everyone originally thought that the United States could easily solve these minor troubles with its strong military power, but the facts made everyone shut up.

First of all, the more Latin American guerrillas are wiped out, the more numerous they become, and these guerrillas are becoming more and more cunning. They rely on the forest as a cover to easily deal with the US military. The US has dispatched bombers several times to carry out carpet bombing of guerrilla hiding places.

, but the guerrillas did not kill many, but took the lives of many civilians. The atrocities of the United States angered the people, and the resistance became stronger and stronger.

And Iran has become a huge quagmire. At first, the Americans easily defeated the Iranian New Deal army, but then the Americans had to face the resting guerrillas. They used all available means to attack the United States.

People launched crazy revenge actions.[

The Americans were stuck in the quagmire, while the Soviet Union took the opportunity to expand its power. More and more countries in Africa and the Middle East turned to the Soviet Union. In Latin America, left-wing pro-Soviet forces in Cuba, Venezuela, Grenada and other countries came to power one after another.

The United States was left disgraced.

These troubles are not enough to shake the foundation of the United States. The most fatal problem is that with China's rapid development, a large amount of capital has poured into China, such as many royal families in the Middle East. They are dissatisfied with the United States' blind support for Israel.

Therefore, huge oil profits were invested in China.

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Moreover, American capital has also been attracted by China's abundant labor capital and has transferred to China. This situation is almost irreversible. No capitalist will let go of a huge market of nearly one billion people.

A large amount of capital has poured into China, and China has sufficient funds for infrastructure construction. Transportation has become more and more convenient, cities have become more and more complete, and huge city circles have been formed. All entrepreneurs enjoy China's convenient transportation.

Smooth contact.

More and more companies are settling in China, and all kinds of supporting factories are very complete, which can effectively reduce costs. This is a temptation that all capitalists cannot resist.

China has absorbed huge amounts of capital, and at the same time, Chinese goods are rapidly impacting American manufacturing. First, light industrial products, followed by shipbuilding, automobiles, and aircraft, fell one after another.

And because China was the first to develop computers, Chinese has become the most important programming language. However, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. The huge language barrier makes Americans seriously lag behind China in computers.

With electronic computer technology as the basis, China's heavy machine manufacturing and machine tool industries have achieved unprecedented development, which has further squeezed the industrial space of the United States.

If this momentum continues, the United States will not only lose its title as the world's factory, but will also face the risk of a complete industrial collapse. Except for some advantages in finance, the United States is now in danger in all other aspects.

In fact, some people in the United States have long been aware of China's economic advantages, but they did not expect it to come so quickly. Moreover, when the United States was in deep trouble, the Americans never imagined that the global trade system they originally designed would allow China to gain

A large number of interests, in turn, the United States itself is trapped in a cocoon.

China has accumulated a large amount of U.S. dollars through trade. At the same time, according to the original agreement between China and the United States, China can exchange U.S. dollars for gold at any time. In fact, China also does this. The U.S. gold reserves have been declining, which is very important for the United States.

Economic hegemony is a huge threat.

Of course, there are also people in the United States who advocate the abolition of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the abolition of the Bretton Woods system, and a complete change of the post-war economic structure. But at this time, the United States simply cannot afford to fall out with China, and the Soviet Union is also watching covetously.

, so the United States is in a dilemma.

In fact, China has long seen what the United States is thinking, but China does not take the United States too seriously. In the past five thousand years, China has experienced many ups and downs and has always been the largest economic power. The West has surpassed China.

It is not a historical necessity, but just an accident. Sooner or later, China will dominate the world.

Compared with American-style expansion abroad, China is more keen on exploring unknown space. The Chinese government has formulated a huge Chang'e lunar exploration plan and is preparing to set foot on the moon in fifteen years.

Our journey is the stars and the sea...

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