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Chapter 45: Win Again

Getafe's offense is really not pleasing to the eye. Compared with that kind of multi-layered and three-dimensional offense, it can be said to be ugly.

That's why Compostela's head coach despises Getafe so much.

He thinks Getafe's football is simply ugly, just like Quasimodo in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", which makes people feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at it.

Because Getafe's offensive method is single, it can even be said to be simple and crude.

Just one move - a long pass or a direct pass from the backcourt, to find the center Ballado in the frontcourt. At the same time, the two wingers rush forward at high speed, and the center Ballado protects the football and then distributes it.

For the two wingers who stepped in.

What follows is a little coordination between the three of them.

If you can tear apart the opponent's defense, then score a goal. If not, it will not threaten the stability of the team's defense.

This move is very ordinary, and it is not beautiful or exciting. But it has only one characteristic... it's fast!

The two wingers arranged by Chang Sheng are both fast players. In addition, the midfielder is also very decisive and quick after receiving the ball. Without any hesitation, he will directly pass a long pass to find Ballado. If he can find it, it will form an attack.

.If you can’t find it, forget it.

The key is to be fast. As long as you are fast, the opponent's defense will not have time to organize an effective defense, and the winning team will take advantage of it.

Just like this time.

Even Compostela coach David Vidal had no time to express the "bad" feeling in his heart. He saw Ballado receiving a pass from the backcourt.

Then in the blink of an eye, Ballado had passed the football to Popovich.

Popovich used his speed to rush into the penalty area.

When he attracted the attention of all Compostela's defensive players, he once again sent a fatal cross!

Getafe fans could not wait to cheer in the stands.

In their opinion, the goal was definitely scored!

Because Kaiku will definitely appear in that position.

Sure enough, when Popovich passed the football, Kaiku hit him!

Then comes the kick!

The football flew into the goal without any suspense...

At this time, David Vidal had not yet fully reacted.

From the time Jose Passarella intercepted the ball and started the attack until the football flew into Compostela's goal, less than ten seconds passed!

What a lightning goal!

But goals like this are the most common way Getafe scores goals during this period.


David Vidal stood blankly on the sidelines.

He knows that Getafe's offense is very fast, and he knows that Getafe's offense will go from the backcourt to the frontcourt so directly.

But before that, he had been learning about this team through the media and watching game videos, and he thought he already knew their characteristics well.

Now, when he stood on the sidelines and looked at the Getafe players cheering and celebrating, he realized that he still greatly underestimated the speed of this team's attack to score...


"Beautiful counterattack! As fast as a gust of wind! In a few blinks of an eye, Keku had already stabbed the football into the goal! Getafe took the lead at home! They relied on their tenacious defense in the first half to finally get this result

An opportunity! In direct dialogue with Compostela, they temporarily have the upper hand!"

Commentator Alessandro Crespo no longer dares to underestimate this Getafe team.

He once severely mocked the Chinese and his team in the first game of his winning streak.

But now his attitude has undergone a surprising 180-degree change!

In the past, he ridiculed the winning team and Getafe for sparing no effort, but now he praises Getafe and the winning team for sparing no effort.

When he won three consecutive victories in Getafe, he slapped reporters in the face during the game commentary.

Now seeing that Getafe quickly emerged from the crisis and took the lead again after two rounds of winlessness, he naturally spared no effort in praising them.

"This team has made earth-shaking changes under the leadership of Chang! After losing to Las Palmas in the last round, if it were his previous coaches, I am afraid that he would be waiting for Getafe.

It was a continuous defeat. But under his leadership, this team quickly rebounded! They took the lead in the relegation life-and-death battle with Compostela! This is not just as simple as taking the lead! This game

What we saw outside the game was that Getafe players meticulously implemented the tactical requirements of winning. Their goals were not exactly the same as those in previous games. This shows that Chang Sheng still has control over this team.

, it is not like what the media said, Chang Sheng has lost control of the team..."

As he explained, the TV broadcast clearly gave Chang Sheng a close-up shot.

In the camera, Chang Sheng and his assistants are hugging and celebrating.

The TV broadcast uses this method to tell the audience who is the key figure in Getafe's ability to achieve such changes!

"This is really unbelievable...a Chinese who we have never even heard of before. He is only 28 years old and has no experience to speak of. But it is such a person who just coached Getafe.

At that time, he brought about earth-shaking changes to this team. Until now, we are still confused - how did he appear? I think that in the European football coaching world, a super star may be rising rapidly.


Crespo couldn't help but admired.


The Getafe fans in the stands were chanting the name of Getafe and the name of Keku, the hero of the goal.

But Enrique is shouting the name of the winner.

Of course, his voice alone is insignificant compared to the voices of eighteen thousand people.

But he believed that one day, these 18,000 people would shout the same as him!


Amid the huge cheers of Getafe fans, Compostela head coach David Vidal looked very unhappy.

He rushed to the sidelines and shouted to the dejected Compostela players: "Attack! Continue to attack after the game starts! We must equalize the score as soon as possible!"

But besides shouting like this, he had no other option.

He now has no effective way to tear apart Getafe's defense.

No matter how his team passes the ball, Getafe's two lines stand very firmly and there will never be a loophole easily.

So he can only ask the players to step up their offense and work harder.

We hope that quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes, and we can rely on the advantage in the number of attacks to score goals.

But what Getafe is least afraid of is this kind of indiscriminate bombing with little technical content.

After the game restarted, Compostela's offensive became even more fierce.

But Getafe's defense withstood such a test.

Not only that, while maintaining this goal lead, they never gave up their pursuit of scoring another goal.

Compostela, on the other hand, became more and more impatient as they played. Seeing that the game was about to end, they still couldn't score. Many players simply stopped cooperating and pinned their hopes on themselves. When they get the ball, they can either break through directly or come back.

Take a long shot, pass it to your teammates, and seek cooperation? Don’t even think about it!

It's not just Compostela's players who are in disarray, their head coach Vidal is also in disarray.

With fifteen minutes left at the end, he replaced three offensive players in one breath, hoping to make a last-ditch effort.

But his approach only provided Getafe with more convenient opportunities.

Finally, in the 82nd minute, Getafe took advantage of Compostela's heavy pressure and the empty defense to replicate their first goal.

This ball completely killed Compostela and caused the opponent to give up its desperate struggle.

Although head coach David Vidal paced anxiously on the sidelines, he could no longer change Compostela's defeat.

"It's really ironic. Coach Vidal said before the game that he came here just to take away a victory... We all know who he was talking about. But it's a pity that not only did he not have the usual luck, but he also

Without Chang's strength! This sentence became his laughing stock. I think Vidal will not be able to get rid of this laughing stock for a long time..."

The commentator Crespo also did not forget to satirize Vidal.

He is originally a sharp-tongued commentator who likes to satirize people. This is his style. He can satirize everyone. Otherwise, how could he be so successful in sarcasm before?


When the reporters in the media box saw Ballado scoring the second goal of the game, they all knew that there was no suspense in this game.

Getafe will win at home.

You must know that they have been cheering for Compostela overtly or covertly during the game.

It’s not that they are fans of Compostela, nor that they like Compostela’s head coach, but because Compostela’s opponent is Getafe, led by Victory.

Only when Getafe loses this game can what they said in the newspaper before be confirmed. They are happy to see the unlucky ones who win often, but if they win continuously and lose continuously, they will be forced to admit defeat to them. If

It doesn't matter if he doesn't admit defeat. After losing the support of fans and clubs, he is just an ordinary person. The media can deal with him how they want.

Unfortunately, God failed to fulfill their wishes, and all their hopes were dashed.

Chang Sheng not only did not lose, but actually won a key game. A week after losing to Las Palmas, he quickly regained victory. This was the best response to the media's doubts.

Therefore, the reporter's expressions were not good-looking. When Balado scored, the media box was silent and the atmosphere was very depressing, which was in sharp contrast to the cheering Getafe fans around.

In the past, they might have even called them "lucky shit", just like how Chang Sheng led his team to reverse Osasuna.

But now, all of them know that this is not some bullshit luck at all, this is strength!

They don't know why this Chinese can bring such a huge change to Getafe. Logically speaking, it is impossible for an inexperienced young man to do it.

But Chang Sheng did it!

And do it again and again!

For a while, many reporters felt that the young Chinese coach seemed to have won again this time...

{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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