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The ninety-eighth palm: the gunshots from the Dudu Mansion

Tang Yisheng and the three of them all knew that Qiao Yu's vision was definitely higher than theirs. If he could be so confident, he must have a way, so they didn't say anything anymore. After leaving the Sichuan Factory, Qiao Yu immediately asked Zhao Baoxuan to draw up a management method for the arsenal.

Let the Sichuan factory resume production for the time being. Just when Qiao Yu was about to contact the Germans, his old friend Wei Si rushed to Chengdu. Wei Si had been transferred from Chongqing Consul General to Chengdu as Consul General.

Germany arranged this because Wei Si and Qiao Yu were familiar with each other and could win more business benefits for Germany. Wei Si seemed very excited when the two met.

"Qiao, China is a beautiful country. My wife and I are very fascinated by the scenery in China. We had a great honeymoon!"

"According to Chinese custom, you need to give red envelopes when you get married. Do I need to give you a big red envelope?"

"Of course! Although it's not necessary in Germany, is this called doing as the Romans do!"

"Your Excellency, Consul General, I hope to further expand cooperation with Germany, especially in the military industry. What do you think?"

When Wei Si heard Qiao Yu talk about business, he put away his casual expression and nodded: "Germany is willing to be friends with you and also willing to help you, but there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Although for my personal reasons

I will help you free of charge, but this is a German matter!"

Qiao Yu knew that Germany was about to start asking for a price. Germany had been so generous in supporting his arms, but now it was time for him to pay back the debt. Therefore, Qiao Yu smiled slightly and said: "Buying and selling are a matter for both parties, and everyone must be satisfied."

, this time I need to comprehensively upgrade the Sichuan arsenal to be able to produce Mauser rifles, mountain cannons and field guns, and to produce bullets and shells by myself!"

Wei Si's expression became even more serious when he heard this, "Qiao, I don't think you need to have your own production capabilities. Germany can provide you with weapons at the best price, and I have also heard about your Sichuan Machinery Bureau and equipment.

It’s too primitive, and the financial resources required to invest are absolutely staggering, and the most important thing is that you don’t have excellent workers yet. This is a systematic project and the cost is very huge!”

"Can Germany guarantee that it will provide me with enough arms at any time?"

"Can't it be possible? You have to know that Germany has strong industrial capabilities, so there is absolutely no problem."

"It is true that Germany has industrial capabilities, but it does not have a global navy. The British still have the final say in the Far East, especially the Yangtze River. As long as the Yangtze River is blocked, weapons cannot be transported to Sichuan!"

Britain? As a German diplomat in the Far East, he was full of resentment towards the empire on which the sun never set. It was the British's greed that prevented Germany from opening up in the Far East. However, Qiao Yu mentioned that Britain would definitely

It had his purpose, Wei Si's blue eyes couldn't help but move.

"Qiao, do you mean you will have a conflict with Britain?"

"It's not that it will happen, but it has already happened. Just beside the river, the British are inciting local forces to rebel against the government. And that area is now within my scope of responsibility. I will not allow the country's sacred territory to be divided by the British!"

Now if you want the Germans to be willing to help you build an arsenal, you have to show your value to Germany. How to show your value is a big question. Sichuan is the best bargaining chip. Britain has always coveted Tibet. As long as it occupies the snow

By covering the Tibetan Plateau, one can have a bird's eye view of Asia and dominate the Far East. This seemingly barren plateau has unimaginable military and strategic value. Therefore, the British actively instigated the independence of Tibet. Germany absolutely does not want Britain to become big in the Far East, and that person

His Majesty William is definitely interested in things that can disgust Britain.

Choosing to fight against the British on the edge of Sichuan can win Qiao Yu enough reputation. Prestige is built up bit by bit in this way. Britain's behavior is wrong first. The Chinese people's morale must be on Qiao Yu's side. Britain

They will also be wary of China's overall rebound and will not block Sichuan with all their strength. Therefore, this is a deal with low risks and great benefits. As expected, after mentioning Sichuan, Wei Si's eyes lit up. If the British will block Tibet

If you take it away, then there will really be nothing wrong with Germany in the entire Far East. It seems that the country should be persuaded to increase its assistance to Qiao Yu...

"Qiao, are you sure you can stabilize the Tibetan area? Make sure that British power does not expand from this direction!"

"There is absolutely no problem, and this is also the wish of all Chinese people. You have to know that the Qing government did not lose Tibet. When we entered the Republic of China, we lost Tibet. So why should we have a revolution? But what I am most worried about is the British cutting off the Yangtze River waterway.

, or I won’t be able to deal with it even if I just move my hands and feet, so Sichuan urgently needs its own military industry!”

"Well, what you said makes sense, Qiao. I can help you deal with it. However, Germany has just begun to equip Mauser rifles. If you want to produce them in Sichuan, it will be a big obstacle. How about committee-style rifles? Your Hanyang factory

It’s just a copy of this kind of rifle, and it’s already very powerful!”

"You have to use the best. I hope Germany can authorize us to produce Mauser rifles. At the same time, I guarantee that Sichuan's next industrial procurement plan will be tilted towards Germany!"

"Qiao, to be honest, just economic benefits are not enough for Germany to help you build an arsenal. You have to make some concessions. You have to know that national affairs are not personal, and decisions cannot be made based on emotions. What matters is interests!"

Wei Si was indeed very honest with himself. Qiao Yu knew that as a late-developing country, he had to endure some unfair treatment. Besides, China is like a piece of fat now. No matter how unwilling he is, he will always give up some rights. In other words

It is betraying national interests.

After Wei Si left the governor's residence, he reported Qiao Yu's request to the German minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, he also gave Qiao Yu a high evaluation, believing that he was a promising local Chinese powerful figure who was hostile to the British and pro-German.

, can help Germany break Britain's control of the Yangtze River!

Germany is also planning how to win over Qiao Yu, a newly rising powerful faction. It was night again after sending Wei Si away. The Qiao family is still in Chongqing. After all, it is not easy for a large family to move here. Now Qiao Yu

She is alone, but Lu Wanqing also lives in the Dudu Mansion now. With a beautiful woman by her side, she is not lonely at night.

"Does the Red Cross have any clues?"

"Fortunately, the rich people in Sichuan are still very generous, especially since I have used your signature. Don't mention how effective it is. Just tell me how much money I need!"

Qiao Yu almost choked when he heard this. He felt that this eldest lady was using her own name to go out and cheat. Not to mention that Governor Qiao's signboard was so effective that no one dared not pay.

"Don't you know that everyone thinks you are asking for bribes?"

Lu Wanqing suddenly smiled brightly, her big eyes turned into crescent moons, "I'm not an idiot, but I never said anything like that, it's just a misunderstanding. In the future, as long as you and I don't admit it, it will be useless even if we go to court.

It’s all of their own free will!”

"Others will misunderstand our relationship!"

"I'm willing to help the people I want to help. Anyway, no matter how I explain it, it's useless now!"

Qiao Yu suddenly felt that the shrewd and kind-hearted girl in front of him seemed to have the feeling of a modern woman. He stretched out his hand and brushed the hair on the beauty's shoulders lovingly. Just as he was about to touch the delicate skin, suddenly there was a gunshot from behind the Governor's Mansion.

Qiao Yu was immediately filled with anger. How come there are always people disrupting the situation at critical moments?


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