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Chapter 153 Do you really think I am Kaizi? (Guarantee

In addition to Jose Passarella, Chang Sheng also plans to supplement the strength on the left.

Because Mendieta will go to Real Madrid next season, and Angulo and Reyes will come to the right, there will be no one on the left.

Although Vicente didn't play last season without any illness and was at full attendance, Chang Sheng knew that he was a glass man.

He can improve a player's skills, but cannot change the player's physique.

In order to avoid overusing Vicente and causing his injury, it is necessary to find another person on the left wing.

In addition, right back Angelo Ma decided to leave because he basically didn't get many playing opportunities last season. Most of the time he was a substitute.

Angeloma has already told Chang Sheng that Chang Sheng must find a new right back substitute.

There is another problem to be solved, and that is Carew's high salary.

If Carew starts every game and can score 22 goals in a season, then everyone will have no objection to his salary of 40,000 euros a week.

But he was a substitute. In all games last season, he only scored six goals and had six assists.

Such performance coupled with his high salary will inevitably make people dissatisfied.

So Ibrahimovic's complaints are justified.

After Chang Sheng dealt with Ibrahimovic, he realized this problem.

Therefore, in the past season, we have been looking for opportunities for the club to re-sign a contract with Carew and for Carew to accept a salary cut.

But the Norwegians don't agree at all - no one agrees with it. If you can get a high salary, why do you have to lower your salary?

Carew is not someone who has deep feelings for Valencia. He cannot afford to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of Valencia's financial health.

So the negotiations were at a stalemate for nearly a season, and Carew refused to accept the salary cut.

This is one of the reasons why Chang Sheng kept Carew on the bench for a long time.

If it wasn't for the purpose of deliberately irritating Raiola, Carew would never have had a chance to play in the final round of the league.

Now that the season is over, Carew still refuses to agree to a salary cut.

It is impossible for the team to maintain a high-paying substitute who earns 40,000 euros a week and does nothing if the team is constantly winning.

After he returned to the club, Carew's agent issued an ultimatum - if he did not accept this condition, the club would consider selling Carew.

Chang Sheng once told Raiola that he planned to sell Carew, but it was not to scare him. He really wanted to sell Carew.

There is no shortage of suitors for high center forwards like Carew, and they are very marketable.

The ultimatum was issued, and the response from Carew's agent was, "We will not accept this condition. It is tantamount to an insult to the players."

So Chang Sheng made a stroke of his pen and Carew entered the transfer market.


The team's preparations for the game involve the whole body.

If Carew is sold, he will have to consider buying a forward as a substitute.

You don’t need more, just one will do.

After all, he still plays a 4231 formation and only needs one forward to start. Most of the time, Ibrahimovic and Villa can do the job in rotation, and the remaining center is purely for emergency use.

Angulo this season, Changsheng plans to fix him in the midfield and rotate with Reyes on the right.

On the front line, Chang Sheng still plans to poach corners.

He is interested in Getafe's Mista.

Getafe finally could not escape the fate of relegation last season, and the team fell back to the second division.

The joy of upgrading only lasted a short season.

The team was relegated and many players were looking for their own way.

The club is also willing to sell these players due to financial pressure.

It will be much easier to introduce Mista.

Mista's characteristics are similar to Villa's, but completely different from Carew's, and he can fit right into his own tactical system.

In this case, Mista actually has no shortage of opportunities to play.


Having determined the target, Chang Sheng asked Getafe for a price.

Getafe is not angry at all about Chang Sheng poaching his old club. Instead, he is very happy - at this time, players are almost the same concept as money in the club management, and only players who can be converted into money are good.


Getafe has a new owner and its finances have not improved.

The team has been relegated and its income has been significantly reduced. Naturally, it is necessary to tighten money and reduce expenditures.

Many players are on the transfer market. As long as you have money, you can take anything you want from Getafe, including toilet paper and disposable paper cups.

Getafe's price tag for Mista is five million euros.

Mista missed three months of last season due to injury, but even so, he still scored ten goals in a season.

Five million euros is a reasonable price.

But their price tag for Jose Passarella is completely different...


Today's Getafe club has changed a group of people, and almost all the people who were familiar with Chang Sheng have left. After Manuel Garcia left, the coach was also replaced by someone he didn't know.

Of course, it is useless even if Manuel Garcia is here, because after Chang Sheng left the team, Getafe's transfer power returned to the hands of the club's general manager. The head coach has no say at all in this regard.

After being relegated, the Getafe club's top management was struggling for money every day. They had to cut expenses, sell players, and the remaining players had to re-sign contracts...

Just then, the savior came.

Valencia interested in two Getafe players!

Chang Sheng is indeed an old friend of Getafe. He knew that the club was short of money, so he sent them money...

It's okay for Mista. When the Getafe club saw that Jose Passarella was among the players Valencia was interested in, an idea flashed in their mind.

Mista was injured last season, his performance was average and he didn't make much money.

But Jose Passarella is completely different...

First of all, he is the team's defensive leader. He played all 38 league games last season. His performance was not bad. Although it was not as good as the center backs of those wealthy clubs, it was still remarkable. Considering his age,

The future is still worth looking forward to.

Secondly, and most importantly, he has an extraordinary relationship with Chang Sheng. When Chang Sheng was still coaching at Getafe, everyone knew that he and Jose Passarella had a father-son relationship.

When Passarella was depressed in the C team and almost gave up football, it was Chang Sheng who brought him a new life. Later, Chang Sheng went to the Getafe first team and promoted Passarella to the first team.

, gave him the main position, and since then, a new star in the defense has risen.

Chang Sheng's preference for Passarella is well known in Getafe, and Passarella's admiration for Chang Sheng is also known to everyone.

In the team, Passarella is a loyal follower who always wins.

People believe that if it hadn't been for last summer when the club was in the process of changing ownership and freezing transfer transactions, Passarella would have followed his reinvented mentor to Valencia.

But this time, the opportunity finally came.

The player himself is definitely willing to leave Getafe and go to Valencia.

Getafe Club doesn’t expect, let alone Passarella, to stay. For them, Passarella cannot be retained anyway, so they might as well maximize his interests, make money for the club, and solve the club’s problems.


So what Getafe Club is thinking about is how to earn enough transfer fees from Passarella.

Thinking about Chang Sheng's love for Passarella, he would definitely take Passarella to Mestalla no matter what the cost.

Getafe can take advantage of the good relationship between these two people and make a lot of money!

So when Valencia came to inquire about the price, Getafe boldly offered a price of 30 million euros.


When Chang Sheng received the reply from Getafe, he was stunned.

Mista's five million euros is quite reasonable, but what's going on with Jose Passarella's thirty million euros?

Is the person in charge of transfers at Getafe FC out of their minds?

He admits that Jose Passarella is very talented, and he also admits that Jose Passarella's current ability is pretty good, but it's not worth 30 million euros, right?

You must know that when a central defender like Pepe was transferred from Porto to Real Madrid for 30 million euros, it caused a controversy. Many people believed that Real Madrid manager Mijatovic at the time took advantage of this money.

Kickbacks were received in transfer transactions.

If he had agreed to the price, then Oti would definitely have doubted whether he had received a kickback...

Moreover, these 30 million euros are 5 million euros more than Valencia's transfer budget for the entire season. You gritted your teeth and bought Jose Passarella, but you can't buy anyone else?

Is this purely blackmail? Do you really think you are your own hero?

Chang Sheng already knows why Getafe Club made such an offer.

They thought they could make a lot of money by relying on their relationship with Jose Passarella. And they definitely had to have Jose Passarella...

**, Do I look like such an idiot?

Do I have the word "Kaizi" written on my face?

Chang Sheng never thought that his relationship with Jose Passarella could become a tool for others to make money.

He understands Getafe's urgent need for money, but that's not how you make money. This kind of transfer offer will scare away those who really want to buy players, and no club will ever be interested in Jose Passarella again.

Interested. Because they will think that Getafe is using this way to tell other clubs that Passarella is not for sale.

Sure enough, after I left, the club became worse and worse...

But Chang Sheng still wanted Passarella, so he re-quoted a new price - seven million euros.

As for Mista's five million, he agreed. Valencia can negotiate a personal contract with Mista.

There is no doubt that Mista will be very happy to play under a coach who appreciates him.

Just look at the transfer deal of Jose Passarella and what kind of response Getafe has. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe and reward. You

Your support is my greatest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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