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Chapter 82 Training Program

The first day of training is just for recovery, the focus of the work is actually on the results of the physical fitness test.

The results will be available soon.

That afternoon, Chang Sheng got the result.

It can be seen from the results that more than 70% of the players have maintained good physical fitness, and their bodies have not been "tortured" during the holidays. The other 30% are more indulgent, and the degree of indulgence is

No, it directly determines their physical fitness test results.

This result is quite satisfactory to Chang Sheng.

What particularly makes Chang Sheng satisfied is that Jose Passarella's physical fitness test results are very good. It can be seen that he should have maintained a certain amount of physical exercise during the holidays. For young players, this is rare. To

I know that many young people who have just entered professional football often lack self-control, especially those who become famous suddenly.

They tend to feel elated because of their results and feel that they are already a star, so they put more energy into enjoyment rather than boring training.

But Passarella had no such situation at all.

A down-to-earth and hard-working player, even if his talent is not as good as those geniuses, he will be the one who succeeds in the end, and his achievements are not small!

Carlos Campo's physical results are also pretty good. Although not as good as Passarella, he still ranks among the top in the team.

Senna's physical condition is also maintained well, but this is related to the fact that his Brazilian league season is in progress. He has already gone through a pre-season training, and it seems that his physical reserves are well done.

Charisteas also has very good physical fitness, and since he is physically strong, he is naturally not weak in physical fitness either.

The results of the two newcomers, Mista and Luis Garcia, were quite satisfactory, not the most outstanding, but not bad either.

Based on the results of these physical fitness tests, the team doctor and physical fitness coach together gave a suggestion on what physical reserves should focus on before the winning season.

The opinions of professionals were that it was different. Chang Sheng didn't question it at all. He just decided to do it.

After two months of cooperation last season, Chang Sheng has great trust in fitness coach Juan Zavala.


The team does not train in the afternoon, and the players have a half-day off. In order to allow them to gradually adapt to the intensity of pre-season training, it is not appropriate to do it too hard at the beginning. It is better to do it step by step.

Although the players can rest, the coach cannot.

In the afternoon, all the coaches were in Chang Sheng's office. We all had a meeting to discuss how to make the pre-season training plan, how to make the physical strength training plan for the pre-season training, and how to make the tactical training at the end of the pre-season training. The details will be tomorrow.

What is the training plan? Then how to arrange the weekly training plan, how to arrange the monthly training plan, and finally how to arrange the annual training plan.

This is a huge and complex system of work, but it must be done, and it is done every year. It is done in lessons, every week, and every month.

If you just watch one training session, there will be no obvious effect. You must connect it with the training before and after to achieve better results.

So you must think of this when making a training plan. You can't just make a temporary decision on what we will train today. That won't work.

All training, including lesson plans, weekly plans, monthly plans and annual plans, must be complete and related to each other. It is very important to link the lesson training plan with the annual training plan.

The league starts in early September, so the team will have one and a half months to make some basic preparations in terms of technology, tactics and physical fitness. This is the preparation period for the entire season, and there will be no time to make such full preparations after the league starts.

.If a large amount of physical training is carried out during the league, players will feel very tired and easily cause injuries. Therefore, physical reserves must be prepared before the start of the league. If the physical reserves before the start of the league are insufficient, it is impossible to achieve good results.

Therefore, the content arrangement of physical training at this time, such as intensity and time, must fully take into account the entire season and whether the team will still be physically fit to face the season sprint next June. This consideration will directly affect training.

Arrangement of content.

Such a complex job cannot be completed by one person.

As the head coach, Chang Sheng can only provide a general framework and direction, and then hand it over to his coaches for discussion. Each professional coach will discuss it from their professional perspective.

After repeated discussions and negotiations, a complete training plan was finally decided.

This is something Chang Sheng never thought of when he was a fan.

He thought that being a coach meant arranging the team before the game, arranging the lineup, changing players during the game, yelling a few words, giving a passionate speech in the locker room, and finally just sitting back and collecting three points.

Training did not get his attention. The training system in the fm game has a default one. You don’t even have to do anything, the team will train, so there is no need for players to worry about it. Even if the players set it up by themselves, it is very simple and like real training.

Plans cannot be compared at all, games are games after all.

If Chang Sheng really travels back to a head coach all of a sudden, he may be faced with a complicated job and not know where to start.

In fact, he already had this feeling when he first time traveled to his brother's body. At that time, it was just a coaching job for Real Madrid's junior B team, a children's team.

The first team of a professional team is much more complicated than the children's team.

Fortunately, he has more than half a year of working experience in the youth team, which has allowed him to learn how to be a real coach.

Although it's not very deep yet, at least you've got a foot in the door. The rest of your cultivation will depend on your own cultivation.

A whole afternoon of discussions filled Chang Sheng's office with smoke.

Chang Sheng had to turn on the air conditioner and open the windows for ventilation, otherwise he felt that he would definitely turn into bacon.

After an afternoon of intense discussion, we finally came up with a rough training plan.

The next step is to fill in the details.

It is estimated that it will take one to two days to complete this work.

These two days are the days when the team resumes training.

The training content is simple and no additional planning is required.

So there is no need to consider the relationship between these few days of training and the entire training plan.

After the training plan is released, Getafe will conduct a closed training camp at Las Margherita Sports City until July 30.

All players will live in the dormitories of the Sports City. They are not allowed to go out without permission except for training every day. Even the sleeping time at night is arranged uniformly. At one o'clock, the coach will check the room. You must sleep, and those who don't sleep must sleep.

Get punished.

During this period, there will be a warm-up match.

The opponent in the warm-up match is Getafe's C team - because team B is a pre-season training team with the first team, the opponent can only be team C.

Then there will be three warm-up matches in August.

Now that these three warm-up games have been played, the new season is basically about to start.

The effect of pre-season training will be tested in the league with live ammunition!


Just when the team started pre-season physical training, Getafe's signings also achieved results.

How could Yaya Toure, who was still playing in Cote d'Ivoire, resist the temptation from the European continent?

For many African players, being able to play football in Europe is their ultimate goal after working hard to train and play football in poor Africa.

Africa is really too poor. If you want to get ahead, change your destiny, and let yourself and your family live a prosperous life, then playing football is the only way and the most convenient way.

Many African teenagers have changed themselves by playing football.

Yaya Toure is naturally no exception.

When he heard that a European club was interested in him, he agreed without hesitation.

He doesn't care that Getafe is a relegation team in Spain's second division.

Anyway, he didn't expect to stay in Getafe for the rest of his life. The loyalty of these African players is almost zero. This is because they know very well that the first team they go to Europe is often a springboard to the second team in Europe.

Teams can also be a springboard.

Anyway, in the end they don’t have to go to a wealthy family, but they must make a lot of money.

This is the consensus of many African players.

Yaya Toure is no exception.

The Abidjan Mimosa team he plays for cannot resist the temptation of European teams to attract players.

The only thing they can do is earn a little transfer fee.

And in fact, they don’t make much money.

In the end, Getafe bought Yaya Toure for 50,000 euros.

Although the transfer fee is 50,000 euros, Getafe actually paid far more than 50,000 euros.

They also gave another 50,000 euros to Yaya Toure himself, and also gave a commission of 10,000 euros to Yaya Toure's agent, Yaya Toure's father - in fact, Yaya Toure

Lei's father does not have an agent's certificate at all, and there is no employment relationship of any kind between him and Yaya Toure. They are just paying money in a different way.

Chang Sheng knows the huge family connections of African players, so he doesn't care about that much. Anyway, the total cost is not much. They have 650,000 euros, so they only spent 110,000 euros.

The key is that the arrival of Yaya Toure can strengthen the team's strength, which is what counts in winning. Although he is only seventeen years old, you must know that Yaya Toure became famous at the age of twenty-three.

Seventeen years old is still immature compared to twenty-three years old. However, Chang Sheng thinks it is enough to deal with the Spanish second division league. He does not expect Yaya Toure to turn into a lone hero and save the team by himself. At least he can

It would be great to enhance the team's strength and give the team one more option in the defensive midfielder.


Yaya Toure's transfer didn't attract much attention in Getafe. Compared with Charisteas, he is really a nobody.

Moreover, Spanish teams poach many young players from Africa every year. They will enter the team's echelon and then be loaned out everywhere. In the end, they will either return to the first team to play or be sold.

Who knows what the future of such a dark man will be like?

On the other hand, another transfer transaction made the media slightly interested, just a little bit interested. And their interest is not a good thing for Getafe and Chang Sheng.

That is, Getafe has loaned full-back Federico Balzaretti from Turin, Italy.

Few Italian players choose to play abroad, and even fewer come to Spain.

The most successful and famous over the years are Vieri, who went to Atletico Madrid, and defender Carboni, who played in Valencia.

Because there are too few Italian players coming to play in Spain, many media are skeptical about Chang Sheng's choice to rent out an 18-year-old Italian youngster.

If it is a buyout, he can also be understood as a future reserve player.

But if he is on loan, he must be given a chance to play. Whether he is the main player or a substitute, he must play.

For a young queen who is not even nineteen years old, what use will it be even if she appears?

This is the fundamental question that many media have questioned.

Many media simply believe that Changsheng's loan of Balzaretti is just to strengthen the bench, just in case. Balzaretti may not be able to play ten games in a season.

Therefore, the media's focus on Balzaretti's loan is more because they want to take this opportunity to criticize Chang Sheng.

Balzaretti was shot while lying down. Fortunately, he couldn't read Spanish, so he didn't know how the Spanish newspapers discussed him.

Sometimes, for people, not knowing anything is actually a kind of happiness.


ps, nineteenth update!

Can I update thirty times today?! (To be continued...)

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