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Chapter 37 Don't be nervous (118/136)

Rome, Stadio Olimpico.

Lazio players are no strangers to this stadium, because it is also their home stadium.

This time, they even use their own locker room, but this is not their home court.

This is a bit confusing to say and not easy to understand - the venue is the same and the dressing room has not even been changed. Why do the players feel that this is not their home court? Is there any difference between home and away games in this kind of city derby?

But just look at the crazy Roma fans in the stands and the vast expanse of dark red. You can understand why the same stadium and locker room will give the players a completely different experience.

Those Roma fans, who make up the vast majority, and the noise they make, remind them all the time that the stadium is dark red today!

A huge wolf head flag appeared in the south stand of the Olympic Stadium, and a ferocious wolf with bared teeth was preparing to attack.

Of course, Lazio fans will not let themselves be slaughtered by Roma.

Faced with Rome's arrogance, they also had to fight back.

So in the north stand of the Stadio Olimpico, Lazio's extreme fans displayed the Blue Eagle logo. The eagle with open arms looked down at the rival Red Wolves opposite with cold eyes.

The wolf and the eagle faced off from north to south across a stadium.

All around the wolf's head were burning red signal rods, emitting red smoke.

And around the Blue Eagle is filled with sky-blue smoke.

The entire stadium looked like the Colosseum in ancient Rome. The slaves and beasts had not yet appeared, and the audience in the stands could not contain their excitement.

The Lazio fans were not as numerous as the Roma fans and lost in singing and shouting.

But this is Roma's home stadium, and the number of tickets they can get is extremely limited.

In fact, at first Lazio fans, like Roma fans, used the south stand of the Stadio Olimpico.

In European football, the South Stand often means the place where die-hard fans gather, whether it is Italy, Spain, England, or Germany.

But later in the derby in the same city, conflicts broke out between fans from both sides over the right to use the south stand, again and again. In the end, the Roma fans won. In the 1973 Rome derby, teams of Roma fans checked all the exits of the south stand.

, to prevent Lazio fans from entering there. From that year on, Lazio fans had to occupy the North Stand instead, which has since become a gathering area for Lazio fans.

The two sides have been facing each other for thirty-two years.

This is the Roman Derby.

The game hasn't even started yet, and the part before every derby is exciting.

Therefore, some media will choose to start the live broadcast from this time, and let the camera focus on the scene. It is also very interesting to just film the confrontation between the fans from both sides.


Neutral fans can naturally think that this is a beautiful scenery of football.

But anyone who has been involved in it probably wouldn’t think it was a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Fans from both sides were constantly attacking and cursing each other, using every method they could think of to attack their opponents.

Players on both sides will be in extremely nervous and excited moods.

Even the referee has to bear tremendous pressure, and this kind of job is not easy.

In the referee's lounge before the game, Italy's famous whistler Rossetti, who served as the referee for this game, was explaining the key points of law enforcement for this game to his three colleagues.

He explained very carefully, because one of the three people was a young trainee referee, Javier Papavici, a referee who was only 36 years old. He only obtained the qualification to officiate Serie A games this year, but first he

You have to start as a line judge.

In fact, Rossetti didn't quite understand why the Italian Football Association would use a young man in such an important match.

He had seen some of the second-division games where Papavic was officiating, and he admitted that Papavic was very talented, but lacked experience.

When officiating a game like the Rome Derby, what matters is not talent, but experience.

He officiated the Rome derby that caused riots in the stadium in the first half of last year and was eventually canceled. Rossetti is well aware of the great pressure that must be endured to officiate such a game.

Especially the linesman, because he needs to judge offside.

This is the most controversial penalty in football matches.

He originally thought that Papavici would become the fourth official, but he never expected that he would be a linesman...

So Rossetti repeatedly told Papavici: "What matters is not whether you are sure or not, but the situation on the field. There are some controversial penalties. When you make a decision, you must be careful enough."

Because maybe one of your penalties will make the game go in another direction - believe me, that is a direction that neither you nor I want to see..."

"Rocky and Montella are both very cunning forwards. They will constantly try to counter offside to put pressure on you. Don't let them succeed. And Totti, where he is there, there are controversial and heated scenes. He can

He is not a good-tempered baby. Lazio players will definitely take action against him. If they anger Totti, we will put out the fire for him... By the way, Chang, that Chinese, that Lazio coach

, his reputation in the refereeing community is not very good. I heard that when he was in Spain, he publicly declared war on the Spanish Disciplinary Committee, and in the end he actually won... It's incredible, right? This game has special meaning to him,

I don't think he will stay in the coaching bench. Don't be disturbed by him. He is always good at putting pressure on the referee, and his mouth is not very clean. Hey, Ramon, if he farts something

, inform me and I will take care of him." Rossetti said to his partner who was the fourth official today.

Ramon nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then Rossetti continued to look at Papavici.

"The officiating game is often a process in which we fight with the players. Either we overwhelm them, or they trample us underfoot. In addition, if you make an offside call, they will rush up to you and roar at you.

They are unclean or sarcastic. At this time, don't be nervous or fight with them. Just stay silent and call me on the intercom. In this game, you have to become a robot. Don't say anything and just raise your voice.


Papavich listened and nodded.

Although he has never officiated in the Rome Derby, the famous name of this derby is well known to the world.

He is also well aware of the pressure he will encounter in this game.

But if you can't stand it, how can you become a golden whistle like Pierluigi Collina?

"Finally, when you make a penalty, you must be 100% sure that you are correct. You must not hesitate at all. Don't tell me that you didn't see it clearly just now, or what you think it should be. I just listen to you.

The answer is yes, you handle any hesitations yourself. This is a Rome derby. Even a very small mistake you make may be exploited and become a turning point that changes the game. This will make you bear more after the game.

A lot of pressure..."

Rossetti recalled last year's famous Rome derby.

During the halftime break, some Roma fans jumped over the barriers and appeared in the stadium. They told the fans that a young fan had been hit and killed by a police car, which caused a riot among the fans.

At that time, Roma fans put up slogans calling for the game to be stopped. But Rossetti ignored it and insisted on blowing the whistle to start the second half. As a result, this behavior angered the fans, who brought burning signal sticks and seats to the stadium.


In the end, because there were too many rioting fans, Rossetti interrupted the game for safety reasons.

But even so, the riot couldn't be stopped and eventually turned into a large-scale riot and conflict. This is the responsibility of the referee in such a game. So it is really impossible to be careless.

It's okay to make occasional mistakes when officiating other games, but when officiating the Rome Derby, you are absolutely not allowed to make mistakes, even if it is not possible, you must ensure that nothing goes wrong!

After repeated warnings for a long time, Rossetti finally let go of Papavici and told him to have a good rest and relax. Then he chatted with the other two referees, and the atmosphere in the lounge finally relaxed a little.


While Rossetti was trying his best to teach his assistant referee what the Rome Derby was, Chang Sheng was also doing his final mobilization before the game.

But sending him didn't say much.

With ten minutes left before the start of the game, he did not play the video he edited to encourage the players, nor did he say any impassioned words such as "I just want to win, and nothing but victory is victory."

He just repeated the tactical points again and then told his players not to be nervous and that there was nothing to worry about.

They will not be under too much pressure in this game, because the Roma fans will not target them, and they can perform as much as they want on the court, even if they wear the opponent's crotch.

The players felt a little surprised. They didn't understand what the boss was capable of talking about.

They also know what the Rome Derby is, even players who have never played in Italy before, since they joined Lazio, they know what the Rome Derby is.

The senior players in the locker room told everyone what this game was like more than a week ago.

Being booed on the court is almost a common occurrence. We just went out to warm up, and every Lazio player was booed. At that time, the stands were not full. When the seats were full, all the fans booed them in unison.

, what a terrifying scene that must be?

Is there any way the boss can prevent them from being booed?

Make them all invisible?


Just thinking about it makes me think this is impossible...

But Chang Sheng seemed confident, and with ten minutes left before the start, he ended his pre-match preparations and left the locker room.

The whole room looked at each other, no one knew what they were here for, where they went, what they did... (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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