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Chapter 164 I think you are an idiot (40/136)

When the World Cup is over, the players' holidays are also over. Players who did not participate in the World Cup will return to the team at this time, while those international players who participated in the World Cup will continue to rest until the end of July before returning to the team.

However, the team's training has already begun.

A physical examination was performed on each player who returned to the team, and different physical training plans were determined according to their different physical conditions.

This time, Rudy Gonzalez no longer has to juggle two jobs. Chang Sheng has an extremely professional physical fitness coach, Elias Dominic.

Dominic has been fully involved since the team's physical examination, tracking the data step by step, then analyzing it, and finally making different physical training plans based on the different situations of each player.

Even the simplest running makes a difference.

Every day except for the warm-up, the team does group activities, and then each player conducts physical training individually, training one by one according to the training schedule given to them by Dominic.

After each day's training, Dominic conducts a simple physical examination on each player, keeps abreast of their physical condition, and then adjusts his training plan.

Just this one job is tedious enough, not to mention that Dominic constantly patrols during training. His serious and complex energy makes people have to admire the rigor and dedication of the Germans.

With Dominic, Chang Sheng's workload has plummeted.

During the physical training stage, he was even the most leisurely person.

In Dominic, Chang Sheng fully realized how much a professional and diligent coach helped him.

So he wanted a coaching team that was completely his own.

But where can I find such a good coach?

Chang Sheng searched in his memory for a long time, but couldn't find anyone.

Maybe he forgot, maybe there is really no suitable candidate.


After training every day, Chang Sheng could see reporters wandering around the training ground. There were reporters from China and Spain, and these people were all familiar faces to him.

When Chinese reporters saw Chang Sheng, they stayed away and did not come to interview him.

Because all their previous attempts to interview Chang Sheng were rejected.

Obviously Chang Sheng, a petty guy, has not forgotten how the Chinese media treated his family.

In fact, he doesn't care how he is treated. But his family is his enemy.

His family has been harassed and criticized because of domestic media reports, and he has always remembered this!

Therefore, he never accepts interviews from any Chinese reporters. The exclusive interview he gave to "Football News" was just to attack his number one enemy, "Sports Weekly".

And after that, he never accepted an interview with "Football" newspaper again.

He has imposed an indefinite ban on Chinese media.

As his legal representative in China, Pei Wei has been catching the media who fabricated his exclusive interviews during this period.

And he actually got three families arrested.

One of the three directly translated the interview from the foreign media, then changed the reporter's name and said it was his own interview.

The other two companies just made it up, pieced it together here and there, and then just imagined it out of thin air.

Pei Wei sued these three companies, once again proving that Chang Sheng's determination to crack down on the Chinese media is unquestionable.

So after everyone is familiar with Chang Sheng's temper, no one will go up to find him unhappy. It is really unpleasant to be rejected. Only those who deliberately seek abuse will go to interview Chang Sheng.

Most of the time, everyone would rather interview the players and get some side information from the players under the guise of "We are a team that has won a lot of wins", and then slightly processed it to turn it into a report on the wins.

But today there was one person who insisted on interviewing Chang Sheng.

People around me are urging him: "What should I do? Go and see his face?"

"Don't go, it's useless. He has rejected us countless times... We also have dignity, and no one will feel comfortable being slapped in the face by him!"

"Don't be stupid. You can't get close to him, and you can't successfully interview him. As long as he sees that you are a Chinese reporter, he will ignore you."

"Yes, he still hates the domestic media for harassing his parents... Alas, the domestic media have indeed gone too far in this matter. But Chang Sheng is too petty..."

As soon as Chang Sheng was interviewed, the reporters around him came out to complain and persuade the colleague who insisted on going.

A tall female reporter in the crowd frowned and listened to their persuasion. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. She looked elegant, but her eyebrows looked heroic, and her slightly thin lips showed that this person seemed not good.

deal with.

She looked around, the ponytail on the back of her head swinging back and forth with this movement.

Everyone was trying to persuade her, repeating one sentence: "Don't go, it's useless. He won't accept our interview..."

The female reporter's brows furrowed tighter and tighter, her thin lips pursed thinner and thinner, and a feeling of dissatisfaction was building up in her heart.

She didn't know why, but she felt angry when she saw these people who were timid and could only complain behind their backs.

So she refused to listen to these people's nonsense, directly pushed away the two people blocking her, and strode towards Chang Sheng, who had just come down from the training ground.

Behind her, a group of people shook their heads and sighed: "Oh, young people are just impulsive..."

"I've seen many people like this, and I thought I could convince Chang Sheng...actually, ha!"

"Maybe they want to use a honey trap?"

"I'm afraid it's useless just because of her good looks, right? She also dresses a little more conservatively... Besides, it's not like there are no female reporters who want to take advantage of the beauty trap. People are much prettier than her, so isn't it useless?"

"Anyway, we can see her come back in disgrace later. Anyone who goes against Chang Sheng will not end well..."

A group of people looked at the back of the female reporter and faced Chang Sheng, and then they were waiting to see a good show. A good show in which a self-righteous fellow journalist was slapped in the face by Chang Sheng.


Chang Sheng noticed someone walking towards him. He looked up and found that the person was a woman. She was wearing a business suit, not a skirt but trousers. She looked a bit conservative, her skin was slightly white, and the pair of glasses on her face were very conspicuous.


The first word that comes to mind.

Chang Sheng was not going to pay attention to reporters, especially a Chinese reporter.

Even if the person coming is a female reporter.

It's not like he hasn't seen those female reporters in China. One female reporter came over to interview him. She was quite pretty, her clothes were a little revealing, and her movements were even more ambiguous. She seemed to want to be under her miniskirt.


For this kind of person, Chang Sheng will not give any face at all. He never pays attention to women's privileges. He is the true advocate of equality between men and women. Men and women have the same status and power, and they will naturally be punished if they make mistakes.

To enjoy the same punishment, he should treat women as he would treat men.

So when he looked at the female reporter walking towards him, his expression was obviously not friendly.

When the female reporter stood still in front of him, he opened his mouth to send her away.

Unexpectedly, he fell behind this time because the other party's mouth was faster than his.

"Are you the talented coach who was so praised by the media? You do look very young, but I think you are just an idiot!"

Chang Sheng was stunned.

He originally expected that the other party would nod and bow, hoping to interview him.

I didn’t expect that the other party was here to cause trouble!

The other party did not mean to let Chang Sheng go, and continued: "You are an idiot, do you know? Do you know how the domestic media evaluates you? They recognize your achievements, but they all express disdain for your character.

.They say that you worship foreigners and only accept interviews from foreign reporters, but ignore Chinese reporters. They also say that you look down on Chinese fans, so you don’t bother to accept Chinese reporters who represent Chinese fans! You should respond to such slander.

Don't say anything, stay silent, and let them continue to smear you. In my opinion, you are an idiot!"

Chang Sheng was scolded by the opponent, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he laughed after regaining consciousness.

"Those reporters' words won't hurt me a hair, so why should I care?" He smiled disdainfully.

"Is it true that it won't hurt you even a hair?" The female reporter also had a disdainful smile on her face. "Then how do you explain the matter about your family?"

When Chang Sheng heard what the other party said, his expression finally changed and became very ugly: "That's why I won't spare them lightly!"

The disdainful smile on the female reporter's face became even brighter: "So I say you are an idiot. What's the point of you always being so passively defensive? What's the use of waiting for something to happen before finding a solution and then dealing with the media? You

Your family has been hurt. If you take all the reporters to court, can you let your family pretend that nothing happened? Your approach, in my opinion, is not only idiotic, but

Not yet! Are you a man after all? Just stick your head in the soil and think you are safe. How much of an idiot do you have to be to think of such a stupid idea?"

This female reporter scolded Chang Sheng mercilessly, but you couldn't tell that her mouth was quite mean.

Chang Sheng was a little distracted by the other party's scolding, but he was not angry.

Because he found that what the female reporter said turned out to be very reasonable. This aspect was indeed something he had not considered.

Even if he does not accept interviews, there will always be various media reports about his interviews.

Therefore, whether he accepts an interview or not will not change the attention of reporters on him, unless he is an unknown person.

But since you are a public figure, you will always face harassment from the media, and you will inevitably have to deal with the media.

It does not seem good to blindly close the country and let the outside world be filled with all kinds of voices that are not beneficial to you.

Because you don't express your own voice, others will naturally choose to believe those false news.

On the other hand, it is only a trivial matter if your image is completely ruined. If you accidentally drag your family members into the water, it will be too late to regret it.

So although this female reporter talks like an "idiot", what she says makes sense.

Then Chang Sheng came back to his senses and re-examined the female reporter in front of him.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Yan Min!" The female reporter raised her head slightly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to (this site) and give rewards. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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