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Chapter 78: Two Titans

After Cai E saw Qiao Yu's power supply, he immediately hesitated. His opponent was really difficult to deal with. He gave himself a big hat at the beginning. Yunnan borders Myanmar and Indochina, which are colonies of Britain and France.

Now that the Revolution of 1911 has broken out in China, Britain and France are also ready to take advantage of the opportunity to encroach on the border. It's not that Cai E doesn't know about it, but he is afraid of the forces of Britain and France. In addition, he doesn't take the disputed territory seriously, but now Qiao Yu openly uses nationality to

Taking off the hat of a sinner and suddenly gaining a moral advantage is very powerful.

You, Cai E, used the slogan of aiding Hubei and fighting against the Qing Dynasty, and I used a hat bigger than this to suppress you. Qiao Yu did not suffer at all. Cai E began to face up to this opponent who was much younger than himself, but Cai E

I am still very confident. The Yunnan Army is an elite that has fought in hundreds of battles. It is much stronger than the temporarily formed Sichuan Army. At the critical moment, it still depends on the size of the fist. It is useless to say anything else.

The Yunnan Army was approaching southern Sichuan, and Qiao Yu also stepped up preparations for war. After taking control of Xufu, there were many militiamen in Xufu itself. In addition, most of Yang Shukan's army was also defeated, and they all dispersed into the countryside. These defeated troops did not

There was no discipline at all, they were just like a bunch of bandits. While Qiao Yu was collecting these defeated troops, he was pacifying the local area, and he also had to guard against the attack of the Yunnan Army, so he was extremely busy.

"Governor, the Yunnan Army is only three days' journey from Xufu. Can you see if we can deploy defenses along the river to keep the Yunnan Army out of Xufu!" Wu Tongzheng and Qiao Yu were discussing military affairs over the map.

"Chief of Staff, do you think we can stop the Yunnan Army if we deploy defenses along the Yangtze River?"

"Governor, I think it is absolutely possible. We have enough machine guns and artillery, and as long as the ships along the river are captured, it will be difficult for the Yunnan Army to cross the river! And their first echelon is only one brigade in size, so there is no advantage in strength!"

"Then if the Yunnan Army increases its strength, you must know that the Yunnan Army has more than 30,000 people. They can invest more than 20,000 people in Sichuan direction. By then we will have no advantage in strength."

Wu Tong's brows also knitted into a knot, "Governor, should we also transfer the second division? I think the size of the two divisions is enough to guard the Yangtze River. As long as there is a stalemate and the Yunnan Army does not have enough supplies as we do, it will

It can completely bring them down!"

"What should we do here?" Qiao Yu stretched out his hand and pointed at Chengdu in Xichuan. Qiao Yu mobilized all his troops. Although he could stop the Yunnan Army, he would lose more than he gained if he delayed the opportunity to attack Chengdu! This is what the Sichuan Army is doing now.

The biggest difficulty faced.

"Does the governor mean to try to annihilate this Yunnan army?" Wu Tong is also very smart. Looking at Qiao Yu's look, he can guess that he intends to fight quickly. From the bottom of his heart, Wu Tong also agrees with this kind of battle.

The plan was to beat and cripple the Yunnan Army first, completely cutting off the possibility of the Yunnan Army entering Sichuan again, and then they could calm down and deal with the remaining forces of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

"That's right, we simply set up defenses in the Yangtze River. When the Yunnan Army comes, we retreat, and then we set up a defense line under Xufu City, trying to destroy the Yunnan Army here. As long as the so-called first echelon is destroyed, Cai E

I don’t dare to attack Sichuan easily.”

"I agree with the governor's approach, but there is another problem. There are still many militiamen around the Syrian government. It is difficult to guarantee that some of these people will not collude with the Yunnan army. Once the Yunnan army has internal elements, it will be difficult to deal with.


What Wu Tong said makes sense. Sichuan is really in chaos now. Various forces are entangled in a chaotic way. There are not necessarily a few who are leaning towards the Yunnan Army. At this moment, Wang Tianhe walked in.

"Master, Yang Shukan sent a telegram. He said that the conflict in the Xu government was completely a misunderstanding. He is willing to admit the mistakes of the civilian army and is willing to support you as the governor of Sichuan. All the civilian troops are willing to join the new government.

To make some contribution to overthrowing the Manchu Qing Dynasty! Now the civilian army can accept reorganization.”….

Qiao Yu was greatly surprised when he received such a telegram at this time. After Yang Shukan was defeated by Qiao Yu in Xufu, the people's army basically collapsed, and the views of powerful people from all over the country towards the people's army also took a turn for the worse. You must know that everyone

They all had a lot of business dealings with bank accounts. If they all went bankrupt, it would be a disaster for these people, so they began to abandon the Democratic Party, and the Constitutional parties in various places also began to take the initiative to accept Qiao Yu's new policy. Lijin everywhere began to

Large areas were laid off, and many farmers in the civilian army also went home.

At this time, Yang Shukan was defeated and retreated to the vicinity of Leshan. He had only more than 2,000 troops, and most of them had no weapons and lacked everything. It could be said that they were at a critical moment of life and death. At this time, Zhang Peijue, Zhu Zhihong and other people were no longer what they used to be.

I was so angry that I sighed and kept shaking my head.

"Cangbai, just a month ago we still had tens of thousands of troops and were in high spirits. Who would have thought that we have reached this point now? Things are so unpredictable!" Zhu Zhihong lamented.

"It's not surprising. Ever since we were driven out of Chongqing by Qiao Yu, we are just puppets on strings in other people's hands. As for the Xufu incident this time, we gave him all the money we had to buy weapons.

In the end, he had no choice but to attack the bank account, but failed. As for Qiao Yu, he took out hundreds of thousands of taels of silver and deposited it into the bank, which immediately made those businessmen burst into tears. To be honest, I doubted that the money came from us.

What we have earned, in terms of means, we are far behind, so it is not surprising that we are where we are today!"

When Zhang Peijue heard what Yang Shukan said, he felt something in his heart and found that it really made sense. It seemed that people like him had overestimated themselves. Xie Chi on the side saw that they were all dejected and felt unhappy in his heart: "How many times?"

There is no need to lose your position, I think we still have a chance to make a comeback, I have heard that the Yunnan Army is about to enter Sichuan, if we can get the support of the Yunnan Army, it is not impossible to kill Qiao Yu!"

When Yang Shukan heard what Xie Chi said, his face suddenly changed wildly, and he waved his hands quickly and said: "No, absolutely not. You and I both know the Yunnan Army's plan to enter Sichuan. We are all Sichuan people, so we really can't bear to see it.

Are the fellow villagers suffering? We can’t fight Qiao Yu, so we just have to admit defeat, but if we lead a wolf into the house, we will be stabbed in the back!"

"Cang Bai is right, and as far as I can see, the Yunnan Army is not necessarily Qiao Yu's opponent. Although Cai E is known as one of the three outstanding non-commissioned officers, the Yunnan Army is also a strong army, but this war depends not only on military strength, but also on financial resources.

Judging from the morale of the people, the entry of the Yunnan Army into Sichuan will definitely arouse the common hatred of the Sichuan people, and Qiao Yu's chances of winning are still very high!" Zhang Peijue also added.

"Then we just wait here to die?" As soon as Xie Chi said this, everyone had nothing to say.

After a while, Yang Shukan slapped his thigh suddenly, "The Yunnan Army's attack does give us a good opportunity, but it is not to help the Yunnan Army, but we can make peace with Qiao Yu and join the military government. Now he still has to deal with it."

Yunnan Army, we can only surrender!"

After the Alliance Council discussed the matter and rewarded it, it sent a telegram to Qiao Yu. After Qiao Yu received the telegram, he couldn't help but think about it. The two sides had been fighting for so long, and the other side suddenly wanted to surrender. Qiao Yu could not help but have some doubts.

"Tianhe, do you think it's reliable?"

"Master, the people's army has reached a desperate situation. If you don't surrender, you will die. I think it's probably true!"

Qiao Yu thought about it again, "We accepted their surrender and immediately issued an order to appoint Yang Shukan as the deputy director of the military and political department of the military government, the temporary commander of the third division of the Sichuan Revolutionary Army, Zhang Peijue as the deputy division commander, and Zhu Zhihong as the chief of staff. Xie

As a member of the Sichuan Parliament, he brought all the recently reorganized Southern Sichuan People's Army into it to replenish their strength. At the same time, he ordered them to immediately attack Duanfang's headquarters in Zizhou. He also sent a message to Division Commander Qiao Zhen and asked him to take charge of the attack on Duanfang.

, eliminate this force as soon as possible, and then be ready to assist Sichuan Nan at any time!"

Wang Tianhe accepted the order and nodded: "Master, I have something else to report to you. There are two people with more than a hundred civilian troops who want to join our Sichuan Army? These two people are from Yunnan, one is named Long Dengyun and the other is Lu.



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