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Chapter 572 The Realm of Nature (Part 2)

Chapter 572: The Realm of Nature (Part 2)

For example, the ancient God of War Pangu built the God of War armor that incorporated the innate treasure born during the Kaitian and Earth Period: Kaitian, which brought infinite power to the God of War Pangu.

For example, the ancient God of War Tiankui built the God of War armor that incorporated the innate treasure born at a certain time in the world: Tianjing, which brought supreme killing power to the God of War Tiankui.

For example, the ancient God of War Di Yi built the God of War armor with the innate treasure born during the Hongmeng Transformation: Flowing Light, which brought supreme speed to the God of War Di Yi.

For example, the ancient God of War, Immortal, built the God of War armor with the innate treasure born during the founding of the world: life, which brought terrifying resilience to the God of War, Immortal.

Now Chu Yi will integrate the innate treasure that was born in a certain period of time in the world: Qi Tie Bai Zhan into his God of War Armor, thereby improving the quality of the God of War Armor in one fell swoop, giving the God of War Armor unparalleled combat effectiveness, and matching the various skills he has cultivated

The ancient god's divine power and various ancient god's magical skills can definitely greatly increase Chu Yi's combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is true, but it is not as easy as it seems to complete the smelting of the innate treasure: Qi Tie Bai Zhan. After all, this Tianwu armor also incorporates the will of many strong men from the ancient Tianwu clan.

It's not that easy to erase.

Fortunately, in terms of willpower, no one from ancient times to the present can compare with the ancient gods!

Chu Yi used his supreme will to temper and suppress it, and spent a full fifty years in Hongmeng Space. He finally wiped out the will on the Tianwu War Armor, decomposed it and restored it into Qi Iron Bai Zhan, and merged with his own God of War Armor.

When the God of War Armor was tyrannically integrated with Qi Tie Bai Zhan, the overall appearance changed greatly.

The word "armor" is no longer enough to describe the current God of War Armor. The current God of War Armor can only be described as a combat weapon. It has sharp thorns growing from its helmet, shoulders, elbows, and knees.

, is enough to prove to the world the power of the God of War Armor and the ferocity displayed by the God of War Armor.

Not only that, the gauntlets of both hands and the toes of both feet are also full of sharp finger hooks and foot hooks. Being caught by such hands and feet will definitely result in death or injury.

Armor of the God of War, Armor of the God of War!

Until this moment, Chu Yi's God of War Armor has achieved something, and Chu Yi has just taken the first step into becoming the God of War.

With such a god of war armor, coupled with Xuanwu Zun who has suppressed the power of the great sage, and the sacred tree of the avenue that specifically restrains the holy magic weapons, Chu Yi is now confident enough to challenge the three great sages and the 108 and 60 great sages.

The future Great Sage will never lose.

Moreover, with such a significant increase in combat effectiveness, Chu Yi also gained more confidence in going to the natural world to find the last forest spirit tribe.

At the same time, after thinking about the last forest spirit tribe, Chu Yi calculated that it was almost time to set off.

You know, Gui Guzi once said that there is not much time before the collapse of the natural world. If he cannot find the last forest spirit tribe before the collapse of the natural world and obtain the last wood spirit bead from his hands, he will complete the task.

The sixth transformation of the Hongmeng Pearl would be a huge loss.

Therefore, Chu Yi had no intention of delaying any more and directly said hello to the master and apprentice, Hai Ling and Yin Zhu who were enjoying their cultivation, and then left the Hongmeng Space with the Water Spirit Pearl in hand.

Then Chu Yi began to rise all the way until he left the endless ocean. He took out the Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle, broke through the sea spirit world directly, entered the starry sky road, and drove directly to the natural world according to the position indicated on the star map.


Thirty-five days later!

Relying on the terrifying speed of the Qiankun boundary-breaking shuttle, Chu Yi finally arrived at the location of the natural world. Looking at the broken boundary gate of the natural world and the harsh environment and climate in the natural world, Chu Yi felt that the natural world was gradually moving toward

The breath of death. Regarding this, Chu Yi inevitably showed a serious expression.

Fortunately, for the natural world that is about to be destroyed, the three great sages have lost the meaning of management, so there are no guards even set up. It is simply that whoever wants to enter can enter, and whoever wants to can leave.

Therefore, Chu Yi entered the world of nature with almost no influence.

After entering the natural world, Chu Yi realized that the situation inside the natural world was hundreds of millions of times worse than he imagined compared to what he saw from outside.

The continuous land is full of dry and cracked scenery, without any life, and earthquakes even occur frequently from time to time, announcing that the end of the world is coming.

The sky is broken!

The entire sky was filled with dark clouds, and hot red light was seeping out from everywhere. From time to time, bursts of crashing sounds would erupt, and there were countless cracks that I didn't even know how to describe.

The crack is as ferocious as a wound. Between the twists, people can see that inside the crack, there is a void where there is nothing. It is between the worlds. There is no vitality and no life. Anyone who enters can only

Apart from death, there is no way to survive.

In fact, even if the three great saints possess the strength of the ancestors, if they fall into the land of nothingness, there will only be one end, and that is to be buried in it.

Not to mention anything else, Chu Yi just stood for such a short moment and saw with his own eyes a piece of land ten kilometers in diameter collapsed, and then was rolled up into the air, into the void crack, and then

It was strangled and shattered in an instant, and swallowed into the cracks in the void, not even a scrap was left.

So scary!

What a terrifying gap in the void!

And now the whole sky is full of void cracks that appear from time to time, which greatly increases the difficulty for people to escape, so Chu Yi has no choice but to land on the land of the natural world. After all, compared to those void cracks, earthquakes are obviously

It's just much cuter.


The natural world has collapsed to such an extent. I wonder if I can find the last forest spirit tribe in the natural world before the natural world collapses.

If he cannot find it, then Chu Yi will have no choice but to leave the natural world. Because at the moment when the big world collapses, everything in the big world will be involved in nothingness. If Chu Yi still stays in the natural world

, obviously cannot avoid such a fate.

Therefore, if Chu Yi does not want to seek death, he must find the last forest spirit tribe before the collapse of the natural world.

Thinking of this, Chu Yi did not dare to neglect or linger any longer. He tightened the bamboo hat on his head and immediately started running as fast as he could on the land that was frequently prone to earthquakes from time to time.

The natural world is also huge!

If the sea spirit world is an endless ocean, then the natural world is an endless land. On such an incomparably vast land, finding the last forest spirit tribe is just like finding a grain of sand in the desert or finding a grain of sand in the sea.

There is almost no big difference in the feeling of dripping water.

In this way, it took a full five days and five nights, Chu Yi passed through dangerous places, but always regretted that he could not find the last piece of paradise in the natural world and find the last forest spirit tribe.

No, it should be said that Chu Yi’s aimless search, even if it takes ten thousand years, may not be able to find the last Forest Spirit Tribe. Therefore, in order to find the last Forest Spirit Tribe, Chu Yi must find the right one.


As for what method?

After Chu Yi thought for a moment, he decided to ask the experienced Yin Zhu.

Faced with Chu Yi's inquiry, Yin Zhu temporarily let Hai Ling practice on his own, then rushed to help Chu Yi. After a long silence, he sighed with emotion: "Hey, is this the natural world? I think back then, when I first

When we came to the natural world, there was fertile soil and dense forests everywhere, and countless creatures lived in them. Among them, the forest spirit tribe was the leader, and they were very prosperous.

But what about now?

Looking at these pieces of bad land and watching the natural world gradually approaching the edge of destruction, who could have imagined how majestic and beautiful the natural world was back then."

Chu Yi didn't know what the natural world was like in the past, and he didn't have as much emotion as Yin Zhu, so he replied: "Okay, now we don't have much time left, so you should be less emotional first, and quickly tell me how to know the end."

A forest spirit tribe!"

Silver Pig is indeed Chu Yi's best pig-headed strategist. After Chu Yi inquired, he immediately found a solution and replied: "Use the Five Elements Spiritual Beads! The Five Elements Spiritual Beads are all sensitive to each other.

You should take them out first and take a look, they will slowly roll in the direction of the Wood Spirit Beads."

Chu Yi followed the instructions and took out the gold, water, fire and earth spirit beads and held them in his palm one by one.

Sure enough, just as Yin Zhu said, it seemed that he sensed that the last Wood Spirit Pearl was in the same world, and the four Spirit Pearls rolled very slightly towards the location of the Wood Spirit Pearl.


Chu Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately used the four spirit beads to guide him and rushed towards the location of the wooden spirit beads as quickly as possible. It took him about fifteen days to stop and go like this.

Yi went deep into the depths of nature until the Five Elements Spiritual Beads were still. Chu Yi knew that his destination had arrived.



What appeared in front of Chu Yi was still an extremely desolate scenery. Even because of these days of searching, the environment in the natural world was even worse. There was no such thing as the last piece of paradise that Gui Guzi said, let alone the last forest spirit tribe.

It's there.

Could it be?

Intuition told Chu Yi that the last piece of paradise was here, and the last forest spirit tribe was also here. Since he couldn't see it, it meant that the other party used some method to hide it.

That being the case?


Chu Yi suddenly opened his eyes of the gods, and his golden eyelashes saw through the void, seeing through all the illusions that could be seen through, and reaching the essence of things.

But with the God's eyes seeing through it, the scenery in front of him immediately gradually became very blurry.

From blur to clarity, it only takes a short moment. When the blur fades and the scenery in front of him becomes clear again, the scenery in front of Chu Yi has completely changed, an earth-shaking change.

The harsh environment is no longer there!

What appeared in front of Chu Yi was a beautiful fertile land that could not be described in words!

This chapter has been completed!
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