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Chapter 161 The starting candidate

During the halftime break, Chang Sheng praised the team's performance in the locker room. This time he was not worried that after the praise, the players would be proud and underestimate the enemy in the second half. Because the revenge has not yet been avenged.

Sure enough, after the start of the second half, the fighting spirit of the Lazio team did not fade at all.

They may have all been irritated by Schaff's pregame feel-good comments.

Lazio scored another goal in the second half, scored by David Silva.

After taking a three-goal lead, they slowed down a bit.

But even so, Werder Bremen still couldn't score.

In the end we lost 0:3 and didn’t score a single goal!

At the post-match press conference, Chang Sheng said disdainfully: "Let me correct Mr. Schaaf's misconception: This game and this result are not considered an upset."

Schaaf simply hired an assistant coach to replace him at the post-game press conference.

He did not show up. Obviously he knew that if he did show up, he would be asked embarrassing questions by reporters.


After the game against Werder Bremen, the next step is the highlight of the league.

It is a game between the first and second league teams. Lazio challenges Inter Milan away from home.

Chang Sheng fully despises his opponents strategically, but attaches great importance to them tactically.

The specific manifestation is that we are talking about what is so great about Inter Milan? Our opponent is only ourselves.

Then they attached great importance to training and tactical arrangements, and were well prepared. When it came time for the game, all the main players were on the field. Even though they had just played a Champions League group match three days ago.

Of course, the war of words before the game is also essential.

This time Chang Sheng took the initiative to provoke it again, and the target was Ibrahimovic again.

"I want to apologize to everyone for what I said last year. I misled you." Chang Sheng said at the pre-match press conference. "I once said that if Mancini wants to win the league championship, then he

Buying Ibrahimovic is still a correct choice...I now want to formally apologize to everyone for this sentence. Because I found that even if Mancini owns Ibrahimovic, he still

Can't win the league title! So if my words have misled Mancini and others, making them mistakenly believe that as long as Ibrahimovic is there, Inter Milan can become the league champion. I sincerely express my sincere gratitude to

Everyone apologizes.”

When a group of reporters heard what Chang Sheng said, they all rolled their eyes. At first, when Chang Sheng said seriously that he wanted to apologize, everyone was still looking forward to it. See what he wanted to apologize for. Over the years, Chang Sheng’s impression on people has been

He is a stubborn and tough person who never apologizes. No matter whether he is wrong or not, he will never get paid. He seems to treat the football world as a battlefield and will never surrender.

So today Chang Sheng suddenly said that he wanted to apologize, and everyone was very curious to hear what things deserved his apology.

Who would have thought... I did it for a long time, but I just used this gimmick to mock Inter Milan, Mancini and Ibrahimovic!

"Now I want to correct my previous view. I think that even with Ibrahimovic, Inter Milan will not be able to win the league championship!"


Naturally, Inter Milan cannot tolerate Chang Sheng's naked provocation.

Even if Mancini doesn't come forward, the ill-tempered Ibrahimovic will not make it easy for Chang Sheng.

Sure enough, Ibrahimovic immediately jumped out to accuse Chang Sheng.

"He'd better mind his own business and don't point fingers at other people's affairs! I will teach him what respect means with practical actions in tomorrow's game!"

Ibrahimovic can say such cruel words because until now, no one has heard that Lazio's main center back and core defense Jose Passarella is coming back.

From last April until now, Passarella has not played a game. For insurance reasons, his comeback time has been pushed back again and again. From the end of August to September, it has changed again.

It's October. Now it's November.

There is still no news about Passarella's comeback.

This gives Ibrahimovic a lot of confidence. Although Chang Sheng did not announce the team's starting lineup at the pre-match press conference, he sometimes announces it and sometimes does not. Everyone is used to it.

This doesn't mean anything special.

He is now afraid of Jose Passarella.

Without Jose Passarella, he believes he can score goals and help Inter Milan defeat Lazio.


Just when Ibrahimovic was looking forward to breaking his goal drought against Lazio, Chang Sheng was chatting with Jose Passarella about the next game.

Chang Sheng went to find Passarella from the beginning, but he did not find Jose in the hotel room. Cazorla, who was rooming with Passarella, told the boss that Passarella seemed to be in the hotel gym.


Chang Sheng looked at his watch. It was already half past nine in the evening. Why was Passarella going to the gym?

Sure enough, he found Passarella in the gym.

When he saw Passarella, Passarella was sweating profusely on the treadmill.

So Chang Sheng walked next to him. Passarella saw the boss, but he did not stop and continued running.

Chang Sheng didn't let him stop, he just stood aside and asked: "You have to play tomorrow, are you not afraid of injuring your body? After all, you have just recovered from injury..."

Jose Passarella kept his mouth closed when running and breathed only through his nose, with heavy wheezing sounds coming from his nose.

He only spoke when Chang Sheng asked him something, and his breathing was very even, and he didn't look like he was out of breath from running. It was obvious that his ability to control his breathing was very good.

"Actually, I have recovered from my injury a long time ago, boss."

Chang Sheng nodded. He had indeed recovered from his injury long ago. He recovered from his injury in September. In the following period, Jose Passarella trained alone for half a month, and then began to train with the whole team. He

He wanted to make up for all the time he wasted, and out of caution, he was not allowed to play the game right away.

For this game, both Chang Sheng and Passarella thought the time was ripe.

So they want to give Ibrahimovic a big surprise...

After waiting for a few minutes, Passarella completed his goal. He walked quickly on the treadmill, then walked slowly. He adjusted his heart rate and breathing.

Chang Sheng pointed at him and said: "You don't have to work so hard, Jose. Tomorrow's game won't make it much easier for you."

Passarella shook his head: "I know, boss. That's why I want to run. I want my body to adapt to the intensity of the competition faster. My body doesn't need to rest. I have rested long enough. Now I

What is needed is exercise.”

Hearing what he said, Chang Sheng couldn't help but laugh.

"Seeing you like this reminds me of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The Swedes must think that without you, he can do whatever he wants."

Passarella also laughed, and he opened his mouth to show his white teeth: "Then let us give him a surprise, boss."

In the empty gym, the two people laughed.


Two hours before the game, Mancini finally got Lazio's starting lineup for this game.

Then he said something.

In Lazio's starting lineup, he saw a long-lost name.

At first he thought he had made a mistake, so he compared it letter by letter with the name in his memory. He found that he was right.

The name that appears on this list is "José Passarella"!

There was no news before the game that he had recovered from injury and could participate in the game... Generally speaking, for players who have been seriously injured and have been resting for a long time, the team will take a step-by-step approach to allow the players to gradually adapt to the intensity and intensity of the game.


Starting from the substitute, only give him a few minutes of playing time at the beginning to let him feel the atmosphere. Then ten minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes... and finally he starts the game.

By gradually increasing the playing time, the player's body and psychology can gradually adapt to the requirements of the game, and then he can be allowed to start. Generally speaking, after this process, the players are ready.

How can a player who has been out for seven months start in the starting lineup?

And in such an important game?

Ibrahimovic noticed the change in Mancini's expression after seeing the starting list, and he moved closer.

When Mancini saw him, he showed Ibrahimovic the starting list.

Although Jose Passarella started the game, it was a surprise to him. But it is not necessarily a good thing.

"It seems that they are afraid of you, Geratan."

Mancini said to Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic saw Jose Passarella's name on the list, and he knew why his coach said that.

Prior to this, there were no reports that Jose Passarella was ready.

Letting him play in such a hasty manner must be to contain Ibrahimovic in the game. Because only Jose Passarella can freeze the Swedish tower.

But there is still a big question mark over how well a person like this can perform when faced with such an intense competition without any adaptation period... After all, Jose Passarella has not mentioned it for seven months.

After one game, how much condition does he still have?

"Ha." The Swede laughed, and then returned the starting list to his head coach. "That one is always like this, shouting fiercely..." He curled his lips, and finally didn't bother to say it.

In his heart, he was even more confident about this game.

Bullying a player who is completely out of shape after recovering from injury will make you look a bit invincible. But as long as you can beat that damn Chinese, who the hell cares how you win!

He returned to his seat with clenched fists and began to change his jersey for the game.

This chapter has been completed!
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