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Chapter 28 Ten thousand tall buildings rise from the ground

Elias Dominic did not return to Germany with Burghausen. He changed his mind and submitted his resignation application to Burghausen club officials on the spot.

Officials in Burghausen were not surprised at all.

It was already incredible that a fitness coach who had worked in Hamburg for many years would come to Burghausen, so the club never thought that it could keep Elias Dominik for how long.

Now that Valencia has extended an invitation to him, the Burghausen club naturally knows that they cannot keep this person.

So he simply agreed, saying that as long as Valencia paid enough liquidated damages, Elias Dominic could be taken away at any time.

Dominica’s liquidated damages are actually not worth much.

Chang Sheng is now considered a powerful figure in Valencia. He and Oti are still in the honeymoon period. If he wants to add a member of the coaching staff, it will be a piece of cake.

Even before Burghausen Club left Valencia, their fitness coach Elias Dominic had already signed a contract with Valencia.

Hire Elias Dominic as Valencia's physical coach with a three-year contract.

As a result, Chang Sheng completed the task of the first piece of the puzzle and gained 300,000 experience points and 50 points of energy.

However, these constant wins are not important to him. What he values ​​​​is two training skills.

Because there is no good physical coach, it depends entirely on the physical training plan and Rudy's part-time support. It is not clear what the effect of this physical training is, and Chang Sheng is not sure.

But it doesn't matter. Now there are two physical training skills. Using both of them can just improve the team's physical fitness.

In the new tactics Chang Sheng designed for Valencia, physical fitness is a very important foundation, just like building a high-rise building, you always need to lay a good foundation. The higher the floor, the deeper and stronger the foundation.

Physical fitness is like this. No matter how genius a tactic is, it will not be effective without a physical foundation. Even if you have eleven players with Maradona's level of talent, they will be out of breath after running for twenty minutes.

Come on, it's as uncomfortable as death. What's the use of your tactics?

What's more, this tactic of always winning requires higher physical fitness.

Without excellent physical fitness, his Valencia will not become a "mad dog", but will only become a group of "dead dogs".

So when Chang Sheng got these two bonus skills, he didn't waste a second and used them directly.

With the help of these two skills, the team's physical condition will only get better and better.

Plus he now has an excellent physical coach...

The physical condition of the entire Valencia team cannot be said to be the best in La Liga, but at least it is among the top.


After having a dedicated physical fitness coach, Rudy Gonzalez finally no longer has to hold this position concurrently and can return to being his assistant coach.

The assistant coach does not need to be responsible for specific training tasks. However, he has to coordinate and manage many training matters. It can even be said that in real training, the assistant coach is often busier than the head coach.

In the past, he had two jobs and had limited energy, so it was inevitable that he would not take good care of him.

But physical fitness is the top priority. So Chang Sheng asked him to focus on physical training, and he became a half-assistant coach, keeping his feet on the ground.

That's why he never had the chance to go to Sporting Gijon to find Villa.

The outside media had a lot of criticism about his recruitment, and he didn't bother to start a war of words with the opponent. On the one hand, it was unnecessary, and on the other hand, he just didn't have the energy.

Now Rudy Gonzalez has returned to the position of assistant coach. It has really helped him a lot.

He can devote all his energy to new tactical training.

He is the one who really understands this tactic, so he is the only one who can do this job.

Just like he did in Getafe, he personally led the team to train the copycat 3r tactics.

Even someone like Rudy Gonzalez can only help him.

For this new set of tactics, Chang Sheng stayed up all night in a row, just to be able to turn the tactics that existed in his mind into a theory that everyone could understand and learn, and then combine this set of theories with the training content

Get up and think about how to train so that the players can learn...

This is not something that can be taken out by just slapping the forehead.

This is a very difficult and professional process.

If Chang Sheng hadn't calmed down and studied patiently in the youth team for more than half a year, if he was asked to come up with a qualified training plan now, he would still be confused. He even picked out the dandruff, but he still couldn't come up with it.

Therefore, many people think that as long as they have the advantage of time travel, they can become an excellent head coach. That is wishful thinking.

Not to mention becoming an outstanding coach, even a newly qualified head coach will not be able to get it.

Unless you start from scratch, first go to a coaching training class, start as an ordinary coach, and accumulate experience bit by bit at work. But that takes many years. Young coaches like Villas-Boas and Mourinho have also gone through

They have many years of experience. Although they are young, they are even younger when they enter the coaching profession.

Which time traveler can endure loneliness and allow himself to be ahead of the world in terms of knowledge, and go to the grassroots level to spend a few years or even ten years to hone himself?

That would not be in line with the rhythm of the Internet...

Chang Sheng is just getting started so far, he still needs to keep learning and improving himself.

In fact, many people only saw Chang Sheng's aggressive verbal sparring with the media in front of reporters. But they did not see that his private life was very lacking. He rarely went to bars and other entertainment venues, and his life trajectory was also very simple. When he was in Getafe

, after he finished training, he would go home and not go out anywhere. He would study various football videos and technical and tactical articles in his room, whether they were theoretical or practical experience.

His "brother" used to work harder than him in this regard. He had been playing the game with the mentality of a hobbyist for more than ten years, which was equivalent to a waste of more than ten years.

Now he wants to make up for all the time he wasted.

So he doesn't go to nightclubs or pick up girls. He's like a nerd who only focuses on football.

If he can't even bear this loneliness, talking about his ideals is like farting, unconvincing, and he can't even convince himself.


After Chang Sheng started tactical training, the way Valencia players looked at him was changing little by little.

It's not just the players. It's the other coaches too.

Chang Sheng's image and evaluation in front of the media will always give people the feeling that "this person just has a sharp mouth and nothing else is special."

Even if it is physical training, he will not personally intervene in the arrangements. Everything is arranged by assistant coach Rudy Gonzalez.

It is inevitable that people will think that he has no real talent or learning.

But now, look at his tactical training plan. Then look at his actions in training.

Many people have to admit that this young Chinese has a lot of skills...

And through training, these players discovered that winning tactics are really interesting.

Although it can be summed up very simply, just run and keep running.

At first, everyone just felt a headache after looking at Chang Sheng's tactical diagram. Just looking at their running route, they felt dizzy and completely confused.

It's as if a three-year-old child drew unconsciously on a white paper with a pen.

But when Chang Sheng analyzed it bit by bit for them and let them practice it in training, they found that the complicated tactics gradually became clear in their minds.

They began to be surprised by the sophistication of the tactics that Chang Sheng came up with, and they were also surprised that Chang Sheng was able to familiarize them with the tactics in such a short period of time...

So some of them began to admire Chang Sheng more and more.

When Chang Sheng uses the [Golden Eye] to scan, he will find that the reputation of many players has not only stopped falling, but has also begun to rebound and rise.

Guardiola is such a person.

When he agreed to Chang Sheng's invitation and came to Valencia, he was still a little hesitant. He didn't know if his choice was right.

He had no idea what he could learn or gain from coming to Valencia.

The physical training at the beginning didn't make him feel anything, it was just a little more intense.

If this is the only level of winning, then he will be disappointed.

He didn't have to wait long. Chang Sheng came up with his new strategy. Although it was just an explanation, it also made him look forward to it.

Chang Sheng guessed right. Guardiola has been determined to be a coach since he was a player. He knows exactly which path he will take in the future, so from now on, he pays great attention to observing and learning how to become a coach.

An excellent head coach.

So after he came to Valencia, he has been observing Chang Sheng.

When the new winning tactics came out, he began to look forward to it. When the tactical training began, his expectations turned into surprises.

Because the winning tactics opened a window for him, a world he had never seen before appeared before his eyes.

He is a player who came out of the Barcelona system, and he knows exactly what tiki-taka is.

It can be seen that the "mad dog" tactics that always won in Valencia have the shadow of tiki-taka in it. The core idea is tiki-taka, but not all of it. From the appearance, it is even completely different. But it is not a replacement.

It’s as simple as putting on a package, but the appearance is different, and the actual functions and effects are also different.

More running and passing are the core of tiki-taka, but the winning runs and passing are more frequent and more complex, the overall formation is maintained better, and he is tougher in defense. In addition, he is still in tiki-taka

On the basis of making full use of Valencia's winger tradition, it pays attention to the speed of the wing, and drives the center through breakthroughs and impacts from the wing.

When the wings are active, the center will naturally benefit. And when the center becomes more threatening, it will in turn help the wings.

Football people have always talked about "combination of wing and center", but Guardiola believes that the winning tactic combines wing and center better.

And the most important thing is, based on his understanding of Valencia and Barcelona, ​​the winning tactics fully take into account the characteristics of Valencia's football style and adopt many things that Valencia players are used to. For example, it emphasizes defense,

Emphasis on speed and wings are things that Valencia players are used to. In this way, it will be easier for them to adapt to the new tactics and the speed will be faster.

For pre-season training where time is crucial, this can reduce the pressure on the team to prepare for games.

Winning... That humble young Chinese coach really took all factors into consideration before formulating this tactics and training plan...

The more Guardiola watched, the more he felt that Chang Sheng was quite talented, and the ideas in his mind gave Guardiola a lot of inspiration.

Although he hasn't played a single official game yet, he begins to feel that he may have come to Valencia at the right time...

Of course, everyone, including Guardiola, may not know that the reason why they can become familiar with the new tactics so quickly is that in addition to the winning training plan, there is also a secret technique.

[Basic level of game training tactics]: The current level is for players to familiarize themselves with tactics. The formation time is shortened by 10% and is valid for one week.

[Game Training Team Cooperation Elementary]: The current level is to accelerate the improvement of the players' tacit understanding by 10% and is valid for one week.

Both of these skills can improve players' adaptability to new tactics, thus speeding up the time it takes for them to learn new tactics.

The degree of tacit understanding seems to have nothing to do with this, but it is also very important, because the large number of complicated running routes and passing and cutting cooperation in this "mad dog" tactic require a tacit understanding between the players. If everyone is a newcomer,

If there is not even a little bit of tacit understanding, then this tactic will not work at all.

Chang Sheng used a two-pronged approach, throwing out all the skills he had accumulated from previous missions, just to let Valencia learn this new tactic in the shortest possible time.

This is equivalent to painting on a white paper, from nothing to the appearance of an image. It is very difficult to achieve this effect without the help of external forces.

Some people have been surprised before as to why Getafe could learn a new tactic that they had never been exposed to before in just one week, and here is the answer.

But last time, the time was too hasty, with only one week, and Getafe only learned a little bit.

But this time, with a full month and a half, Chang Sheng planned to lay a stronger foundation.

Because he is going to achieve great success in Valencia with this tactic!

A tall building rises from the ground. This building has finally moved from the foundation stage to the above-ground construction stage.

The scaffolding was woven and the crane was erected.

Now let those foreigners see what it means...China speed!

This chapter has been completed!
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