Turn off the lights
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Chapter 72: Night Attack

After Yao Liquan finished explaining the matter, he left Luzhou. However, the leaders of the militia in Luzhou had different ideas. In fact, these militia were reluctantly united together and were formed by the alliance of comrades protecting the road from each county. Although the Tongmenghui

Although they were in a dominant position among them, they could not achieve unified military orders. They were unanimous on the issue of anti-Qing. However, when facing Qiao Yu, they had different thoughts. Many militia leaders in prefectures and counties had different views on who to fight against.

They don't care about being in power, as long as their share is reduced anyway, and Qiao Yu's statement has made them feel relieved. They can join the new government and become members of the parliament. Even if the Alliance takes power, it will be nothing more.

If that's the case, then why bother going against Qiao Yu?

In addition to these leaders of the militia, the Constitutional Party in the Luzhou area and powerful people from all over the country also started to move because of Qiao Yu's arrival. Many of these people were engaged in business. Qiao Yu's abolition of Lijin was a great blessing to them.

Although they have to give up a lot of land rent income in comparison, the gains outweigh the losses. The most important thing is that the alliance will bring them a serious sense of crisis.

The Tongmenghui has now gathered tens of thousands of militiamen. These militiamen have to eat, drink, have sex, and burn money every day. The Tongmenghui itself has no financial resources, and it only relies on raising taxes, and then preying on large households, such as the Qing Dynasty.

The government has a lot of money stored in banknotes. Now that it has been taken over by the civilian army, they can directly enter the bank and withdraw the money, regardless of whether it is due or not.

If the shopkeepers of bank accounts objected, they would be labeled as colluding with the Qing government, and their property would be confiscated, and some would even be shot on the spot. This situation was very common, and big businessmen would not be safe from the militia.

, naturally wanted to abandon them, and these people set their sights on Qiao Yu.

Luzhou City is in turmoil, and naturally they cannot hide it from Wang Tianjie and Wu Yuzhang. Now the two are looking at each other, thinking about how to deal with the situation at hand.

Wang Tianjie slammed his fist on the table and said bitterly: "Qiao Shunqing is such a difficult person to deal with. We have already lost before the fight officially started. Now many people in the city advocate peace talks and join the military government."

, what a bunch of bastards!”

"Those people are just grassroots and insignificant. As long as our confidants remain unwavering, that's all. But this time Qiao Yu brought two divisions over. Their strength is more than double ours, and their equipment is very sophisticated. Even if they fight head-on, they won't be able to win."

He is his opponent!"

Wu Yuzhang also sighed and felt a lot lower.

"Old Wu, do you think this will work? Let's sneak attack Qiao Yu's army at night. They are all new soldiers. Although they have been trained a lot, their battle experience is still far behind ours. It just so happens that I will personally lead the troops tonight.

Defeat them, and then those wallflowers will naturally not be shaken!"

Wu Yuzhang carefully considered Wang Tianjie's suggestion and felt that it was very feasible. Moreover, the current difficulties of the people's army have become apparent, which is the lack of arms and weapons. Originally, it was better to have Qiao Yu's support, but now with the independence of Chongqing, this route has also been cut off.

Now, the weapons of the people's army are consuming less and less, and they can't sustain it at all. Therefore, breaking the deadlock quickly is undoubtedly the best choice.

After the two people discussed it, they gathered all the most elite troops. About half of them were members of the party, and there were also many bandit teams. They were the most brave in fighting, but the gangsterism was also very serious.

A team of more than 3,000 people was assembled, led by Wang Tianjie himself, waiting for nightfall to attack Qiao Yu's military camp, while Wu Yuzhang was responsible for guarding Luzhou.

After the assignment was completed, night fell. The military camp outside Luzhou City did not seem to feel any crisis. Instead, there were cheers and laughter. It turned out that some wealthy businessmen nearby took the initiative to come to work for the army. The Constitutional Party in Luzhou City also sent representatives.

I came to contact Qiao Yu and wanted to support Qiao Yu in entering the city and driving the civilian army out of Luzhou...

Qiao Yu also opened the door to charity, promising that they could join the Sichuan Parliament, allow local autonomy, and also promised to support the development of industry and commerce. These people were extremely happy to receive Qiao Yu's promise. Obviously, Qiao Yu's wharf is better than

The alliance was much more reliable, and these people expressed their willingness to be loyal to Qiao Yu.

It was not until after ten o'clock in the evening that all these people were sent away, and at the same time they were asked to urge the civilian army in the city to accept the peace agreement and give up the confrontation as soon as possible!

"Master, the militia in the city seems to be making some moves, and they are not willing to compromise like this!" Wang Tianhe would call Qiao Yu "Master" in informal situations to show that he never forgot that he was from the Qiao family, and Qiao Yu couldn't defeat him.

Just don't care.

"Tianhe, how can you be willing to give up your power when someone is fighting for life or death? But they can't change the world, but they need to be more vigilant and be careful!"

Just as the two people were still chatting, several crisp gunshots suddenly pierced the night sky, followed by a burst of intensive gunfire. Qiao Yu suddenly frowned. It seemed that the civilian army had taken action against him first.

That way, you don't have to worry about anything, and you can just show off your power.

Originally, Qiao Yu chose to negotiate with the People's Army because he wanted to suppress the other party with his righteous name. If he did not adopt this posture, it would be easy for others to sympathize with the People's Army who made great contributions to the revolution. Now that the People's Army has taken the lead, they will

Waiting to withstand your own series of attacks!

"Tianhe will accompany me outside to see if the civilian army can break through our camp!"

Wang Tianhe hurriedly summoned the guards and followed Qiao Yu closely to the outside of the camp. The most intense firefight at this time was in the direction of the first brigade of the first division. The commander of the first brigade was Wang Huai, who was very alert. Qiao Yu

Yu is quite relieved about him.

Wang Huai's first brigade was Qiao Yu's direct unit, with the highest military quality and very well-equipped equipment. They were placed at the front, directly facing Luzhou City. Wang Huai knew that this was the first time the Sichuan Revolutionary Army officially went into battle.

The stakes were high, so extra caution was exercised and a large number of sentries were posted outside the camp.

Near midnight, Wang Tianjie led 3,000 elite soldiers quietly out of Luzhou City and approached Qiao Yu's camp. However, the training of the civilian army was not in place. They were discovered by a group of sentries a few hundred meters away from the camp. Both sides

There was a brief exchange of fire, and although the group of sentries were all wiped out, the sound of gunfire reminded the soldiers in the camp that the originally planned surprise attack turned into a forced attack.

Wang Tianjie also knew that he could only win but not lose at this time, so he ordered his men to charge towards the camp desperately. After Wang Huai brought the report, he also mobilized manpower to strengthen the defense. When the civilian army was still more than 200 meters away from the military camp, the two sides broke out.

A fierce exchange of fire began, and people fell down from time to time. The soldiers of the civilian army had been in war for a long time, and they did not pay attention to the casualties around them. They kept lowering their heads and rushed forward, and soon they were only a few dozen meters away from the camp.

The Sichuan Army was a little panicked, and the guns they fired were not accurate. However, at this moment, a team of reinforcements rushed over, and they also brought two light machine guns. The sound of the machine guns sounded like exploding beans, and they quickly swept dozens of people.

The militia army relieved the pressure on the Sichuan army. The militia army's attack was suppressed. However, they were very experienced in the battlefield. They used dead bodies to cover the scene and began to shoot at the Sichuan army. Many of them had very accurate marksmanship, and many recruits

They were all hit in the head, and the casualties on both sides were increasing rapidly. After all, the Sichuan army was insufficient in numbers and would soon lose. At this time, several heavy machine guns were transferred over. Wang Huai also rushed over with guards and commanded

During the battle, several machine guns formed a crossfire, completely suppressing the civilian army.

Wang Tianjie looked at the soldiers lying in a pool of blood one by one, and felt like the world was spinning, as if his heart had been ripped out. Compared with the opponent, he was far inferior in strength. If he couldn't defeat the opponent tonight, he was afraid that what awaited him would be

Only failed, so Wang Tianjie was also jealous, and took the lead personally, leading the militia to charge. At this moment, a scream came over, Wang Tianjie suddenly screamed secretly, and hurriedly fell to the ground, and several shells accurately landed

In the ranks of the militia army, several militia soldiers were blown to pieces in an instant.

Immediately afterwards there was another burst of artillery fire, and chaos suddenly appeared in the civilian army. These people were mainly composed of party bandits. It is okay to let these people fight with the wind, and it is okay to let them endure a little sacrifice, but once they feel

If the opponent is invincible, they will collapse faster than anyone else. The opponent has already noticed their attack, and machine guns and artillery are sweeping in one after another. If they continue to fight, there will be only death. Therefore, everyone does not care about Wang Tianjie's safety, and they all take advantage of it.

Dispersed in the night.


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