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Chapter 1 Desperate

"Bang! Bang bang!" The terrifying slap shook the entire girls' dormitory, causing the zombies in the entire dormitory to roar crazily...

Jiang Yi leaned against the door of the dormitory that was beaten by zombies with a lifeless face, and all his strength restrained the vibration of the wooden door behind him...

"Asshole! Asshole!" Jiang Yi yelled angrily while pressing against the door. He never thought that just a routine search for supplies would actually cause him to be betrayed by his companions!

At this moment, his mind was still replaying the sudden impact on his back when he encountered a zombie a few minutes ago!

Jiang Yi, who fell to the ground, looked at the sarcastic sneer on the face of his 'companion' behind him in fear, and he abandoned himself in front of the zombies without hesitation and disappeared into the corridor without looking back...

With an ashen expression, he glanced at his arms that were stained red with blood! Although he was lucky enough to escape into an empty dormitory before being torn apart by several 'beautiful' female zombies, he still couldn't change the way his arms were being dismembered.

The dark nails scratched out two fleshy endings.

Stimulated by the fresh blood, the zombies outside the door became more and more excited, and they kept banging against the wooden door that was not strong at all without knowing it...

Panic and blood loss made Jiang Yi's physical strength lower and lower. With the last breath of strength, Jiang Yi finally inserted the latch on the door before the zombies broke in. His legs slipped and he collapsed beside the wooden door, looking at it with a wry smile.

Watching the dark blood slipping from the fingertips!

"Damn doomsday, why did it become like this..." Jiang Yi, who didn't know if it was an illusion or not, couldn't help but shrink back as he felt a little cold...

All the roots of this horror can be traced back to ten days ago, which was a sunny and ordinary day.

Jiang Yishuang, who didn't get up in time because he and his roommate stayed up late the day before, had a shopping date with his schoolgirlfriend Chen Jiazi. It wasn't until noon that he was picked up from the bed by his soaked girlfriend!

At this time, he realized that what was going on in Longcheng, which was supposed to be sunny, suddenly came with a cloudless rainstorm!

The rain came so suddenly. Later, I heard from alumni and the Internet that this strange rain was like a huge showerhead placed above the entire earth, giving the rotating earth a baptism all over!

All parts of the world, including major deserts, were affected by this torrential rain. Although this rain came suddenly, it did not cause people too much trouble. After all, it swept over without even having time to wipe the ground.

Wet it and remove it...

At most, the people walking in the open air were caught off guard and given a free cold shower.

So Jiang Yi, who was angered by his girlfriend Chen Jiazi, had to agree to several unequal treaties to barely calm down Chen Jiazi's anger...

Originally, this incident just passed away, except for bringing a new topic of discussion to people on the Internet...

But what Jiang Yi couldn't imagine was that Chen Jiazi actually had a fever the next day!

No...not just Chen Jiazi, nearly one-third of the college students at the Long Provincial University of Technology all had acute fever.

And with the explosion of the Internet, everyone discovered that this fever was actually spread all over the world! When Jiang Yi wanted to send Chen Jiazi to the hospital, he had already discovered that the hospital had refused to admit any more patients because it was full of fever patients.

At this time, the power of the great country was revealed. Almost immediately, various disease control documents were quickly issued from the capital! All medical forces were operating to the maximum extent...

Fortunately, the test results did not cause too much panic. All patients with fever were just immune resistance caused by ordinary influenza viruses.

Except for a group of particularly severe patients, most flu patients can even rest at home.

After taking some medicine to treat the flu, I was basically cured in about three days.

The strangest thing is that all the flu patients were people who had been exposed to the rain that day! People like Jiang Yi, who had never been exposed to rain, had no cases of being infected even if they were in close contact with flu patients!

This discovery undoubtedly reassured people all over the world. But what followed was that everyone was confused about the strange rain. Unfortunately, the rain came and went away too quickly.

When everyone wanted to understand and analyze it, there were basically no samples to be found. They only knew that the rainwater was extremely acidic! It was an acid rain with a strength that was rare in a century...

Suspicions abound on the Internet! Some say it is a strategic biological weapon secretly used by a foreign European country!

It is also said that it was an act of revenge against humanity by a terrorist organization, and some leaders of some terrorist organizations even publicly claimed that they were responsible for this!

In China and several countries with strong religious beliefs, this rain is even promoted as a warning from the gods to mankind, or even a call for the end of the world, etc...

Jiang Yi didn't care much about these things. He took care of Chen Jiazi for three days and three nights with almost no clothes on. His girlfriend, who had a fever, didn't look tired. On the contrary, Jiang Yi looked tired and thinner.

Just when my girlfriend was obviously improving, the world suddenly broke out that a large number of severe influenza patients in the hospital died suddenly!

This kind of death comes so unexpectedly that patients who were breathing calmly one moment all died in the blink of an eye! There was even no time for doctors to rescue them... This is undoubtedly a huge disaster!

Preliminary statistics show that the death toll in Quanglong Province reached a terrifying millions of people on that day alone!

The sudden change made it impossible for powerful countries to cover up this incident, and the whole world fell into an extreme panic! Almost all industries fell into a trough, and the surviving people frantically bought all the supplies they could buy, even for

There was chaos and riots!

Jiang Yi didn't know about other countries, but fortunately China's response was very timely. It not only quickly appeased the people, but also issued various countermeasures, and finally managed to control the emotions of the Chinese people...

But obviously all this is just the beginning, without even giving the country a chance to breathe. Horrifying things happen again, but this time, no powerful force can do anything!

Zombies broke out...

Nearly one-tenth of the corpses that died of influenza in the world were suddenly resurrected less than 12 hours after death, and the first thing they did after resurrection was to pounce on the living people handling the corpses around them!

Without giving anyone a chance to react, the whole world fell into a terrifying doomsday!

Jiang Yi was undoubtedly lucky because his girlfriend's condition improved and the two of them went to the cafeteria to eat. Due to the zombie outbreak, they were trapped in the cafeteria and escaped the initial outbreak of zombies.

The cafeteria has a large supply of food. In addition to those who were in the cafeteria at that time, survivors from all the school also gathered here in the next few days...

At this time, among all the survivors, they were shocked to find that someone had awakened a superpower!

Yes, it’s the kind of powerful superpower in apocalyptic literature!

There are only a thousand people in the entire cafeteria, but there are actually hundreds of people with strange abilities!

However, unlike what everyone imagines as being able to control wind and rain, most of the superpowers only have the ability to become extremely powerful and extremely fast. Only a few people have that kind of unnatural ability!

What makes Jiang Yi excited is that his girlfriend Chen Jiazi actually has water powers and can create fresh and clean water out of thin air!

This ability makes Chen Jiazi stand out from the crowd! It also allows Jiang Yi, her boyfriend, to receive certain preferential treatment...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi endured the pain in his arm and took out a crystal the size of a quail egg from his underwear pocket, his face sinking like water!

This is a white to transparent bead, but it comes from the head of a zombie!

With the emergence of superpowers, smart college students naturally started to wonder whether zombies would also have crystal nuclei in their heads that could be absorbed by people!

At first, the brave people smashed open a few corpses and were disappointed to find that there was no such thing as a crystal core, and gradually they gave up their illusions.

As a result, just a few days ago, another group of surviving students broke into the cafeteria and attracted zombies. After everyone fought, Jiang Yi, who was incompetent, discovered this smashed head while carrying the corpse.

The crystal core fell out of the zombie!

Jiang Yi was not a fool. He hid secretly when no one was paying attention. For some reasons, even Chen Jiazi didn't know that her boyfriend actually had a precious corpse core hidden in his hands!

Ignoring the violent impact behind him, Jiang Yi's face tightened as he observed the corpse core in his hand. As more and more survivors gathered in the cafeteria, the corpse core had been discovered by everyone, and they even figured out how to use it!

Corpse cores are the source of energy for zombies. Normally formed zombies do not have corpse cores. Only evolved first-level zombies will have corpse cores! Therefore, even in the ten days of the end of the world, all the survivors in the cafeteria will not get corpse cores.

to ten pieces.

As for its function, it is very simple, it is to enhance the strength of ability users!

As an ordinary person, there is only one result of swallowing a corpse core, and that is death and transformation into a corpse!

Jiang Yi originally wanted to clean the corpse core and give it to Chen Jiazi, but in the end he never gave it away.

Now, feeling his numb arms, Jiang Yi smiled bitterly, but a trace of evil flashed in his eyes: "Shen Tong, Wang Hai! Don't let me touch you alive, otherwise, I will tear you both into pieces.

You can't even become a zombie!" After expressing the most vicious hatred in his heart, Jiang Yi raised his head with determination and swallowed the corpse core in his hand...

The originally hard corpse core actually melted in the mouth! A stream of clear liquid slid into his abdomen, and Jiang Yi immediately felt a heat all over his body. This heat overflowed from his abdomen and flowed to his whole body along with some strange substance!

Jiang Yi was feeling a sense of relief, and the next moment, the heat flow turned into a terrifying heat wave! A powerful energy burst out instantly, and his whole body felt like it was being torn apart. Jiang Yi's skin couldn't bear it and began to tear apart!

"Ah!" Jiang Yi screamed and collapsed on the ground, rolling crazily! The pain on his skin was bearable, but what made him unbearable was the pain in his muscles as if countless sharp knives slid through his blood vessels...

This chapter has been completed!
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