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Chapter 86: Hongmen Banquet

The time to confiscate the salt wells is getting closer and closer, and the salt merchants in Fushun are obviously feeling tremendous pressure. Soldiers are entering the salt well area one after another, ready to take over at any time, and Lu Nai and others are also fully cooperating, just waiting.

With one order, all the salt wells in Fushun were taken over, and these salt merchants would completely lose control of this most profitable industry.

"Is Mr. Lu ready to take over?"

"Don't worry, Governor, I have already arranged the manpower. Although it will be a little tense, it will definitely not affect salt production!"

"Well, this time the military government has granted a total of seven businessmen the right to operate well salt, including three in Fushun, one in Luzhou in southern Sichuan, one in Xufu, and two from Chongqing! From now on, you must use your own methods, abide by the laws, and live happily.

Experience the Salt Industry!”

Lu Nai nodded in agreement. At this moment, Wang Tianhe sent a big red invitation from Kuang Youshan, inviting Qiao Yu to a banquet at Kuang's house.

"Governor, Kuang Youshan is the senior one in the Ge Lao Association, and he is also very skillful. He is known as the underground governor. He is definitely not doing anything good by inviting you to the banquet this time. He might even attack you secretly. I think

You still don’t go!”

Lu Nai and Qiao Yu were already tied to a chariot. Seeing that something was coming, he naturally tried his best to prevent Qiao Yu from taking risks.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry. Kuang Youshan is not something to be afraid of. I want to see what tricks he can play. If he still does some tricks that are not on the table, then no wonder!"

Lu Nai knew that Qiao Yu was a very conceited person, so he stopped trying to persuade him. Qiao Yu immediately made arrangements and personally led a hundred special forces to the Kuang family. However, Qiao Yu was not a reckless person, and he also transferred

One hundred special forces were outside to respond, and at the same time a battalion of soldiers was arranged to be ready to attack the Kuang family at any time. After everything was arranged, they went straight to the Kuang family accompanied by Wang Tianhe.

Kuang Youshan's compound is not very far from Fushun. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has beautiful scenery. At this time, the Kuang family has been filled with the elders of Ge Lao Hui from all walks of life. All the bosses gathered in the hall, including Zhang Deyang and others.

The salt merchants also rushed over, and in the middle sat an old man in his seventies. His face was full of wrinkles and his eyebrows were drooped. Although he was very old, his power was amazing. Everyone was respectful.

"Brother Kuang, you must save us. Qiao is forcing us to die, and Lu Nai is cheating and colluding with Qiao Yu. We are really desperate. Brother, you see, after so many years,

Help us to speak out of love!"

For a long time, there was no sound from Youshan, and Zhang Deyang became more and more anxious.

"Brother Zhang, I am a Jianghu person. I should not be involved in the affairs of the court. Moreover, if you raise the price of salt so high, don't my disciples and grandchildren also have to eat salt? But Qiao Yu changed it casually and continued it for a few days.

The centuries-old rules are indeed bad, I’m just saying it with this old face, there’s no guarantee whether it will work or not!”

"Brother, if you can say something, you are better than all of us. From now on, we will provide salt for free to all brothers who join the party. I will definitely keep my word!"

Kuang Youshan nodded slightly, turned around, and asked his men: "Is Qiao Yu here?"

"Go back to me, old man. We're almost there. Do you want to give him a little show?"

"Nonsense! I am the governor, the official of Sichuan, and my guest. How can you be so rude?"

"Old man, please don't worry about it. The guy surnamed Qiao has picked off all our brothers in Chongqing. Brother Gu Jinlong has died tragically. If we don't show him how powerful he is, we will make people look down on our brother Laohui!" Immediately, someone shouted below.

Standing up, Kuang Youshan shook his head slightly: "You are roasting the old man on the fire!"…

After finishing speaking, Kuang Youshan remained silent, apparently acquiescing. At this time, Qiao Yu and his people had already arrived at the front door of the Kuang family, but at this time, the Kuang family did not look like they were entertaining guests.

, there were hundreds of strong men standing outside the gate, each holding a sword and a gun in their hands, and they were extremely powerful. When they saw Qiao Yu arriving, there was a housekeeper who hurried over to greet him.

"Governor Qiao, welcome. The old man is waiting for you in the main hall. Please come with me!"

As he spoke, the butler went straight to the house, while the strong men lined up in two rows, raising their swords, "Governor Qiao, you overthrew the Qing Dynasty and implemented the New Deal. I think you are a first-class hero. Today

How about letting us Jianghu people see it?" The housekeeper stood at the door of the house with a slight smile on his lips, obviously demonstrating.

Qiao Yu sneered in his heart. Manqing was really incompetent. These local gangsters were so rude. Even a governor like him was still like this. What if ordinary people weren't allowed to be bullied by them?

"Butler, what do you mean?"

"Governor Qiao, we just want to meet Sichuan's top heroes. We have no intention of causing harm. Moreover, this is also the rule of the world. Please forgive me!"

"Then it seems I have to abide by it!" Qiao Yu sneered and turned to look at Wang Tianhe: "Tianhe, there is someone who is plotting evil and intending to harm this governor. Let me take it down. If you dare to resist, I will kill you on the spot!"

Qiao Yu gave the order, and the special forces team members behind him each held two guns, pointing their black muzzles at the strong men. The housekeeper did not expect that Qiao Yu would not care about the power of the Brother Laohui at all, so he was a little embarrassed!

"Governor Qiao, if you don't want to go through the sword, I will withdraw, but you will disappoint us!"

"I won't let you down, shoot!"

Qiao Yu gave an order, and the box cannons in the hands of the special forces team members fired together. In an instant, dozens of strong men fell in front of the house, blood staining the ground red. The sound of parents screaming could not be heard, and the housekeeper was also frightened.

He was so distraught that he collapsed in front of the house.

"This is what I rely on, are you still disappointed now?"

Just when the gunfire rang out, everyone in the mansion was alarmed. Kuang Youshan opened his eyes wide at this time, and immediately knew that something was wrong. The old man got up and rushed outside the mansion. Before he could

When he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he could smell the smell of blood that stung his nostrils. The shouts of his men continued to reach his ears, and the old guy's face changed wildly.

"Old man, the guy surnamed Qiao is killing our brothers wantonly, let's fight him now!"

"Shut up, don't cause any more trouble!" Kuang Youshan also knew that he was in trouble this time. In the past, when facing senior officials of the Qing Dynasty, Ge Laohui could not take it seriously. That was because many members of Ge Laohui were fools.

They have joined the military and police, and the government also relies on the people from the Ge Lao Hui to help with things. At this time, the Qiao Yu they are facing has no need to be afraid of the Ge Lao Hui. Are you not asking for death if you still give others power?

Kuang Youshan figured it out now, but it seemed a little too late. When he came outside the mansion, he saw dozens of disciples and disciples lying in a pool of blood. Some of them were dead, and many were seriously injured. The old man was angry.

He stomped his feet and said, "Hurry up and carry these earthly things down." After saying this, the old man took a few steps and came to Qiao Yu.

"Governor Qiao, I, Kuang Youshan, apologize to you!"

"Mr. Kuang, I don't think this is an apology to me. These people are rioters who dare to wield swords and guns in front of the governor. If it were ordinary people, would they rush into their homes and rob them?"

Where are the private houses? I think these are all rioters, they can be killed but not kept!"

"Your Majesty, the Governor really spoke harshly. The people below do not understand the rules. Please don't be offended. Haven't they all learned a lesson?"

"Mr. Kuang, you are a virtuous man. No matter how great the rules of the world are, they are not as big as the laws of the country. You must also understand this truth, but don't mislead others!"

Qiao Yu's words startled Kuang Youshan. Only then did he understand why Qiao Yu shot him. You are using the rules of the world to demonstrate to others by setting up a knife and gun stand for them. As a governor, no matter whether he is passing or not

However, they are all in a disadvantageous position, which is equivalent to acknowledging the rules of the world, and will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage. Therefore, Qiao Yucai reacted so fiercely, and he is also telling you that in front of him, you only talk about national laws, and there is no Jianghu!


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